Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers


Well-known member
The native middle easterners are white? Native Egyptians are not white. In the Bible, Joseph and Paul were mistaken for Egyptians which suggests they looked similar to Egyptians who are not blonde, blue eyed white people.

Now, I don't care about race. The whole world is of one blood. There is neither Jew nor Greek. I point this out because it is Judaism today and Zionists telling us that certain people get special privileges just because they were born "Jews". They think their ethnicity is important. It's not. All races are equal.

We are not looking for "special privileges".
And like it or not, ethnicity is important. Unless you live in some bubble somewhere where it is not.


New member
We are not looking for "special privileges".
And like it or not, ethnicity is important. Unless you live in some bubble somewhere where it is not.

Ethnicity is not important. God is not a respecter if persons. I don't see race as a huge difference. When it comes down to it, there are two types of people in the world: those that are saved and those that aren't.

Desert Reign

For those who think that Israel treats Palestinians unfairly:

For the past week, settlers had rallied around the cause of the two buildings – together comprising 24 unfinished apartments – which the High Court had ordered demolished because they were built on stolen Palestinian land.

But there again, this sort of thing doesn't get reported in the Western press because it is inconvenient to the Western press's agenda to show Israel as a fair and normal country being harrassed on all sides by Muslim terrorists who want nothing other than the anihilation of the entire state of Israel and all Jews everywhere.


Well-known member
For those who think that Israel treats Palestinians unfairly:

But there again, this sort of thing doesn't get reported in the Western press because it is inconvenient to the Western press's agenda to show Israel as a fair and normal country being harrassed on all sides by Muslim terrorists who want nothing other than the anihilation of the entire state of Israel and all Jews everywhere.

You managed to find this news easy enough. And protests are not exactly unusual in democracies.

Israel is far from perfect, as are all democratic countries. And we are threatened- not on all sides (Jordan has been OK, and Egypt as well- at least right now), but on enough sides to make life rather difficult here.

Come visit sometime.


New member
Barfights often end in homicide, and aren't limited to fists.

Alcohol is an unacceptable excuse for perpetrating violence,
just as it is for driving under the influence and negligent homicide by vehicle.

If terrorism is motivated to instill terror,
barfights are all about terror.

Barfights are no longer of the John Wayne variety with 1 on 1 and fists,
chivalrous fairfighting and a handshake at the end between good neighbours.


90% of barfights are with deadly weapons and are gang and drug related.


Also, barfights and streetfights are still about creating fear and being a gangster.

Thats the purest form of terrorism: Extortion, protection, drug debts, loansharking, prostitution.

7-10 years doesn't seem out of line for attempted murder / assault bodily harm with a weapon.

That weapon could be a broken bottle, a knife, or a rock or metal pipe.


I agree. Nicely illustrated Naz.

Desert Reign

You managed to find this news easy enough. And protests are not exactly unusual in democracies.

Israel is far from perfect, as are all democratic countries. And we are threatened- not on all sides (Jordan has been OK, and Egypt as well- at least right now), but on enough sides to make life rather difficult here.

Come visit sometime.

I have done and I'd love to again. But I have no opportunity for the moment. Thanks for the invitation. I meant 'all sides' in a poetic sense.