James 1:1 refutes MAD

john w

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Hall of Fame

Sodomite Zekie....Nice pic, sweetie.


Be a man, Zekie boy-give up the haseesh.


New member
GOD allows this forum so that biblically literate folks can expose your glaring errors.

You can't expose them because you reject the new covenant and the church!

Dispensationalists can't even use the word church anymore because they belong to the 'body of anti-christ'. BOAC!


New member
Seems a tad bit irrelevant to wait for something your already in, and is in you Col 1:27, Luke 2:49, 2Cor 6:16, Luke 17:21 , Romans 8:10, Col 2:6-8, John 5:36.

Hebrews 6:1-5, 2Cor 5:16, exoteric shadow chasers mixing shadows with light 2Cor 3:6, Matt 11:11, looking for another to come Matt 11:3. Col 2:17, Hebrews 8:5, Romans 5:14, Proverbs 1:6, Mark 4:34.

The Father who is Spirit spoke to Christ through Jesus (a pattern man) who could nothing John 5:30, so a sacrifîce of his flesh is worthless making the Roman crucifixion a traditional hoax Psalms 40:6, John 5:22, based on riddles, dark sayings, parables, symbology, Psalms 78:2, Gal 4:24.

Dispies can't even use the word church anymore! Because they don't belong to the church at least the real one anyway.


Well-known member
Dispies can't even use the word church anymore! Because they don't belong to the church at least the real one anyway.

Well their Roman foundation shows why their spiritually dead, sucking on this worlds carnal teet is their achilles heel.


New member
Well their Roman foundation shows why their spiritually dead, sucking on this worlds carnal teet is their achilles heel.

There are only two options dude!

Either Hold your hand out to Israel or

Hold your hand out to Rome!

Those will be the two contenders for the crown of:

Ruler of planet Earth!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You can't expose them because you reject the new covenant and the church!

Dispensationalists can't even use the word church anymore because they belong to the 'body of anti-christ'. BOAC!

Acts 7:38 KJV This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:

You: This "the church in the wilderness" is obviously the boc, you see, well, uh, urr....as it all says the same thing, and details don't matter, as you Dispensationalists can't even use the word "gospel," and see that there is just 1 piece of good news in the bible, it all says the same thing, as you do not even know that Judas preached 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV,per Luke 9:6 KJV, as he was an evangelist, you see, well, uh, urrr...

"with our fathers:"


New member
Hey everybody we're in the BOC!

Body of Compounded skull fracture brain damage.

Let's invent some wacko religion where you just believe anything you want, no one will ever know.


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Hey everybody we're in the BOC!

Body of Compounded skull fracture brain damage.

Let's invent some wacko religion where you just believe anything you want, no one will ever know.
If there was one specific thing that would get you to question your position on mid-Acts dispensationalism, what would it be?


Well-known member
There are only two options dude!

Either Hold your hand out to Israel or

Hold your hand out to Rome!

Those will be the two contenders for the crown of:

Ruler of planet Earth!

The only two being offered is bondage/flesh or liberty/spirit, the only divide in the word is between those two concept 2Cor 3:6, called old and new covenant, the old/exoterically contains the dead lifeless shadows of things to come, the new/esoterically contains the substance of life giving light Romans 1:19-20, the old shadows or dark sayings and parables keep people sitting in darkness, reading the shadows representing the dead meanings of the letters world, casting a deceptive living substance when its just a image made by you blocking the light "behind you" creating a shadow world you give life to with your spoken thoughts of darkness James 3:8, Luke 16:24, Matt 15:11, etc.. or light Phil 4:8, Gal 5:22, Eph 5:9, ect..Matt 16:19 being the hub for both light and dark spoken, that will start or quinch hell fires. The programing in darkness by exoteric teaching is to teach you to never turn around and face the light for fear of losing the shadow world you think is reality now and to come Gal 4:1, .

The flesh reads the letter as physical and historic with some degree of spirit mixed in looking forward through a glass darkly for a coming paradise, never will happen for that mental duplicity can never become one. The things made with hands from lifeless materials are shadows that the life casting them never ever lived/dwelled IN, it could walk through and past them like any shadow can be, that shadow mentality can never see the the light in our among them until they turn around and face the light, that intense light at first is to harsh for eyes living in darkness all their lives, worshipping the darkness with no lasting substance to build on John 4:13-14, Phil 3:12.


New member
Why don't we compare W-2's toots? My W-2, as a stock trader, vs. your, as a cashier, at Walmart?

I just bought a Lincoln MKZ 2017 Reserve and paid cash for it. The only reason I got it was because the factory rims were amazing. I basically just bought for the rims so I can make all the brothers jealous down in the ATL where I be wheelin' and dealin' and dodgin' bullets from thugs....yeaaa....wannabe be white gansta' with the gold grillz to prove it.......stock trader! lolz

Right Divider

Body part
I just bought a Lincoln MKZ 2017 Reserve and paid cash for it. The only reason I got it was because the factory rims were amazing. I basically just bought for the rims so I can make all the brothers jealous down in the ATL where I be wheelin' and dealin' and dodgin' bullets from thugs....yeaaa....wannabe be white gansta' with the gold grillz to prove it.......stock trader! lolz
What does any of this have to do with James writing to the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL?


New member
What does any of this have to do with James writing to the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL?

Oh now you want to talk about the thread instead of constantly derailing it.

The twelve tribes would not have got past the phrase 'Lord Jesus Christ' which you have yet to refute.

You can't even refute that and it goes all the way back to page 1.