Islamic Deception: Al-Takeyya or Al-Taqiyya


New member
No, I am speaking of the regularly repeated claim that 100 000 christians are killed for their faith every year worldwide. (= 1 every 5 minutes)

Here is an analysis of the claim,, which finds the figure a gross exaggeration.

If you disagree that the figure is a lie, please provide a citation or reference for the figure you are claiming.
There is something wrong with your story, but thanks for bring it to my attention.

Estimates show that there are equal numbers of Muslims among the Hutus as there are among the Tutsis.


New member

Estimates show that there are equal numbers of Muslims among the Hutus as there are among the Tutsis.

And these are historical deaths, and unrelated to the faith of the victims. 90% of your '1 every 5 minutes' figure should not be included.


New member
Islamic Deception

Al-Takeyya. Or: Al-Taqiyya.

In Islam, lying or omissions for the 'greater good,' according to a strict or radical Islamic philosophy is not only acceptable, but it is a holy and blessed work. It is called "Al-Takeyya. Or. Al-Taqiyya. It is a strategy outlined in the Hadiths and supported by various interpretations of some of the Suras in the Koran.
Al-Takeyya is a policy whereby a Muslim may lie, deceive or omit critical truths if it promotes the spreading of Islam, and the conquest of the Non-Muslim world.

According to William P. Welty, Ph.D., "Al-Takeyya / Taqiyya is:
"The Islamic principle of lying for the sake of Allah. Falsehoods told to prevent denigration of Islam, to protect oneself, or to promote the cause of Islam are sanctioned by the Qur'an, including lying under penalty of perjury in testimony before the United States Congress, lying or making distorted statements to the media such as claiming that Islam is a religion of peace and deceiving fellow Muslims when the one lying has deemed them to be apostates."

Definition from an Islamic encyclopedia:
"The word "Al-Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and / or strategies..."

In radical Islam, any Jew living in Israel is not considered innocent nor a civilian. Nor were the people living and working in America on 9-11. Islamists consider the "Great Satan -- America," and the "Little Satan -- Israel," to be enemy combatants. And this includes every man, woman or child, even babies. This includes any and all who are not Islamists and who oppose being forced to kneel down and pay homage to Allah. In particular, Christians whom they call "Crusaders", and also the Jews.

Muslims see America as naive, and its people ripe for deceit and murder in the name of Allah.
A Muslim thinks from the first moment that he lies that he is honouring Allah, and putting one over on the infidel, which he is directed to do.

"and [they] deceived and Allah deceived and Allah is the best of deceivers" Sura 3:54

So then, lies and deception is a part of the Muslim religion! That would mean that they are beyond reason, and beyond redemption; totally lacking in any redeeming qualities, making themselves of a very low moral grade.

In regards to the Palestinians.
The Palestinians were of Greek ancestry. The Philistines came to the land of Canaan from Caphtor and other western coastlands. Caphtor is now called Crete and the people are called Cretans. They made war against the Canaanites for their land to establish Palestine. The Palestinian people were not, and are not, of Arab ancestry. The Arab people who now live in Israel want to reclaim Palestine, saying that they are the Palestinians is not true. What is true is that they are Arabs who wish to reclaim Canaanite land. Note: See Jeremiah 47:4 and Amos 9:7. The Philistines invaded Canaan about 1400 B.C. Hebrew settlement of Canaan was about 1200 B.C. At a later date the Canaanites became an Arabic tribe.

Meaning of the word Islam.
Islam is an Arabic word that means "submission or submit" (to Allah). It has a relationship to another Arabic word, such as Salaam, meaning "peace". The Arabic word "Muslim" is related to the word Islam and means a "vassal" of Allah, and is whom has surrendered and submitted (to Allah).

Muslims see homage to Allah as a sign of distinction; paying homage means serving the will of Allah above and beyond one's own goals. The Arabic word "Islam" simply means "submission", and is derived from the word meaning "peace."

In a religious context it simply means submit to the will of Allah. And so Islam means “submission” not “peace". It is frequently said that the word Islam means “peace.” It does not. Islam is the Arabic word for "submission." The Arabic word for “peace” is transliterated as salam or salaam.

In Arabic, as in English, these are distinctly different words.
It is their religion to destroy other nations to establish Islam. The politicians just do not get it. When the Muslims have established themselves in numbers and strength in a nation, then they are embolden to exert their will.

Mohammad said: If your enemy is stronger than you, make a pretense of peace, then when you are able, kill them.

From now on it is their plan to weaken the nations financially through terrorism.

Speculation: About 75% of Muslims believe the white race has to be destroyed in order for Islam to advance.

Islam is the Red Horse
Zechariah 1:8

During the night I had a vision—and there before me was a man riding a red horse! He was standing among the myrtle trees in a ravine. Behind him were red, dappled and white horses.

Zechariah 6:2
The first chariot had a red horse, the second black, 3 the third white, and the fourth dappled—all of them powerful. 4 I asked the angel who was speaking to me, "What are these, my lord?"
5 The angel answered me, "These are the four spirits of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world. 6 The one with the black horses is going toward the north country, [Russia] the one with the white horses toward the west, [America] and the one with the dappled horses toward the south." [Austrailia]
[The red horse goes east]

Revelation 6:4
Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

The Babylonian Talmud says: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth" The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.

These five points have been in operation for the Canaanites for three thousand years. The Will of Canaan even today remains instructions for the Canaanite heirs. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre. The instructions are a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem.

You hate peace


New member
And these are historical deaths, and unrelated to the faith of the victims. 90% of your '1 every 5 minutes' figure should not be included.

Since the defeat of the Vatican in 1798 by Napoleon, the Catholics have stopped killing Christians.


New member
Your news story was defective to say the least. Perhaps a Muslim wrote it, or the reporter was lied to.
Yet you can't give a source of the figure you faithfully believe. The BBC page I linked you to had interviewed the actual author of the figure! Was he lying? Are you resulting in statistics from this liar?


New member
Yet you can't give a source of the figure you faithfully believe. The BBC page I linked you to had interviewed the actual author of the figure! Was he lying? Are you resulting in statistics from this liar?
Quote BBC
"Its researchers started by estimating the number of Christians who died as martyrs between 2000 and 2010 - about one million by their reckoning - and divided that number by 10 to get an annual number, 100,000.
But how do they reach that figure of one million?
When you dig down, you see that the majority died in the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo."

This BBC quote in the article is a lie: "The DRC is a Christian country. In the civil war, Christians were killing Christians."

Estimates show that there are equal numbers of Muslims among the Hutus as there are among the Tutsis.

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New member
This BBC quote in the article is a lie: "The DRC is a Christian country. In the civil war, Christians were killing Christians."
The CIA Facebook says between 80% and 90% are Christian. So another easily refuted error from you.

Estimates show that there are equal numbers of Muslims among the Hutus as there are among the Tutsis.
Hutus and Tutsis? Haha. I think you are confusing the DRC with Rwanda.

Come on, when you are faced with definitive proof of a mistake, be grown up and accept it. To continue with a bare faced lie to avoid having to back down is a poor show.


New member
The CIA Facebook says between 80% and 90% are Christian. So another easily refuted error from you.

Hutus and Tutsis? Haha. I think you are confusing the DRC with Rwanda.

Come on, when you are faced with definitive proof of a mistake, be grown up and accept it. To continue with a bare faced lie to avoid having to back down is a poor show.
Yes, Rwanda is now about 90% Christian.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (/ˈkɒŋɡoʊ/; French pronunciation: ​[kɔ̃ɡo]; French: République démocratique du Congo), also known as DR Congo, DRC, DROC, RDC, Congo-Kinshasa, or simply Congo is a country located in Central Africa. From 1971 to 1997 it was named Zaïre. The DRC borders the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan to the north; Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania to the east; Zambia and Angola to the south; and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.


New member
Yes, Rwanda is now about 90% Christian.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (/ˈkɒŋɡoʊ/; French pronunciation: ​[kɔ̃ɡo]; French: République démocratique du Congo), also known as DR Congo, DRC, DROC, RDC, Congo-Kinshasa, or simply Congo is a country located in Central Africa. From 1971 to 1997 it was named Zaïre. The DRC borders the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan to the north; Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania to the east; Zambia and Angola to the south; and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

Huh? What is this supposed to tell me?


New member
The bible does not say, kill non-believers, but the Quran does. The word "Islam" means "submit," it does not mean "peace."

No,OT says. Muslims must fight the people who fight Islam but not kill them like my post now, but killing is in war condition . USA is not against Islam because it gives the chance for Muslims to do their religion .
Islam means submit , most muslims don't hate non muslims and would like to make peace with them, but you CR not like to make this peace ... you hate peace.


New member
No,OT says. Muslims must fight the people who fight Islam but not kill them like my post now, but killing is in war condition . USA is not against Islam because it gives the chance for Muslims to do their religion .
Islam means submit , most muslims don't hate non muslims and would like to make peace with them, but you CR not like to make this peace ... you hate peace.
The Quran contains about 109 verses that call Muslims to kill nonbelievers for the sake of Islam.

Quran says: kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.


New member
You can forget about Christian deaths by Muslims being counted.

The United Nations has stopped keeping an official count, citing unreliable sources.