There are well-educated people without a college degree. Harry Truman was not a college graduate, but was a voracious reader and very well-informed. More importantly, he did not resent people with degrees. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to Walker.
People often think of con men as being very intelligent, but most of them are of normal to lower intelligence. They are just proficient at misdirection and hiding their objectives. Hence, they often are tripped up on things a reasonably intelligent person would not be. An example is Walker being conned into thinking a telephone prankster was his patron David Koch, and admitting that he had considered planting trouble makers in protests against him.
A more disturbing example of his resentment against educated people, and his failure to think was his recent attempt to subvert the mission the University of Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Idea is a philosophy embraced by the University of Wisconsin System (UW System), which holds that research conducted at the University of Wisconsin System should be applied to solve problems and improve health, quality of life, the environment, and agriculture for all citizens of the state.
The "Wisconsin Idea" had been part of the university system for over a hundred years. Walker wanted to remove the statement from the university mission, and replace it with a mission to train students for jobs in businesses.
The university protested, and was told the decision was "not up for debate." Then it went public, and Walker quickly backpedaled, first .