Is White Privilege Real?


When it notes white people making racist, negative assumptions about black people and when I note studies demonstrating the way even minorities view them largely, it's not creating a racist statement, it's recognizing the objective power of race in influencing choice.

When a gigantic portion of the black community- the majority even- are dressed up by your political correctness as being upstanding citizens, your 'facts' stand up.

But when you can't acknowledge reality without being called 'racist', you all have free reign to spread your NONSENSE.

It's not white privilege, it's non-dubious citizen privilege. It's 'All Lives Matter' privilege. It's 'get out of my face with your prejudice masquerading as something else' privilege :rolleyes:


Wow, if that's the message you got from 'American History X' then you should really avoid a career as a film critic...


Yeah, because their is only one opinion- the liberal one :rolleyes:
Liberal Hollywood, Jewish guy. I mean, just can it bro.

I could see that movie being made where you would all call it racist- in a way that acknowledges more than just the sins of the white guy.

That's why you all, and black people, love that movie. It's a slant against everyone ultimately, for the Jew, and a bit more so against whites.

Teach the Edomite a lesson in morals, there you go- lost white devils!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And any word yet, on how Asians overcame white privilege?

... the 60s white dominated society saw them as comic relief.


you must be thinking of some other 60s

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Have you read it?

Notice any good points in it? Any problems with it?

i was struck by the fact that black bus drivers adhered to "white privilege", albeit not as much as white bus drivers

good to see that they were trained, but disappointing that they weren't well trained

:idea: maybe black bus drivers require more extensive training, at least when it comes to applying "white privilege"


Well-known member
i was struck by the fact that black bus drivers adhered to "white privilege", albeit not as much as white bus drivers

good to see that they were trained, but disappointing that they weren't well trained

Read the actual 2013 study (linked in the article). It's a bit of a mess.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Alright. Maybe TH will respond, in which case he and I can discuss it further.

I am sure you'll chime in, throughout.

i got as far as "in their normal voice" when it spazzed out

that seems a bit problematic right there

i'm often frustrated with pdf's - trying to cut and paste from them to a word document (or tol)


Well-known member
i got as far as "in their normal voice" when it spazzed out

that seems a bit problematic right there

i'm often frustrated with pdf's - trying to cut and paste from them to a word document (or tol)

Sure, it could be.

There's also the part about attractiveness ratings of each subgroup of testers (Asian, Indian, Black, White).


Well-known member
did you get the second one to open at all?

i couldn't

Nope. It was taken down. Quite possibly by the university.

The first once was denounced by them.

University of Queensland bus racism investigation 'infected by error'

I thought the biggest problem was the different number of male and female testers used within each race group.
Asians and Whites had equal numbers of male and female testers, and were rated as most attractive before the research began. Indians and Blacks had more males than females, and were rated as least attractive before the research.

Amazingly, the Whites and Asians were given free rides the most.