Islamic website shows beheading of American


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

I am glad whoever it was behind the mask that cut the head off did not do so in vain.
If it was a stage or a redirect from the prison abuse, and no one believed it was islamic terrorist, it would have all been for nothing.


Number one, you're the one who brought racism into this thread.

Number two, don't you think that if it was a stage or a redirect from the prison abuse that our news stations would have rushed to show it on television? I still haven't seen anything about it on t.v. at all.


Originally posted by granite1010

Me a racist. That's almost funny.

And now cry's trying to say that the murderers who decapitated Mr. Berg were, of course, Evil Jews in Disguise.

This lady's got issues, folks.

you do enjoy an audience dont you granite?
I said in response to the evil islams in wrap, that I dont know who they are because I cannot see through clothing.
I am sorry you cannot understand that concept.


Originally posted by philosophizer

Cry, why are you so sure of an idea that is only your own speculation without any evidence?

me? I said I cannot see through clothes to SPECULATE who it is and then everyone got mad at me.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

you do enjoy an audience dont you granite?
I said in response to the evil islams in wrap, that I dont know who they are because I cannot see through clothing.
I am sorry you cannot understand that concept.

Islamic terrorists took credit for Berg's murder. I don't know how else to say this, cry, but: Muslims beheaded the man. Admit that and move on.


Originally posted by ebenz47037


Number one, you're the one who brought racism into this thread.

Number two, don't you think that if it was a stage or a redirect from the prison abuse that our news stations would have rushed to show it on television? I still haven't seen anything about it on t.v. at all.

I was trying to tell you what I thought the word terrorist implies in this day is the only reason I brought up arab.

you must not have cable, that is all that is on my television set is this subject, I have the sound off.


Originally posted by granite1010

Islamic terrorists took credit for Berg's murder. I don't know how else to say this, cry, but: Muslims beheaded the man. Admit that and move on.

NO- people who said they were Islamic terrorists took credit for it,
and they were all wrapped up in clothes.


New member
Hall of Fame
Maybe if Muslims stopped shooting down airliners and cutting off heads they wouldn't have such a PR problem.:rolleyes:


Originally posted by TreMor

Notice the timestamps. 11 hours between the time they grabbed him by the hair, and the actual killing. Half a day of torture not knowing when you're going to be killed.

Is that you in the avatar? spooky.


Originally posted by granite1010

Maybe if Muslims stopped shooting down airliners and cutting off heads they wouldn't have such a PR problem.:rolleyes:

or if they owned the media they wouldnt either
I assume you can prove who was behind 9-11 as well? wow you must have the inside scoop.


Originally posted by TreMor

Notice the timestamps. 11 hours between the time they grabbed him by the hair, and the actual killing. Half a day of torture not knowing when you're going to be killed.

I dont quite get the time thing.


New member
I don't know why anyone is surprised by this. After all wasn't it Donald Rumsfeld who said ""Freedom's untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things."

So really, this is to be expected.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by TreMor

Notice the timestamps. 11 hours between the time they grabbed him by the hair, and the actual killing. Half a day of torture not knowing when you're going to be killed.

Tremor, did you look at my link? The timestamps are consistent with the exception of the last one that's too blurry to read.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by ebenz47037
Well, do you think that if we let a few live that they would not feel resentment at the fact that, even though all we killed were the terrorists, we bombed their nation?
So, you're saying wipe them all out, every man, woman and child, and render every square mile of land unusable, in case somebody comes along a few decades later nursing a grudge and spoiling for a rematch?

One shudders to think how you would've fought the First World War; exterminating the Germans would certainly have prevented the second one...
Are we just supposed to sit here and twiddle our thumbs while the terrorists attack us on our own soil? And, if we react by taking it to their home (which we did), are we supposed to ignore their atrocities while exaggerating our own?
If you're refering to 09/11/01, those terrorists were Saudis, almost to a man.

If retaliation was the goal, why are Mecca, Medina and Riyadh still standing?

Are we supposed to discipline our soldiers that we sent over there for doing what would come naturally with almost anyone?
Yes, we are, because we are supposed to be better than that.

Am I to believe that, because of 09/11, you're saying this unprofessional behavior is justified?

If you have decided that anything goes, that any action, no matter how brutal, is justified because there's a war on, then don't be surprised if American GIs start getting subjected to even more creative methods of inflicting pain.

Or would you recommend that they be trained to kill themselves to avoid capture?


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Gerald

So, you're saying wipe them all out, every man, woman and child, and render every square mile of land unusable, in case somebody comes along a few decades later nursing a grudge and spoiling for a rematch?

I know. I sound blood-thirsty. But, I'm tired of seeing our soldiers and citizens that are over there, trying to help rebuild Iraq, getting killed. And, I'm definitely tired of seeing our soldiers get torn apart here by our own media.

One shudders to think how you would've fought the First World War; exterminating the Germans would certainly have prevented the second one...
If you're refering to 09/11/01, those terrorists were Saudis, almost to a man.

Got to :chuckle: again, Gerald. A lot of the things this country's gone through lately would never have happened if we hadn't gone soft. What I'm seeing you say is funny because you're the one who's always talking about how Christians should stand up and be men and not be afraid to fight.

If retaliation was the goal, why are Mecca, Medina and Riyadh still standing?

I said that a long time ago. Personally, I think they should make a glass parking lot out of the whole area.

Yes, we are, because we are supposed to be better than that.

Am I to believe that, because of 09/11, you're saying this unprofessional behavior is justified?

I'm just saying that you have to remember that they're going through hell over there. They're men and women (merely human with emotions and emotional responses to what they see). You can't expect them to detach their feelings from their bodies with what's going on out there.

Honestly, I know there's no excuse for what they've been doing to the prisoners. But, to me, what the prisoners have been facing is not torture. It's humiliation.

If you have decided that anything goes, that any action, no matter how brutal, is justified because there's a war on, then don't be surprised if American GIs start getting subjected to even more creative methods of inflicting pain.

That's what they said about the Vietnam War, too.

Or would you recommend that they be trained to kill themselves to avoid capture?

Either way, they're going to die if they get caught. Suicide, to me, is the coward's way out. But, they will face far worse than what they've been dishing out at the prison in Iraq if they get captured.

You have to remember that the majority of soldiers out there are kids, compared to you and me. They're away from home (some for the first time) and probably more than a little scared.

People do the same thing with anyone who's a "major player" in life: the president, their pastor, the soldiers fighting for us. They put them up on a pedestal and forget that, instead of being god-like, they're human. And, when the men fall, people get mad.


New member
Originally posted by CryTears

I dont quite get the time thing.
Look at pictures 3 and 4 on the page. In pic #3, they grab him by the head. The timestamp reads 2:44:10. Now on pic #4, they are killing him. the timestamp reads 13:45:47. 11 hours has transpired between the reading of the statement, the grabbing of his head, and his murder.

That means when he is first grabbed, they stopped and let 11 hours go by. I imagine those were looooooong and torturous 11 hours.


I haven't seen this information on this thread yet; both Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl (another victim of the terrorists) were both Jewish. The prison photos are just the latest excuse to kill an (American) Jew.