It's a PLUS that Walker doesn't hve college degree!


New member
looking more like
bush vs clinton rerun
I am okay with that

I hope not.

I fear we have had enough Bushes and I do NOT want Hilary.

Hang a pic of the dead from Benghazi with the quote "What Does Hillary Matter Now?!?" around her neck.

The Barbarian

That one's pretty much played out. The only people buying that story are the people who already hate her.

It keeps the base together,but it repels moderates.

Clinton, in the vast majority of states, is leading all republican candidates. And most of them remain untested, with the negatives yet to be discussed in public.


New member
looking more like
bush vs clinton rerun
I am okay with that

I'm not. It seems Bush thinks the illegals should be made legal without any...

well, i don't know yet how i feel about giving them prison time as a condition of becoming a citizen?

i mean, you know, they should have a record of law breaking just like any other American would have if s/he broke the law... But Americans who have broken the law (have a record) have a hard time getting good jobs ... whereas if no prison time is required of the illegal immigrants... (I think Jeb B wants to skip that?) they have a better chance of getting jobs that Americans should have first crack at...




New member
to simplify what i am trying to say:

why should one group of... people who reside in the USA

be free of a criminal record, thereby more likely to get a good job

than another group, those already citizens, who DO have a record?

that is totally unfair
