It's Riot Time In Madison!


Well-known member
it is a blue state
with a red governor
a red legislature
so far they want us to have a blue president

Madison, the state capital, is very liberal, the police chief would not keep order in the state capitol building, but let the union goons and anarchists run rampant. They did about 8-9 million dollars of damage to the state capitol building.

The police chief is a liberal, most assuredly his policies are liberal.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Madison, the state capital, is very liberal, the police chief would not keep order in the state capitol building, but let the union goons and anarchists run rampant. They did about 8-9 million dollars of damage to the state capitol building.

The police chief is a liberal, most assuredly his policies are liberal.

companies were leaving the state
taking jobs with them

the state was running a deficit
they elected republicans to take care of the union problem


New member
"Liberal" is a vague term. "The Left" is a little more explicit. But what the University of Wisconsin and Madison has been promoting since the late fiftiers is Transformational Marxism. Christians seem to have a problem understanding that Transformational Marxism is the Leftist movement, and that what is called the dialectic, used all over the place, and also by Christians, is part of Transformational Marxism. Google "Dean Gotcher," and read some of his stuff or listen to his audios or youtube videos.


It's probably because you're blind, deaf & dumb, with emphasis on the dumb.




New member
Madison, the state capital, is very liberal, the police chief would not keep order in the state capitol building, but let the union goons and anarchists run rampant. They did about 8-9 million dollars of damage to the state capitol building.

The police chief is a liberal, most assuredly his policies are liberal.

Yeah, but that was a different police chief. The current chief, Mike Koval, took over in April 2014. Noble Wray was chief during the union protests.

"Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said he had instructed Madison Police Chief Noble Wray not to allow his officers to participate in removing demonstrators from the building."

- 2011 Wisconsin protests

It's an interesting read


New member
The entire Leftist movement in the U.S. was increasingly under the influence of forms of Marxism other than the Bolshevik type of Marxism involved in the 1917 Russian Revolution. Theodore W. Adorno published his book, The Authoritarian Personality in 1950. He was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley. Another member of the German Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse wrote, among other books, Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud, which was the "Bible" of the Counterculture. Marcuse was first a professor at Brandeis University and later at University of California at San Diego.

These Marxists, who were not Bolsheviks, were the Transformational Marxists of the American Left. They did not advocate initial violent revolution but taught that first Marxism must infiltrate and take over the major institutions, especially education, the media, and yes. the churches. Many of their followers in psychology and the social sciences do not identify themselves as Marxists. See Dean Gotcher for a list of some of the main American born change agents for Transformational Marxism.

Then on the Right, or Republican side of things, there are the Neoconservatives. You would not think that a group called the Neoconservatives are also Marxists. But they are deceptive. The Neocons originated from a group of Leftists who got together at the City College of New York in the thirties. The original group included Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Nathan Glazer, and Seymour M. Lipsett. Later Neocon promoters and writers included William Kristol, son of Irving Kristol. Then there are recent guys who are under the influence of the Neocons, such as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams and Richard Perle.

Again, the Neocons do not call themselves Marxists. The Neocons are also more interested in politics than the Frankfurt group and their recent followers who are more into psychology and social science, used to change society and culture. And the Neocons are the Leftists, calling themselves Neoconservatives, who are more overtly in support of the Nation of Israel, and therefore would be friends of the dispensationalists.

Some people who have studied and written about the origins of the counterculture have found Transformational Marxist influence on several of the social movements intertwined with the counterculture of the sixties and seventies. These are the movements which weaken the American family and also weaken Christianity in America - feminism, homosexuality and lesbianism.

The New Left also became intertwined with the counterculture, and though it originated in part from the Leftist movements of the thirties, the New Left was also under influence from Transformational Marxism. Transformational Marxism is not the only point of origin of the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) and its offshoot the Weatherman Underground which in the Chicago context of Mafia politics had an influence that later became evident in the leadership of the Democratic Party.

So, Transformational Marxism was not the only ideology of the Left which influenced the University of Wisconsin Leftist movement back in the sixties and seventies. But within the major universities, Transformational Marxism, from the Frankfurt School, gained greater influence after the fifties and sixties in American major universities, and especially at Madison.

Michael William Doyle, professor of history at Ball State, wrote Free Radicals and is co-editor of Imagine Nation, essays on the counterculture. One of the academics I know about who wrote on the influence of the Frankfurt School, other than Dean Gotcher, is Keven MacDonald, a psychologist, who wrote The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances.

He says "The Authoritarian Personality attempts to show that gentile group
affiliations, and particularly membership in Christian religious sects, gentile nationalism, and close family relationships, are an indication of psychiatric disorder...The opposition of Jewish intellectuals to cohesive gentile groups and
a homogeneous gentile culture has perhaps not been sufficiently
emphasized...another way of conceptualizing the Jewish advocacy of
radical political that these political movements may be understood as simultaneously undermining gentile intrasocietal group affiliations, such as Christianity and nationalism, at the same time allowing for the continuation of Jewish identification."

"The Authoritarian Personality" is the 1950 book by professor Theodore W. Adorno, the leader of the Frankfurt School Marxists in the U.S.

The later change agents following the Frankfurt School's Transformational Marxism were not all Jews. The list of non-Jews here includes Carl Rogers and Norman O. Brown. The list also includes some Jews, like Abraham Maslow, Irvin Yalom and Erick Fromm. These guys were all psychologists or psychiatrists, and Normon O. Brown was not a psychologist or psychiatrist but wrote Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History.

The counterculure of the sixties was a radical cultural movement with several different cultural strands, all undermining Christianity
and the American family.
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Matthew Libman

Madison will not riot. Wisconsin is literally the land of milk and honey, and people are chill there. I am from WI originally.


New member
Yes, there was a lower middle class in Madison when I was there in the sixties and much of the seventies. The east side of Madison was mostly lower middle class, and the lower middle class is not as likely to get so involved in issues that they will "riot." The three or four thousand Leftists who could be counted on to take to the streets in the late sixties to early seventies were not lower middle class and many of them were from the East Coast which then was not as degenerated as it is now.


Madison police chief defends officer in Tony Terrell Robinson shooting

Madison police officer Matt Kenny, who shot dead unarmed 19-year-old Tony Terrell Robinson in an episode that has sparked widespread community condemnation, has been described as a “caring, conscientious individual” by the city’s police chief in a blog post rushing to the officer’s defense.

Police chief Mike Koval, who has previously apologised to the Robinson family for the teenager’s death and endorsed the rights of the thousands of protesters marching in Robinson’s name, published the post through the department’s official website, which also describes officer Kenny as “a consummate professional and committed to selfless service”.

“I have known officer Kenny for over twelve years, having served as one of the training staff when he was first commissioned,” Koval writes. “Officer Kenny is a caring, conscientious individual who has a Bachelors Degree from Edgewood College and had a robust career as a medic in the Coast Guard.”

Koval goes on to note the officer has received 45 commendations or recognitions and was a keen first aider.

A Guardian investigation reported a number of eyewitnesses saw officer Kenny’s patrol car at the apartment where Robinson was shot without his rooftop siren lights on. An eyewitness described Kenny and another officer carrying Robinson’s limp body out of the apartment “like a piece of garbage”. A friend of Robinson’s, who the Guardian decided not to name, said the teenager had taken a large amount of magic mushrooms in the hours before his death.

One of the 911 calls made to police before Robinson’s death was from a friend who concerned because he was behaving erratically. He is alleged to have assaulted a pedestrian and was allegedly observed running in and out of traffic.


The incident is being investigated by the Wisconsin department of justice’s division of criminal investigation. The findings of their review are expected to be delivered in the next few weeks.

iow, stay tuned - the riots will start when the weather gets a little warmer


MADISON (AP) — The Wisconsin Department of Justice plans to hand its final reports on what led up to a white Madison Police officer killing an unarmed biracial man to prosecutors this week.

DOJ spokeswoman Anne Schwartz says the agency plans to hand its reports to Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne on Friday. She says the reports won’t be made public until Ozanne decides whether to file charges.

Attorney General Brad Schimel has said DOJ won’t make a charging recommendation. Ozanne said Monday that he won’t know how long it may take to make a decision until he has all the reports.

Kenny shot 19-year-old Tony Robinson in an apartment house stairwell on March 6. Kenny was responding to calls that Robinson had attacked two people and was running in traffic.