
Simon Baker

Sorry to have not had the time to reply... the weather kept me out of town a bit. It appears as though the Talmud, all nine volumes thereof, is a little alien to you also, Nazaroo! Maybe your 'Jewish' Nazarene 'early church fathers' weren't so familiar, either?

I've never heard of your alleged "Seth Theory," Nazaroo, Catholic or otherwise. The 'Sethites' being the "sons of God (who) saw the daughters of men (Cain & Co.) that they were fair; and they took them wives all which they chose" (Genesis 6:1, 2) speaks for itself, don't you think? I don't particularly read Catholic renderings... but, if the Catholics have it figured the "daughters of men" were the relatives of Cain, well, what can I say? They've got a leg up on the Nazarites! Do you think Revelation 2:9, 3:9 was "also invented 400 years POST JESUS"?

I've offered Acts 4:13, 20 at least a couple times on this thread. Peter was a couple slices short of the OT truth early in his ministry. Take a look at Peter's comment in Acts 3:13 KJV. I've asked you Nazaroo... were Judah's Shelanite descendants ancestrally intact 'Jews'? Were the Shelanites ancestrally intact Israelites conceived contrary to Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3, Ezra 9:1, 2, 7, 10:2, 3? Answer this one, Nazaroo! Peter, unfamiliar with the OT early in his ministry, did not come to this 'Jewish' distinction as did Paul in Romans 9:6, 7, 8, 9. Peter clearly understood who Jesus was (Acts 3:13 KJV), Peter just didn't know who the Shelanites were proclaiming only Abraham (circumventing Isaac and Jacob) as their father (John 8:33, Luke 3:2, 7, 8, 9). A few verses later in Acts 3:14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Peter makes it clear he didn't perceived the OT 'Jewish' distinction throwing the baby (Israelites) out with the bathwater (Shelanite rulers) in v. 17. Peter acknowledged the Israelites were deluded partakers in the crucifixion, Peter had not yet made the distinction their rulers were NOT ancestrally intact Israelite "Jews."

Do the Catholics discern an Israelite Jew, from an Ashkenazi Jew, from a Sephardic/Shelanite 'Jew'? Sounds like your entire argument here is with the Catholics, not me, LOL! You tag me with some Catholic theology, and trash me? ROFLOL! You crack me up with your guilt by association... but, undoubtedly there were Shelanites among the early church fathers of the Nazarites and Catholics!

From Jesus' perspective, He was submitting to crucifixion following the command He received from His Father in John 10:17, 18. Jesus took the shame of sin to the cross Nazaroo... I've already made this point from Hebrews 12:1, 2. It is you sir, who flogs yourself and others with the law to achieve salvation. Satan's thunder is in your firm grasp of his flagrum.

You make no 'Jewish' distinction in your comment, Nazaroo. Probably because your early church fathers were "Jewish" of unknown distinction. Furthermore, I seemed to miss those additional titles in the Bible... talking about your rebuttal being all over the place!

Like I said Nazaroo... your argument here is with the Catholics.

It’s the Nazarene boohoo voodoo salvation and shame-based theology in question. The Nazarene idols are a flagrum and the law.

More diversion argument with the Catholics, Nazaroo. I don't subscribe to the notion Jesus was God. Another time, perhaps.

Again, more Catholic diversion argument, Nazaroo. Totally off topic.

That's pseudoscience, Nazaroo. Scientists do respect laws, do they not? Nazarites also respect the law, do they not? Hand in glove, rather hand on flagrum.

I never said the northern tribes were Shelanites in your presumptuousness. Jesus wasn't speaking to the ISRAELITE northern tribes in Matthew 23:29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. Those Jesus was speaking to were the descendants of Cain, who killed Abel? Fill in the pronouns in John 8:44 KJV reflecting on John 8:15. Reconsider Revelation 2:9, 3:9.

Those perps, descendants of Cain, weren't called Shelanites until Numbers 26:20. Who exactly did you say Keturah was? What was her ancestry? Who was the wicked Pharaoh of Exodus who Ezekiel illuminated in Ezekiel 31:1, 2, Ezekiel 31:3, Ezekiel 31:8, 9? Moses said Abraham's progeny via Keturah were "the children of Keturah" (Genesis 25:4). They were "Abraham's seed" (John 8:33 KJV, John 8:37 KJV). They just weren't "Abraham's children" (John 8:39 KJV). Moses did say Judah's wife was a daughter of the "Canaanite" Shuah (Genesis 38:2), affirmed she was a "Canaanitess" by Ezra in 1Chronicles 2:3.

Who did your early 'Jewish' Nazarene church fathers say Keturah was? You did gather the redundancy in the title "Canaanite" in Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, Ezra 9:1, 2, didn't you? Why was it Moses and Ezra used the GEOGRAPHIC tile "Canaanites" in those rosters redundantly alongside itemized titles of Canaan's descendants? I appreciate a concordance... I suggest you figure that big CLUE out not discerned from a concordance. There are other similar, redundant rosters in the OT: Anonymity.

Sorry, Nazaroo... "As he (Jesus) spake these words, many believed on him. 31) Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue (listening) in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:30, 31, 32, KJV). Paul was following the twisted rendering Messiah would arrive as a descendant of Judah via his legal CANAANITE wife. I've already suggested both Stephen AND Paul's disciple Ananias were among those believers who became disciples of Jesus in Jesus' dialogue with His Shelanite detractors in the next verse, John 8:33 KJV.

So, you proffer the HOLOCAUST was God's direct effort? Is God an antiSemite, Nazaroo? Those slaughtered in the Holocaust were predominately Ashkenazi Gentile proselyte Jews, descendants of Japheth’s son Gomer’s son, Ashkenaz (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV).

If I've not made it clear Nazaroo... I never previously heard of Wexler. But, you might take up your diversion argument with him. I stick with the KJV Bible, evidently a significant aspect remains veiled to you! It stands to reason… you’d have to give up your church (Matthew 8:19, 20, KJV).

Cool! Everything thus far has been diversion.

Finally you offer something worth discussing. The Shelanites hid behind the title, "Jew." And, as I recall, Keturah did have six sons (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4). They didn't just fall off the radar, either... particularly considering those 32k Midianite virgins (granddaughters of Keturah via her son, Midian) who Moses angrily permitted entry into the congregation of the Lord in Numbers 31:1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 17, 18, 35. But, I do appreciate your mention of the Edomites! They've already been discussed to some extent in this thread. Let's do take a further look-see.

What exactly was/is "Judaism," Nazaroo? That same pathetic, Satanic religion of Talmudism was what Paul finally defected from? Evidently, your 'Jewish' Nazarene early church fathers pay only lip service to the 'name,' the ancestry of Jesus. Paul was preceded by many other 'lost sheep' (John 8:30, 31, 32) who CONVERTED to Christianity such as Stephen, and Paul's disciple Ananias in Acts 9:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

There is only one ISRAEL, Nazaroo (Deuteronomy 7:6, 7, 8, 9). Didn't you make some mention of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? I don't believe the Edomites were descendant of Jacob. Furthermore, the Edomites had no ancestral claim as progenitors of Messiah prophesied by Isaiah 65:9 KJV, while the Shelanites did. Agreed, the Edomites were NOT ancestrally intact Israelite “Jews.” However, at least once, I mentioned God's door for the inclusion of the descendants of Esau, the EDOMITES, disclosed in Deuteronomy 23:7, 8, 9. That door was conditional, "When the host (Israelites) goeth forth against thine enemies, then keep thee from every wicked thing" (v. 9). The majority of those 'wicked things' involved incest, with particular attention to Leviticus 18:16, 17, KJV, and Leviticus 20:10, 21, KJV, Leviticus 22:22 KJV. I bring these laws forward to illuminate Queen Herodias’ motive desiring John the Baptist’s head. She was Herod’s sister-in-law, and the daughter she prostituted was the daughter of Herod’s brother.

Sorry for your misquote, Nazaroo. The KJV reports Jesus’ detractors claimed, “We be Abraham’s SEED and were never in bondage to any man…” not “children” as you misquote. I do believe I previously noted the subtle distinction of this argument can only be discerned in the KJV. Jesus said His detractors were “Abraham’s SEED” in John 8:37 KJV. Jesus went further to distinguish His detractors were not “Abraham’s CHILDREN” in John 8:39 KJV. In so doing, Jesus affirmed Moses’ distinction Abraham’s progeny via Keturah were “the CHILDREN of Keturah,” and NOT children of Abraham (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4). Furthermore, Esau was a legitimate brother of Jacob and the Israelites (Deuteronomy 23:7, 8, 9). Then Esau was one of Isaac’s “children,” therefore Esau was a legitimate CHILD of Abraham, unlike the Shelanite descendants of Judah and his Canaanite wife contrary to Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3, Ezra 9:1, 2, 7, 10:2, 3.

The powerful Edomites may have appointed the priests, Nazaroo. But, the Edomites were not priests. The Edomites had no direct ancestral claim as progenitors of Messiah, the Shelanites did (Isaiah 65:9). The Edomites were possibly deluded as was Paul before his conversion, converted following Stephen, disciple Ananias, and those of John 8:30, 31, 32.

Do you have particular scripture to corroborate your claim like Genesis 27:41, 42, 43, 44, 45? I thought Esau, some time following Esau’s forfeiture of his ‘birthright,’ that Esau graciously welcomed Isaac in Genesis 32, summarized in Genesis 33:4, 9, 10, 11. So, those Edomites who had a problem with the Israelites of Jesus’ day were most certainly NOT those descendants of Esau who met the conditional entrance requirement of Deuteronomy 23:7, 8, 9, although I do suspect Herod was an ancestrally intact Edomite. Queen Herodias (who I proffer was a Shelanite whore) didn’t want Herod to hear the truth (aforementioned laws of Leviticus) from John the Baptist. JTB was the son of the ISRAELITE PRIEST Zachairas (Luke 1:5 KJV), both familiar with Mosaic Law, likely unfamiliar to Herod. Herod turned the matter over to Pilot, who knew Jesus was innocent, and knew the difference between a Shelanite impostor, and an Israelite Jew.

The Edomites had no direct interest in being priests, Nazaroo. Messiah was prophesied to arrive via Judah, not Esau (Isaiah 65:9). I do appreciate your theory… do you have any scripture to affirm such? Or, are you rambling to vindicate your ‘Jewish’ Nazarene early church fathers?


What A Waste Of Time And Space. We Pray For You


New member

What A Waste Of Time And Space. We Pray For You

I do indeed appreciate your prayers! Pray tell... got any scripture to the contrary? Care to offer your rendering of Revelation 2:9, 3:9? I think Revelation 3:10 KJV testifies to the value of this discernment. You don't suppose there's any relation to Matthew 24:15 KJV? Who knows? If you cannot discern said distinction... you might take another look at Matthew 24:43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 with particular emphasis on Matthew 24:51 KJV... you know... the "hypocrites" of Matthew 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29.

You might pray for yourself, too!



New member
1. After only 3 times that I read the NT I have figured almost literally that 20% is worth learning something about Jesus. I cannot specify here what from what but that was my conclusion.

2. You did not read John 4:22. Try to read it before your answer. In John 14:6 he was speaking as a Jew, part of the People whom salvation comes from.

3. Yes, he and his People, aka the Jews. That confirms John 4:22.

4. There is no reference to the "Jew" mentioned in the text. You are adding your own anti-Jewish interpretation.

5. Here, you are simply trying to promote an anti-Jewish attitude of the Hellenist who wrote the book of Revelation.

In 167 BC the Hellenistic Jews took over the temple and nation from the Elect priesthood. It was the Hellenistic Jews that Christ was speaking against. Jew is the contracted form of Judean = Jew

Simon Baker

I do indeed appreciate your prayers! Pray tell... got any scripture to the contrary? Care to offer your rendering of Revelation 2:9, 3:9? I think Revelation 3:10 KJV testifies to the value of this discernment. You don't suppose there's any relation to Matthew 24:15 KJV? Who knows? If you cannot discern said distinction... you might take another look at Matthew 24:43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 with particular emphasis on Matthew 24:51 KJV... you know... the "hypocrites" of Matthew 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29.

You might pray for yourself, too!


Should I Read The Whole Bible Out Loud To You, Explaining Every Verse ? You Know What The Bible Says, Is That Why You Are Upset ? Very Long Posts, Links, Pics, Spam


I'm promoting the Bible over the racist ideology of Judaism. God's people are those who believe on Jesus Christ. The promises were made unto Christ and His people. People that reject Jesus Christ are condemned already because they have not believed on the only begotten Son of God, whether they be Jew or Gentile. "Jews" don't get a pass because they're "Jews." The people Jesus was always condemning were Jews. If they got a pass, he wouldn't have warned them that they were going to hell.

In the most literal sense the Jews have always held the label of God's people.

Just open the OT. That doesn't necesarily mean He loves them more or anything. As we know, historically He loves letting the Jews get knocked around by all kinds of peoples


New member
Should I Read The Whole Bible Out Loud To You, Explaining Every Verse ? You Know What The Bible Says, Is That Why You Are Upset ? Very Long Posts, Links, Pics, Spam

I am most certainly guilty of long posts, Simon. If you will click on those blue links within my posts, you might get a chance to read a few pertinent verses of the Bible for yourself, a good thing! None of which you've offered rebuttal. I think I might have included one link in CherubRam's provocative thread. I've included one pic I think, can't relate to spam. You're probably describing Nazaroo! And, yep... Nazaroo is upset. Looks like there's a rotten apple among his Nazarite early church fathers' alleged 'Jewish' apple cart.

Jesus spoke many parables, sermons... So, please allow me to ask you Simon... In Revelation speaking to the second church of only two who Jesus found no fault out of seven:

Revelation 3:9, 10, KJV "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. 9) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. 10) Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."​

Do you hear any connection with a Jewish v. hypocrite distinction being the "word of my patience"? We hear near the same message in Revelation 2:9 KJV, just not the significance found in Revelation 3:10. More than a simple yes or no... do you have any Scripture to corroborate your opinion? You don't have to read your corroborating Scripture to me, unless you feel I've glossed over your blue links.



New member
In the most literal sense the Jews have always held the label of God's people.

Just open the OT. That doesn't necesarily mean He loves them more or anything. As we know, historically He loves letting the Jews get knocked around by all kinds of peoples

Welcome to TOL, 1God4all!

In the Mosaic sense... the Israelites, not "Jews," were God's chosen people found in Deuteronomy 7:6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We certainly agree God has no respect of person. I disagree that God "loves letting the Jews get knocked around..." I'm assuming your using the title "Jew" synonymously with the ancestral title, Israelite. I really don't think God took pleasure is such. God doesn't appoint His children to wrath particularly, but bad things happen when He turns His face away from them!

So, take a look at those pre-conquest Israelites God adored in the first ten verses of Deuteronomy 7... I don't hear the title "Jew" mentioned. I can only subscribe to the notion the "Jews" were God's chosen people when you exclude the Shelanite descendants of Judah and his Canaanite wife (Genesis 38:1, 2, 1Chronicles 2:3). When you exclude those Shelanites... I'm willing to consider your notion further. Keep Revelation 2:9, 3:9 in mind!



New member
God has no respect of person. I disagree that God "loves letting the Jews get knocked around.


They got punished for their disobedience against the Ruler of the Universe.

But they will be re-instated later.


New member
God has no respect of person. I disagree that God "loves letting the Jews get knocked around.


They got punished for their disobedience against the Ruler of the Universe.

But they will be re-instated later.

PAUL SAID: Romans 2:11, 12, KJV "For there is no respect of persons with God. 12) For as many as have sinned without the law shall also perish without the law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law."

You report 'God loves letting the Jews get knocked around...'

PAUL SAID: Hebrews 12:6 KJV "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receives."

I got the part where God chastises those He loves. I don't get the part where God loves chastising. I get the impression many think the chastisement of God is the same as a the wrath of God.

PETER SAID: 2Peter 3:9 KJV "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

Who's going to be "re-instated later", O23? The "Jews" are? Who is a Jew, then? Were the Shelanite descendants of Judah via his Canaanite wife, "Jews" (Genesis 38:2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 26, Numbers 26:20)? God's chosen weren't the "Jews," O23... God chosen were the Israelites (Deuteronomy 7:6, 7, 8, 9, 10). And v. 10 was the promise Peter was talking about above in 2Peter 3:9 KJV.

Indeed, God warned the ISRAELITES not to engage in any hanky-panky with those about to be eradicated from the Promised Land in Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3, as MOSES SAID. EZRA SAID the the Israelite transgressions of Moses' law was a "great trespass" some 1,400 years later in Ezra 9:1, 2, 7 with an act of reconciliation found in Ezra 10:2, 3. Wasn't Judah's marriage to a Canaanite wife contrary to God's warning? Then, were Judah's Shelanite descendants Jews and/or Israelites? Didn't God slay Shelah's two elder Canaanite brothers Er, and Onan (Genesis 38:6, 7, 8, 9, 10)? That's the wrath of God. And, I think their younger Canaanite brother Shelah heeded the warning! Do you see any reflection in that warning with John the Baptist's statement in Luke 3:7 KJV, even Jesus' words in Matthew 23:33 KJV?

Got any Scripture on your end?



New member
Again, I asked for dates and evidence and you give me a load of diarrea.

What you've posted is:

"Just because historically there is no word 'Jew' doesn't change
the fact I can insert it here in my 'interpretation' of an ancient text
written 2000 years before the word "Jew" was invented."

Thanks for playing.

But the real crime here is that you haven't even properly defined "Jew"
as it is used in the Bible, let alone how it is used in the REAL WORLD.

Lets give it a try:


I. Biblical Meanings: Literal

(1) Descendant of the Tribe of Judah, one of Jacob's sons through MALE line. (cf. Genesis etc.)

(2) Member of the Southern Kingdom of 'Judah', consisting of 2 1/2 tribes,
Judah, Benjamin, Levi (cf. Books of Kings)

(3) Member of the community of exiles primarily in Babylon,
formed after the conquest of the Southern kingdom of 'Judah'
by Babylon (cf. Esther)

(4) Exile Returning to the land of Judaea who could prove their lineage and descendancy, and member of the community formed under Ezra (cf. Ezra/Nehemiah)

(5) Member of the religious community occupying Palestine and Egypt,
formed under Ezra and having autonomy,
then resisting the Greek occupation under Alexander, and later
existing under occupation by the Romans in Jesus' time, and at times.
(cf. Maccabees etc.)

(6) Member of the 'diaspora' of exiled descendants of Israelite tribes
spread all over the Roman Empire, but self-identifying as Israelites and
practicing Phariseeism (cf. Paul)

(7) Any Person intermarrying with "Jews" (4,5,6) and adopting Jewish
religious practices.

After the advent of Ezra, there was a large split in "Judaism
with Ezra's community rejecting proselytism and intermarriage,
considering it a violation of the Mosiac Covenant through disobediance,
while "Jews" who did not return but continued intermarriage self-identified
as "Jews" also, with a different set of membership rules.

II. Biblical Meanings: Figurative

(8) Representation of the Southern Kingdom as "Judah", a poetic usage.

(9) Representation of the descendants of the ancient Israelite tribes,
a poetic usage.

III. NON-Biblical Meanings: Racial/Political

(10) A person having or claiming descendancy from the historical tribes of Israel,
i.e., an ethnic definition of "Jew". (as used by many Jews today).

(11) A person practicing some recognized form of "Judaism",
a modern religion evolving out of Phariseeism and surviving sects existing
before the Roman/Jewish Wars, i.e., a religious definition of "Jew".
(as used in the Western nations)

(12) A citizen of modern Israel, a secular state formed on ethnic
and religious lines, out of ethnically "Jewish" survivors and assenters
arising out of the 2nd World War, and Holocaust.
(as used by Arabs and Muslims throughout the Middle East today).

As an important footnote, NONE of the modern meanings of "Jew" (10,11,12)
have any proper or accurate correspondence with the many Biblical meanings
listed above
but which are often INTERPRETED, TRANSLATED, or INSERTED into
the standard religious texts as "Jew".

So called 'modern' versions of the Bible that insert "Jew" are an obvious FAIL,
and are based on a bigoted, oversimplistic, and religious or propaganda-based
spin that perpetuates racism and anti-Semitism against a modern group
of people which is largely non-religious.

Lets add one more unfortunately prejorative slang usage of "Jew",
in fact used in the very title of this thread:

(13) A derogatory term implying cheapness or cunning in business dealing,
and strongly suggestive of dishonesty and deceit, fraud,
and often used as an adjective or verb:


"You got Jewed." (i.e., got ripped off in a business exchange)

"Don't be a Jew." (i.e., don't be stingy, and pay your way or take your economic responsibility).

Such usages are not unique to anti-Semitism, as many racial and tribal groups have derogatory names
which can be used to suggest negative traits as if they were inherited or intrinsic to a nation or culture.

Lets take away one very important point:

There cannot be only one single
meaning for "Jew" at this point in history,

and it is a very poor word to use in the translation of ancient texts without
extensive footnotes and historical explanations.

Here this earlier post will help you.


New member
Isaiah 65:15
You will leave your name to my chosen ones as a curse;(Jew) the Sovereign LORD will put you to death, but to his servants he will give another name. (Christian)

Acts 11:26
and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.

From χριστός (Christos / khristós, “anointed”); from where we also get the word Crisco. The greasy ones. Lol


New member
Let us all get down on our knees and pray we don't get jewed again.

jewed them down
jewed down
jewed up
jewed em down
jewed out
jewed me


New member
Let us all get down on our knees and pray we don't get jewed again.

jewed them down
jewed down
jewed up
jewed em down
jewed out
jewed me

Do you have any idea how offensive that is,
even to Jewish Christians?

I mean why?

Most Jews, even in the USA are living in working class neighbourhoods,
and don't attend the meetings of international bankers like the Roschilds,
or Rockefellers. Nor are they invited.

And Jews hardly help one another more than large Italian families do.

So what is with the derogatory caricaturing?

I hope you didn't date some Jewish girl like Hitler did,
and come away bitter and angry.

Any Jew could have told you it wouldn't be a picnic dating a Jewish girl.


Lighten up, and try a German fraulen. Maybe she will be more to your liking.



New member
Do you have any idea how offensive that is,
even to Jewish Christians?

I mean why?

Most Jews, even in the USA are living in working class neighbourhoods,
and don't attend the meetings of international bankers like the Roschilds,
or Rockefellers. Nor are they invited.

And Jews hardly help one another more than large Italian families do.

So what is with the derogatory caricaturing?

I hope you didn't date some Jewish girl like Hitler did,
and come away bitter and angry.

Any Jew could have told you it wouldn't be a picnic dating a Jewish girl.

I like Hebrews, but I do not like Jews. Get my point?

Isaiah 65:15
You will leave your name to my chosen ones as a curse;(Jew) the Sovereign LORD will put you to death, but to his servants he will give another name. (Christian)

I have had Jews saying that the name Jew is not used as a curse word, so I am making a point.


Well-known member
I like Hebrews, but I do not like Jews. Get my point?

Isaiah 65:15
You will leave your name to my chosen ones as a curse;(Jew) the Sovereign LORD will put you to death, but to his servants he will give another name. (Christian)

I have had Jews saying that the name Jew is not used as a curse word, so I am making a point.

The point you are making is that you are antisemitic.


New member
The point you are making is that you are antisemitic.

Get rid of the Jews in your life, and make friends with some good decent Hebrews. Do not let your life be soiled by Jews. There are lots of good Hebrews out there that you can be friends with.