Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Well-known member
:rotfl: The Unis are turning on one another. :rotfl:

What exactly is a "Uni" according to your definition? I have never called myself that but rather you have simply assumed it from the beginning. It seems to be nothing more than a label for you which is something that you and yours always have a need for because you cannot show from Scripture any of your critical doctrinal arguments and therefore have a need to label people so as to categorize them, shove them aside into a backroom, and nullify what they have to say. I have been called everything from Judaizer, to Monotheist, to Arian, to Uni, (now by you and yours) Kabbalist, Cabbalist, Gnostic, Mysticist, Allegorist, Cultist, Heretic, "Veggie", "IDIOT", "Fool", (again by you and yours) Asceticist, and those are just the names I can remember off hand. Sticks and stones can crunch my bones but all of your names are going to come back to slay you in your end: and my brother Titon will be there to set your house in order, and then he will comfort you, indeed, after having taught you with thorns and briers from the desert like Gideon taught the men of Sukkoth. Yay! the parousia of Titon, he will comfort you indeed if indeed you overcome in that day: for he bears not the sword in vain, O man, and the kingdom of Elohim comes with Power. :crackup:



Eclectic Theosophist
Maple syrup.......

Maple syrup.......

That's what makes you a "Cultist."

Nah, throw around that word like 'pancakes' and 'butter',....its merely his belief about Jesus which was one of the early views about him, before other contending views in early Christianity arose and a particular formula or creed was chosen and made officially 'orthodox' while all others were considered heresy, and rejected. Just because your 'view' (with subtle variations) came to be accepted as more traditional-orthodox doesn't necessarily make it 'correct'.

That you identify as, or choose a particular traditional-orthodox theology or religious cult-ure, makes you just as much as a cult-ist as say someone of another point of view or school of thought. I'd look at how limited, biased and cult-ured your own 'belief' and 'opinion' is, before you go around calling others 'cultists', which is just ridiculous.



Eclectic Theosophist
Dropping the Uni-bomb.......

Dropping the Uni-bomb.......

What exactly is a "Uni" according to your definition? I have never called myself that but rather you have simply assumed it from the beginning. It seems to be nothing more than a label for you which is something that you and yours always have a need for because you cannot show from Scripture any of your critical doctrinal arguments and therefore have a need to label people so as to categorize them, shove them aside into a backroom, and nullify what they have to say. I have been called everything from Judaizer, to Monotheist, to Arian, to Uni, (now by you and yours) Kabbalist, Cabbalist, Gnostic, Mysticist, Allegorist, Cultist, Heretic, "Veggie", "IDIOT", "Fool", (again by you and yours) Asceticist, and those are just the names I can remember off hand. Sticks and stones can crunch my bones but all of your names are going to come back to slay you in your end: and my brother Titon will be there to set your house in order, and then he will comfort you, indeed, after having taught you with thorns and briers from the desert like Gideon taught the men of Sukkoth. Yay! the parousia of Titon, he will comfort you indeed if indeed you overcome in that day: for he bears not the sword in vain, O man, and the kingdom of Elohim comes with Power. :crackup:


Labels are just de-scriptions, words. As an 'eclect' I look over the entire context of information and relate those on various points, perspectives and 'context'.

A Unitarian view is just as well as a Trinitarian,....and there is no contention except from one of either point of view, if they are making a case for such.

'God' is still 'God'. - if you can get past the 'word', and into the 'reality' itself, which the word depicts. All else are 'words, words words' ;)

'God' IS.



Well-known member
Labels are just de-scriptions, words. As an 'eclect' I look over the entire context of information and relate those on various points, perspectives and 'context'.

A Unitarian view is just as well as a Trinitarian,....and there is no contention except from one of either point of view, if they are making a case for such.

'God' is still 'God'. - if you can get past the 'word', and into the 'reality' itself, which the word depicts. All else are 'words, words words' ;)

'God' IS.


So "Uni" simply means One Almighty Father?
Well then I suppose I am one of those too. :)


Eclectic Theosophist
One Deity Source.......

One Deity Source.......

So "Uni" simply means One Almighty Father?
Well then I suppose I am one of those too. :)

More or less,....since 'God' is 'Uni' (One). This is the essential truth of The Shema....also confirmed by Jesus.



New member
Jesus is God come in the flesh. Anyone who wants to be saved will bow to him.

Who said you have a choice in being saved??? Not Jesus!

NASB Joh 6:44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws (DRAGS) him; and I will raise him up on the last day.

NASB Joh 6:65 And He was saying, "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."

CEV Joh 6:65 Then Jesus said, "You cannot come to me, unless the Father makes you want to come. That is why I have told these things to all of you."

NASB Joh 17:2 even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life.

NASB Act 2:39 "For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself."

So God's Truth... what do you think about... NASB Mat 22:14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."

NASB Eph 1:11 also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will,

Net Bible Eph 1:11 In Christ 28 we too have been claimed as God's own possession,29 since we were predestined according to the one purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will

29 tn Grk "we were appointed by lot." The notion of the verb κληρόω (klēroō) in the OT was to "appoint a portion by lot" (the more frequent cognate verb κληρονομέω [klēronomeō] meant "obtain a portion by lot"). In the passive, as here, the idea is that "we were appointed [as a portion] by lot" (BDAG 548 s.v. κληρόω 1). The words "God's own" have been supplied in the translation to clarify this sense of the verb. An alternative interpretation is that believers receive a portion as an inheritance: "In Christ we too have been appointed a portion of the inheritance." See H. W. Hoehner, Ephesians, 226-27, for discussion on this interpretive issue.

You have no idea...


New member
You are calling someone you do not know an idiot and also insinuating I might be trying to get you banned when I have never practiced such evil in any of the forums where I have visited but usually have those things practiced against myself by those who hate. You would do well to loose the paranoia complex and get used to talking to other people some of which might actually turn out to be like minded if you would give them only half the chance. There are indeed some, not many, but some, who believe that Paul penned the Revelation, and therefore I asked. As for food; my food, like my Teacher, is to do the will of God: so if you imagine yourself and your food "pooping" on my food then you have likewise proclaimed before everyone in the forum that your food poops on my Teacher because the Word is spiritual food. Therefore you also are now become a blasphemer for calling your brother in all caps an "IDIOT", (which again is the same a "Fool") and for pooping on me, for pooping on my food which came from my Teacher the Master Yeshua, by his Testimony, and thereby you also pooped on his Father and my Father, and his God and my God. :)


I was actually calling you a spiritual sissy... :peach:

Thanks for making my point! Your not focused! You need to learn to seek... not preach what you were taught by men! :doh:



New member

Now you are speaking my language! :crackup:

He is speaking the truth....

Shema Yisrael! Hear, O Israel!

Deu 6:4 "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!

This is one of the very first Bible verse that most Jewish boys and girls learn. It binds the Jewish life and community together. Every devout Jew recited it daily and even utter the Shema when dying. This is the one belief that distinguished Israel from all the surrounding nations that had multiple gods. “The Lord is one Lord” is thus Israel's classic statement of monotheism,
Judaism's highest confession of Faith. It speaks of Yahweh's uniqueness and exclusiveness, that he is one single integral person, not divisible.

The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible tells us that there are two valid ways of interpreting the Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4. It is possible to translate, "Yahweh, our God, is one Yahweh"- in which case the Shema affirms that Yahweh can not be divided into several Yahweh manifestations (poly-Yahwism), like the Baals of different sanctuaries [or we might add the Trinity of later Nicene Christianity]. Or we may translate: "Yahweh is our God, Yahweh alone"- in which case the Shema affirms that Yahweh is the only and the unique God [we will soon see that Jesus affirmed this creed in John 17:3].

Both of these nuances are given in other Old Testament passages. The person of God is indivisible and he has no other in His class for He is alone and unique. He is a single divine being.

Deu 4:35 "To you it was shown that you might know that the LORD, He is God; there is no other besides Him….39 "Know therefore today, and take it to your heart, that the LORD, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.

Deu 32:39 'See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, And there is no one who can deliver from My hand.

Isa 44:6 "Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me. Yet Jesus has a God both before and after His ressurection

SO... The New Testament clearly states Jesus has a God and Father, both before and after his resurrection. We know the Bible does not contradict.

Glad to know you actually see this!


Well-known member
and WHERE exactly does the Bible say no MAN has seen God? You apparently believe this but can't quote it?

John 6:46 (NIV) No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father.

Do you believe what Jesus says?


Well-known member
What exactly is a "Uni" according to your definition? I have never called myself that but rather you have simply assumed it from the beginning. It seems to be nothing more than a label for you which is something that you and yours always have a need for because you cannot show from Scripture any of your critical doctrinal arguments and therefore have a need to label people so as to categorize them, shove them aside into a backroom, and nullify what they have to say. I have been called everything from Judaizer, to Monotheist, to Arian, to Uni, (now by you and yours) Kabbalist, Cabbalist, Gnostic, Mysticist, Allegorist, Cultist, Heretic, "Veggie", "IDIOT", "Fool", (again by you and yours) Asceticist, and those are just the names I can remember off hand. Sticks and stones can crunch my bones but all of your names are going to come back to slay you in your end: and my brother Titon will be there to set your house in order, and then he will comfort you, indeed, after having taught you with thorns and briers from the desert like Gideon taught the men of Sukkoth. Yay! the parousia of Titon, he will comfort you indeed if indeed you overcome in that day: for he bears not the sword in vain, O man, and the kingdom of Elohim comes with Power. :crackup:


I call you BROTHER. For you understand me. You share some of the same thoughts my brother.

God's Truth

New member
Who said you have a choice in being saved??? Not Jesus!
Of course, we have a choice.

NASB Joh 6:44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws (DRAGS) him; and I will raise him up on the last day.
God does not drag anyone to Him.
That scripture is about people being drawn to Jesus because they recognize what Jesus says God’s teachings, see John 6:45.
NASB Joh 6:65 And He was saying, "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."
God only allowed the lost sheep of Israel to come to Jesus to be saved; they were the people who already had faith in God before Jesus’ ministry. God hardened all the other Jews. Jesus came first for those who already belonged to God. They were God’s but God gave them to Jesus. Jesus said he would not lose one that God gave him.
NASB Joh 17:2 even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life.
Again, when Jesus started his earthly ministry, only those who already belonged to God by faith could come to Jesus to be saved. When Jesus was lifted up, then all could come to him to be saved.
NASB Act 2:39 "For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself."

God calls everyone.

So God's Truth... what do you think about... NASB Mat 22:14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."
Many are called, and a few are chosen.
God calls all, but only chooses those who believe and obey Him.

NASB Eph 1:11 also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will,

Net Bible Eph 1:11 In Christ 28 we too have been claimed as God's own possession,29 since we were predestined according to the one purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will

29 tn Grk "we were appointed by lot." The notion of the verb κληρόω (klēroō) in the OT was to "appoint a portion by lot" (the more frequent cognate verb κληρονομέω [klēronomeō] meant "obtain a portion by lot"). In the passive, as here, the idea is that "we were appointed [as a portion] by lot" (BDAG 548 s.v. κληρόω 1). The words "God's own" have been supplied in the translation to clarify this sense of the verb. An alternative interpretation is that believers receive a portion as an inheritance: "In Christ we too have been appointed a portion of the inheritance." See H. W. Hoehner, Ephesians, 226-27, for discussion on this interpretive issue.
The plan was predestined, not people.
You have no idea...

Your beliefs are from false teachers. You should have checked the scriptures to see if what they taught you was true.


After being a Christian for many years and hanging around here for at least a decade, I am wondering if it is possible for people--even for a whole society--to lose faith in God?

If that happens it is not because something they used to think existed does not after all exist.

What if it is because the available language about God has been allowed to become too narrow, stale and spiritually obsolete?

What IF?

When divine nostrums such as "love your enemies" become deadened by hearing and reading them over and over, then the Spirit of Jesus Christ is lost, in my opinion.


New member
John 6:46 (NIV) No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father.

Do you believe what Jesus says?

Yes, but YOU don't. Jesus didn't say MAN here did he?

Do YOU believe His written word?

John 1:18 (NIV)


New member
After being a Christian for many years and hanging around here for at least a decade, I am wondering if it is possible for people--even for a whole society--to lose faith in God?
If that happens it is not because something they used to think existed does not after all exist.
What if it is because the available language about God has been allowed to become too narrow, stale and spiritually obsolete?
What IF?
When divine nostrums such as "love your enemies" become deadened by hearing and reading them over and over, then the Spirit of Jesus Christ is lost, in my opinion.

Yes, of course. Keypurr is proof of it, and it's called APOSTASY.
If one comes to Christ believing He is our Savior and God, and then falls away or back tracks from that belief the truth hasn't changed, he has.
What is stale is the KJV...most modern translations are not stale at all, but life giving.

God's Truth

New member
I do not believe that Jesus came from heaven, however the Christ in him did.

The scripture is about JESUS the MAN going INTO heaven, and that he is the one who CAME from heaven.

No man has seen God, Jesus was a man. Proof that the son of man is not Jesus but the Christ that was in him.

The Bible says Jesus has seen God.

John 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.


Yes, of course. Keypurr is proof of it, and it's called APOSTASY.
If one comes to Christ believing He is our Savior and God, and then falls away or back tracks from that belief the truth hasn't changed, he has.
What is stale is the KJV...most modern translations are not stale at all, but life giving.
Every generation needs a new revival and a new translation of Jesus life, message and death.

Each one of the gospel writers felt the same way and gave us their own inspired version of the Jesus that made sense to them.

We must do the same in my opinion because the Christian faith--in my view--is getting nowhere fast.

We either change or die out. This is what history is. If something about a religion no longer works, then it needs to be transformed.

"...In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

ACTS 2:17