Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers


New member
July 21, 2015

The Israeli Knesset has overwhelmingly passed a new law that radically toughens punishments for people who throw stones – a tactic that is predominantly used by Palestinian protesters.

Sixty-nine deputies voted for the bill, which was approved in the second and third reading, following hours of heated debate on Monday night, with 17 parliamentarians opposing it, the majority of whom were Muslim.

Tolerance toward terrorists ends today. A stone-thrower is a terrorist and only a fitting punishment can serve as a deterrent and just punishment,” said the architect of the new legislation, Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who is a member of the ultra-Zionist and religious Jewish Home party.

The law prescribes a sentence of 10 years if prosecutors are unable to prove harmful intent from the stone thrower, and 20 years, if it is clear that the attacker desired to cause bodily harm. Additionally, jail terms of up to five years will be handed down to those who “obstruct” police activity by throwing stones, and target law enforcement vehicles. It will only be effective within Israel’s official borders, and not in the occupied territories…


New member
Stone throwing can easily kill or injure, and that is the intent of those throwing the stones. I agree with this new law if you can't tell.

M. A. Williams

New member
Stone throwing can easily kill or injure, and that is the intent of those throwing the stones. I agree with this new law if you can't tell.

Would you be OK with the perpetrator of a bar fight getting 20 years? Branding him a terrorist? I mean, he threw punches for a reason...


Well-known member
Stone throwing can easily kill or injure, and that is the intent of those throwing the stones. I agree with this new law if you can't tell.

I agree. It's the terrorists who are throwing stones, and they train them young. It's like a baby rattler....very deadly. Israel cannot afford to be gentle because their very existence is at stake.


Well-known member
Would you be OK with the perpetrator of a bar fight getting 20 years? Branding him a terrorist? I mean, he threw punches for a reason...

A bar is not Israel and a drunk is not a terrorist. If they hung child rapists here in the states, we'd see fewer molested children.

M. A. Williams

New member
A bar is not Israel and a drunk is not a terrorist. If they hung child rapists here in the states, we'd see fewer molested children.

Right, but the principle remains that they're needlessly excessive punishments when, in reality, they're both acts that could result in the same damage and they're done to the same end.


New member
Would you be OK with the perpetrator of a bar fight getting 20 years? Branding him a terrorist? I mean, he threw punches for a reason...

Barfights often end in homicide, and aren't limited to fists.

Alcohol is an unacceptable excuse for perpetrating violence,
just as it is for driving under the influence and negligent homicide by vehicle.

If terrorism is motivated to instill terror,
barfights are all about terror.

Barfights are no longer of the John Wayne variety with 1 on 1 and fists,
chivalrous fairfighting and a handshake at the end between good neighbours.


90% of barfights are with deadly weapons and are gang and drug related.


Also, barfights and streetfights are still about creating fear and being a gangster.

Thats the purest form of terrorism: Extortion, protection, drug debts, loansharking, prostitution.

7-10 years doesn't seem out of line for attempted murder / assault bodily harm with a weapon.

That weapon could be a broken bottle, a knife, or a rock or metal pipe.


Desert Reign

A bar is not Israel and a drunk is not a terrorist. If they hung child rapists here in the states, we'd see fewer molested children.

I very much agree with this. Having followed the Israeli news for several years now, this is a much needed disincentive. Most of the rock throwers are terrorists. It must be like swarms of ants in your house. It's not like going to the pub - which you don't have to do. You can avoid going to the pub. You can't avoid travelling on roads.
Not so long ago a mother and child were killed while driving their car when a rock thrower threw the rock at the windscreen. It's deliberate terrorism and the fact that it is not bombs or bullets makes little difference.
And it is happening all the time. Every day.


New member
Hall of Fame
I very much agree with this. Having followed the Israeli news for several years now, this is a much needed disincentive. Most of the rock throwers are terrorists. It must be like swarms of ants in your house. It's not like going to the pub - which you don't have to do. You can avoid going to the pub. You can't avoid travelling on roads.
Not so long ago a mother and child were killed while driving their car when a rock thrower threw the rock at the windscreen. It's deliberate terrorism and the fact that it is not bombs or bullets makes little difference.
And it is happening all the time. Every day.



New member
If a Palestinian child throwing a rock at a tank scares you, quit having bibi go around pretending to be a tough guy. He's a Satan worshipping, corporatist coward like 99% of the Israeli government.


New member
Stone throwing can easily kill or injure, and that is the intent of those throwing the stones. I agree with this new law if you can't tell.

How many armed Israeli soldiers have been killed by rocks being thrown (mostly by children) at them?

How many unarmed Palestinians (e.g. children, pregnant women) have been shot to death by Israeli soldiers?


New member
Hall of Fame
How many armed Israeli soldiers have been killed by rocks being thrown (mostly by children) at them?

How many unarmed Palestinians (e.g. children, pregnant women) have been shot to death by Israeli soldiers?

In 2013, there were more than 2,400 Palestinian rock throwing attacks in Israel. Of these, 30 percent were directed at civilian vehicles. 116 civilians were injured due to these incidents. They may appear inoffensive, but rocks threaten lives.

On March 14, 2013, Adva Biton was driving with her three daughters on her way home near Ariel. As she was driving, a Palestinian minor threw rocks at the truck in front of her car. The truck stopped suddenly and Adva did not have time to react. She collided directly with the truck. Adva’s five- and four-year-old daughters were lightly injured, but her three-year-old old daughter Adele was injured critically....

...“All her joy, all her life was taken from her at the age of three,” Adva said during her testimony in court. Her baby remains in the hospital until today, and requires the constant presence of Adva or her husband. “I am not home anymore, I am not available for my three kids,” she said. “I’m supposed to be a mother but I live in Levenstein Hospital. My husband has not really been home in over 10 months. He doesn’t sleep at home at all. It’s like you have no family.”

Adele’s case is just one of many. She was fortunate enough to survive the recent attack, but rock throwing incidents have killed many Israelis.

January 29, 1983: Esther Ohana (21)

Killed by a rock thrown at her car while driving near the Palestinian village Dahariya, on her way from Be’er Sheva to Jerusalem. The rock hit her head and put her in a coma. On February 12, after two weeks in a vegetative state, she passed away.

February 24, 1989: Stf. Sgt. Benny Meisner (25)

Killed when he was struck in the head by a concrete block in Nablus.

October 6, 2000: Bachor Jean (54)

Killed during the second Intifada by rocks thrown at his vehicle while he was travelling from Haifa to Rishon Lezion. The rocks shattered the windshield and struck his chest. His brother, who was driving the car, sped to the hospital but was too late. The perpetrators were found to be from the nearby Arab village Jisar a-Zarka.

May 7, 2001: Koby Mandell (13) and Yosef Ishran (14)

Were beaten to death with rocks when they were hiking in the outskirts of their village, Tekoa, in Judea and Samaria. Their bodies were found in a cave, covered with stones. The perpetrators have still not been found.

June 2, 2001: Yehuda Haim Shoham (5-month old baby)

Died of his wounds after rocks were thrown at his parents’ car while driving near the Palestinian village of Isawiya. The family was returning from relatives at Ra’anana to their house in Shiloh, when a Palestinian threw a rock at the front windshield, went through, and hit the baby in the back seat.

September 23, 2011: Asher Palmer (25) and his infant son Jonathan (12-month old baby)

Killed when their car veered and crashed into a tunnel after rocks were thrown at their front windshield while driving near Kiryat Arba. Later on, two Palestinians from the nearby village of Halhul admitted to instigating the attack.
Asher and Yonatan Palmer


Well-known member
I think I see a potential problem here ...

Leviticus 24:16 - And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.


New member
How long do you think a person should be sentenced if they throw stones at you?

I'm not a millitary force occupying a different country. I feel bad for the regular people over there, Israelis and Palestinians, but I have little sympathy for the Israeli government.

Desert Reign

How many armed Israeli soldiers have been killed by rocks being thrown (mostly by children) at them?

How many unarmed Palestinians (e.g. children, pregnant women) have been shot to death by Israeli soldiers?

Go on then, you tell us!
Angel has given evidence for Arab stone-throwers. Now you give yours - show us how many unarmed Palestinians have been shot dead by Israeli soldiers? Bring it on.

And by the way, why do you say that rock-throwers are mostly children? If it is true, again bring the evidence. And if it is true, why do you think it is mostly children who do this?

And finally, what kind of mentality motivates you to suggest that rock-throwing is somehow forgivable as a crime merely because it happens less often (in your unsubstantiated opinion) than when Palestinians are killed by Israelis? I can tell you it is certainly not the mentality of Christian that motivates you.

Awaiting your detailed answers.

I'm not a millitary force occupying a different country. I feel bad for the regular people over there, Israelis and Palestinians, but I have little sympathy for the Israeli government.

If you feel bad for the 'regular people', why do you not support laws against stone-throwers? Could it be that actually you don't feel bad about them at all? Could it be that after all they are only Jews?


New member
Hall of Fame
We give 20 years to rock throwers too that cause injuries:

Sentences for teens throwing rocks from an overpass over an interstate:

Two Plead Guilty, One Sentenced in Rock Throwing

...Dylan Lahr, 18, of New Columbia was in court next. He’s the one the other boys say actually threw the rock that hit Budd. Lahr never admitted that, but did plead guilty to four charges, including aggravated assault. He could get up to 20 years behind bars...

...Last to go before the judge was Brett Lahr, 19, of New Columbia who last March pleaded no contest to criminal conspiracy to commit aggravated assault. He had nothing to say to the Budd family Tuesday afternoon at his sentencing.

The judge sentenced Brett Lahr to between one and a half and 20 years in jail.
No, its not excessive.


New member
I think I see a potential problem here ...

Leviticus 24:16 - And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

Not what you intended but:

(1) Islam is the greatest blasphemy against the Lord ever invented.

(2) All who practice Islam inside Israel are under the death penalty.

That is what your Holy Scripture quotation means.

If you doubt that Islam is blasphemy, read this:
