Just one? Here's one: White people aren't treated as representatives of their entire race, such that the actions of one are interpreted as the actions of all.
Get your head out of the sand. One example of many:
Netflix Announces New Series 'Dear White People' and Shows Their True Colors
“America needs a new voice of reason. Class begins...”
Netflix is telling us that all white people are out of touch with reality and need to be schooled. All of them. There aren’t any qualifiers here. Every “white person” from Bernie Sanders and Ann Coulter to Donald Trump and Diane Feinstein is out of touch when it comes to black people...more at link
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/2017/...trailer-sparks-backlash-netflix-faces-claims/Since it was uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday, it has been viewed more than 214,000 times. More than 54,000 people gave it "a thumbs down" while just 2,800 reacted positively.
Of the more than 20,000 comments the clip drew, many described it as racist while some users threatened to cancel their Netflix subscription in protest.
Netflix announced a new racist anti-white show called "Dear White People." Would it be OK to make a show called dear black people? No.
— Makada ���� (@_Makada_) February 8, 2017
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