Islamic Deception: Al-Takeyya or Al-Taqiyya


New member
You can forget about Christian deaths by Muslims being counted.

The United Nations has stopped keeping an official count, citing unreliable sources.

No one counts deaths by Muslims, so you're OK with supplying that deaths by Christian number instead. I get it.


New member
The Quran contains about 109 verses that call Muslims to kill nonbelievers for the sake of Islam.

Quran says: kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

All these verses is about war/battle condition and was revealed to Mohammed when he was in war condition against infidels , and there is many verses that told us to stop fighting if they stop.


New member
we are not in war condition with USA and most all muslims work with western countries against extrimists.
The Muslim extremist want to take over the Muslim governments. Muslim governments want America and Europe to spend money and manpower for their problem.