

Well-known member
1) Ashkenazi 'Jews' were, and are actually Gentiles: descendants of Japheth, son of Noah (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV). Please take note of the name Ashkenaz, son of Gomer (think Germany), son of Japheth, 'father' of the Gentiles.

This is nonsense. Ashkenazi Jews are called Ashkenazi because they lived in Ashkenaz, not because they were descended from Ashkenaz. Are modern American Jews actually Navajo?

I was going to respond to the rest of your post, but it is so full of confusion, false information and wild assumptions that I won't waste my time on it.


New member
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. 1 Tim 1:4


New member
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. 1 Tim 1:4

Well chosen. But I think kayaker rejects this holy scripture and its plain meaning,
because he cherry-picks to support the edifice he is building.


New member
... there are three predominate kinds of "Jews:"

1) Ashkenazi 'Jews' were, and are actually Gentiles: descendants of Japheth, son of Noah (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV). Please take note of the name Ashkenaz, son of Gomer (think Germany), son of Japheth, 'father' of the Gentiles. Therefore the Ashkenazi Gentiles, among all of Japheth’s descendants, branched away from the Shemites (and from other Gentile descendants of Japheth) with whom Noah sanctioned procreation in Genesis 9:27 KJV. There is no similar sanction for the Gentiles and Shemites to procreate with the ‘Hamites’ and/or Canaanites. In fact, Noah drew a line in the sand defining the boundary of the Land of Canaan where the ‘Hamites’ also lived.

In other words, by default, Noah rebuked Gentile/Shemite relations with the ‘Hamite’/Canaanites. In fact, Noah’s default destined the Hamites/Canaanites to near exclusive first-degree incest and beyond. Nonetheless, Ashkenazi Gentiles became the target prey of Nimrod, the mighty hunter of souls so to speak, grandson of Ham and his wife (Genesis 10:6, 7, 8, 9, 10).

I proffer Ham’s wife was Naamah
(Genesis 4:22 KJV), the daughter of Lamech, great… grandson of Cain (Genesis 4:17, 18, 19). Thereby, one of Cain’s descendants got a ticket for a cruise: Ham’s wife. She was granted a boat pass being Lamech carried out God’s ‘veiled’ execution of Cain (Genesis 4:23 KJV) to extend the mark of Cain for Lamech’s children and descendants for a total of “seventy and sevenfold” generations from God (Genesis 4:24 KJV, Luke 3:38-23).

This is what is technically called making shiite up.

Lamech was fulfilling God’s promise to Cain in Genesis 4:15 since Cain broke parole (celibacy) and sired Enoch (Genesis 4:17, 18, 19). For services rendered, Lamech thereby secured a pass for his daughter, wife of Ham.

God's "parole" to Cain was not celibacy.

All creatures were commanded to 'go forth and multiply',
and the only reason Cain was allowed to stay alive,
would have been to fulfill that commandment.

Celibacy is another made up Jesuit flakey doctrine,
which has resulted in filling up positions in the church with homosexual perverts.

Again you reveal your great Jesuit "learning"
and the source of all your heresy.

KING of the Boy Molestors:




New member
Ashkenazi Gentile descendants of Japheth, son of Noah, became seduced in flesh and spirit subscribing to what is known today as Talmudic Judaism.

The Talmud reports Ham sodomized and castrated Noah. Therefore, Ham’s SON Cush was allegedly “smitten” with “black skin” speaking of racism, a father’s consequence of sin being passed from father to son. The Gentile – ‘Hamite’ ancestral corruption was a prelude to the analogous Shemite/Hebrew/Israelite corruption found in Ezra 9:1, 2, 7, that Moses forbade in Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3. The Gentile – ‘Hamite’ ancestral corruption was a reflection of antediluvian events (Genesis 6:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Here we see hypocrisy and how the confusion starts.

(1) Kayaker rejects Judaism and especially Talmudism as 'the religion of Satan'.

(2) Kayaker USES the Talmud as an authority for his information which
is obviously LACKING in the Bible.

Ezra, God’s ‘second law-giver,’ rebuked:
a.) Abraham’s marriage to Keturah,
b.) Judah’s marriage to Keturah’s Canaanitess granddaughter (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4, Genesis 38:2, 12, 1Chronicles 2:3), even
c) 32k Midianite virgins (granddaughters of Keturah) Moses angrily permitted entrance into the congregation of the Lord (Numbers 31:1, 2, 9, 14, 17, 18, 35).

Now you have Ezra and Moses disagreeing,
specifically on Midianites, apparently.

Well done. You'll soon make Swiss cheese of the whole Old Testament,
in order to support your glorious theories.

Hence: Keturah, the great harlot. Further evidence corroborating Noah’s ancestral ‘line in the sand’ is reflected in Abraham’s infamous quest for a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:1, 2, 3), and even Isaac’s and Rebekah’s utterly dire quest for a wife for Jacob (Genesis 27:46, 28:1, 2, 3).

"Brilliant Dougal!
Bishop Brennan will have to award us a Priest of the Year award for this!"



New member
Nazaroo... you've essentially trashed Paul as being "cute." You've neutered Matthew beginning the NT with the ancestry of Jesus. Did Ham castrate Noah like your Shelanite pals suggested in the Talmud? You've discounted Luke as though records weren't maintained elsewhere... ask your Shelanite pals if the OT was preserved... that'll get you within about 400 years of Jesus' 77th arrival generation. Pilot KNEW Jesus was authentic, Nazaroo (Mark 15:9, 10, 11, 12, 14, Luke 22, John 18:33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38) ... Pilot HAD access to those records BEFORE the fall of the temple in 70 AD. You've denied the 'name' of Jesus suggesting God only needed a virgin, and any ole virgin will do... and, I presume you're not including the notion a near target download in a moment of passion as some atheists suggest. Jesus was the second Adam, and you claim Jesus had none of Adam’s sin. Was Adam sinful when he was formed? Sounds pretty racist to me… God hates humans, LOL! Well, except for Noah for soooome mysterious reason (Genesis 6:8, 9). So, why didn’t God just form Jesus like He did Adam? Who even needs any ole virgin, anyway? You claim Jesus is the Son of God... well, that's a simple claim:

Mark 5:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, KJV "Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him. 5) And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones. 6) But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him, 7) And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. 8) For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. 9) And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying My name is Legion: for we are many"​

Nazaroo... Legion knew Jesus was the Son of God. They knew Jesus before He arrived in the flesh. So... what corroborates in your theology? That man suffered from a fairly rare disorder. He also was a cutter, cutting himself with stones. Mainstream healthcare frequently misunderstands cutters as attempting suicide. This is not the case... cutters mutilate themselves to ease the pain, their internal torment. You might want to re-think your shame-based salvation with a flagrum in one hand, and OT Law in the other, a Shelanite kinda thing. You do realize the Romans traditionally dipped the tips of the flagrum into maggot-festering goats’ blood? I thought it might make you ‘feel’ better, knowing this. There’s a ‘striking’ parallel with Joseph’s coat of many colors being splattered with lamb’s blood, and Jesus’ flesh coat splattered with goat’s blood.

Let me sum up your thesis here:
(1) The 'Synagogue of Satan' (Revelation) are the descendants of Cain (Genesis).

You've indeed summed up John 8:44 KJV, Matthew 23:33 KJV, Matthew 23:34 KJV, Matthew 23:35 KJV ('they' are the “generation,” the flesh descendants of... who killed Abel?), Revelation 2:9, 3:9. You’ve embraced John the Baptist in Luke 3:2, 7, 8, 9. With JTB’s ‘tree’ in mind, your summation embraces also the antediluvian origin of THE Assyrian Pharaoh (Exodus 1:8 KJV) by Ezekiel 31:1, 2, Ezekiel 31:3 KJV, Ezekiel 31:8, 9. You’ve acknowledged Stephen’s insight in Acts 7:51, 52. So, I can’t honestly claim originality, Nazaroo.

Besides, this Biblically corroborated thesis began with the crucifixion instigators’ claim, “We be Abraham’s seed and were never in bondage to any man” (John 8:33 KJV). Jesus, being divinely (Genesis 4:15, 24) and exquisitely sequestered (John 8:15 KJV), inspired His ancestrally arrogant detractors to boast their veiled Shelanite ancestry that remains elusive even today. Maybe that’s a hurdle too high to begin with. Then, Jesus unveiled their ancestry not only to Cain, but the “truth” of Cain’s paternity in John 8:44 KJV John 8:47 KJV that their father Abraham didn’t know when he married Keturah (John 8:40 KJV). Furthermore, their being descendants of Cain was not unknown in Jesus’ day trusting first the authority of Jesus’ Words in the aforementioned verses.

How about there were only two 'Adam knew Eve's' in Genesis 4:1 KJV, Genesis 4:25 KJV, but three sons: Cain, Abel, and Seth. Cain and Abel were fraternal twins since God appointed Abel and Seth according to mother Eve... then, who appointed the seed of Cain? How about taking another glance at Genesis 3:14 KJV, Genesis 3:15 KJV and see if you can dig out that mysteriously missing third seed, since Seth and Abel WERE appointed by God, according to repentant MOTHER Eve in Genesis 4:25 KJV AFTER Cain killed Abel: anonymity. But, Cain’s descendants mysteriously fell off the proverbial radar in Genesis 4:24 KJV? Anonymity. Adam said Eve was the "mother of all living" in Genesis 3:20 KJV... I seemed to miss the part where Adam was the father of all living. Anonymity: Adam wasn’t Cain’s father. Neither their longevities, nor manners of deaths of Cain and his synagogue of Satan were explicitly revealed anywhere: anonymity. After Lamech gathered his two wives (and likely children), who did Lamech kill in Genesis 4:23 KJV, Genesis 4:24 KJV? Was that just some random, drive by shooting in GOD’s WORD? Anonymity: Lamech executed his young, beloved great… grandfather, Cain.

Therefore you deny the Universal Flood in which only 8 persons survived.

Whether the flood was universal or not is just another one of several unrelenting, polarizing, and truth-paralyzing universal tangents. The point is, God achieved His mission, which was to eradicate the mixed descendants of the ‘Adamite’ “sons of God” who procreated with the “daughters of men”: Cain’s ‘daughters’ (except Ham’s wife who survived), and Cain’s Satanic half-sisters, nieces and female cousins discussed momentarily. Only one of Cain’s ‘daughters’ survived veiled as Ham’s wife (Genesis 5:32, 6:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) among those seven other souls saved. You might ask yourself what it was that God saw in Noah, more than being a "just man," which Noah WAS when he drew a line in the sand separating the Canaanites/'Hamites' from the Shemites/Gentiles. Was Noah a racist? How about explaining Noah being "perfect in his generations," sons included (Genesis 6:8 KJV)? Was God a racist?

Are we rejecting Jude and 1st Peter too?

You lend the impression you subscribe to the notion fallen angels procreated with human females, but cannot grasp the notion their Commander in Chief hooked-up with Eve in the Garden? When and where do you proffer the angelic influx occurred? Maybe you can fathom the notion Cain had Satanic half-sisters, nieces, and female cousins in the land of Nod where Cain built a city. With this in mind, one can readily imagine Cain’s ‘daughter’ Naamah (Ham’s wife, Genesis 4:22 KJV) had undetermined numbers of Satanic/angelic half-sisters and female cousins (“daughters of men”) who hooked-up with the Sethite “sons of God” inspiring the flood. More momentarily…

I insist you explain who didn't die in the Flood,
and why God would have failed to destroy the wicked
at that time, when that was the whole point of the Flood.

Insist? LOL! You’re a hoot, Nazaroo. Only one of Cain’s descendants among the synagogue of Satan didn’t die in the flood: Ham’s antediluvian, pregnant, nephelic wife. I can readily deduce Ham’s pregnant wife was the sole nephilic survivor to one who subscribes to the notion of God’s ancestral integrity preserved through Jesus. You cannot get passed the notion of racism, or that any ole virgin would do. So, for the benefit of ChreubRam’s audience: Japheth and wife dwelled in the tents with Shem and his wife (Genesis 9:27 KJV). Noah and Shem were ancestors of Jesus of pristine ancestry. Thereby, Noah’s, Shem’s, and Japheth’s wives were ‘clean.’ Ham’s pregnant wife was ‘unclean,’ if that notion offers veiled reflection (Genesis 7:2 KJV).

God’s flood in Noah’s day appears to be the recorded end of wicked flesh. HOWEVER! God made a promise of veiled flesh life and anonymity to Cain (Genesis 4:15). Cain broke parole, celibacy, resulting in his shortened life veiled in anonymity (Genesis 4:23 KJV, Genesis 4:24 KJV). The veil of anonymity was preserved “seventy and sevenfold” generations inclusively, counting from God is generation #1, Adam generation #2, Seth #3… found in Luke 3:38-23. Even so, Jesus’ unveiling of the synagogue of Satan was not the end of flesh. Descendants of Cain, the synagogue of Satan, were extended life and anonymity by Lamech’s deed. Lamech, “sevenfold” generations from Satan (Genesis 3:15, Genesis 4:17, 18), carried out God’s judgment executing his relatively young beloved great… grandfather Cain. As reward, Lamech secured a ticket for a cruise for his pregnant daughter, grandmother of Nimrod, mother of Asshur, and wife of Ham.

Did God not PROMISE Cain flesh life, Nazaroo? Did Genesis 4:15 not GUARANTEE Cain's flesh existence he was so concerned about in Genesis 4:13, 14? Cain's flesh existence was only shortened when Cain, granted anonymity (the mark of Cain), procreated (Genesis 4:17, 18). Cain punched the clock on his generational execution date: "sevenfold" generations... not some 900 years, although I appreciate your assumption.

Lamech was the "sevenfold" generation from Satan (Genesis 4:17, 18), and Lamech's four children (Genesis 4:20, 21, 22) would have been exposed as the synagogue of Satan upon Lamech's death. God's anonymity to Cain only lasted for “sevenfold” generations, and His guaranteed anonymity ended upon Lamech's death. Therefore, Lamech... in order to extend the veil of anonymity to his children upon his death... Lamech had to carry out God’s sentence and execute his young and beloved great...grandfather Cain, veiled in anonymity (Genesis 4:23 KJV). Lamech even named his son tubal-Cain in memoriam to Cain (Genesis 4:22 KJV). For carrying out God's dated "sevenfold" execution upon Cain, Lamech gained a total of "seventy and sevenfold" inclusive generations of anonymity for the synagogue of Satan to remain under God's 'witness protection program.’ God is a PROMISE KEEPER, and He couldn’t go back on His Word and totally eradicate Cain’s descendants. Thereby: God’s flood was not the end of wicked flesh, and Cain’s descendants survived God’s flood via one soul getting Cain’s ticket for a cruise. Cain’s lineage was preserved via Ham’s antediluvian pregnant wife, ‘daughter’ of Cain, who I proffer was Naamah (Genesis 4:22 KJV).

Ham's antediluvian pregnant wife (Naamah, I proffer, Genesis 4:22) was grandmother of Nimrod, the MIGHTY hunter-King of Babel. Ham's wife was the mother of Ham's stepson Asshur, the MIGHTY ‘father’ of the Assyrians (Genesis 10:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Ask Ezekiel about the MIGHTY Assyrian Pharoah in Ezekiel 31:1, 2, Ezekiel 31:3 KJV, Ezekiel 31:8, 9... If Asshur had lived 900 years... could Asshur actually have been THE wicked Pharaoh?

(2) With a mere '13 year' headstart, Cain outbred Seth!

Even though both lived for at least 900 years, and all things being equal,
Cain would have only had about 13 more kids at the most.. (!!...)

In a prior post I already reported neither the longevities, nor manners of deaths of Cain and descendants was explicitly recorded: anonymity. I already reported Cain’s death was veiled in Genesis 4:23 KJV. There is NO record of Cain’s lifespan, Nazaroo… your assumption, although appreciated. Cain didn't take a wife TO Nod, Nazaroo. Cain went to Nod and THEN took a wife. Simple enough? Do you think she may have had sisters? Considering the notion of angelic influx, is it too difficult to fathom Cain already had Satanic half-brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins waiting for him in Nod? Cain broke parole, sired Enoch, and built a city? How many daughters did Cain sire in his shortened life span? That’s a relatively moot point, respectfully. How many Satanic/angelic half-sisters, nieces and female cousins did Cain have, speaking of angels procreating with human females? I proffer the head-start began even before the time of Cain’s conception, and his wife and harem were waiting for him when he arrived in Nod.

Then, you apparently subscribe to the egocentric notion Adam and Eve were the first humans, another one of those tangential, polarizing and truth-paralyzing topics. That egocentric notion inherently implies Seth either procreated with his sisters, or his mother that even Shem and Japheth (‘father’ of the Gentiles) rebuked (Genesis 9:23 KJV, 1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). Refuting the egocentric notion, consider Leviticus 18:8 KJV, Leviticus 20:11 KJV, Deuteronomy 22:30 KJV, Deuteronomy 27:20 KJV, and particularly Leviticus 20:17 KJV. God’s judgment is the same today, tomorrow, and YESTERDAY. Shem and Japheth (‘father’ of the Gentiles) walked into Noah’s tent covered and backwards long before those Laws (Genesis 9:23 KJV). Even the Gentiles, Japheth’s descendants, had the ‘law’ written in their hearts: 1Corinthians 5:1 KJV, Romans 2:14, 15. So much for your salvific obedience to the Law (Romans 2:16 KJV), although a good thing.

Also, why would God bless Cain[/COLOR] with multitudinous progeny,
when God explicitly blesses GOOD GUYS with multitudinous progeny,
not BAD GUYS. Even animals of GOOD GUYS and CHOSEN LINES
are blessed with extra progeny, and promised to be fathers of
many nations. Not only promises, but fulfillments!
The reason the Pharoah wanted to kill Hebrew babies was
because they were MULTIPLYING FASTER than Egyptians.

Yours is an astute point that God may have blessed Cain to procreate BEFORE he snuffed Abel, Nazaroo. AFTERWORDS, God limited Cain’s lifespan (not descendants’) to “sevenfold” generations (counting from Satan, Genesis 3:15, 4:17, 18) when CAIN chose to procreate his synagogue of Satan among his Satanic/angelic relatives in Nod. That’s what the flood was all about when Adam’s descendants, “the sons of God” hooked up with Cainite ‘daughters’ (Ham’s wife), and all those other Satanic/angelic hotties, “the daughters of men”! Nonetheless, I do appreciate your notion Ishmael was a GOOD GUY! LOL!

Guess why the wicked Pharoah’s people weren’t multiplying as fast as the Hebrew Israelites (Exodus 1:9 KJV)? Consider that the Hebrew Israelites, as did the Gentiles, followed God’s laws of procreation written in their hearts, most notably NO incest, as Seth and Japheth (‘father’ of the Gentiles) demonstrated BEFORE the law (Genesis 9:23 KJV, Leviticus 18:8 KJV, Liviticus 20:11 KJV, Deuteronomy 22:30 KJV, Deuteronomy 27:20 KJV, 1Corinthians 5:1 KJV, Romans 2:14, 15). The wicked Pharaoh and his crew were genetically imploding not following (not aware of) God’s laws of procreation (in their heart’s particularly, Acts 7:51, 52) later found in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Furthermore, their incestuously conceived misfit progeny were sacrificed (cooked alive) unto Molech, and their flesh eaten in ritual, sacrificial cannibalism (John 6:48, 49, 50, 51, 52, Revelation 2:20 KJV)… what do you think was going on surrounding that golden calf at the foot of Mount Sinai? The golden calf was a human slow-cooker.

(3) The "Sons of God" were not Angels, but Sethites(?),
and the "daughters of men" were non-chosen line Cainites(?).[/COLOR][/B]

Are you serious?

Yep! Wasn’t Adam a “son of God” (Luke 3:38)? Weren’t Judah’s descendants via Tamar “The SONS of Judah…” in 1Chronicles 4:1 KJV? Weren’t Shelah’s descendants, “The SONS of Shelah the son of Judah,” in 1Chronicles 4:21 KJV, 1Chronicles 4:22 KJV? Then where’s the difficulty accepting the Sethites being “the sons of God”? And, since you apparently subscribe to the angelic-human mixing as was Cain a progeny, thereof… please recall Cain built a city (Nod) including his Satanic/angelic half-sisters, nieces and cousins who were those “daughters of men” seducing the Sethite “sons of God.” So, sure…

Genesis 6:1, 2, KJV “And it came to pass, when men (Cain and his Satanic/angelic half-brothers procreating with Cain’s sisters-in-law, etc) began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born unto them (Cain’s ‘daughter’ Naamah, Cain’s Satanic/angelic half-sisters, nieces and cousins), 2) That the sons of God (Sethites) saw the daughters of men (Cain’s daughter Naamah, and his Satanic/angelic half-sisters, nieces, and cousins) that they were fair (Satanic/angelic hotties), and they took them wives all of which they chose.”​

So the Nephilim (GIANTS) were just half-breeds between Seth/Shem
and Cain/Canaan?

Pretty much! I said “Pretty much” because the title “Canaanite” was used redundantly by both Ezra and Moses. Other than in Genesis 10:18 KJV, the title “Canaanite(s)” was a geographic identifier exclusively and anonymously referring to Ham’s descendants via his nephilic wife. Canaan’s descendants were the Sidonians, Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgasites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites, and Hamathites (Genesis 10:15, 16, 17, 18). You can find the title “Canaanites” used redundantly in rosters containing the recorded descendants of Canaan numerous times in the OT. Consider Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, Ezra 9:1, 2. Why was the title “Canaanite” used redundantly in those rosters including itemized descendants of Canaan? Anonymity. Therefore, “Canaanites” were veiled descendants of Ham and his nephilic wife.

Can you imagine the metaphorical expression of a giant (Genesis 6:4 KJV) being the ‘renowned’ great builder of a city? Cain was the FIRST in Nod (Genesis 4:17 KJV). Can you imagine a giant being a ‘renowned’ MIGHTY king? Consider the “MIGHTY hunter” Nimrod and his, the FIRST kingdom of Babel (Genesis 10:9, 10). Consider the “GREATNESS” of the wicked Pharaoh, “the new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph” (Exodus 1:8, 9) in Ezekiel 31:1, 2, Ezekiel 31:3 KJV, Ezekiel 31:8, 9. Dude… even Elvis was king, LOL!

No actual angels interbred with humans in the pre-flood genetic experiment?

How do you account for Genesis 3:14, 15, Cain being the progeny, thereof? What do you think was going on in Nod as Cain built a city? That antediluvian genetic experiment included the event in the Garden of Eden, ask Ezekiel 31:1, 2, Ezekiel 31:3 KJV, Ezekiel 31:8, 9.

So like the Sadducees you deny angels and the resurrection...

LOL! You group these two concepts together and toss them my way… I deny neither, Nazaroo. Was Satan an angel? And, I do subscribe to the notion the angels who kept not their first estate. Such happened in Eden, and Nod. Do you deny the first veiled encounter of the third kind in Genesis 3:14, 15? You can’t fathom the angelic influx in the land of Nod producing the “daughters of men” who seduced “the sons of God” precipitating God’s flood? Certainly I believe in His resurrection, Nazaroo. Is God going to send Jesus back via another random virgin?

Just be clear, so people know just what doctrines we must embrace
alongside your racial theories, because we need to know
exactly what you're selling.
It’s ancestral integrity, Nazaroo. You’re the one who says Ezra was a racist… not me, LOL! Why didn’t God execute Cain in the first place? Was God a racist banishing Cain? Was God a racist bringing forth His flood? Was Noah a racist drawing a line in the sand?
Whats popular with the Jesuit Cabal this week?

That’s your skill set, Nazaroo. I am curious about Jesuits, though.

Maybe we should consult some of your handbooks,
like the (Masonic forgery) 6th and 7th Books of Moses,
which indeed look like they were drawn by people of your IQ...

They used to sell those in the back of comic books:

is that where you got your copy?

ROFLOL! I am totally out of your league, Nazaroo. I’ve never heard of such books. However, if my IQ is the only thing short about me… well, are your shoes dry? Sorry you can’t find any Youtube account of my thesis. It’s quite original. I’ve surfed around and can’t find a consensus on the mark of Cain. So, I figure my notion is as good as the next. If you weren’t so affectionately flogging yourself, you might be able to think outside the Law, LOL! I can’t find anyone who has figured out the significance of “sevenfold” or “seventy and sevenfold.” I had subsequently found a distant Jewish account that Lamech might have killed Cain, and that Cain was the son of Wrath. I haven’t surfed around to know if anyone has unraveled the utterly OBVIOUS ancestral UNambiguity in, “We be Abraham’s seed and were never in bondage to any man.” Israelites? Care to offer your rendering? I’m just a neologian flying by the seat of my knickers… which, unlike yours flogging yourself reading comic books, mine are on, LOL! You entirely crack me up, Nazaroo. Thanks for your post.

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New member
This is nonsense. Ashkenazi Jews are called Ashkenazi because they lived in Ashkenaz, not because they were descended from Ashkenaz. Are modern American Jews actually Navajo?

I was going to respond to the rest of your post, but it is so full of confusion, false information and wild assumptions that I won't waste my time on it.

Well, Chair... was there some title "Ashkenaz" chiseled on some mountain somewhere? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? "Ashkenaz" is a definite name associated with the Gentile descendants of Japheth: Ashkenaz, son of Gomer, son of Japheth, 'father' of the Gentiles (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV). Were the Canaanites called such because they lived in the land of Canaan? LOL!

I suppose if a modern American Jewish father hooked up with a Navajo wife... then, their progeny are Navajo! Isn't the mother the one who establishes "Jewishness"? Is your mother a Navajo?

My post didn't include some Talmudic nonsense about a raven who procreated on the ark, and became eternally cursed "expectorating his seed into his mate's mouth." You been talking to those ravens, again? Furthermore, since that kinky Talmudic raven couldn't procreate... it decided to become the mythical Phoenix bird who reincarnates itself. Well, I suppose my post would be more than a little confusing to one who subscribes to those kinky raven fables!



New member
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. 1 Tim 1:4

Indeed, Daniel!

Jesus was the fulfillment of God's genealogies. The Shelanite 'Jews' are the ones still waiting on their Messiah being they are Canaanite descendants of the prophesied progenitor of Messiah (Isaiah 65:9 KJV). They keep waiting, though... endless genealogies. They also instigated the crucifixion of the Just One who fulfilled God's genealogies.



New member


To recap, you believe apparently the following:

(1) Adam and Eve weren't the first humans or at least humanoids.

(2) Eve physically mated with the 'serpent' and produced progeny.

(3) Evil descendants of Satan and 'fallen angels' bred like rabbits before
Cain slew Abel.

(4) Cain picked up plenty of fallen-angel sluts over in Nod, and had a large progeny even though they were all evil.

(5) God's special Mark was wholly ineffective, and Cain was actually
killed off early by Lamech, in spite of God's promise (your words).

(6) The "Sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 etc. are really descendants of Seth.

(7) The "daughters of men" were really Cainite sluts.

(8) The title "Sons of God" does not generally refer to angels, but men,
in spite of its usage in Job and Jude and Peter.

(9) It was necessary for Jesus to have a 'pure genetic line' from Adam,
or the Messiah plan would fail, so Satan went about polluting the genetic pool of Jews.

(10) The spooky 'line of Cain' (= devil-people) exist today, and are sneaking
around running banks and international cartels, disguising themselves as "Jews".

Does that about sum it up?

(11) oh, and in passing, Noah's son castrated him, cuckolded him,
and fathered a whole race of demon-spawn.

Ben Masada

New member
1. Do share how you figured out that 20% of the NT is about the "real" Jesus.

2. Jesus did not say salvation comes from the Jews. He said salvation comes from Him. John 14:6

3. Jesus said He and His people are the light of the world. John 8:12, Matt 5:14

4. Jesus said the Jews who do not believe on him are condemned, and the wrath of God abideth on them. John 3:36

5. The country in the middle east today calling itself "Israel" is not the Biblical Israel. That country over there today calling itself "Israel" is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. Rev 11:8

1. After only 3 times that I read the NT I have figured almost literally that 20% is worth learning something about Jesus. I cannot specify here what from what but that was my conclusion.

2. You did not read John 4:22. Try to read it before your answer. In John 14:6 he was speaking as a Jew, part of the People whom salvation comes from.

3. Yes, he and his People, aka the Jews. That confirms John 4:22.

4. There is no reference to the "Jew" mentioned in the text. You are adding your own anti-Jewish interpretation.

5. Here, you are simply trying to promote an anti-Jewish attitude of the Hellenist who wrote the book of Revelation.


New member
1. After only 3 times that I read the NT I have figured almost literally that 20% is worth learning something about Jesus. I cannot specify here what from what but that was my conclusion.

2. You did not read John 4:22. Try to read it before your answer. In John 14:6 he was speaking as a Jew, part of the People whom salvation comes from.

3. Yes, he and his People, aka the Jews. That confirms John 4:22.

4. There is no reference to the "Jew" mentioned in the text. You are adding your own anti-Jewish interpretation.

5. Here, you are simply trying to promote an anti-Jewish attitude of the Hellenist who wrote the book of Revelation.

I'm promoting the Bible over the racist ideology of Judaism. God's people are those who believe on Jesus Christ. The promises were made unto Christ and His people. People that reject Jesus Christ are condemned already because they have not believed on the only begotten Son of God, whether they be Jew or Gentile. "Jews" don't get a pass because they're "Jews." The people Jesus was always condemning were Jews. If they got a pass, he wouldn't have warned them that they were going to hell.


New member


To recap, you believe apparently the following:

(1) Adam and Eve weren't the first humans or at least humanoids.

I do not subscribe to the notion Seth mated with his mother or sister as I've already explained. Cain went to the land of Nod and took to wife a woman who was already there. Those men who began to "call upon the name (as in ancestry) of the Lord" in Genesis 4:25 KJV were already there, too.

(2) Eve physically mated with the 'serpent' and produced progeny.

Satan left his first estate, remember? He had 'friends' in low places... like Nod. God formed Adam from the ground, Eve from a rib... I don't think its unreasonable to assume Cain was the result of what went down in the Garden... that mysteriously missing 'third' seed.

(3) Evil descendants of Satan and 'fallen angels' bred like rabbits before Cain slew Abel.

Cain was the literal son of Satan, a fallen angel. Satan's cronies were in Nod, those angels who also left their first estate, impregnating Cain's wife's female relatives. Those were 6th day creation females. Their female progeny were in sufficient numbers to seduce the Sethite "sons of God."

(4) Cain picked up plenty of fallen-angel sluts over in Nod, and had a large progeny even though they were all evil.

Close, Nazaroo. Cain's wife was either his half-sister via Satan and a 6th day female, or a pristine 6th day female. I tend to lean toward the first notion. Cain impregnating a female was not part of God's deal. Maybe you can explicitly render Cain's specific punishment?

(5) God's special Mark was wholly ineffective, and Cain was actually killed off early by Lamech, in spite of God's promise (your words).

The efficacy of the mark of Cain is evident by your lack of discernment. Anonymity is simply below your sophisticated radar, Nazaroo. God's parole was Cain would not be a fugitive and vagabond among flesh. The condition of parole was that IF Cain then extended God's mercy and procreated, then Cain himself punched the "sevenfold" clock on his execution date. Do note, Cain wasn't killed by a Sethite. The manner of Cain's death was veiled in anonymity (Genesis 4:23 KJV)... only one of Cain's own could carry out sentence: Lamech, 'seventh fold' from Satan is #1, Cain #2... Lamech #7 (Genesis 3:15, 4:16, 17, 18).

(6) The "Sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 etc. are really descendants of Seth.

Yep, already explained...

(7) The "daughters of men" were really Cainite sluts.

LOL! Well, there was coincidentally only one named eligible 'daughter' of Cain, Naamah, Lamech's daughter (Genesis 4:22 KJV). I indeed proffer Naamah was Ham's wife. Do realize information is minimal on a need to know only basis, just like the absence of the manners of deaths and longevities of Cain & Co. was not explicitly revealed.

(8) The title "Sons of God" does not generally refer to angels, but men, in spite of its usage in Job and Jude and Peter.

You might offer explicit verses instead of beating around the bush, Nazaroo. Adam was a "son of God" (Luke 3:38), Judah's descendants via his son Pharez were the SONS of Judah (1Chronicles 4:1). Shelah's descendants were the SONS of Shelah (1Chronicles 4:21, 22). Which verses do you specifically offer in rebuttal?

(9) It was necessary for Jesus to have a 'pure genetic line' from Adam, or the Messiah plan would fail, so Satan went about polluting the genetic pool of Jews.

Which 'Jews' are you referring to? The descendants of Judah via his CANAANITE wife who were not ancestrally intact Israelites? Or, are you talking about the ancestrally intact Israelite Jews? What do you think Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3, Ezra 9:1, 2, 7 was about? Well, maybe Isaiah was a racist, too (Isaiah 65:9)?

(10) The spooky 'line of Cain' (= devil-people) exist today, and are sneaking around running banks and international cartels, disguising themselves as "Jews".

Generally speaking, those you refer to are Shelanites... the ones who instigated the crucifixion. The Shelanites were the ones whose ancestors slaughtered the prophets, wise men, and legitimate scribes who Jesus referred to in Matthew 23:30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. Yep, their descendants walk the face of the earth, today. I consider the Sephardic 'Jews' to be those descendants.

Does that about sum it up?

With a little tweaking here and there.

(11) oh, and in passing, Noah's son castrated him, cuckolded him, and fathered a whole race of demon-spawn.

Jesus called 'them' the "synagogue of Satan" (Revelation 2:9, 3:9), even "serpents," and "generation of vipers" (Matthew 23:33 KJV). John the Baptist too, for that matter (Luke 3:7 KJV). Since you're into reading comic books, Nazaroo... you'll really get a kick out of the Talmud! That's where your Shelanite 'Jewish' Nazarene pals get the notion Ham sodomized and castrated Noah. Worse yet, the Talmudists take that 'fable' all the way to teaching Ham's son Cush was "smitten" with "black skin" consequent to Ham's transgressions. You really ought to check out that Talmud... you know... the religion your 'Jewish' Nazarene early church fathers subscribed to.

I indeed find it a rather amusing phenomenon, Nazaroo. What's with this fetish about antiquity? I mean... the Catholics hold to this notion, the LDS, even the Nazarenes... In your case, you seem to lend the impression the Nazarenes have some exclusive rights space-docking with God since antiquity... particularly bragging a "Jewish" Nazarene origin. Well, that pretty well sums up your less than objective posture. You do at least somewhat subscribe to the scientific method... producing the same results via un-biased replication. Yet, you just have such an extreme aversion seeking diversion to the simple deduction: "We be Abraham's seed and were never in bondage to any man" (John 8:33 KJV).

So, Jesus' detractors weren't Israelites! Not rocket science... not even molecular genetics. But, Jesus' detractors were "Abraham's seed" (John 8:37 KJV), 'they' just weren't "Abraham's children" (John 8:39 KJV). Well, Moses didn't seem to think Abraham's progeny via Keturah were Abraham's children either. In fact, Moses said Abraham's progeny via Keturah were "the children of Keturah" (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4). The Israelite Judah, prophesied progenitor of Messiah (Isaiah 65:9 KJV), was married to one of Keturah's Canaanite 'granddaughters' (Genesis 38:1, 2, 1Chronicles 2:3). She was the daughter of the Canaanite Shuah, son of Keturah (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4), and not Abraham. Judah's third and surviving son Shelah (Genesis 38:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 26) was 'father' of the Shelanites (Numbers 26:20 KJV). Were the Shelanites, 'Jews', Nazaroo? My pal Paul, who you refer to as "cute," had this Shelanite distinction figured out in Romans 9:6, 7, 8, 9, 10 a couple thousand years ago. Obviously, your 'Jewish' Nazarene early church fathers didn't let you in on a little secret, or two, or...

About the only thing I gather in your theology affirming Jesus is the Son of God was through His miracles! Does that about sum it up? What can I say... even Jesus suggested such in John 10:36, 37, 38, 39. Don't tell me... was Nicodemus a Nazarene 'Jew' (John 3:1, 2)? So, tell you what Nazaroo... how about staying on task honoring the scientific method and refute the thesis in the paragraph above? Are you afraid some of your 'Jewish' early Nazarene church fathers may have been Shelanites? Works-based salvation pretty will affirms it, don't you think? Maybe we can get your TQ more in line with your IQ... Truth Quotient, that is!



New member
Kayaking with no Paddle said:
So, tell you what Nazaroo... how about staying on task honoring the scientific method and refute the thesis in the paragraph above?

You imagine you have this amazing airtight case.

But your own methodology is all over the place.

You quote the Talmud when it suits you,
(usually to disparage pre-Medieval Jews and stretch this
all the way to modern Jews who can't even read Hebrew
or Babylonian Aramaic, and who wouldn't know their Talmud from their Wenises.)

You pick up the extremely late "Seth Theory" of Sons of God vs Men,
even though the "Seth Theory" is demonstrably LATE (circa 5th century!)
and demonstrably fabricated to support the Roman Catholic Church's
Program (Pogrom) for "the Jews"
, an entity they need to villainize
and demonize ETERNALLY in order to support their preposterous theology,
itself also invented 400 years POST JESUS.

Lets linger on that a moment:
According to Roman Catholic (read Jesuit/Vatican) Theology,
"the Jews" as a race, creed, ethnic group and religion must be
held guilty for the Death of GOD (read Jesus);
Why? because if they can't hold the very people who were there
and present with the 'crime'
(read sin) of murdering God,
then how would ANYONE give any credence to their
"Sin is HEREDITARY" nonsense, and "through ADAM all have earned DEATH" nonsense,
and particularly "we are all guilty of the murder of Jesus" crap.

No, actually, we're not all guilty of the murder of Jesus.
He committed suicide, willingly, because He perceived it as
doing God's will and saving his friends.
Don't steal Jesus' thunder, and empty His self-sacrifice of meaning.

If the Jews are no longer held accountable for the death of Jesus,
then why should Vikings, Osgroths, Jutes, Picts, Danes, Danites, and Druids
think THEY are somehow credibly guilted into being responsible for Jesus' death?

But this Roman Catholic MAGIC THEORY (invented by PAUL?) -

(1) CONTRADICTS what GOD HIMSELF Taught in Ezekiel 18, and


When what God taught and what Jesus taught is taken seriously,
Roman Catholic VOODOO crumbles to the ground like all worthless idolatry should.

What if Jesus ISN'T "GOD"? but just the unique, Only-Begotten SON of God?

I guess we wouldn't have to confess to corrupt homo priests,
donate money to the richest con-game in history,
and worship Italian statues.


Thats science.

But lets move on to your other theoretical fantasies:

Ki-Cracker said:
those you refer to are Shelanites... the ones who instigated the crucifixion. The Shelanites were the ones whose ancestors slaughtered the prophets,

No, fool. The NORTHERN TRIBES OF ISRAEL, NONE of whom were "Shelanites" are responsible for the death of many prophets.

Your lame attempt to blame "the Shelanites" for all the murders of prophets
and godly men throughout history simply contradicts the O.T. record
in about 150 different places.
Use a concordance.

Jesus Himself held Jerusalem and ALL the Jews, Israelites and even
the Diaspora guilty of rejecting His message, including PAUL,
whom He threw off his horse and blinded.

JERUSALEM was destroyed for this sin, not just the Shelanites.
All the Jews were slaughtered by the MILLIONS in the
Roman-Jewish Wars, not just the Shelanites,
and everyone who takes curses and prophecies seriously
believes that the greatest HOLOCAUST against ALL Israelites
ever recorded was not sloppy shooting by God Almighty, but SPOT ON.

...[whom] I consider the Sephardic 'Jews' to be those descendants.
Really? Mr. Wexler?

Are you aware that the only reasons Shlomo the Homo is allowed to continue
practicing his bogus 'history of the Non-Jews' IN ISRAEL is 3fold?

(1) The Jews are extremely liberal and tolerant of the most self-depreciating nonsense anyone cares to try to fly past the radar.

(2) Most Jews are Ashkenazim, and so anyone slagging Sephardim are
secretly applauded in the same way that people slagging Ethiopian 'Jews' are.

(3) Jews like to laugh at themselves, and consider Shlomo a comedian
in the same category as Sarah Silverman.


*(Schlomo Sand, Professor of Contemporary History, Tel Aviv University,
author of "The Invention of the Jewish People" (bestseller in Israel! LOL))

*(Wexler, author of "The Non-Jewish Origin of the Sepharidic Jews")

Lets move on:

Shelanites... the ones who instigated the crucifixion. The Shelanites were the ones whose ancestors slaughtered the prophets, wise men, and legitimate scribes who Jesus referred to in Matthew 23:30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.
No, fool.

These were all EDOMITES.

(1) Herod the Tetrarch was an EDOMITE king.

(2) The HERODIAN party were all EDOMITES.

(3) Only the Edomites could claim ancestrally "they were never in bondage to any man".

(4) Only the Edomites were present in significant numbers and power
to be racially identified in the New Testament


During the Hasmodaean Dynasty, one of the most important things that
happened while "the Jews" were LOOSE, and conquering their neighbours
in a backlash against the damned Greeks, was this:

'After the death of Antiochus VII in 129 B.C.,
... John Hyrcanus (Yohannan)
...regained complete control over the entire land of Israel.
Expanding to the SOUTH, he CONQUERED IDUMEA (Edom!)
and FORCED its people to CONVERT TO JUDAISM.'

p. 100, From Text to Tradition: A History of the 2nd Temple & Rabbinic Judaism, L. Schifman (1991)


That is, a LARGE and powerful political contingency of Edomites were
now (129 B.C.) effectively "Jews" and citizens of the New (Pre Jesus) Israel.

These were the wealthy Herodians who controlled the priesthood appointments,
ruling through the power of ROME, and who were able to boast to Jesus:

"WE are children of Abraham,
AND have NEVER been in bondage to anyone!"
(i.e., NOT Israelites.)

Jesus was talking to Edomites, not Israelites (even half-breeds),
Judaeans, not "Jews" (mistranslation).

And YES, the Edomites had some
serious (racial) issues with
and ANGER toward other Jews.

They were pretty excited to crucify Jesus.
Last edited:


New member


Herod the Great was born in the land of Idumea or Edom around 74 B.C. which is about when he appears on the Bible Timeline Chart. He was the son of Antipater of Idumaean who was a high ranking official for Hyrcanus II.
Herod was an Edomite
that had adopted the customs of the Jews. In the past the Edomites were ancient enemies of the Jewish people but they no longer were relevant as a people during this era. Many of the Edomites were absorbed into other cultures of the time. The Jews had conquered these people around 140 B.C. and forced many of them to accept their religion or to leave the region. Though many Jewish people didn’t care for foreigners worshipping God and adopting their customs Herod was made governor of Judea when he was 25 years old.
Hyrcanus II was king of Judea during this era in Jewish history and his throne was usurped by his nephew Antigonus. Herod lost his power as governor and he fled to Rome to appeal for help. The Roman Senate supported his cause and ended up making him the new Jewish king. Herod went back to Judah in 39 B.C. and married Antigonus’ niece so that he could have some legitimacy to the throne and the Jewish people. He had to end up banishing his wife Doris and their son in order to pull this off. In 36 B.C. Herod defeated Antigonus and was finally able to claim the throne.



New member
You imagine you have this amazing airtight case.

But your own methodology is all over the place.

You quote the Talmud when it suits you,
(usually to disparage pre-Medieval Jews and stretch this
all the way to modern Jews who can't even read Hebrew
or Babylonian Aramaic, and who wouldn't know their Talmud from their Wenises.)

Sorry to have not had the time to reply... the weather kept me out of town a bit. It appears as though the Talmud, all nine volumes thereof, is a little alien to you also, Nazaroo! Maybe your 'Jewish' Nazarene 'early church fathers' weren't so familiar, either?

You pick up the extremely late "Seth Theory" of Sons of God vs Men,
even though the "Seth Theory" is demonstrably LATE (circa 5th century!)
and demonstrably fabricated to support the Roman Catholic Church's
Program (Pogrom) for "the Jews"
, an entity they need to villainize
and demonize ETERNALLY in order to support their preposterous theology,
itself also invented 400 years POST JESUS.

I've never heard of your alleged "Seth Theory," Nazaroo, Catholic or otherwise. The 'Sethites' being the "sons of God (who) saw the daughters of men (Cain & Co.) that they were fair; and they took them wives all which they chose" (Genesis 6:1, 2) speaks for itself, don't you think? I don't particularly read Catholic renderings... but, if the Catholics have it figured the "daughters of men" were the relatives of Cain, well, what can I say? They've got a leg up on the Nazarites! Do you think Revelation 2:9, 3:9 was "also invented 400 years POST JESUS"?

I've offered Acts 4:13, 20 at least a couple times on this thread. Peter was a couple slices short of the OT truth early in his ministry. Take a look at Peter's comment in Acts 3:13 KJV. I've asked you Nazaroo... were Judah's Shelanite descendants ancestrally intact 'Jews'? Were the Shelanites ancestrally intact Israelites conceived contrary to Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3, Ezra 9:1, 2, 7, 10:2, 3? Answer this one, Nazaroo! Peter, unfamiliar with the OT early in his ministry, did not come to this 'Jewish' distinction as did Paul in Romans 9:6, 7, 8, 9. Peter clearly understood who Jesus was (Acts 3:13 KJV), Peter just didn't know who the Shelanites were proclaiming only Abraham (circumventing Isaac and Jacob) as their father (John 8:33, Luke 3:2, 7, 8, 9). A few verses later in Acts 3:14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Peter makes it clear he didn't perceived the OT 'Jewish' distinction throwing the baby (Israelites) out with the bathwater (Shelanite rulers) in v. 17. Peter acknowledged the Israelites were deluded partakers in the crucifixion, Peter had not yet made the distinction their rulers were NOT ancestrally intact Israelite "Jews."

Lets linger on that a moment:
According to Roman Catholic (read Jesuit/Vatican) Theology,
"the Jews" as a race, creed, ethnic group and religion must be
held guilty for the Death of GOD (read Jesus);
Why? because if they can't hold the very people who were there
and present with the 'crime'
(read sin) of murdering God,
then how would ANYONE give any credence to their
"Sin is HEREDITARY" nonsense, and "through ADAM all have earned DEATH" nonsense, and particularly "we are all guilty of the murder of Jesus" crap.

Do the Catholics discern an Israelite Jew, from an Ashkenazi Jew, from a Sephardic/Shelanite 'Jew'? Sounds like your entire argument here is with the Catholics, not me, LOL! You tag me with some Catholic theology, and trash me? ROFLOL! You crack me up with your guilt by association... but, undoubtedly there were Shelanites among the early church fathers of the Nazarites and Catholics!

No, actually, we're not all guilty of the murder of Jesus.
He committed suicide, willingly, because He perceived it as
doing God's will and saving his friends.
Don't steal Jesus' thunder, and empty His self-sacrifice of meaning.

From Jesus' perspective, He was submitting to crucifixion following the command He received from His Father in John 10:17, 18. Jesus took the shame of sin to the cross Nazaroo... I've already made this point from Hebrews 12:1, 2. It is you sir, who flogs yourself and others with the law to achieve salvation. Satan's thunder is in your firm grasp of his flagrum.

If the Jews are no longer held accountable for the death of Jesus, then why should Vikings, Osgroths, Jutes, Picts, Danes, Danites, and Druids think THEY are somehow credibly guilted into being responsible for Jesus' death?

You make no 'Jewish' distinction in your comment, Nazaroo. Probably because your early church fathers were "Jewish" of unknown distinction. Furthermore, I seemed to miss those additional titles in the Bible... talking about your rebuttal being all over the place!

But this Roman Catholic MAGIC THEORY (invented by PAUL?) -

(1) CONTRADICTS what GOD HIMSELF Taught in Ezekiel 18, and


Like I said Nazaroo... your argument here is with the Catholics.

When what God taught and what Jesus taught is taken seriously, Roman Catholic VOODOO crumbles to the ground like all worthless idolatry should.

It’s the Nazarene boohoo voodoo salvation and shame-based theology in question. The Nazarene idols are a flagrum and the law.

What if Jesus ISN'T "GOD"? but just the unique, Only-Begotten SON of God?

More diversion argument with the Catholics, Nazaroo. I don't subscribe to the notion Jesus was God. Another time, perhaps.

I guess we wouldn't have to confess to corrupt homo priests,
donate money to the richest con-game in history, and worship Italian statues.

Again, more Catholic diversion argument, Nazaroo. Totally off topic.


Thats science.

That's pseudoscience, Nazaroo. Scientists do respect laws, do they not? Nazarites also respect the law, do they not? Hand in glove, rather hand on flagrum.

But lets move on to your other theoretical fantasies:

No, fool. The NORTHERN TRIBES OF ISRAEL, NONE of whom were "Shelanites" are responsible for the death of many prophets.

I never said the northern tribes were Shelanites in your presumptuousness. Jesus wasn't speaking to the ISRAELITE northern tribes in Matthew 23:29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. Those Jesus was speaking to were the descendants of Cain, who killed Abel? Fill in the pronouns in John 8:44 KJV reflecting on John 8:15. Reconsider Revelation 2:9, 3:9.

Your lame attempt to blame "the Shelanites" for all the murders of prophets and godly men throughout history simply contradicts the O.T. record
in about 150 different places.
Use a concordance.

Those perps, descendants of Cain, weren't called Shelanites until Numbers 26:20. Who exactly did you say Keturah was? What was her ancestry? Who was the wicked Pharaoh of Exodus who Ezekiel illuminated in Ezekiel 31:1, 2, Ezekiel 31:3, Ezekiel 31:8, 9? Moses said Abraham's progeny via Keturah were "the children of Keturah" (Genesis 25:4). They were "Abraham's seed" (John 8:33 KJV, John 8:37 KJV). They just weren't "Abraham's children" (John 8:39 KJV). Moses did say Judah's wife was a daughter of the "Canaanite" Shuah (Genesis 38:2), affirmed she was a "Canaanitess" by Ezra in 1Chronicles 2:3.

Who did your early 'Jewish' Nazarene church fathers say Keturah was? You did gather the redundancy in the title "Canaanite" in Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, Ezra 9:1, 2, didn't you? Why was it Moses and Ezra used the GEOGRAPHIC tile "Canaanites" in those rosters redundantly alongside itemized titles of Canaan's descendants? I appreciate a concordance... I suggest you figure that big CLUE out not discerned from a concordance. There are other similar, redundant rosters in the OT: Anonymity.

Jesus Himself held Jerusalem and ALL the Jews, Israelites and even the Diaspora guilty of rejecting His message, including PAUL,
whom He threw off his horse and blinded.

Sorry, Nazaroo... "As he (Jesus) spake these words, many believed on him. 31) Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue (listening) in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:30, 31, 32, KJV). Paul was following the twisted rendering Messiah would arrive as a descendant of Judah via his legal CANAANITE wife. I've already suggested both Stephen AND Paul's disciple Ananias were among those believers who became disciples of Jesus in Jesus' dialogue with His Shelanite detractors in the next verse, John 8:33 KJV.

JERUSALEM was destroyed for this sin, not just the Shelanites. All the Jews were slaughtered by the MILLIONS in the
Roman-Jewish Wars, not just the Shelanites, and everyone who takes curses and prophecies seriously believes that the greatest HOLOCAUST against ALL Israelites ever recorded was not sloppy shooting by God Almighty, but SPOT ON.

So, you proffer the HOLOCAUST was God's direct effort? Is God an antiSemite, Nazaroo? Those slaughtered in the Holocaust were predominately Ashkenazi Gentile proselyte Jews, descendants of Japheth’s son Gomer’s son, Ashkenaz (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV).

Really? Mr. Wexler?

Are you aware that the only reasons Shlomo the Homo is allowed to continue
practicing his bogus 'history of the Non-Jews' IN ISRAEL is 3fold?

(1) The Jews are extremely liberal and tolerant of the most self-depreciating nonsense anyone cares to try to fly past the radar.

(2) Most Jews are Ashkenazim, and so anyone slagging Sephardim are
secretly applauded in the same way that people slagging Ethiopian 'Jews' are.

(3) Jews like to laugh at themselves, and consider Shlomo a comedian
in the same category as Sarah Silverman.

If I've not made it clear Nazaroo... I never previously heard of Wexler. But, you might take up your diversion argument with him. I stick with the KJV Bible, evidently a significant aspect remains veiled to you! It stands to reason… you’d have to give up your church (Matthew 8:19, 20, KJV).

Lets move on:

Cool! Everything thus far has been diversion.

No, fool.

These were all EDOMITES.

(1) Herod the Tetrarch was an EDOMITE king.

(2) The HERODIAN party were all EDOMITES.

(3) Only the Edomites could claim ancestrally "they were never in bondage to any man".

(4) Only the Edomites were present in significant numbers and power
to be racially identified in the New Testament

Finally you offer something worth discussing. The Shelanites hid behind the title, "Jew." And, as I recall, Keturah did have six sons (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4). They didn't just fall off the radar, either... particularly considering those 32k Midianite virgins (granddaughters of Keturah via her son, Midian) who Moses angrily permitted entry into the congregation of the Lord in Numbers 31:1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 17, 18, 35. But, I do appreciate your mention of the Edomites! They've already been discussed to some extent in this thread. Let's do take a further look-see.


During the Hasmodaean Dynasty, one of the most important things that happened while "the Jews" were LOOSE, and conquering their neighbours in a backlash against the damned Greeks, was this:

'After the death of Antiochus VII in 129 B.C.,
... John Hyrcanus (Yohannan)
...regained complete control over the entire land of Israel.
Expanding to the SOUTH, he CONQUERED IDUMEA (Edom!)
and FORCED its people to CONVERT TO JUDAISM.'

p. 100, From Text to Tradition: A History of the 2nd Temple & Rabbinic Judaism, L. Schifman (1991)

What exactly was/is "Judaism," Nazaroo? That same pathetic, Satanic religion of Talmudism was what Paul finally defected from? Evidently, your 'Jewish' Nazarene early church fathers pay only lip service to the 'name,' the ancestry of Jesus. Paul was preceded by many other 'lost sheep' (John 8:30, 31, 32) who CONVERTED to Christianity such as Stephen, and Paul's disciple Ananias in Acts 9:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.


That is, a LARGE and powerful political contingency of Edomites were now (129 B.C.) effectively "Jews" and citizens of the New (Pre Jesus) Israel.

There is only one ISRAEL, Nazaroo (Deuteronomy 7:6, 7, 8, 9). Didn't you make some mention of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? I don't believe the Edomites were descendant of Jacob. Furthermore, the Edomites had no ancestral claim as progenitors of Messiah prophesied by Isaiah 65:9 KJV, while the Shelanites did. Agreed, the Edomites were NOT ancestrally intact Israelite “Jews.” However, at least once, I mentioned God's door for the inclusion of the descendants of Esau, the EDOMITES, disclosed in Deuteronomy 23:7, 8, 9. That door was conditional, "When the host (Israelites) goeth forth against thine enemies, then keep thee from every wicked thing" (v. 9). The majority of those 'wicked things' involved incest, with particular attention to Leviticus 18:16, 17, KJV, and Leviticus 20:10, 21, KJV, Deuteronomy 22:22 KJV (edited from Leviticus 22:22). I bring these laws forward to illuminate Queen Herodias’ motive desiring John the Baptist’s head. She was Herod’s sister-in-law, and the daughter she prostituted was the daughter of Herod’s brother.

These were the wealthy Herodians who controlled the priesthood appointments, ruling through the power of ROME, and who were able to boast to Jesus:

"WE are children of Abraham,
AND have NEVER been in bondage to anyone!"
(i.e., NOT Israelites.)

Sorry for your misquote, Nazaroo. The KJV reports Jesus’ detractors claimed, “We be Abraham’s SEED and were never in bondage to any man…” not “children” as you misquote. I do believe I previously noted the subtle distinction of this argument can only be discerned in the KJV. Jesus said His detractors were “Abraham’s SEED” in John 8:37 KJV. Jesus went further to distinguish His detractors were not “Abraham’s CHILDREN” in John 8:39 KJV. In so doing, Jesus affirmed Moses’ distinction Abraham’s progeny via Keturah were “the CHILDREN of Keturah,” and NOT children of Abraham (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4). Furthermore, Esau was a legitimate brother of Jacob and the Israelites (Deuteronomy 23:7, 8, 9). Then Esau was one of Isaac’s “children,” therefore Esau was a legitimate CHILD of Abraham, unlike the Shelanite descendants of Judah and his Canaanite wife contrary to Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3, Ezra 9:1, 2, 7, 10:2, 3.

Jesus was talking to Edomites, not Israelites (even half-breeds), Judaeans, not "Jews" (mistranslation).

The powerful Edomites may have appointed the priests, Nazaroo. But, the Edomites were not priests. The Edomites had no direct ancestral claim as progenitors of Messiah, the Shelanites did (Isaiah 65:9). The Edomites were possibly deluded as was Paul before his conversion, converted following Stephen, disciple Ananias, and those of John 8:30, 31, 32.

And YES, the Edomites had some
serious (racial) issues with and ANGER toward other Jews.

Do you have particular scripture to corroborate your claim like Genesis 27:41, 42, 43, 44, 45? I thought Esau, some time following Esau’s forfeiture of his ‘birthright,’ that Esau graciously welcomed Isaac in Genesis 32, summarized in Genesis 33:4, 9, 10, 11. So, those Edomites who had a problem with the Israelites of Jesus’ day were most certainly NOT those descendants of Esau who met the conditional entrance requirement of Deuteronomy 23:7, 8, 9, although I do suspect Herod was an ancestrally intact Edomite. Queen Herodias (who I proffer was a Shelanite whore) didn’t want Herod to hear the truth (aforementioned laws of Leviticus) from John the Baptist. JTB was the son of the ISRAELITE PRIEST Zachairas (Luke 1:5 KJV), both familiar with Mosaic Law, likely unfamiliar to Herod. Herod turned the matter over to Pilot, who knew Jesus was innocent, and knew the difference between a Shelanite impostor, and an Israelite Jew.

They were pretty excited to crucify Jesus.

The Edomites had no direct interest in being priests, Nazaroo. Messiah was prophesied to arrive via Judah, not Esau (Isaiah 65:9). I do appreciate your theory… do you have any scripture to affirm such? Or, are you rambling to vindicate your ‘Jewish’ Nazarene early church fathers?

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