Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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New member

Did you finish second grade ? I asked you for a scripture that specifically says:

And you show me:

Isa 45:5

5 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

You dont know how to read !

Thank you for making my point!!!

No one can be GOD! and then claim to have one! :think:

Your posting like a biblical child... But we shall let others decide who is desperate and who simply shows the truth... :rolleyes:

Try again...


Well-known member
Thank you for making my point!!!

No one can be GOD! and then claim to have one! :think:

Your posting like a biblical child... But we shall let others decide who is desperate and who simply shows the truth... :rolleyes:

Try again...

So where is the scripture that says Jesus Christ is not God !


New member
So where is the scripture that says Jesus Christ is not God !

Where have you been... For the last 4 post...??? I have shown you, not only scripture... but from Jesus HimSelf telling/teaching/preaching TO YOU about His God! beloved57... even the lowest idiot here on TOL knows... You can not be God and then claim to have one!!!! :doh:


Lazy afternoon

Where have you been... For the last 4 post...??? I have shown you, not only scripture... but from Jesus HimSelf telling/teaching/preaching TO YOU about His God! beloved57... even the lowest idiot here on TOL knows... You can not be God and then claim to have one!!!! :doh:


Well actually you can.


Lazy afternoon

that makes sense. great sense. i'm going to try to do that more. that's the whole point really. thank you, i'm sarcastic but not now. i like you la. i see posts by you that mostly build others up. edification, correction and wisdom. sometimes i need to get back to the basics


I had another thought.

When we get to know Jesus the man as He really is, (and only Gods Spirit can do that for us) and become conformed to it, then God shows us something of Himself, for us alone, which we can not give to another.

Rev 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.



So stop mixing... and try a non traditions of men study approach of using actual... Biblical CONTEXT!!! :think:

Your whining TulipBee... you have no meat!!!


WOW ! Emotional WRECK !

No time for that !

Bye bye


New member
WOW ! Emotional WRECK !

No time for that !

Bye bye

Wow, your getting so emotional... with your good bye byes.... One could think I made you look like a idiot to get such a reply? :think:

I deal in facts! It's emotion that creates traditions of men that people like you follow... not unlike the ferguson protesters we see in the news! You ignore the facts and demand a pretense to justice!

I don't need emotions when responding to scripture as ... I have the truth, you on the other hand... being a child... mistake boldness for emotion... :rolleyes:


Lazy afternoon

Well, Satan is the god of this world... But that does not make him the Big Kahuna as they claim Jesus to be!! :thumb:

Stay on context LA...


Check out

Heb 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

My greek does not say O God.

It says ho theos. (the God)

So on the face of it. It is not strictly true that a God can not have a God.

You will have to show something else that Jesus is not the creator or a pre-existent God.

Rev. chs 4 and 5 show the truth of it.



Well-known member
Where have you been... For the last 4 post...??? I have shown you, not only scripture... but from Jesus HimSelf telling/teaching/preaching TO YOU about His God! beloved57... even the lowest idiot here on TOL knows... You can not be God and then claim to have one!!!! :doh:


You don't have a scripture that says:

Jesus Christ is not God !

patrick jane

yes Jesus can. He Is. on earth as a man He prayed to God Who Is. Our Father in heaven. apart but one. it does take a leap of faith, hence the word. scripture says it when you see it. some people don't see it, nothing wrong with that. jus by debate and discussion, arguing or bickering we grow. i like hearing other views, it strengthens my faith:singer:

patrick jane

Check out

Heb 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

My greek does not say O God.

It says ho theos. (the God)

So on the face of it. It is not strictly true that a God can not have a God.

You will have to show something else that Jesus is not the creator or a pre-existent God.

Rev. chs 4 and 5 show the truth of it.


satan is no god. he has influence on earth only when we allow it. unfortunatley, we all allow it. we can only try to be aware and minimize it.

God's Truth

New member
yes Jesus can. He Is. on earth as a man He prayed to God Who Is. Our Father in heaven. apart but one. it does take a leap of faith, hence the word. scripture says it when you see it. some people don't see it, nothing wrong with that. jus by debate and discussion, arguing or bickering we grow. i like hearing other views, it strengthens my faith:singer:

Jesus was never apart from God.


Well-known member
yes Jesus can. He Is. on earth as a man He prayed to God Who Is. Our Father in heaven. apart but one. it does take a leap of faith, hence the word. scripture says it when you see it. some people don't see it, nothing wrong with that. jus by debate and discussion, arguing or bickering we grow. i like hearing other views, it strengthens my faith:singer:

So if he prayed to God he is not God. Simple logic