Jesus said... "Beware of Men"


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I believe that this is a Forum.

If you have a rebuttal you should post it. Please be my teacher.

You can do better by choosing one who is not so old in this life.

Here is a bit.
God is one. Jesus is God. God lives to His own glory. Jesus came to us in perfection, 100% God, and yet, 100% man. How? He is God who can do all things. God has a divine plan, it was always His plan, we are part of His plan, which is for us, salvation though Jesus, the Christ, who is Son of God and God.

Jesus is God, He has a divine plan. God does not live for us, we live for Him. Jesus loves us, saved us, yet He never began an existence, and did not live for us; He lived as 100% human for the glory of God.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You can do better by choosing one who is not so old in this life.

Here is a bit.
God is one. Jesus is God. God lives to His own glory. Jesus came to us in perfection, 100% God, and yet, 100% man. How? He is God who can do all things. God has a divine plan, it was always His plan, we are part of His plan, which is for us, salvation though Jesus, the Christ, who is Son of God and God.

Jesus is God, He has a divine plan. God does not live for us, we live for Him. Jesus loves us, saved us, yet He never began an existence, and did not live for us; He lived as 100% human for the glory of God.

Of course he lived for us. In our name and on our behalf he offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience to his Holy law, Romans 5:19.

Of course he died for us, 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Jesus was God's new Adam and our new humanity, 2 Corinthians 5:17.

When Jesus lived, we lived in him, Romans 6:3.

When Jesus died, we died with him, Romans 6:6

When Jesus arose, we arose with him, Romans 6:11.

We are now "In Christ" in heaven, Colossians 3:3.

And you didn't know these things?

john w

New member
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Of course he lived for us. In our name and on our behalf he offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience to his Holy law, Romans 5:19.

You misinterpreted, as usual, Romans 5:19 KJV. This "In our name and on our behalf he offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience," perverts the gospel of Christ, as that is "vicarious law keeping," the same perversion of the good news that Calvinist Nang, tried to get by me/others on TOL. The sole reason for his "life of perfect obedience" was to be qualified as the satisfactory sacrifice(propitiation), the "lamb without blemish," not for the purpose of "crediting" His perfect adherence/obedience to God's holy law to "our account,"i.e., "on our behalf.

This "obedience of one" cited in Romans 5:19 KJV, was not His life of obedience, but the one act, of going to Calvary, and laying down His life in our behalf, being the satisfactory sacrifice, proven by the words of others, observing Him for 3 years, (just as the lamb was),and His perfect obedience, testifying that He was without sin/blemish.

19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

"by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners"=Adam's one act contrasted with....

"by the obedience of one"-the Lord Jesus Christ's one act

Of course, Pate will come back with a "I can't be wrong" "post," as he is never wrong.

My brilliance often even stuns me, at times.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Of course he lived for us. In our name and on our behalf he offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience to his Holy law, Romans 5:19.

Of course he died for us, 2 Corinthians 5:21.
You do not want to lean. Live with your insecurities. :loser:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"Not only did Jesus abolish the law, he also abolished sin, death and the devil."-Pate

The devil was abolished?

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