It's culture. Not color.


It’s Culture. Not Color. – Templar of Truth

I searched “how many #blacks are in #jail compared to whites?” Because I honestly wanted to know and found this:
“The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 #AfricanAmerican men and 1 in every 36 #Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men. 2. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to #prison in their lifetime.”
Why is this? I will argue it is because of culture. Not color. The black culture today idolizes #criminals and doing #drugs. If they go back to their #culture in the #fifties, the culture that #honored the #family, that strived to be the best workers, that desired to be an honorable human being they will see these #stats radically #change.

Fatherless homes (which a very large percent of black homes have) is predominately responsible for the disproportionate amount of crime, drug abuse and sexual promiscuity (be it heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual) in the black community.

Liberalism hasn't worked for the black community, it's time for them to return to embracing Judeo/Christian values.


like marbles on glass

2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.

More at the link.


As can be seen time and time again, white liberals like annab are the black community's biggest threat. These race baiters join professional con artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in every attempt to show that the black community are 'victims". Hopefully someday black Americans will wake up and realize who their real enemy is.


like marbles on glass
As can be seen time and time again, white liberals like annab are the black community's biggest threat. These race baiters join professional con artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in every attempt to show that the black community are 'victims". Hopefully someday black Americans will wake up and realize who their real enemy is.

Did you ever own up to your use of JB? Or are you still pretending you have no idea what we're talking about?

(That's a rhetorical question, btw)


Did you ever own up to your use of JB? Or are you still pretending you have no idea what we're talking about?

(That's a rhetorical question, btw)

It was a racial term that I used towards some black thugs, (you know about black thugs, you defend their violence and rioting every time there is a police shooting).

Can I expect your little chickadee anytime soon to mention that I used a anti Semitic website (one of many websites used) to expose Martin Luther King Jr.?

Back to who is really responsible for the devastation in the black community:

Do you have a mirror handy anna?


That's all anyone needs to know.

Oh but anna, people really need to know how you white liberal racists operate (I don't mean "operate" as in disproportionately murdering black babies at abortion clinics, I'm talking about your modus operandi to keep the American black enslaved).

Surely you're not going to run off without first telling us that the words of hardcore racist and anti-Semite Margaret Sanger were 'taken out of context' when she spoke to the Ku Klux Klan?



Oh but aCW, who could take seriously anyone who'd call people of color JBs, while pretending to have their best interests at heart? Spare me your hypocrisy and your labyrinthine rabbit trails. Not interested.

You don't know how it hurts me so to know that you no longer respect me for using a term that you liberals use at your all lily white cocktail parties on a regular basis.

That being said: I know that this next video will be uncomfortable for you, but here's one of those racist lily white liberal cocktail parties I was talking about (fags making racial jokes so quietly that no one would ever know unless it was captured on video).


New member
Fatherless homes (which a very large percent of black homes have) is predominately responsible for the disproportionate amount of crime, drug abuse and sexual promiscuity (be it heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual) in the black community.

Liberalism hasn't worked for the black community, it's time for them to return to embracing Judeo/Christian values.

I agree with you fully


like marbles on glass
2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.

More at the link.

No response to this, but I'll give it a bump anyway.


As can be seen time and time again, white liberals like annab are the black community's biggest threat. These race baiters join professional con artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in every attempt to show that the black community are 'victims". Hopefully someday black Americans will wake up and realize who their real enemy is.

Were he comments factually inaccurate? If so, call her on that. If not then whining does not solve what appears to be some inconsistency in the criminal justice system.


2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.


There's also a higher percentage of blacks who are repeat offenders and who violate probation. As well, people who can't afford a 'reputable attorney' are far more likely to not pay fines and such on time either- which is a factor for both whites and blacks.

It's not racist if it's the truth- that's one of the many problems with society today, those judges aren't fools (except maybe those domestic court types) :rolleyes: