It's All Buddha


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

You dont even know what the sin of Sodomy actually was and you keep mumbling about unnatural sex here.

Let me help you.

Ezekiel 16:49-50:
"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, surfeit of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty, and did abominable things before me; therefore I removed them, when I saw it."

Where it says here ANYTHING about homosexuality?
Well, the public DID want the Angels to have unnatural relations with them, but Lot gave them his daughters instead (nice guy huh? :down: )


New member
One-Eyed Jack:

You seem to be a reasonable, intelligent Christian. I'm not sure, but I think you might be an Enyartian. Tell me, do you buy into all this stuff about believing the US should reinstitute the death penatly for homosexuals? Do you also believe, as does Poly, Nineveh et al that calling them "queers", "fags", and "homos" is a just and proper thing to be doing?

I have been a conservative Christian all my life, at times amongst some very strict legalistic people, but never in my life have I heard Christians talk this way in a public setting. I find it appalling.

BTW, I'm sorry I even posted a question like this on this thread since it seems like every thread gets hijacked to be a "homosexual thread".
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Aussie Thinker


I hope Jack answers.. I have a feeling he is strong on these issues as SIN but would not be wanting execute people for these transgressions !

As far as the others go.. It seem the 3 main proponents for execution of “fags” are all children.

The most vehement is (supposedly) a 12 Year Old.. and I think he is just parroting what Paw says… I wouldn’t take much from that.. they will grow up one day and change their stupid childish opinions.

If they don’t then they are NEVER likely to end up influencing anyone outside of their own low IQ Church group (and their own poor children) anyway.

It is sad and sickening that Adults would corrupt young minds with such abominable opinions but then they do the same all over the world. When I think of what some cultures do to their Children I guess these backwater hicks and their inane rambling seem insignificant.

BTW.. I use all sorts of terms for everyone.. I am very politically incorrect and mean NO offence. It is quite Australian.. most “fags” here don’t care .. they call themselves worse names than I would !


New member

Well, I know quite well from reading other threads on TOL that many adults here espouse the same opinions about executing homosexuals. They purposely use rude terms to offend, and talk of relishing the damnation of the homosexuals while they get to watch from heaven apparently.

It's sad to see Christianity twisted in such a way. It's also sad to see such views passed on to children.

I find it incredibly ironic---here you and I have crossed swords before over atheism vs Christianity, and yet I am more on your side with this issue than theirs. I'm sure my reasons for my position are somewhat different than yours--but it is interesting how things sometimes work out isn't it?

We'll see what Jack says. If he says homosexuality is a sin, I'll agree. If he says the truth of human sin should not be glossed over by Christians, I'll agree. If we agree that barring accepting God's free gift of salvation through Christ, we are all justly damned, I'll agree.

But if he says, homos should be executed, they should be demeaned and purposely offended with derogatory terms, we should never associate with them, we should tell them that they make us puke, etc then I will vehemently disagree.

So it would be fair to say that I agree with many of their principles, but not the way they practice them.

Aussie Thinker


I have a philosophical problem with the concept of God.

I think it is an interesting topic to argue about. It doesn’t define my life.

However I have a HUGE REAL problem with ANY one whose belief system extends to the elimination of others MERELY because do not adhere to the rules of their belief.

It is important to note that it is a RELIGIOUS law they are demanding execution for transgressing. NOT a secular or empathetic law like murder or rape etc..

They make the TALIBAN look like boy scouts !

It’s ironic but guys like Cyrus with their calm approach and clearly tolerant views make the whole concept of God and Jesus seem MUCH more palatable. If I was a crusading atheist I should LOVE these religious freaks as they turn more people away from religion than toward it. But I am not anti Christian at all.. In fact in many ways I think it may be good for society in general !


New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
As far as the others go.. It seem the 3 main proponents for execution of “fags” are all children.
Our sense of right and wrong has not been seared yet.

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
The most vehement is (supposedly) a 12 Year Old.. and I think he is just parroting what Paw says… I wouldn’t take much from that.. they will grow up one day and change their stupid childish opinions.
If "Paw's Parrot" is beating you in debate, I'm still beating you, whether I'm repeating what "Paw" said or not.
(And it's cool, you think I'm older or something, that must mean I'm doing good :think:

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
If they don’t then they are NEVER likely to end up influencing anyone outside of their own low IQ Church group (and their own poor children) anyway.
Well I've got you pretty riled.... :rolleyes: Anyway, petty insults don't help your losing position in our conversation.

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
It is sad and sickening that Adults would corrupt young minds with such abominable opinions but then they do the same all over the world. When I think of what some cultures do to their Children I guess these backwater hicks and their inane rambling seem insignificant.
:darwinism: If your gonna insult me do it properly. It's a backwood hick, not a backwater hick. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
BTW.. I use all sorts of terms for everyone.. I am very politically incorrect and mean NO offence. It is quite Australian.. most “fags” here don’t care .. they call themselves worse names than I would !
I noticed: backwater hicks and A poor excuse for a bigoted fundy who thinks it's cool to put out he's 12. You need to watch that. :kookoo:
:rolleyes: :kookoo:

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
It’s ironic but guys like Cyrus with their calm approach and clearly tolerant views make the whole concept of God and Jesus seem MUCH more palatable.

It's all about making things palatable for YOU, isn't it?

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

Well, the public DID want the Angels to have unnatural relations with them, but Lot gave them his daughters instead (nice guy huh? :down: )

It was not usual homosexualism. What those men wanted to do with those angels were gang-rape, because they violated the customs of the city.

And if you look carefully it is not even directly noted by Hezekiel, but the root of evil of Sodom lies much more in other sins. I hope you can see it from the verses i gave you.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

If they don’t then they are NEVER likely to end up influencing anyone outside of their own low IQ Church group (and their own poor children) anyway.

I have liked the saying: "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"

So as they NEVER get the influence they want to, they still are pretty powerful to the minds of the people who have not used to think much with their brains. Or those who have already natural inclination to hate anything that is different (different race, nation, sex-orientation, etc).


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

It was not usual homosexualism. What those men wanted to do with those angels were gang-rape,
:doh: It's called Homosexuality. :nono:
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia
because they violated the customs of the city.
What customs? :confused:


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia
Or those who have already natural inclination to hate anything that is different (different race, nation, sex-orientation, etc).
No, the race and nationality have nothing to do with morals. Homosexuality is morally wrong.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

:doh: It's called Homosexuality. :nono:

It's has as much to do with typical homosexuality than you have to do with spacecraft.

Did you read the Hesekiel already? Do you still want to get our focus away from the REAL SINS those people in Sodom held?

What customs? :confused:

As far as i remember it was custom of the city not to let foreigners into your house overnight, without letting others to know about that. My memory might fail me in specifics, but it was kinda such custom in that time.

The basic is that Lot failed against the customs of hospitality what was set in this town. Also Lot was a foreigner in this town too, so he probably did not knew it, or was not used to it.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

No, the race and nationality have nothing to do with morals. Homosexuality is morally wrong.

It's morally wrong to wish death for people who sin. Homosexuals are not exception.

But as you dont believe me anyway, then go ahead, because you feel you are doing the job of your god.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

It's morally wrong to wish death for people who sin. Homosexuals are not exception.

But as you dont believe me anyway, then go ahead, because you feel you are doing the job of your god.
I wish the Government would excute convicted criminals according to the Levitical Law. The World is under the Law.


Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

I wish the Government would excute convicted criminals according to the Levitical Law. The World is under the Law.


Welcome to the club of Christian Reconstructivists!

P.S. I just consulted with my wife over the matter. So i want to make comment over the difference of gang-rape and homosexuality. In some prisons some people practice raping of other male prisoner. It's similar to the gang-rape what we are talking about. In this rape not the one who uses violence is called as paederast, but the one who has been raped. The raper is not homo usually, so i dunno how much he himself enjoys his violental act. But in prison where hetero-sexual relations are forbidden it's pretty common.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

Welcome to the club of Christian Reconstructivists!

P.S. I just consulted with my wife over the matter. So i want to make comment over the difference of gang-rape and homosexuality. In some prisons some people practice raping of other male prisoner. It's similar to the gang-rape what we are talking about. In this rape not the one who uses violence is called as paederast, but the one who has been raped. The raper is not homo usually, so i dunno how much he himself enjoys his violental act. But in prison where hetero-sexual relations are forbidden it's pretty common.
Anyone who practices Homosexual Sex should be executed. That is the definition of a Homo.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

It was not usual homosexualism. What those men wanted to do with those angels were gang-rape, because they violated the customs of the city.

What customs did they violate? Looks to me like they just came to check the place out.

And if you look carefully it is not even directly noted by Hezekiel, but the root of evil of Sodom lies much more in other sins. I hope you can see it from the verses i gave you.

I think you've got that backwards, Cyrus. Sin isn't the root of evil -- evil is the root of sin.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

Anyone who practices Homosexual Sex should be executed. That is the definition of a Homo.

Seems you have no knowledges about prisoners who do such things with their co-mates.

But as you are only 12 years old, you have time to learn more about it.