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Well-known member
Yes, of course, the sky can only be green, blue, and white, because you say so.
Anything else is "koo koo" . . . (Cultus Maximus) . . . :chuckle:
I don't know if I've told you this already, but I remember watering the garden, and the sun came out and a rainbow appeared in the water spray, and I remember thinking that it was the image of when a rainbow that appears above in the sky. And I thought it was like the revelation of God. Wherever his word (the water}, and the light of God through the Spirit (the sun) come together, then the beauty appears like the rainbow(the revelation) and the image here on earth is the same as it is in heaven. And I only saw it because I was watering the earth. And I thought this is like speaking the things of God and God giving us revelation when we need it.

I have yet to read your post that you tagged me in, (I think it was yesterday) I'll have a good look when my house is quiet and I can concentrate. Thanks :)


Well-known member
I don't know if I've told you this already, but I remember watering the garden, and the sun came out and a rainbow appeared in the water spray, and I remember thinking that it was the image of when a rainbow that appears above in the sky. And I thought it was like the revelation of God. Wherever his word (the water}, and the light of God through the Spirit (the sun) come together, then the beauty appears like the rainbow(the revelation) and the image here on earth is the same as it is in heaven. And I only saw it because I was watering the earth. And I thought this is like speaking the things of God and God giving us revelation when we need it.

I have yet to read your post that you tagged me in, (I think it was yesterday) I'll have a good look when my house is quiet and I can concentrate. Thanks :)

Thanks for sharing that, and yes, revelation(s) from the heavens; and don't forget that the rainbow is the sign of the covenant with Noah and all flesh. In Rev 10:1 the mighty Angel wears the sign of the Noachic covenant on his head, that is, the rainbow. See also the seven Spirits before the throne which are the seven "eyes" of YHWH sent forth into all His Land, Rev 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, 5:6, Zec 3:9, 4:10, Deut 11:12, (Gen 6:8, "Noah found grace in the eyes of YHWH", which seven eyes are the seven Spirits which are the seven Angels).

Isaiah 11:1-2
1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Yishay, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
2 And the Spirit of YHWH shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom
[1] and understanding, [2] the Spirit of counsel [3] and might, [4] the Spirit of knowledge [5] and of the reverential-fear of YHWH: [6]

This one, (number seven), is missing from the above Isaiah passage:

Hebrews 10:29
29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

No doubt number seven is represented by the color red. :)
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Eclectic Theosophist
Rainbow warriors arise.......

Rainbow warriors arise.......

The One Pure White Light:


Disperses into the color spectrum of the Rainbow.
But the White Light must enter and pass through a prism-temple. :)

Exactly :thumb:

And we do note that the pure white light when travelling thru the prism (3 sides (a trinity), while having a base-side too, as in 4 sides (tetragrammaton) is the translation-medium THRU which the 7 rays of the rainbow are expressed in the visual we do see a numerical pattern of ....1, 3, 7. In the relative-measure of creation, all comes from the "1" and is but a multiple of "1",...but even further back to creative source....all springs from "0" (no-thing) :) (from no-thing, arises every-thing)


New member
Responding to post #211: Lon my boy, you have the audacity to accuse me of soap boxing and using the threads to advance my religion? LOL! As if that isn't what every last post-writer here aims to do! Including you.

And if you can read Greek, you have an insufficient understanding of the rules for translating Greek into English! I'm not one iota impressed with your "understanding" of Greek. There are thousands of Greek-speakers that are JWs, and they would disagree with your understanding.


Guess what, Lon.....saying "Oh my God" is not taking Jehovah's name in vain! "God" is not his name. His name is "Jehovah." There is nothing blasphemous about saying "God," even in an expression like what Thomas used.

You try to make yourself look all super intelligent, when you are one of the most dangerous persons that exist. You can get people to think you know what you're talking about because you are so pompous, but those people who believe you are following you into a ditch. (Matthew 15:14) May Jehovah have mercy on you.
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New member
Daqq. Stop talking to me or indirectly about me. If EW hadn't posted, I'd not have known. You are not allowed to talk to me OR about me. That was our agreement and you are breaking that covenant. Your peanut gallery comments are unnecessary and frivolous, meaningless. Your evil pronouncements upon me last month are undone by this ill-behavior. You can't even keep your word.

This is cowardly, backstabbing, and gossip and you are remiss in your walk and word, for doing it.

You condemn Daqq for back-stabbing, cowardly gossip??? LOL!!! Have you looked at your own posts, or do you just type them without giving them any thought? Dear God.


Well-known member
Responding too post #211: Lon my boy
"to" :plain:
you have the audacity to accuse me of soap boxing and using the threads to advance my religion?
Yep, you aren't here to listen. What is left? I know you JW's hate 'pagan' holidays, but call your mother and tell her you love her anyway.

LOL! As if that isn't what every last post-writer here aims to do! Including you.
:nono: RATHER I am interested in giving tools to those who are in Christ and showing them what is wrong with your doctrine.
You aren't in my league and I generally have all anti-Trinitarians on ignore. Most of you are one-trick ponies with no theological depth for anything else God is concerned about. You guys are too busy promoting WatchTower snippets to actually be reading your bibles every day. Me? I am promoting what I'm reading from my bible every day. That's the difference.

And if you can read Greek, you have an insufficient understanding of the rules for translating Greek into English! I'm not one iota impressed with your "understanding" of Greek. There are thousands of Greek-speakers that are JWs, and they would disagree with your understanding.

Funny you "couldn't" do as I requested. Your disdain is a puff of hot air and sadly lacking language skills. You are nowhere near as able to even produce proper English, let alone anything else. Just remember, you 'tried' to draw blood first with this ad hominem. I could care less what a third-grader thinks. Every JW commentary, frankly, is a joke of excusing behaviors and relying on people who comment 'about' Greek, than being able to read it themselves. Let me offer you a moment of honest introspection: Find ANY JW who can read from a Greek passage of your choosing and tell you what it means. Try!

Guess what, Lon.....saying "Oh my God" is not taking Jehovah's name in vain! "God" is not his name. His name is "Jehovah." There is nothing blasphemous about saying "God," even in an expression like what Thomas used.
Yes. It is. I'm going to say a word. It often is used as a personal slam. This is not the case: You are an ignoramus. It means you haven't the first clue what blasphemy is. Perhaps, after today, you'll know. Pay attention, please.
blas•phe•my (blăsˈfə-mē)

n. A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity.
Profane, means to use something holy, as 'common.' Because the word "God" represents One Who is Holy, using it for ANYTHING, other than sanctity, is profane.
n. The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God.
While it is true the Lord Jesus Christ said "you are gods," it is wrong to claim any of God's uncommunicable attributes. Not just 'wrong' but blasphemous. We are only 'gods' in any sense that we are 'created' in His image. Because we are already called "man" which means a creation of God in His image, saying we are gods or Elohim etc. is blasphemy. The Lord Jesus Christ can say you are 'godly' but in no sense are we of the divine past being creations in His image.
n. An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.
Again, simply saying "Oh My G--" is and always has been called blasphemy and using His name profanely (commonly, less than holy).
I mean by 'ignoramus" that you don't know what you are talking about AND don't know you don't know. Perhaps now, you are an ignoramus no longer. This is my hope.
You try to make yourself look all super intelligent
Forgive my boast, but I am intellectually superior. I know exactly what your prowess is. I'm not trying to be mean, nor trying to practice false humility.

when you are one of the most dangerous persons that exist.
A knowledgeable person who studies to show himself an approved workman? 2 Timothy 2:15 Colossians 4:6
You can get people to think you know what you're talking about because you are so pompous
:nono: I'm neither pompous nor falsely humble. I can do what I claim and nothing more, and nothing less.

but those people who believe you are following you into a ditch. (Matthew 15:14) May Jehovah have mercy on you.
Sadly, every cult has a standby verse, pulled out of context, and then wickedly tossed (in desperation and because they are beaten, frankly) at the feet of their 600 opponents (1 to 600 of them). You, I, we know they are at the end because they have nothing left and cannot muster anything, having not been studied approved workman. 2 Timothy 2:15 The shame is that you didn't study and are reliant upon others who didn't study either, in the JW Hall. They were ruined and so pronounced a curse in lazy admonition as you saw them too, pronounce a lazy know-nothing contemptuous accusation themselves. And so, it propagates from lazy unapproved cultists who lack sufficient study, to lazy unapproved cultist, lazy, lacking sufficient study. Start with 15 minutes, at least, every day, reading your bible and praying, asking God for wisdom. Leave the WT studies for another time.

I don't want you to join "my" Kingdom Hall or church. I simply want you to read and understand scriptures. We have two separate reasons for posting on TOL. I simply want you to know what it actually says. -Lon


Well-known member
How many times must I ask you to leave me alone?
I never said anything to you and was already posting in this thread.
And I certainly have no "covenant" with death.
"death...blah blah blah..."

The thread in question was another's response to me and you knew it and took delight in your heathen flesh to take the opportunity to backstab.

I typed your name into my ignore list. If EW hadn't posted, I'd have assumed you were keeping your end of our agreement to leave one another alone. You are remiss. You leave me alone first!. I didn't respond to your wicked garbage. I am telling you to leave me out of your backstabbing cowardice when I have you on ignore. Taking cheapshots while I am not looking is your style, not mine. I have NEVER addressed even another person talking to you let alone commented about you to them in thread behind your back. You are cowardly, found lying, and disgusting for doing it.
To everyone else:

This is speaking of the ideology behind the various (Trinitarian) CREEDAL systems:

It really has nothing to do with any one single person unless of course he or she considers themselves to be "upper echelon".
Incorrect. You COULDN'T help but see my name when reading and couldn't keep a covenant to stay out of it where we two are concerned.

You are remiss. We both AGREED to leave each other alone. While you might think backstabbing where I cannot see it is leaving me alone, it is not and you look cowardly and backstabbing for doing so.

And stop reporting stupid stuff that doesn't break TOL rules. You and I made an agreement. Your breaking it has nothing to do with it unless such becomes stalking. We are far from that so you broke a TOL rule to not report posts that don't break TOL rules, as well. Mods have enough on their plate without you being ridiculous and frivolous. Keep your end of the bargain. It has nothing to do with TOL rules. -Lon
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Well-known member
You condemn Daqq for back-stabbing, cowardly gossip??? LOL!!! Have you looked at your own posts, or do you just type them without giving them any thought? [deleted blasphemy].

:doh: You have no idea what the context is. Sadly, he is dragging junk through the thread he promised to leave alone. None of your business whether he tried to make it your business or not. Pay attention to your own house.


Eclectic Theosophist
The Infinite ALL that is ONE........

The Infinite ALL that is ONE........

I believe Him. Still Triune. -Lon

Make that UNE :) -

'echad' ;)

The infinite Monad :)

from whence all multiples are derived and all creation springs.........

The manifold ONE :thumb:


Well-known member
You condemn Daqq for back-stabbing, cowardly gossip??? LOL!!! Have you looked at your own posts, or do you just type them without giving them any thought? Dear God.

And now he says that I promised to leave this thread alone when I never did any such thing. He seems to think that here, in an open forum such as this is, I am not allowed to post in any thread where he posts just because he happens to be there. He has a god complex as most people can plainly see. You are best just to ignore him because typically his only real purpose for posting in threads such as this is to get them shut down. That is the most likely underlying reason why he is even here in this thread to begin with, and why he is now trying to goad me into another senseless argument with him, so that he can go cry to the mods in hopes of getting your thread closed. He is full of venom and hatred. He does not really want to discuss anything with you; he only wants to generate a reason to complain about your thread and either get it closed, get you banned, or both. That is probably also one of the reasons his posts are so full of arrogance; it is intentionally designed to be an affront to you, and everyone involved who does not agree with his opinionated opinions, so that you or someone else will say something he can report. If you want your threads to survive in this board do not even respond to him.


New member
Daqq. Stop talking to me or indirectly about me. If EW hadn't posted, I'd not have known. You are not allowed to talk to me OR about me. That was our agreement and you are breaking that covenant. Your peanut gallery comments are unnecessary and frivolous, meaningless. Your evil pronouncements upon me last month are undone by this ill-behavior. You can't even keep your word.

This is cowardly, backstabbing, and gossip and you are remiss in your walk and word, for doing it.

You have done the same to me on many occasions you hypocrite.


New member
Yes it's not having an education, it's having a soft heart, and loving God with our all and living by his will. And God will enlighten us in his time.

It was Christ Jesus who opened the understanding of the apostles, not going to college.

Yah Shua has not opened your understanding.


Well-known member
Our Lord Jesus said, that God is Spirit, and those who truly worship the father worship him in Spirit and in truth.

Amen, and he also said that the Word of the Father is the Truth:

John 17:11-17
11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
13 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

And we know by the testimony of Stephen, being filled with the Holy Spirit, that this Word and Name of which the Master speaks in the above passage concerns the holy and living oracles, sayings, and words of the Torah; for the Torah is the Name and Living Word of the Father YHWH:

Acts 7:37-38
37 This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall Elohim raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me.
38 This is he that was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel that spake to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers; who received living oracles
[λογια ζωντα - living logia] to give unto us:

The Living Word of the whole Torah may therefore be accounted as the Name of the Father YHWH; for a name is much more than just a spelling and displays character, authority, attributes, testimony, doctrine, power, and so much more: and the Master says in John 17:17 that the Logos-Word of the Father, which is the Torah, is the Truth.

Those who claim that "Jesus is YHWH" are fallen under the spirit of the word sorcerer Elymus Bar-Jesus son of Jesus, according to the scripture, for that is the very meaning of his name: "Bar-Jesus" literally means, "Son of Jesus", and thus that same false prophet sorcerer spirit speaks by way of those who claim that "Jesus is YHWH" because his very name, "Bar-Jesus", means, "Son of Jesus". The teaching that his particular form of sorcery is in fact word sorcery is expounded right in the context of the passage by the author of Acts through what he records Paul as saying to Elymus Bar-Jesus son of Jesus:

Acts 13:6-10
6 And when they had gone through the whole island unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-Jesus:
7 Who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of understanding: the same called unto him Barnabas and Saul, and sought to hear the Word of Elohim.
8 But Elymas the sorcerer, (for so is his name by interpretation), withstood them, seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the faith.
9 But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fastened his eyes on him:
10 And said, O son of the devil, full of all guile and all villany, you enemy of all righteousness;
will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord?

The word rendered "perverting" in the final line of the above also can be understood as "to misinterpret", (G1294 διαστρεφω), and the name "Bar-Jesus" clearly means "Son of Jesus", ("bar" is Aramaic, meaning "son").

"Bar-Jesus" = "Son of Jesus" = "Jesus is my Father" = "Jesus is YHWH"

The scripture is clear in this and in the fact that we are warned "to test the spirits", (1John 4:1), and by the passage above one may plainly know that those who claim "Jesus is YHWH" are speaking the false prophet spirit of Elymas Bar-Jesus son of Jesus, a word sorcerer, for anyone with common sense may plainly see that according to the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, (all of Tanakh), YHWH is our heavenly Father. And if the Master prays to the heavenly Father throughout the Gospel accounts, such as the whole chapter of John 17, then we know that the Master is praying to YHWH who is his Father and our Father. The Master was sent to teach us the upright Way to be pleasing unto the Father, that we might be delivered through the Testimony of the Master, (by believing and doing what he says), and therefore when he prays to the Father YHWH he clearly teaches us that he himself is not the Father YHWH.


Well-known member
"to" :plain:

Yep, you aren't here to listen. What is left? I know you JW's hate 'pagan' holidays, but call your mother and tell her you love her anyway.

:nono: RATHER I am interested in giving tools to those who are in Christ and showing them what is wrong with your doctrine.
You aren't in my league and I generally have all anti-Trinitarians on ignore. Most of you are one-trick ponies with no theological depth for anything else God is concerned about. You guys are too busy promoting WatchTower snippets to actually be reading your bibles every day. Me? I am promoting what I'm reading from my bible every day. That's the difference.

Funny you "couldn't" do as I requested. Your disdain is a puff of hot air and sadly lacking language skills. You are nowhere near as able to even produce proper English, let alone anything else. Just remember, you 'tried' to draw blood first with this ad hominem. I could care less what a third-grader thinks. Every JW commentary, frankly, is a joke of excusing behaviors and relying on people who comment 'about' Greek, than being able to read it themselves. Let me offer you a moment of honest introspection: Find ANY JW who can read from a Greek passage of your choosing and tell you what it means. Try!

Yes. It is. I'm going to say a word. It often is used as a personal slam. This is not the case: You are an ignoramus. It means you haven't the first clue what blasphemy is. Perhaps, after today, you'll know. Pay attention, please.

Profane, means to use something holy, as 'common.' Because the word "God" represents One Who is Holy, using it for ANYTHING, other than sanctity, is profane.

While it is true the Lord Jesus Christ said "you are gods," it is wrong to claim any of God's uncommunicable attributes. Not just 'wrong' but blasphemous. We are only 'gods' in any sense that we are 'created' in His image. Because we are already called "man" which means a creation of God in His image, saying we are gods or Elohim etc. is blasphemy. The Lord Jesus Christ can say you are 'godly' but in no sense are we of the divine past being creations in His image.

Again, simply saying "Oh My G--" is and always has been called blasphemy and using His name profanely (commonly, less than holy).
I mean by 'ignoramus" that you don't know what you are talking about AND don't know you don't know. Perhaps now, you are an ignoramus no longer. This is my hope.

Forgive my boast, but I am intellectually superior. I know exactly what your prowess is. I'm not trying to be mean, nor trying to practice false humility.

A knowledgeable person who studies to show himself an approved workman? 2 Timothy 2:15 Colossians 4:6

:nono: I'm neither pompous nor falsely humble. I can do what I claim and nothing more, and nothing less.

Sadly, every cult has a standby verse, pulled out of context, and then wickedly tossed (in desperation and because they are beaten, frankly) at the feet of their 600 opponents (1 to 600 of them). You, I, we know they are at the end because they have nothing left and cannot muster anything, having not been studied approved workman. 2 Timothy 2:15 The shame is that you didn't study and are reliant upon others who didn't study either, in the JW Hall. They were ruined and so pronounced a curse in lazy admonition as you saw them too, pronounce a lazy know-nothing contemptuous accusation themselves. And so, it propagates from lazy unapproved cultists who lack sufficient study, to lazy unapproved cultist, lazy, lacking sufficient study. Start with 15 minutes, at least, every day, reading your bible and praying, asking God for wisdom. Leave the WT studies for another time.

I don't want you to join "my" Kingdom Hall or church. I simply want you to read and understand scriptures. We have two separate reasons for posting on TOL. I simply want you to know what it actually says. -Lon

Hi Lon,

I noticed in your post that you generally have all non-Trinitarians on ignore, can I ask why?

I don't feel like that about anyone, I don't see why people would have to ignore each other just because of trinity.

Lon, can I ask you this? Where does it say that we must believe in the trinity to be saved, or that we must believe that Jesus is God to be saved? I'm genuinely asking this because if its not there, then surely we have every right not to believe it?

Surely you don't have to ignore us for that? Some here have a real hardness toward those who don't believe in the trinity, why? I don't understand that, because nowhere are we told that we must believe that Jesus is God, but we are to believe that he is the son of God. And I do.

Some people have said terrible things about me here, but they don't know my heart, only God can know that, and I've forgiven them and I would still care for them, and I hope that all here will be in heaven, I would never wish hell on anyone.

I believe in God and Christ with all my heart, and I try daily to live by his will. Don't you think that God will look at that before he looks at whether we believe in the trinity or not?


New member
Hi Lon,

I noticed in your post that you generally have all non-Trinitarians on ignore, can I ask why?

I don't feel like that about anyone, I don't see why people would have to ignore each other just because of trinity.

Lon, can I ask you this? Where does it say that we must believe in the trinity to be saved, or that we must believe that Jesus is God to be saved? I'm genuinely asking this because if its not there, then surely we have every right not to believe it?

Surely you don't have to ignore us for that? Some here have a real hardness toward those who don't believe in the trinity, why? I don't understand that, because nowhere are we told that we must believe that Jesus is God, but we are to believe that he is the son of God. And I do.

Some people have said terrible things about me here, but they don't know my heart, only God can know that, and I've forgiven them and I would still care for them, and I hope that all here will be in heaven, I would never wish hell on anyone.

I believe in God and Christ with all my heart, and I try daily to live by his will. Don't you think that God will look at that before he looks at whether we believe in the trinity or not?

"For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together."

You bare false witness against the Eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Mark 14:56 KJV


Well-known member
Amen, and he also said that the Word of the Father is the Truth:

John 17:11-17
11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
13 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

And we know by the testimony of Stephen, being filled with the Holy Spirit, that this Word and Name of which the Master speaks in the above passage concerns the holy and living oracles, sayings, and words of the Torah; for the Torah is the Name and Living Word of the Father YHWH:

Acts 7:37-38
37 This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall Elohim raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me.
38 This is he that was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel that spake to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers; who received living oracles
[λογια ζωντα - living logia] to give unto us:

The Living Word of the whole Torah may therefore be accounted as the Name of the Father YHWH; for a name is much more than just a spelling and displays character, authority, attributes, testimony, doctrine, power, and so much more: and the Master says in John 17:17 that the Logos-Word of the Father, which is the Torah, is the Truth.

Those who claim that "Jesus is YHWH" are fallen under the spirit of the word sorcerer Elymus Bar-Jesus son of Jesus, according to the scripture, for that is the very meaning of his name: "Bar-Jesus" literally means, "Son of Jesus", and thus that same false prophet sorcerer spirit speaks by way of those who claim that "Jesus is YHWH" because his very name, "Bar-Jesus", means, "Son of Jesus". The teaching that his particular form of sorcery is in fact word sorcery is expounded right in the context of the passage by the author of Acts through what he records Paul as saying to Elymus Bar-Jesus son of Jesus:

Acts 13:6-10
6 And when they had gone through the whole island unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-Jesus:
7 Who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of understanding: the same called unto him Barnabas and Saul, and sought to hear the Word of Elohim.
8 But Elymas the sorcerer, (for so is his name by interpretation), withstood them, seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the faith.
9 But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fastened his eyes on him:
10 And said, O son of the devil, full of all guile and all villany, you enemy of all righteousness;
will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord?

The word rendered "perverting" in the final line of the above also can be understood as "to misinterpret", (G1294 διαστρεφω), and the name "Bar-Jesus" clearly means "Son of Jesus", ("bar" is Aramaic, meaning "son").

"Bar-Jesus" = "Son of Jesus" = "Jesus is my Father" = "Jesus is YHWH"

The scripture is clear in this and in the fact that we are warned "to test the spirits", (1John 4:1), and by the passage above one may plainly know that those who claim "Jesus is YHWH" are speaking the false prophet spirit of Elymas Bar-Jesus son of Jesus, a word sorcerer, for anyone with common sense may plainly see that according to the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, (all of Tanakh), YHWH is our heavenly Father. And if the Master prays to the heavenly Father throughout the Gospel accounts, such as the whole chapter of John 17, then we know that the Master is praying to YHWH who is his Father and our Father. The Master was sent to teach us the upright Way to be pleasing unto the Father, that we might be delivered through the Testimony of the Master, (by believing and doing what he says), and therefore when he prays to the Father YHWH he clearly teaches us that he himself is not the Father YHWH.
Hi Daqq,

Well I've never heard all that before!

I'll go and read your posts and your links and Acts 13, thanks.


Well-known member
"For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together."

You bare false witness against the Eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Mark 14:56 KJV

Do I? I'm not the one calling those who believe that is right to obey God and do his will, evil and wicked, that's you! To me, that's baring false witness.

Because regardless of what you think, it is neither evil nor wicked to obey God and do his will. It's what we are told to do, in the Bible by God and Jesus!

Anyone who says that people are wicked for obeying God and doing his will, is a false teacher and they are listening to the father of lies.
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