It's Riot Time In Madison!


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why would a police officer want to fight you unless you were resisting arrest?

God tells you to respect those in authority, not to fight them. Keep your nose clean and you won't have to worry about fighting those who God ordained to punish evil.

I can spot em a mile away.

Without a doubt police departments across the nation have a picture of you stating "Stay away from this guy, he's bad news".

In more ways than one.

So what you're saying is that convicted armed robber/home invader Tony Robinson is a modern day Moses?

with all respect,,, shut your stupid ignorant mouth..


New member
its a bad day every day when youve seen what I have,,

You don't have to worry about them seeing those things. The closest they come to a battle is their monitors. It's easy for them to talk tough in their armchair anonymity. It's easy for them to pronounce sentence when they know they will not be called on to carry out the executions.


You don't have to worry about them seeing those things. The closest they come to a battle is their monitors. It's easy for them to talk tough in their armchair anonymity. It's easy for them to pronounce sentence when they know they will not be called on to carry out the executions.

so who's "talking tough"?


You don't have to worry about them seeing those things. The closest they come to a battle is their monitors. It's easy for them to talk tough in their armchair anonymity. It's easy for them to pronounce sentence when they know they will not be called on to carry out the executions.

I see the results of your liberalism daily Morphie, the ruined lives that your liberal policies are responsible for is truly sickening.

I'm not sure what Joe got mixed up with, but he definitely needs help.


New member
so who's "talking tough"?

You guys do every day. "Blow them up." "They deserve to die." This attitude is rampant here. Then a vet, obviously struggling with PTSD, gets harassed, primarily by TOLs token tough-talker, aCW, and others. It might not hurt if the hard-headed hard-hearted listened to him instead of cavalierly passing judgment. Sometimes God allows some of us to see things in order to give us a different perspective on the world. I don't know, but he may just have a few words of wisdom to add to this conversation. Wisdom is a rare commodity around here. So how about cutting the guy some slack.


New member
I see the results of your liberalism daily Morphie, the ruined lives that your liberal policies are responsible for is truly sickening.

I'm not sure what Joe got mixed up with, but he definitely needs help.

You see nothing because you are blind. Joe may need help, but he surely isn't going to get it from you. You're too busy judging and attacking to help anyone, including yourself.


Since you used my name Morphie, I'll respond to your latest liberal rant.

You guys do every day. "Blow them up." "They deserve to die." This attitude is rampant here. Then a vet, obviously struggling with PTSD, gets harassed, primarily by TOLs token tough-talker, aCW, and others. It might not hurt if the hard-headed hard-hearted listened to him instead of cavalierly passing judgment. Sometimes God allows some of us to see things in order to give us a different perspective on the world. I don't know, but he may just have a few words of wisdom to add to this conversation. Wisdom is a rare commodity around here. So how about cutting the guy some slack.

Do tell us what a military veteran supposedly suffering from PTSD has anything to do with a 19 year old black male in Madison WI with a criminal record for armed robbery being shot by a police officer in a struggle inside his apartment.


New member
Since you used my name Morphie, I'll respond to your latest liberal rant.

Do tell us what a military veteran supposedly suffering from PTSD has anything to do with a 19 year old black male in Madison WI with a criminal record for armed robbery being shot by a police officer in a struggle inside his apartment.

Joe, the poster on this thread that you have been targeting. He's the connection.


Joe, the poster on this thread that you have been targeting. He's the connection.

While I do live around liberals, thank God I don't think like one.

Explain the connection between a person who very likely has mental issues due to exposure to terrible terrible things that he's seen and done while serving his country in the military and a 19 year old black male in Madison WI who has a record for armed robbery and was shot and killed by a police officer during a physical confrontation in his apartment.


New member
While I do live around liberals, thank God I don't think like one.

Explain the connection between a person who very likely has mental issues due to exposure to terrible terrible things that he's seen and done while serving his country in the military and a 19 year old black male in Madison WI who has a record for armed robbery and was shot and killed by a police officer during a physical confrontation in his apartment.

When Joe's posting about the kid he has created the connection. If you want to rail on about someone who is less than perfect I suggest starting with yourself. There's enough material there to keep you busy for a lifetime.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I do live around liberals, thank God I don't think like one.

Explain the connection between a person who very likely has mental issues due to exposure to terrible terrible things that he's seen and done while serving his country in the military and a 19 year old black male in Madison WI who has a record for armed robbery and was shot and killed by a police officer during a physical confrontation in his apartment.

When Joe's posting about the kid he has created the connection.

What connection would that be? According to Joe's picture on his avatar, he is white. I doubt that Joe did time for an armed robbery, so I guess I'm failing to see any "connection".


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I do live around liberals, thank God I don't think like one.

Explain the connection between a person who very likely has mental issues due to exposure to terrible terrible things that he's seen and done while serving his country in the military and a 19 year old black male in Madison WI who has a record for armed robbery and was shot and killed by a police officer during a physical confrontation in his apartment.

What connection would that be? According to Joe's picture on his avatar, he is white. I doubt that Joe did time for an armed robbery, so I guess I'm failing to see any "connection".
It's probably because you're blind, deaf & dumb, with emphasis on the dumb.