Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers

Desert Reign

I see, so it would be ok with you if you and your family were routinely pelted with rocks by american indians?

Yes, exactly! You don't find Israelis systematically targeting Arabs within Israel.
Well, actually you do but it is quite rare. Arabs are allowed to live in Israel in peace. But when an Israeli wants to live in the West Bank (there's no such country as Palestine) they are labelled as committing genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing. If an Arab wants to buy a house in Israel he pays the market price and buys the house. If an Israeli wants to buy a house in the West Bank, he is treated with utter contempt, stone-throwing, insults and death threats and he cannot buy the house for love nor money.

Where is the logic in this?

And none of the nay-sayers have answered my question: why are they pointing to this being a crime of children only?

Let me answer it for them -
a) if it is truly children predominantly then who teaches them that it is normal childhood fun to go around throwing rocks at passing cars because there are Jews inside?
b) if it is not in fact children who mainly engage in this then isn't your argument rather blatantly exaggerated and dishonest?
Either way, you haven't got much to stand on - your anti-semitism is showing through and your deodorant doesn't cover up the bad smell.


New member
Originally Posted by fzappa13
I think I see a potential problem here ...

Leviticus 24:16 - And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

Not what you intended but:

(1) Islam is the greatest blasphemy against the Lord ever invented.

(2) All who practice Islam inside Israel are under the death penalty.

That is what your Holy Scripture quotation means.
What people don't want to discuss, is how many Israelis would also be stoned to death,
for blasphemy.

The Holy Theocratic Israel would have a much smaller population.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, exactly! You don't find Israelis systematically targeting Arabs within Israel.
Well, actually you do but it is quite rare. Arabs are allowed to live in Israel in peace. But when an Israeli wants to live in the West Bank (there's no such country as Palestine) they are labelled as committing genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing. If an Arab wants to buy a house in Israel he pays the market price and buys the house. If an Israeli wants to buy a house in the West Bank, he is treated with utter contempt, stone-throwing, insults and death threats and he cannot buy the house for love nor money.

Where is the logic in this?

And none of the nay-sayers have answered my question: why are they pointing to this being a crime of children only?

Let me answer it for them -
a) if it is truly children predominantly then who teaches them that it is normal childhood fun to go around throwing rocks at passing cars because there are Jews inside?
b) if it is not in fact children who mainly engage in this then isn't your argument rather blatantly exaggerated and dishonest?
Either way, you haven't got much to stand on - your anti-semitism is showing through and your deodorant doesn't cover up the bad smell.



Well-known member
America went through the backlash from taking land from the native Americans. It's been centuries. It's not the same situation. Many Palestinians whose lives were upended by the UN and Israeli government are still alive. It's barely been 50 years. If I go to an Indian reservation and throw a family out of their house tomorow, I would expect that the least they might do is throw rocks, especially if they had no legal recourse. I don't think your analogy is accurate.

Europeans took America from the native North Americans.

Jews came back to their homeland, which had been invaded by foreigners- Arabs, in the seventh century.

Not the same situation.


New member
Europeans took America from the native North Americans.

Jews came back to their homeland, which had been invaded by foreigners- Arabs, in the seventh century.

Not the same situation.

Europeans moved into Palestine and said they were returning to their homeland.


July 21, 2015

The Israeli Knesset has overwhelmingly passed a new law that radically toughens punishments for people who throw stones – a tactic that is predominantly used by Palestinian protesters.

Sixty-nine deputies voted for the bill, which was approved in the second and third reading, following hours of heated debate on Monday night, with 17 parliamentarians opposing it, the majority of whom were Muslim.

Tolerance toward terrorists ends today. A stone-thrower is a terrorist and only a fitting punishment can serve as a deterrent and just punishment,” said the architect of the new legislation, Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who is a member of the ultra-Zionist and religious Jewish Home party.

The law prescribes a sentence of 10 years if prosecutors are unable to prove harmful intent from the stone thrower, and 20 years, if it is clear that the attacker desired to cause bodily harm. Additionally, jail terms of up to five years will be handed down to those who “obstruct” police activity by throwing stones, and target law enforcement vehicles. It will only be effective within Israel’s official borders, and not in the occupied territories…
Many Israelis who take the Sabbath seriously, sometimes throw rocks at ambulances because working on the Sabbath is not permitted.


Well-known member
Europeans moved into Palestine and said they were returning to their homeland.

Curious how thee "Europeans" were never accepted as such in Europe. It is also curious how many of those "Europeans" came from parts of Europe located in Syria, Iraq, Morocco and Libya.

Desert Reign

Curious how thee "Europeans" were never accepted as such in Europe. It is also curious how many of those "Europeans" came from parts of Europe located in Syria, Iraq, Morocco and Libya.

What he meant was that he wanted them to be Europeans because he was embarrassed by the fact that they were Jews.


New member
I'm kinda curious why 99.9% of "Jews" I see in America are white. They claim to be middle eastern but they look like a white person. You couldn't tell by looking at David Lee Roth that he's a jew. But apparently be is of the chosen ones or the master race or whatever Judaism calls their synagouge of Satan now.


Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers

The more Israel resorts to these kinds of "heavy-handed" measurements, the more she reinforces comparisons to the one thing she "hates" the most - Nazi Germany!

America, which has 4% of the world's people and 25% of its prison population, has already shown that putting large numbers of citizens behind bars doesn't act as a deterrent or guarantee public safety.

Two of Israel's former prime ministers were once active leaders of the Irgun and the Stern Gang prior to statehood, Jewish terrorist groups who routinely bombed hotels, blew up trains and assassinated members of the British military.

The net effect is that Israel will fill the prisons with teenage Palestinians who will later emerge as hardened adults bent on revenge.

Desert Reign

Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers

The more Israel resorts to these kinds of "heavy-handed" measurements, the more she reinforces comparisons to the thing she "hates" the most - Nazi Germany!

America, which has 4% of the world's people and 25% of its prison population, has already shown that putting large numbers of citizens behind bars doesn't act as a deterrent or guarantee safety.

The net effect is that Israel will fill the prisons with teenage Palestinians only to emerge as hardened adults bent on revenge.

Why is it always Israel who has to do something to find a solution? Why is Israel always responsible? Why are the Palestinians never responsible?

Whjy do you need to use quotation marks when plain language is sufficient?


New member
Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers

The more Israel resorts to these kinds of "heavy-handed" measurements, the more she reinforces comparisons to the one thing she "hates" the most - Nazi Germany!

America, which has 4% of the world's people and 25% of its prison population, has already shown that putting large numbers of citizens behind bars doesn't act as a deterrent or guarantee public safety.

Two of Israel's former prime ministers were once active leaders of the Irgun and the Stern Gang prior to statehood, Jewish terrorist groups who routinely bombed hotels, blew up trains and assassinated members of the British military.

The net effect is that Israel will fill the prisons with teenage Palestinians who will later emerge as hardened adults bent on revenge.

They are already hate-filled teenagers bent on revenge.


Why is it always Israel who has to do something to find a solution? Why is Israel always responsible? Why are the Palestinians never responsible?

Why do you need to use quotation marks when plain language is sufficient?
1. "Desert Reign" conveniently ignores that its Israeli Jews in the Knesset that passed the 20 year sentence for stone throwing that targets young Palestinians.

2. Israeli Jews control the legal system and jails, while Palestinian Israelis are already restricted to living in walled-in conclaves like Bethlehem - where a government pass is needed to leave.

3. Given that we're not supposed to use bold lettering for emphasis, I've resorted to "literary licence" and use quotation marks. If you have a problem with that complain to to the moderators!


They are already hate-filled teenagers bent on revenge.
I've been to Bethlehem - its a walled-in Palestinian enclave where there are no jobs or hope for a better future.

If you were living under those circumstances, you would have little reason to love the Israeli Jews who confiscated your family's land and put you there (Americans had a revolution and fought a civil war with a lot less provocation).

Desert Reign

1. "Desert Reign" conveniently ignores that its Israeli Jews in the Knesset that passed the 20 year sentence for stone throwing that targets young Palestinians.

2. Israeli Jews control the legal system and jails, while Palestinian Israelis are already restricted to living in walled-in conclaves like Bethlehem - where a government pass is needed to leave.

3. Given that we're not supposed to use bold lettering for emphasis, I've resorted to "literary licence" and use quotation marks. If you have a problem with that complain to to the moderators!

The law does not target young Palestinians. It targets stone-throwers. And it was not Israeli Jews that passed this law. It was the Israeli parliament, democratically elected.
Bethlehem is in the West Bank. And a conclave is an assembly or council meeting. You aslo need a pass to leave your country and enter a foreign country. It's called a passport. You're just trying to look as ridiculous as possible.
And you invented that you are not supposed to use bold lettering for emphasis.

So wrong on every count. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. At every level.


New member
Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers

The more Israel resorts to these kinds of "heavy-handed" measurements, the more she reinforces comparisons to the one thing she "hates" the most - Nazi Germany!

America, which has 4% of the world's people and 25% of its prison population, has already shown that putting large numbers of citizens behind bars doesn't act as a deterrent or guarantee public safety.

Two of Israel's former prime ministers were once active leaders of the Irgun and the Stern Gang prior to statehood, Jewish terrorist groups who routinely bombed hotels, blew up trains and assassinated members of the British military.

The net effect is that Israel will fill the prisons with teenage Palestinians who will later emerge as hardened adults bent on revenge.


New member
Soooo, you would support the right of an aggressor to displace you, your friends, family and neighbors from your/their home(s) and not resist that tyranny so long as they did so under the auspices of a contrived war?

This question is worth repeating.


The law does not target young Palestinians. It targets stone-throwers. And it was not Israeli Jews that passed this law. It was the Israeli parliament, democratically elected.
Bethlehem is in the West Bank. And a conclave is an assembly or council meeting. You aslo need a pass to leave your country and enter a foreign country. It's called a passport. You're just trying to look as ridiculous as possible.
And you invented that you are not supposed to use bold lettering for emphasis.

So wrong on every count. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. At every level.
Perhaps "Desert Reign" would prefer that Israel had a 2nd Amendment so the perpetrators wouldn't have to resort to "stone-throwing."

Only the Palestinians live inside these walled-in settlements which bear a close resemblance to the Berlin Wall.

Anyone who has been in Israel knows that Israeli Jews and tourists can travel anywhere, including the West Bank, without being stopped and asked for their passport.

Israel doesn't designate the West Bank as a separate country because it never expects to relinquish control.

Its "Desert Reign" who doesn't know what he's talking about.
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Well-known member
I'm kinda curious why 99.9% of "Jews" I see in America are white. They claim to be middle eastern but they look like a white person. You couldn't tell by looking at David Lee Roth that he's a jew. But apparently be is of the chosen ones or the master race or whatever Judaism calls their synagouge of Satan now.

Visit the Middle East sometime before making statements about skin color.


New member
Visit the Middle East sometime before making statements about skin color.

The native middle easterners are white? Native Egyptians are not white. In the Bible, Joseph and Paul were mistaken for Egyptians which suggests they looked similar to Egyptians who are not blonde, blue eyed white people.

Now, I don't care about race. The whole world is of one blood. There is neither Jew nor Greek. I point this out because it is Judaism today and Zionists telling us that certain people get special privileges just because they were born "Jews". They think their ethnicity is important. It's not. All races are equal.