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Well-known member
Also EE, you seem to think that throwing a mountain of information at someone proves you are right. You are guilty of the very same thing you accuse me of doing, (supposedly saying something has been proven when nothing has been proven). And why is it that with every accusation you make you always ends up with three of your own fingers pointing right back at your own face? You do not understand anything that you quote from the scripture because you are just using scripture to reinforce yourself and your own delusions; and that is not love, neither love for your fellow mankind nor love for the Father and His Word. Your very doctrine reveals that the one you love most is yourself. You have received a reprobate mystery just as it is written of Azazel and his cohorts. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Also EE...
...You have received a reprobate mystery just as it is written of Azazel and his cohorts.

1 Enoch 16:1-5
1. And as to the death of the giants, wheresoever their spirits depart from their bodies, let their flesh, that which is perishable, be without judgment. Thus shall they perish, until the day of the great consummation of the great world. A destruction shall take place of the Watchers and the impious.
2. And now to the Watchers, who have sent thee to pray for them, who in the beginning were in heaven,

3. Say, In heaven have you been; secret things, however, have not been manifested to you; yet have you known a reprobated mystery.
4. And this you have related to women in the hardness of your heart, and by that mystery have women and mankind multiplied evils upon the earth.

5. Say to them, Never therefore shall you obtain peace.



All of this has long been refuted: Christian Azazel Atonement Theory
And of course Isaiah 9:6 was refuted in several of your threads including one you quoted.

Daqqtic # (6) Claiming He has rebutted someone, while fully leaving all posted scripture towards him... un-refuted by anything other than tactic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or any combination of them... or all of them.

No sir... I refuted the living day lights out of you on the very thread that I got infracted for making because it was too long... too long with all of the scripture that refutes you and goes forward to show everything you have left unanswered.

Link and some scripture to come...
Azazel was the goat of two... on the day of atonement.... One was consecrated to YHWH and the other had the SINS of the Israelite's laid upon it, and it was driven out into the desert... OUTSIDE of the Camp of Israel.

Hebrews 13:13; 12:2; Luke 9:23; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18: 1 Peter 2:22-24: 1 John 3:5:

OHHH and... Galatians 3:13 parallel to Deuteronomy 21:23...

Uh Ohhhhhh.....


1 Corinthians 1:30; Isaiah 53:4-6; Romans 5:19: 2 Corinthians 5:17; Hebrews 4:15; Philippians 3:9;

Romans 10:3-4

3 for, since they are unaware of God's way(Editing in... John 14:6) of making people righteous and instead seek to set up their own, they have not submitted themselves to God's way of making people righteous.(Ephesians 2:8) 4 For the goal at which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts. (John 3:16f, 17f)

daqq said:
Quote Originally Posted by Daqq
where you posted a slew of references without any explanation and, instead of actually taking the time to discuss, explain, and hammer them out,

Ohhh.... You mean this from you... Where I responded with That? I would assume... Being a "Little Elohim" like yourself... who has the "Testimony of YESHUA"... That you wouldn't need much commentary and could follow the scripture as it links and flows. For... you even know that Joshua is the name of Jesus... (Yehoshua)... Zachariah 3 should have been a cinch for you.

I would be glad to discuss it with you... but that would take much time... I figured that I could save time, and you could use your "little elohimism" to figure it all out.

daqq said:
Quote Originally Posted by daqq View Post
What is this again with you warning me and quoting Jer 23:26?

I state that Jesus Bore the Sins of All humanity for "All Time" and never once has been with a single sin. I further state that Jesus is YHWH incarnate and again, the Spirit of Jesus is what we call "The Holy Spirit" (Romans 8:9)

Daqq has misrepresented me in one of his responses to me and he is butchering scripture at this juncture on a very deep matter...

Thus... I submit this OP as a counter OP. I did not want to do so, but I am certain it should be posted.

You are accidentally calling Satan our Sin Bearer. Hebrews 13:13 is clear who bore our "shame" outside the camp.

You are accidentally blaspheming the Holy Spirit of Christ and Associating Him with Satan by calling Him a "Desert Demon". The name Azazal carries significant reference to Mark 3:20-29 and it carries multiple meanings on multiple layers of Spiritual allegory.

Jesus (YHWH Incarnated) took the place of "Gentile, Demon, Ungodly, Adversarial, Heathen" peoples... cursed to Death's reign... and appeared before "YHWH Father" and "Adversary" as a shaggy goat man (Zechariah 3) (Genesis 27:9-10, 18-29) because of our collective sins that He bore. ... This is genuine Spiritual allegory bolstered by (John 5:39)

Zechariah 3 explains what happened and (1 Peter 3:18-22) bolsters this ... Romans 8:9 parallel to Luke 23:46
Brings this home....


Well-known member
I found Lon and Evil eye debating their religious historical facts , which is what you follow when you miss the point of Luke 17:20-21.


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... his cohort Legion 600.... have already desperately tried to slander me...
No. You received a warning for false accusation and mindless/brainless accusatory. You are the one who broke your word. Your flesh couldn't help itself and so you lied. Now you accuse me of being Legion? Look what is coming out of your mouth! Look! It's UGLY! NOT of Christ :nono:

They are not even actual Trinitarians but only masquerading as such so as not to become outcasts from the majority herd; which is "600 to 1" in the machinations of their imaginations.
Nope, and I can prove the point. You? Mindless accusatory. You are no guru. No scholar, and certainly bringing forth what comes from your heart. It cannot come from anywhere else. I have a lot of patience for Modalists. I have little for arians. John 5:23 I am triune. You haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about and I have had no desire to set you straight, keeping my end of the agreement to ignore you and anything you say, even second-hand.

They are Oneness-Modalists all dressed up in Trinitarian night gowns using good sounding smooth words such as "Tri-Uni", "Triunism", "Triunity", and blah, blah, blah, which really means they are nothing more than Oneness-Modalist adherents.
:nono: Nope. Guilty-by-association fallacy. I have more patience for Modalists

... They apparently cannot even be honest with real Trinitarians because they fear being exposed and becoming outcasts; just like the people here whom they themselves are always ridiculing and trying to cast out. They apparently love the praises of men more than the truth. :chuckle:
Er, no. You ineptly said YHWH equated ABBA. :nono: I corrected you. It was a rooking blunder you made. Trying to say that makes me modal? Yeah, that's rookie-duped too.

I've reported you for all this behavior. You cannot debate on TOL without getting ugly, breaking your word, and making false accusations.
Where 'can' it all come from 'but' your heart? You do this to EVERYBODY on TOL, no change. Guess what? Your heart, therefore. :noway:


Literal lunatic
You asked me to ignore you and said you'd do the same. Lie much? This is part of your ugly behavior on TOL and your two-faced inability to debate without resorting to absurd inane accusatory to me, E.E and others.
I can't even trust you to keep your word. You have no integrity. Out of the mouth, the heart speaks. You need to be gone from TOL with your ugly accusations and two-faced back-stabbing filth, wicked liar. You made a pact and you broke it.

Originally Posted by NWL
Fallacious argument, I thought you were smarter than this Lon. You really must think low of your beliefs to appeal to the majority as a debate/discussion tactic for evidence for what you believe.I wonder what the odds were towards the Jews in regards to Jesus teachings, far over 600 to 1 I would think.

Originally Posted by daqq

There is mention of six hundred men concerning the Philistines, the six hundred armed men of the tribe of Dan when they went and took Laish, (which later became Paneas, (of the false god Pan), and then even later became Caesarea Philippi), and likewise both Saul and David had cohorts of six hundred men. Perhaps it just depends on who is doing the big talking as to whether or not he merely speaks of nothing more than the first cohort of Legion, (<---- Hmmm, did I say that right?).

Dudn't look like he was addressing you.

Just sayin'.
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Also EE, you seem to think that throwing a mountain of information at someone proves you are right. You are guilty of the very same thing you accuse me of doing, (supposedly saying something has been proven when nothing has been proven). And why is it that with every accusation you make you always ends up with three of your own fingers pointing right back at your own face? You do not understand anything that you quote from the scripture because you are just using scripture to reinforce yourself and your own delusions; and that is not love, neither love for your fellow mankind nor love for the Father and His Word. Your very doctrine reveals that the one you love most is yourself. You have received a reprobate mystery just as it is written of Azazel and his cohorts. :chuckle:

1 Enoch 16:1-5
1. And as to the death of the giants, wheresoever their spirits depart from their bodies, let their flesh, that which is perishable, be without judgment. Thus shall they perish, until the day of the great consummation of the great world. A destruction shall take place of the Watchers and the impious.
2. And now to the Watchers, who have sent thee to pray for them, who in the beginning were in heaven,

3. Say, In heaven have you been; secret things, however, have not been manifested to you; yet have you known a reprobated mystery.
4. And this you have related to women in the hardness of your heart, and by that mystery have women and mankind multiplied evils upon the earth.

5. Say to them, Never therefore shall you obtain peace.


Look mom... this guy is quoting heretical material that was deemed non-canonical to make his magnum opus of a statement... is this what irony is?

"Mommy to little Timmy"... "yes son... this is an excellent example of irony".


Dudn't look like he was addressing you.

Just sayin'.

[MENTION=15579]1Mind1Spirit[/MENTION] ... Daqq was plainly addressing [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] 's exact verbiage in a way that was in second hand response to Lon.

Daqq is dishonest in many ways, but buries it in obfuscated verbiage... I see Lon as in the clear to identify this matter.

I also understand your softspot for Daqq... which is fine... but Daqq is jumping on the bashing of the Divinity of Christ bandwagon... as usual and He is officially in over his head... He just got called on it.

You do not employ false tactics to make your points and you listen as well as speak... this is not applicable to Daqq.


Mean, old [MENTION=18375]Evil.Eye.<(I)>[/MENTION]
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Dudn't look like he was addressing you.

Just sayin'.
It is part of our ignore pact not to talk to each other or about each other. That "Legion" there is him calling me no few demons. He received a warning for this and cannot help but resort to his grave-yard mouth.

As far as patience. You are close to the Unit-arian position, but I have a lot more patience with you because you seek matters out in scripture and never get into lamely calling people demons or anti-Christ. You shouldn't be coming to Daqq's wickedness defense. He is guilty and needs a time out for abusing members of TOL repeatedly with this indiscriminating accusation of all being demons or anti-Christ. He doesn't need to be on TOL if he cannot understand a warning means "don't do it, here."


Literal lunatic
Evil.Eye.<(I)>;5032104I also understand your softspot for Daqq... which is fine... but Daqq is jumping on the bashing of the Divinity of Christ bandwagon... as usual and He is officially in over his head... He just got called on it. [/QUOTE said:
Can't say I've seen him bash the divinity of Christ.

You do not employ false tactics to make your points and you listen as well as speak... this is not applicable to Daqq.


Mean, old [MENTION=18375]Evil.Eye.<(I)>[/MENTION]

I honestly disregard the Holy Spirit and plow right on ahead sometimes.


Can't say I've seen him bash the divinity of Christ.

No worries... this is one of many places... and I'll provide the link where Daqq verifies that the quote is from him. Link to Daqq owning the quoted words that I tried to quote "ambiguously"... out of hopes he would see how bad they were..

Daqq said:
That is both too sad and too hilarious; you are exhorting others to be united with you against Ruach Elohim, against Ruach Meshiah, against Ruach Melki Tzedek, and against his Father and our Father, and it is all so that you can have your flesh "God-Man" born of a woman. :chuckle:

Your other point...

I honestly disregard the Holy Spirit and plow right on ahead sometimes.

We all do 1Mind1Spirit... That's why we have this verse...

2 Timothy 2:13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.​

Your honesty is the definitive difference... you genuinely manifest humility that is only born of the Holy Spirit. And thus... I maintain my stance.


Eclectic Theosophist
God Our Spirit-Father,......Alone INFINITE..........

God Our Spirit-Father,......Alone INFINITE..........

"You're" and :nono: Pure assertion from 'your' opinion. 600 of us disagree with each of you. You are the loner in the high school.

Consensus within a particular tradition or 'Christological' view doesnt necessarily equate 'truth', but only that you all agree upon the same or similar 'trinitarian' concept of a Godhead. You'd have to prove that the 'Trinity' is more than "just a concept", - see 'Git bit by the Trinity bug?' :)

Some may accept your 'concept' as explained in creedal fashion, or may not, and still be a true follower of Jesus and worshipper of the One True God. The FATHER is seeking such to worship him, in spirit and in reality. Jesus ever points us to the Greater One, the Infinite I AM, the First Source and Center of all, the God of all souls and flesh, the Father of all spirits.


Literal lunatic
We all do 1Mind1Spirit... That's why we have this verse...

2 Timothy 2:13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.​

Your honesty is the definitive difference... you genuinely manifest humility that is only born of the Holy Spirit. And thus... I maintain my stance.

So.... It's MY flesh God-man that causes me to err.

What's the big deal?


Well-known member
Consensus within a particular tradition or 'Christological' view doesnt necessarily equate 'truth', but only that you all agree upon the same or similar 'trinitarian' concept of a Godhead. You'd have to prove that the 'Trinity' is more than "just a concept", - see 'Git bit by the Trinity bug?' :)

Some may accept your 'concept' as explained in creedal fashion, or may not, and still be a true follower of Jesus and worshipper of the One True God. The FATHER is seeking such to worship him, in spirit and in reality. Jesus ever points us to the Greater One, the Infinite I AM, the First Source and Center of all, the God of all souls and flesh, the Father of all spirits.
You never watched Millionaire? The audience is almost always right. By the numbers, more often right exponentially than not.


Well-known member
Look mom... this guy is quoting heretical material that was deemed non-canonical to make his magnum opus of a statement... is this what irony is?

"Mommy to little Timmy"... "yes son... this is an excellent example of irony".

I believe Jude over you:

Jude 1:4 ASV
4 For there are certain men crept in privily, even they who were of old written of beforehand unto this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Do you not see what that says? It literally says, "those of old time who were WRITTEN beforehand unto this condemnation, ("the men named", (i.e. in the Book of 1Enoch), as Moses writes in Gen 6:4, which is generally rendered as "men of renown"). But you apparently do not understand that the things you read in holy spiritual writings concern supernal, supernatural, and spiritual things. These anthropon-men who "creep in unawares", (as the KJV puts it), are not anthropon-men like physical human beings which you can see with your carnal eyes of the flesh, O flesh man, no, but they are anthropon-manfaced countenances like the fierce countenance, that is `Az-paniym, (Deut 28:50, Dan 8:23, and fierce is `Az, O king, as in `Azazel). Those are the same who "creep in unawares" while you are feasting in the Word:

Jude 1:12-15 ASV
12 These are they who are hidden rocks in your love-feasts when they feast with you, shepherds that without fear feed themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
13 wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the blackness of darkness hath been reserved for ever.
14 And to these also Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy ones,
15 to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness which they have ungodly wrought, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

The Master himself warns you to "Beware of the anthropon-manfaced, (Mat 10:17), for they will deliver you up to the sanhedrins, and in their synagogues they will flog you; and they shall drag you before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them and to the heathen." And Paul likewise warns you concerning the same anthropon-manfaced who creep in unawares. And again, "the Elder" warns you to test or try the spirits, to see whether they be from Elohim, for that is what these concern: unclean doctrines of the spirit of the world, the spirit of carnal man, and again, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of the Sadducees, and of the leaven of Herod, (which concerns doctrines of men and three different typologies with specific categories of meaning), "For the kingdom of the heavens is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole (lump) was leavened."

Poor blind Pharisee, again, since you claim that the Anointed One is God Almighty in the flesh; why therefore do you neither understand nor believe his own words or the words of his apostles and disciples?


Well-known member
So.... It's MY flesh...that causes me to err.

What's the big deal?
1) Because you don't call people demons and anti-Christ who disagree with you 2) You read and listen 3) You don't shove "Jesus is not God" down our throats thread after thread after thread. Daqq is contentious and so I put him on ignore. He cried and said I put him on ignore unfairly. I took him off, and all he could do was banter and abrasively argue (still does and knows no other way). Finally, he tried to make my disagreement with him, between God an I, and eventually lamely accused me of being anti-Christ, now demonic. Why? Because I'm not the only one he does it to. He cannot help himself. He has nothing to offer but poison from his heart. Why? I don't know, I don't have poison in my heart and you very well know, I ,may be strong, but I don't spit venom and poison. Look at my conversation with NWL. I simply said I wasn't talking to him in a post, and that I'd pray for him. Like you, I'm not always excellent, but I am for the high road most days. In Him -Lon
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