Unfortunately, the Greek NT seemed to adopt the convention of the Septuagint to translate YHWH as Kurios or Lord. So it essentially cannot be used to answer your question unless you accept the Peshitta Matthew which uses Marya for YHWH, and uses it of Jesus. Unfortunately, the Peshitta does not seem to use Marya consistently for YHWH in other books. So your question must be answered using the Hebrew OT. To answer your OP concisely, those verses cannot be used to answer your question.
I believe clearly Yeshua is YHWH. I base this on Gen 3:22, and several other verses in the OT.
I believe Deut 18:18-20 tells us that His servant will come in His name of YHWH. That can be read quite literally.
I believe another verse in Deut has been tampered with to make it appear that the YHWH spoken of is not one of the sons of the Most High. I base this on the Septuagint version.
There are other verses especially in Isaiah in which YHWH says things that at fist glance certainly don't seem like the Father - like you will see me whom you have pierced.
However, Yeshua also told us He did nothing of Himself but that He had seen the Father do, and was doing likewise, which I believe is part of His revelation of the Father.
The NT says Yeshua inherited a name greater than the angels - what name was that? I believe it was YHWH.
So, I believe the very nature of the name tells us that Jesus was indeed sent in the name of the Father - YHWH - which letter by letter means Behold the nail, behold the hand.
I believe the name YHWH means I am the breath/life/word. This is a name Yeshua had inherited probably when the Father told Him "thou art my Son, this day I have begotten thee."
I believe the Son is not El Elyon, the Most High Power, and does not share that title with Heavenly Father as yet, and thus says, the Father is greater than I. However, I disagree with Orthodoxy that El Shaddai is the Father. I believe Yeshua is telling us in John 8:58 that He is El Shaddai and is referring to Gen 17:1, and is the Power who weans us from the breast(Hebrew=shad; dai=enough). I believe Yeshua and the Father are one/echad LORD/YHWH, and as Gen 3:22 indicate are both YHWH Elohim or the I am of the life of your house of immovable forces.
Lastly, I believe others will inherit this name per Jeremiah:
Jeremiah 33:16-17 In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord/YHWH our righteousness.
when they shall be as David - as the angel of the Lord before them.
Thanks for asking