Jesus SEPARATE from Jehovah; calls Jehovah "my God."

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New member
"The world" refers to mankind alienated from God. Not the planet. It is the same world that John talks about in his letter: "Do not be loving the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (IJohn 2:15, NASB)

That is the "world" that you quoted about.

The term "world" is a reference to the societal system created before humans. We are called to come out of that system as a called out assembly.

The beast political system will be replaced by Christ's government. We don't love the beast system but we love the people. The people belong to Jesus Christ, he bought them and expects us to care for them just as he does and the Father who sent him.


New member
I think you misunderstand KR's point....She's talking about the original destiny of Mankind EG Adam prior to him sinning.

When the first human was created, it had already been proven that godlike character cannot be created, it must be developed and tried and tested over time.

Humans were designed to sin, it's human nature.


Active member
When the first human was created, it had already been proven that godlike character cannot be created, it must be developed and tried and tested over time.

Humans were designed to sin, it's human nature.

The fact you believe this and you claim to identify as a Christian is mind blowing.........


New member
The fact you believe this and you claim to identify as a Christian is mind blowing.........
It doesn't have to be. Why do you believe the carnal mind was created to require God's Spirit?

Romans 8:7-8 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.


When the first human was created, it had already been proven that godlike character cannot be created, it must be developed and tried and tested over time.

Humans were designed to sin, it's human nature.


Lazy afternoon

Well, God knew how he had made man- weak.

The fact that Christ was to be slain at some time future, and that the temptation to sin was all set up by God, shows that the engagement of mans own will is necessary for man to be saved.

and to be in a state of bliss without such engagement would mean that man could never be made fully in Gods image.

It was not completed back there, but speaks of the end result in the future but only beginning for us in this life.



Active member
what's Arian?

He was an Egyptian philospher who opposed the Trinity.

He held the Son to be really a son, who therefore had a beginning. Arius believed the Holy Spirit was a person, but not of the same substance as the Father or the Son and in fact inferior to both. He did speak of a “Triad,” or “Trinity,” but considered it to be composed of unequal persons, of whom only the Father was uncreated.

Arianism is derived from Arians teachings.


Eclectic Theosophist
Arian Catholic Christianity......

Arian Catholic Christianity......

what's Arian?

As SOC shared,....the 'Arian Controversy' in the 4th century is essential learning if you want to understand the Christological debates that became 'pivotal' and 'decisive' during those times, which in the 'Arian' case was mostly centered on whether Jesus existed eternally with God, whether Jesus did in fact have a 'beginning', in other words....the big question was "Was there a time when Jesus did not exist?", "Was there a time when Jesus was not?". - from this question, then followed other debates down the years over whether Jesus was human or divine, or some 'mixture' thereof. - from this question of Jesus 'nature', there are different points of view as well,....many which were deemed 'heretical' by the more powerful ruling church-state government, who then deemed their own 'doctrine' and 'explanation' as being the only true one! putting the seal of 'orthodoxy' on it. From the Roman-Catholic position, you have the orthodox definition of 'The Trinity' as defined in the Athanasian Creed named after Arius opponent Athanasius.

Besides 'googling' your questions for your own research (nothing like self-empowerment thru knowledge), a wonderful modern day Arian resource for you is The Arian Catholic Church - they put forth excellent articles on the history of it all, explaining their own theology as having its roots in Arius teaching, but with some modern day innovations. In any case, its a good view of a modern day Arian Catholic tradition still held, of the more progressive rational vein, since they include both 'reason' and modern science into their theology.

Here is the Arian Creed of this particular movement -

The Arian Catholic Creed


Creator of Heaven and earth,
And of all things visible and invisible.
And in his Spiritual Son, Yeshua Christ,
Whom was born of Mary and Joseph,
Was not consubstantial nor co-eternal with God the Father almighty,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, died, and was buried.
On the third day His Spirit was resurrected.
He ascended into Heaven,
And sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty.
Whence he shall come again to judge the living and the dead,
Of whose Kingdom there shall be no end.

And I believe in the Holy Spirit,
The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church,
The communion of saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the Spirit,
And life everlasting.

I had 2 former charter threads on 'Arian' and 'Unitarian' Christianity so this is old territory :poly: Even though the centuries long debate over Christology seems 'old and tiring', (can I get a witness? lol) still mangages to keep the fires stoked :) - As I've shared, my Christology is very 'eclectic', 'liberal' and mainly 'spiritualist' in nature, which holds that what is most important is are the eternal universal truth that Jesus the Christ REVEALS to man, and how this incorporates into man's own soul-progress and spirit-transformation. This is what is 'essential' no matter what kind of mythology or metaphysics we use in understanding or explaining the image of God in man which is 'Christ in us, the hope of glory', - understood spiritually speaking.

Paul's Christology is essentially spiritual in nature, no matter all the debates going on over the exact nature of the resurrection body, in its various confusion of material or spiritual substance. What is most important is that the 'resurrection' takes place in the soul and spirit of man, and the image/likeness and very LIFE of God is renewed/regenerated in the soul-body of man, this is what is essential, for the Spirit Alone is LIFE. - all else as wonderful as it is in articulating various points of 'Christology', is good and well, but are more or less but descriptive and speculative points on particular details. There is the 'heart & soul' or 'substance' of the matter, then there is the secondary 'cosmetics' :)


New member
Do you believe like JWs do that Jesus Christ did not resurrect from the grave?

JWs do not believe that Jesus "did not resurrect from the grave." Hello! He certainly DID resurrect from the grave. Don't you think that a spirit body is REAL? GOD HIMSELF IS A SPIRIT. (John 4:24) Why do you object to the fact that Jesus rose as a spirit person? (I Corinthians 15:45; I Peter 3:18,19)

Stop spreading lies that JWs don't think Jesus rose from the grave.



New member
That's deceitful. Watchtower Society doctrine is that Jesus died for the sins of Adam.

So now you are telling me what I believe, or what I am supposed to believe according to the Watchtower? What arrogance! I said that Jesus died for my sins. Then you call me deceitful?

Beameup, why haven't you dispensed with the put-downs long enough to answer questions that I have asked you? I have noticed that you have not answered any of my questions. You insist on ignoring the obvious truth, as I and others like SonofCaleb and Meshak have posted on these threads.

BTW, the Watchtower Society does teach that Jesus died because of the sins of Adam, and that is scripturally sound. That is why Jesus is called "the last Adam." (I Corinthians 15:45) It is because of Adam's disobedience that we all inherited sin and death. That's clearly stated in the scriptures. (Romans 5: 15,18,19) Because Adam's offspring can't help sinning (different from deliberate sinning), Jesus died for each of our sins....mine included. Can you possibly understand that?

:wave: hello! are you awake?


Well-known member
JWs do not believe that Jesus "did not resurrect from the grave." Hello! He certainly DID resurrect from the grave. Don't you think that a spirit body is REAL? GOD HIMSELF IS A SPIRIT. (John 4:24) Why do you object to the fact that Jesus rose as a spirit person? (I Corinthians 15:45; I Peter 3:18,19)

Stop spreading lies that JWs don't think Jesus rose from the grave.


You don't know what 'resurrection/anastasis/anastasia' means. proved my point, JWs don't believe in Christ's resurrection.

The Lord Jesus resurrected(anastasia- to stand up) bodily/physically from the grave on the third day and ascended bodily/physically into heaven forty days later. He will return bodily/physically to rule this earth from David's throne/Jerusalem.
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New member
What do JW's say about the 144,000 is the babies Herod killed.? False doctrine equals church built on weak soil. Come out of her. Come out of the church state system in your mind and heart and ask for wisdom. The beast protects the beast for the beast. Freedom of religion is actually a disguised protection of the image of the beast by the beast for Satan. I was a Lutheran before I left the church. I couldn't see anything. Jesus is king. Read the Bible.

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What do JW's say about the 144,000 is the babies Herod killed.? False doctrine equals church built on weak soil. Come out of her. Come out of the church state system in your mind and heart and ask for wisdom. The beast protects the beast for the beast. Freedom of religion is actually a disguised protection of the image of the beast by the beast for Satan. I was a Lutheran before I left the church. I couldn't see anything. Jesus is king. Read the Bible.

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who or what is the Babylon to you?


New member
Mystery Babylon or just Babylon. Mystery Babylon is the world wide church state system. What is it to you?

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