Well, since you side-stepped the actual issue and instead attacked the opponent (a classic fallacy) I'm forced to apply this myopic speculation to the larger picture:
You've done this already though, and it is absolutely 'projection' for it. You simply must see your own astigmatism in these discussion or what you apply will often be egocentric.
The reason this is important is because
you are painting me with that broad brush. "White privilege" is a kind of prejudice all its own. I did not grow up like you imagine. I grew up in projects and my friends were all blacks in the same projects. I was beat up, often, by black bullies (mind you, a good many others were my friends, but I'm trying to make a point): I was not as 'white privileged as you imagine and the broad-brush FORCES me into a narrative rather than letting me fit where I actually grew up.
The subject being white privilege and per it's advantages, its self-serving arrogance is clear - at least here. As for the advantaged stricken -- per their moral, spiritual and material superiority, they can't dare to be at fault. As such, there must be aspersions cast upon the discontented...."deep-seated" issues of egocentrism and self-inflicted victimhood.
See what YOU did there? YOU forced ME into a mold YOU have in YOUR mind. It is part of your nonwhite status, and that's okay, just see the color of your own colored glasses. Dialogue is better than 'telling' what bin I am in.
A typical and convenient, look-the-other-way, blame the victim rationalization. You believe in this manner ....well, because you can afford to. Never forced into confronting your lofty perch, you've had no need to. Though, It seems current events are forcing your hand on the issue and your uncomfortable response is to defensively lash out.
I've scars, thus 'convenient' isn't the word. If I'm at all anything, I've paid for the position dearly.
Good! When you are empathizing, it is a start and a place I actually enjoy a bit of meaning in our conversations, however often they come.
No, Lon I'm as white as you and grew up middle-class, small town American. Perhaps though, I do indeed hold a chip because even though I'm white I still recognize the advantages I've had and hold compassion for those that don't....and in that regard, sadly it seems I'm in (thus, can identify with) the minority.
Interestingly, you make statements that eschew, so I hope you connect why I'd put two and two together (incorrectly as it may be).
-- As a side-bar, speaking of projection....don't project your self-serving demeanor onto me; don't conflate passion and empathy with that of "self-inflicted" victimhood.----
My sig never carried "afraid of what I never made." You HAVE to own that. You wrote it. There is no 'and, if's, or but's' concerning it. You made a clear conveyance and it is my initial introduction to all things "Quip."
Once again, I beseech you to examine the advantages you've been blessed with and wish it upon others instead of cursing them for desiring that which was effortlessly bestowed upon you.
I'm convinced at this venture, you know better and otherwise, at least by statement. I REALLY appreciate 'blessed' as part of your narrative. It meets both of our narratives and we can talk about how we became 'blessed.' I no longer live in projects. It was a hard climb but I can readily embrace 'blessed' as part of that narrative. Was I 'blessed' in those projects of poverty? In a sense, though it was really hard and difficult, but I'm in a good place. For me, it took hard work and determination and I've a black friend that has done similar. He simply did the same thing I've done and buckled down. You would be correct to say we both had hurdles and I absolutely agree some of his is in regard to his skin color and mine are due to having other issues that may or may not compare. What I do know, is we both have been 'blessed.' I met him through my business and built him a fence. Later, I've done a lot of work on his house when he needs me so I'm fairly familiar with his narrative.
For me the thread question has to be formed like this: "Was there any 'privilege' you received from being white that isn't compensated for some way, for another color?' Perhaps in a criminal sense, but I nor my friend are criminals so it doesn't apply. He is 'for' the marches. I haven't gotten to ask him if he is for the violence and harm being caused by all of them yet. I'd think he'd be against that part, but there are a good many that support that too. Friends of my brother are flying a flag in support of first responders (not just police, paramedics, firemen, dispatchers, etc). They have been vandalized and have received the worst kinds of hate-mail. I'm wondering if their 'white' privilege actually exists and keeps them from harm and trouble. It doesn't seem to be of any help whatsoever.
I believe there have been some good questions in thread to this point: In WHAT senses am I privileged for my color? I would agree 1) I'm not pulled over often BUT over 50% of the crimes in this country are perpetrated by a very specific color. I'm a bit in agreement with Pavlov and B.F. Skinner that man is a machine (product of his/her environment) because I know what living in those poor circumstances growing up can do to the psyche, but I'm also very aware that the Christianity that you are 'afraid of' lifted me out of being angry and reactionary and taught me a better way. I do believe the faith and philosophy reach way past any barriers and color for certain becomes superficial (not legitimate, just comparing the hurdle faith crosses as not being consequential in comparison). I've seen it. Thus, while I think some white-wash in recent discussions makes us realize another's narrative (a good thing), the mean and angry parts of it are of no significant value. I REALLY appreciate 'love' and 'empathy' I'm hearing from the left over the issues. Those must overshadow 'angry' and 'violent' and 'unreasonable' or this will simply be lost in history until love and care really are a part of the solution (a bit of a different discussion along the lines of the thread I started on BLM). :e4e: