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"The*Khaburis Codex*(alternate spelling*Khaboris,*Khabouris) is a medieval era*Aramaic*manuscript*of the*New Testament. The Khaburis Codex is the complete*Peshitta*New Testament containing 22 books, in comparison to the Western*New Testament canon*which contains 27 books. The missing books are known as the "Western Five," namely,*2 Peter,*2 John,*3 John,*Jude*and*Revelation.

The "Notes" section from a 2007 London Sotheby's auction record state, "Correspondence from 1986 shows that the British Library experts had dated it paleographically to about the twelfth century, and this has now been confirmed by a research team assembled in America in 1995, as well as by carbon dating by the University of Arizona in 1999 (giving the date range 1000–1190 AD).""

Carbon dating places it's writing (or at least the paper's age) to the 12th century, Keypurr. Not just a claim that it's old, an actual date. It's not the original New Testament, which was, in fact, written in Greek. There's a reason why most scholars agree that it was written in Greek, Keypurr, it's because there's good evidence for it.

Other scholars disagree. I do not believe that the originals are available for us but these m/s are among the earliest.

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Other scholars disagree.

They can disagree all they want until the cows come home. There are manuscripts dating from c. 125 ( (which is in Greek, btw)) all the way up to the 15th century.

I do not believe that the originals are available for us but these m/s are among the earliest.

So you think that manuscripts from Medieval times are the earliest we have? You're sorely mistaken. See this link


New member

"The*Khaburis Codex*(alternate spelling*Khaboris,*Khabouris) is a medieval era*Aramaic*manuscript*of the*New Testament. The Khaburis Codex is the complete*Peshitta*New Testament containing 22 books, in comparison to the Western*New Testament canon*which contains 27 books. The missing books are known as the "Western Five," namely,*2 Peter,*2 John,*3 John,*Jude*and*Revelation.

The "Notes" section from a 2007 London Sotheby's auction record state, "Correspondence from 1986 shows that the British Library experts had dated it paleographically to about the twelfth century, and this has now been confirmed by a research team assembled in America in 1995, as well as by carbon dating by the University of Arizona in 1999 (giving the date range 1000–1190 AD).""

Carbon dating places it's writing (or at least the paper's age) to the 12th century, Keypurr. Not just a claim that it's old, an actual date. It's not the original New Testament, which was, in fact, written in Greek. There's a reason why most scholars agree that it was written in Greek, Keypurr, it's because there's good evidence for it.

The original text were written in different languages, but not all have survived the times.


Well-known member
They can disagree all they want until the cows come home. There are manuscripts dating from c. 125 ( (which is in Greek, btw)) all the way up to the 15th century.

So you think that manuscripts from Medieval times are the earliest we have? You're sorely mistaken. See this link

Greek was not known by most folks when the books were first penned. Most in the area spoke and wrote in Aramaic. The AENT has so much to offer on the subject that I have no problem in believing that the Gospels and Paul's writings were most likely an Aramaic.

I also think that the Eastern church scriptures suffered less pollution than the RCC controlled m/s. There are many unanswered questions friend. I will read the site you mention because I am seeking truth on the matter.

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Greek was not known by most folks when the books were first penned.

Did you somehow miss that the oldest manuscript we have of the New Testament (Papyrus 52, linked above) was written in Greek?

Most in the area spoke and wrote in Aramaic.

And yet most (if not all) of the New Testament was written as if no one knew the customs of the Jews. If the people whom the NT was addressed to were the Jews (and therefore the original text would be Aramaic), then there would be NO NEED WHATSOEVER for the authors to describe the customs of the Jews, because they were their customs to begin with, they would know them.

Not to mention the fact that a majority of the New Testament was written to Gentiles, which was the common language of that era, at the very least for scholarly writings.

The AENT has so much to offer on the subject that I have no problem in believing that the Gospels and Paul's writings were most likely an Aramaic.

Again, Paul was writing to people who most likely did NOT know Aramaic, but would have known Greek, as they were NOT Jews.

Also, again, the AENT was TRANSLATED FROM KOINE GREEK, so saying that Aramaic was the original language just because you use the AENT and find it has much to offer is a non-sequitur.

I also think that the Eastern church scriptures suffered less pollution than the RCC controlled m/s. There are many unanswered questions friend. I will read the site you mention because I am seeking truth on the matter.

Perhaps you should have done so before replying to me in the post I am replying to. You would have saved yourself some time.
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A manuscript of the four Gospels in Syriac, bearing the date A.D. 78, is mentioned by J. s. asseman, in his Bibliotheca.

Experts differ on this topic JR. Neither you nor I have the knowledge to make an educated guess at the answer. But from what I see so far the Eastern Church has the oldest of the Gospels.
And where are those manuscripts currently?


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And where are those manuscripts currently?

I would have to go back and look through about thirty or forty pages of notes to find that for you. I think they are in Babylon's Eastern Church.

Forty dollars will get you the AENT that has many pages of note that will make you wonder about this JR. My memory is failing, I must admit that, but what I can retain is enough to question the majority on this issue. After all, I question all the traditions of the churches themselves.

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The NT was written in Greek to update the scriptural teachings of the Septuagint.

In the first century Greek was like English is today, a very common language.


Eclectic Theosophist
I started the previous post with the same name to encourage people to explain how 2 particular verses could possibly be referring to just one individual. The scriptures are:

Psalm 110

Isaiah 61:1,2

No one has attempted to explain these verses yet. What is the problem? I would like the people who believe that Jesus is YHWH to share their thoughts as to why these verses do NOT refer to two different Persons.

You forgot Trinitarians have 3 personalities to juggle around as 'God', so its a very versatile enterprise :)


Well-known member
I started the previous post with the same name to encourage people to explain how 2 particular verses could possibly be referring to just one individual. The scriptures are:

Psalm 110

Isaiah 61:1,2

No one has attempted to explain these verses yet. What is the problem? I would like the people who believe that Jesus is YHWH to share their thoughts as to why these verses do NOT refer to two different Persons.

You're having the same problem the Jews had...not recognizing there were two as a suffering servant and one as a conquering King.

Just two comings not two individuals.


Again, it is very simple: you can claim whatever you want about believing "in" this or that about the Master, (including your claim that you believe he was resurrected)
Daqq, I don't share your view that His Resurrection from the dead on the third day, is like any other doctrines that can be called "this or that." I do follow Paul's plain explanation (to me), that believing in His Resurrection constitutes the entirety of Christian faith. Every other truth of the faith is anchored in, and finds its foundation upon, this fact of history.
, but if you do not believe his Testimony then I do not believe your claims are anything more than lip service.
Fine, but I do believe His testimony, every word of it, and I do so through the infallible lens that He gives us, His ordained teachers, the college of bishops of His Church, all those bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the supreme pastor of the whole Church.
The demons also believe, (and shudder)
Because they shalt not be saved. Romans 10:9 (KJV)
, but there is no reason for me to even quote the reference for that passage because you apparently do not accept anything not authorized by the Catholic church; either that or you are hiding behind the church and using that as an excuse for rejecting the Testimony of Messiah.
I'm not rejecting His testimony.
The passages I quoted say pretty much the same in most all English translations: they do not need a "Catholic church stamp of approval" for you to be able to read what they say for yourself.
I can and do read what everything says, but I am not authorized to interpret Scripture independently of what the Lord's own chosen teaching office teaches, and I don't.

There is a wall that the Lord constructed, saying, "Upon this Rock I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." If the Trinity is false, then He lied, because if the Trinity is false, then the gates did prevail against the Church, and in spectacularly fast fashion; the Church was virtually stillborn, that's how long it didn't take, for His promise to be broken, if the Trinity is false.

Perhaps any other particular error may be endured, but not this kind of blasphemy---and it is high blasphemy if the Trinity is false. This is death, and Christ said that the Church He would build upon Peter would not die, but if the Trinity is false, then He lied, and the Church has been long dead by now.

I don't accept that position, which is why I don't accept that the Trinity is false.


Eclectic Theosophist
If you would consider 'divine nature'......try again.....

If you would consider 'divine nature'......try again.....

That's a silly thing to say....clearly you don't know the nature of God. :chuckle:

The 'nature' of 'God' is Spirit, Love, Light, Energy, Essence, Pure Consciousness, etc. God is 'Infinite Intelligence',.....and still 'God' is more, being the omnipresent absolute reality. If you like dive into the 'divine nature' itself, it is something prior to religious concepts (which includes a 'trinity) and transcends any mind-construct, is prior to 'relativity'. So, as to 'nature', I see that as the pure essence, spirit, energy-consciousness at the heart of my own 'being' which cannot be separate from the One Original Reality, the Infinite I AM. (my true essence is not separate from that, neither could it be, since 'God' is ONE). God is One. God is all. Nothing can exist separate from or outside of the Infinite.

Obvioulsy my response to KR previously was a 'play' on the versatility of personalities within the 'Trinity - concept'. The whole belief in Jesus being YHWH is a later doctrinal development, as the orthodox concept of a Trinity was being formalized a few centuries after Jesus and his original apostles had passed away, but was rather different since they were true monotheists Unitarians, recognizing that only YHWH was the Most High and ONLY God, the Elohim of Abrahman, Isaac and Jacob, and that any true 'Messiah' would be a man after the lineage of David, a man anointed and empowered by YHWH.

One cannot bypass the clear Messianic passages in the OT as showing that the Messiah is always a man anointed and appointed by YHWH, the invisible Infinite Spirit Deity, who Alone is MOST HIGH, while Psalm 110 is a clear example of such, David recognizing that one coming from his own line would be his "lord" anointed by The LORD GOD (YHWH), being the Messiah.

Apart from a traditional-orthodox Jewish and Unitarian Christian perspective, all Trinitarians can do is assume that all these distinguishing passages are dealing with Jesus human personality, his human nature, so they have a more 'versatile' canvas to work with, since they believe Jesus is both wholly man and 'God' at the same time, so they can conveniently contextualize anything pertaining to Jesus to his 'human' or 'divine' nature. This allows any reference of Jesus having his own 'God' and 'Father' as meaning this is speaking of the human part of Jesus having a 'God' and 'Father'. So this aspect of Jesus that is NOT 'God', would naturally be said to have such.

I've said previously this gives them an advantage of sorts with 'theological diversity'. The "juggling" of the persons was a humorous jab at this, since in this 'company' the Holy Spirit also gets to be specially endowed as being 'his own person' :) So you see,...the versatilities here you get to play with can be a bit more liberal than a more simple biblical Unitarian Christology.

My former critique on the Trinity being merely a theological concept still holds as one perspective here, since 'God' in pure Spirit, incorporeal, invisible, INFINITE. While your comment with the smiley emoticon may have also been a bit of a humourous jab,...there is certainly a deeper meaning and import in our consideration here, to reconsider the ACTUAL NATURE of Deity itself, as pure incorporeal Spirit, being truly ONE (echad). On this more pure metaphysical plane, I see only the One Absolute Reality that is Love, Light, Truth, Being, Consciousness, Spirit...being All that IS. - all else is but conceptual language symbols used to relate difference, distinction, names, forms, appearances and what have you. All that there is however is 'pure awareness' playing and relating with all these forms in space. That is all that is going on really.


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That's a silly thing to say....clearly you don't know the nature of God. :chuckle:

Then explain those two scriptures. I have asked you in the past to explain even one. I'm still waiting. To speak of two comings is very vague. The issue is whether or not there are TWO PERSONS being depicted in the scriptures, one talking to the other, one anointing the other, etc.


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Does the fact that there's a big hairy belly settin' there, in any way have any bearing upon the truth or falsity of what is said?



No of course not. I just have to laugh every time I see it. Not in derision....but in harmony, I imagine, with your sense of humor. It's hysterical.:rotfl:
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