Isn't it reasonable to doubt Young Earth Creationism?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
OK, bye. :wave2:


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So you are not going to even try to explain what process created the radio active elements in the crust? Tell me, if you will not or can not explain your views, why should anybody listen to anything you say?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What is most interesting about Walt's hypothesis is that they require that God's act of creation was not completed by the sixth day. Radioactive elements, meteors, and comets were all created thousands of years after God's completed act of creation on day 6. DOesn't seem like Walt is doing a very god job of explaining how creation happened in 6 days if somethings weren't created until the thousands of years later.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So you are not going to even try to explain what process created the radio active elements in the crust?
If you cared, you would have read the link that you were given.

Tell me, if you will not or can not explain your views, why should anybody listen to anything you say?

You shouldn't listen. You should put me on ignore and never mention me again. :up:

I don't care what you believe. I'm looking for a rational discussion of ideas. However, your sole ambition is to disagree with anything that denies your precious Darwinism.

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
What is most interesting about Walt's hypothesis is that they require that God's act of creation was not completed by the sixth day. Radioactive elements, meteors, and comets were all created thousands of years after God's completed act of creation on day 6. DOesn't seem like Walt is doing a very god job of explaining how creation happened in 6 days if somethings weren't created until the thousands of years later.
Stop being stupid on purpose. :up:

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So you are not going to even try to explain what process created the radio active elements in the crust? Tell me, if you will not or can not explain your views, why should anybody listen to anything you say?

Try googling piezoelectricity.

What is most interesting about Walt's hypothesis is that they require that God's act of creation was not completed by the sixth day.

Talk about a straw man.

Radioactive elements, meteors, and comets were all created thousands of years after God's completed act of creation on day 6.

No, not created. Formed, as a result of a world wide natural disaster.

Doesn't seem like Walt is doing a very god job of explaining how creation happened in 6 days if somethings weren't created until the thousands of years later.

Straw man.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
If you cared, you would have read the link that you were given.

You shouldn't listen. You should put me on ignore and never mention me again. :up:

I don't care what you believe. I'm looking for a rational discussion of ideas. However, your sole ambition is to disagree with anything that denies your precious Darwinism.

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The problem with that is that you have no idea what a rational conversation is. It is not rational to agree with everything you say or everything I say. It is rational to discuss the differences. It is not rational to insult people simply because they don't agree with you.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Try googling piezoelectricity.
I did. I saw what Walt said and I saw other research on the subject. I am not convinced that piezoelectric electric effects create sufficient energy to fuse atoms.

Talk about a straw man.

No, not created. Formed, as a result of a world wide natural disaster.
Ah, equivocation. Always a good response when you cant address the point raised head on.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Theproblemwiththat isthatyouhavenoideawhatarationalconversationis.Itis notrationaltoagreewitheverythingyousayoreverythingI say.Itisrationaltodiscussthedifferences.Itisnotrational toinsultpeoplesimplybecausetheydon'tagreewithyou.

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
But I 'demand' it from Exodus 20:11 KJV

That we have learned to estimate the apparent age of the universe, tells us how much work God did in creating everything. He did over 13 billion years of work in just six days!


That we have learned to estimate the apparent age of the universe, tells us how much work God did in creating everything. He did over 13 billion years of work in just six days!

and yet he did it in such a manner that he had to redo the earth within a few thousand years


New member
So you are not going to even try to explain what process created the radio active elements in the crust? Tell me, if you will not or can not explain your views, why should anybody listen to anything you say?
In day one God said..."Let there be light." Radiation began. This is why there are radio active elements in all matter. Radiometric dating traces backward to when God created light.
Radiation is energy that travels in the form of waves (electromagnetic radiation) or high-speed particles (particulate radiation). Particulate radiation happens when an unstable (or radioactive) atom disintegrates. Electromagnetic (EM) radiation, on the other hand, has no mass and travels in waves. EM radiation can range from very low energy to very high energy, and we call this span the electromagnetic spectrum. Within the EM spectrum, there are two types of radiation -- ionizing and non-ionizing.

Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is a stream of photons, traveling in waves. The photon is the base particle for all forms of EM radiation. But what's a photon? It's a bundle of energy -- of light -- always in motion.


New member
In day one God said..."Let there be light." Radiation began. This is why there are radio active elements in all matter. Radiometric dating traces backward to when God created light.
It might be interesting to note that Dr Wiens, the author of "radiometric dating from Christian perspective" was also the primary scientist for the Genesis Project, which captured and measured solar winds to trace back to the moment of God's creation of the universe.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That we have learned to estimate the apparent age of the universe, tells us how much work God did in creating everything. He did over 13 billion years of work in just six days!
and yet he did it in such a manner that he had to redo the earth within a few thousand years
He did it in such a way that permits us to freely disbelieve in Him, no matter how advanced our science becomes, year after year, in characterizing His handiwork.


New member
He did it in such a way that permits us to freely disbelieve in Him, no matter how advanced our science becomes, year after year, in characterizing His handiwork.
Science actually points us toward God. We know there is a creator because of the amazing and intricate design he has woven.
The reason why there are many godless scientists is that humans are born in rebellion to God. Many are looking for a way to hide and avoid God. This is the nature of humans who are unreconciled to God.


New member
Speaking of which, who are you? Who have you been? This isn't your first rodeo at TOL.

They're easy to spot.

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This makes me laugh. I post that science points toward God and share about radiation being in the very first moment of God's creation. Then, I get posters who avoid the data, but speculate about myself. Is this a general tactic at theology online or is it specific of a few posters when they struggle with the topic?
In any case, don't let your hearts be troubled. I am brand new to theology online. I have posted for awhile on Christian Haven so sharing my views is not new.
In any case, I enjoy discussing the glory of God. If that bothers you, I make no apologies.