Jews Go to Heaven Without Knowing Jesus?


New member
You are talking about 1000 years, right?

it seems just another assumption.

Jesus will reign for a thousand years. I Corinthians says: "Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has abolished all [human] rule and all authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death. For he has put all things in subjection under his feet.

"But when he says, 'All things are put in subjection,' it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to him. When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to him, so that God may be all in all." (I Corinth. 15: 24-28, NASB)

After the Devil is let loose again after the thousand years, those that stand up to him and remain on the side of Jehovah & Jesus will be able to live forever on Earth in paradise conditions. (Revelation 20:4-8)



Jesus will reign for a thousand years. I Corinthians says: "Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has abolished all [human] rule and all authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death. For he has put all things in subjection under his feet.

"But when he says, 'All things are put in subjection,' it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to him. When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to him, so that God may be all in all." (I Corinth. 15: 24-28, NASB)

After the Devil is let loose again after the thousand years, those that stand up to him and remain on the side of Jehovah & Jesus will be able to live forever on Earth in paradise conditions. (Revelation 20:4-8)


It does not say all people will have chance to know the truth in 1000 years.

You guys just added your own assumption.

And JWs are the ones who are teaching the truth, according to your organization. Arn't you saying we are in the 1000 year reign now?


New member
We are called to study the approved unto God way which is rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV). I study the authentic all scripture now and it throughly furnishes me (2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV). The catching up is not found in Matthew 13, but Paul's epistles of Romans through Philemon. You are not on the right page.

Well since you study all scripture now, tell me what does it will be like it was in Noah's day. In Noah's day ONLY THE WICKED LEFT THE EARTH. :rapture:

Luke 17:26 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.

The REAL catching up IS found in Matt. 13. Do a study on clouds, also. Peace


New member
It does not say all people will have chance to know the truth in 1000 years.

You guys just added your own assumption.

And JWs are the ones who are teaching the truth, according to your organization. Arn't you saying we are in the 1000 year reign now?

Well, the resurrection will surely take place during Christ's Millennial Reign. I don't think he'll do it in this system of things. Why would he raise people from the dead just to have them have to go through Armageddon? (John 5:28)

What is your take on Revelation 20:11-13? I get the distinct impression that the dead are raised somehow in conjunction with the great white throne judgment, so that would not be before Armageddon.

We really don't present our own assumptions; it is our understanding about the 1,000 years that people will be resurrected then and will be taught about God and Jesus, because that is what the entire canon of Scriptures seems to direct us to believe. I could give a very lengthy post on all the parts of the Bible that figure into this, but it would take up alot of space and be kind of awkward, because we wouldn't be face-to-face to discuss in a timely manner what you would think of it as we go. I would recommend having a free personal Bible discussion with a JW, so you could express your views at whatever point you wanted to. You can request one on .

As to your last question: No, I am not saying we are in the 1,000 year reign of Christ now. That will come after Armageddon.


Well, the resurrection will surely take place during Christ's Millennial Reign. I don't think he'll do it in this system of things. Why would he raise people from the dead just to have them have to go through Armageddon? (John 5:28)

What is your take on Revelation 20:11-13? I get the distinct impression that the dead are raised somehow in conjunction with the great white throne judgment, so that would not be before Armageddon.

We really don't present our own assumptions; it is our understanding about the 1,000 years that people will be resurrected then and will be taught about God and Jesus, because that is what the entire canon of Scriptures seems to direct us to believe. I could give a very lengthy post on all the parts of the Bible that figure into this, but it would take up alot of space and be kind of awkward, because we wouldn't be face-to-face to discuss in a timely manner what you would think of it as we go. I would recommend having a free personal Bible discussion with a JW, so you could express your views at whatever point you wanted to. You can request one on .

As to your last question: No, I am not saying we are in the 1,000 year reign of Christ now. That will come after Armageddon.

Ok, thanks. You make sense. I have talked with one couple about the same thing and they could not explain simply like you did. I just got so frustrate with them. So I just quite.

So what happens in 1000 year rein? The Bible does not say anything about it.

BTW, your organization have ego issue. They show an attitude of "we know it all", especially elders who are men. Arrogance is not of God.


New member
Ok, thanks. You make sense. I have talked with one couple about the same thing and they could not explain simply like you did. I just got so frustrate with them. So I just quite.

So what happens in 1000 year rein? The Bible does not say anything about it.

BTW, your organization have ego issue. They show an attitude of "we know it all", especially elders who are men. Arrogance is not of God.

You seem like a very kind, humble person. Did you actually have a Bible discussion with JWs? It is unfortunate that some of us aren't too swift upstairs, and sometimes we don't ask others for help in explaining things. I know I do....I am constantly researching.

During the 1000 Year Reign Jesus and his "cabinet" (my word:) ) will guide us here on Earth (they will be in heaven) in restoring the planet to its pristine condition, like it was in Adam's day. We will also be guided in providing homes for those who are resurrected, as well as building our own homes. After Armageddon there might not be a physical way to be informed about such things as who lives where, for awhile anyway, so it would be vital for Jesus to be there to instruct us in detail about where to build and for whom. He would guide any food distribution project, until everyone had their own gardens, and many things like that.

I believe the Bible does say things about the Millennial Reign. Every prophecy about what the world will be like in Paradise conditions is really speaking of the 1000 Year Reign. Look up these few scriptures in your Bible:

Isaiah 9: 6,7; Isaiah 11: 6-9; Isaiah 33: 24; Isaiah 35: 1,6; Isaiah 65: 21-25

Job 33: 25

Psalm 37: 9-11,29; Psalm 46: 8,9; Psalm 72: 7,8

There are more, but if you read these you can get the idea.:)

I understand what you're saying about arrogance. I cringe to think that some JWs apparently look down on others because they believe we have the truth (and we do, but we HAVE to respect other people!). I have encountered arrogance myself, causing me terrible grief. But I know that they will be humbled in God's due time. Arrogance is NOT an example of the Christian spirit.


Thank you Rose. I will look into it.

Yes, we had a long talk. I had no idea why he gave me such hard way to answer my question.

I think women are much better answering questions.


New member
Thank you Rose. I will look into it.

Yes, we had a long talk. I had no idea why he gave me such hard way to answer my question.

I think women are much better answering questions.

Sometimes. :) Some women have attitudes too. I find that to stand up to them (calmly, of course, and perhaps with a smile) and tell them exactly how their attitude affects helpful. Even the men! I used to just feel sad and hold it all inside, but now I face up to them. That's the only way they will realize how their attitudes affect others.



Well-known member
You seem like a very kind, humble person. Did you actually have a Bible discussion with JWs? It is unfortunate that some of us aren't too swift upstairs, and sometimes we don't ask others for help in explaining things. I know I do....I am constantly researching.

During the 1000 Year Reign Jesus and his "cabinet" (my word:) ) will guide us here on Earth (they will be in heaven) in restoring the planet to its pristine condition, like it was in Adam's day. We will also be guided in providing homes for those who are resurrected, as well as building our own homes. After Armageddon there might not be a physical way to be informed about such things as who lives where, for awhile anyway, so it would be vital for Jesus to be there to instruct us in detail about where to build and for whom. He would guide any food distribution project, until everyone had their own gardens, and many things like that.

I believe the Bible does say things about the Millennial Reign. Every prophecy about what the world will be like in Paradise conditions is really speaking of the 1000 Year Reign. Look up these few scriptures in your Bible:

Isaiah 9: 6,7; Isaiah 11: 6-9; Isaiah 33: 24; Isaiah 35: 1,6; Isaiah 65: 21-25

Job 33: 25

Psalm 37: 9-11,29; Psalm 46: 8,9; Psalm 72: 7,8

There are more, but if you read these you can get the idea.:)

I understand what you're saying about arrogance. I cringe to think that some JWs apparently look down on others because they believe we have the truth (and we do, but we HAVE to respect other people!). I have encountered arrogance myself, causing me terrible grief. But I know that they will be humbled in God's due time. Arrogance is NOT an example of the Christian spirit.

Those kinds of passages are about the NHNE; we should be following Peter on this who said nothing about a millenium in the single most complete NT statement about what comes after the day of judgement. Or before it.