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Is volcanism and the earth's surface radioactivity evidence of the Flood? yes or no.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... Are there radioactive elements at the earth's surface solely because of the Flood? ...

I know even less about radioactivity, so bear with me. Radioactive elements existed before the Flood but only under the earth's crust (or maybe at the bottom of it), and when the crust disintegrated during the Flood and churned all around, some of the previously buried material came to the surface, stayed there, and is still here now. Radium, radon, uranium, etc.

I don't know if the Flood explains radioactive isotopes found in most if not all chemical elements. (Such as carbon 14.)
Revisiting radioactivity, especially as regards dating methods used by geologists. These methods are where geologists get their support for their idea of millions and billions of years. They examine the radioactivity of sedimentary rock strata that we see everywhere on the Earth's land surfaces, and they say that the deepest layers have lower radioactivity than the higher layers. They say that there's a gradient, and that (because they deny the Flood) the lowest levels have decayed more than the shallower layers, which means to them that they are older.

But if the HPT is true, then what explains the layers of sedimentary rock is the Flood itself, the waters of the Flood which poured and shot out from the fountains were saturated with minerals. These minerals precipitated and settled out to form the many strata that we all can see today, everywhere on land. These waters also caused all the fossils we see, but that's another topic.

My question, and if it was answered in Mr. Nickel's videos I missed it, is if it is possible that the distribution of radioactive isotopes in the Flood waters was simply the same distribution that we see today in all elements, and if there is some mechanism for why the elements with less radioactivity might have precipitated out and settled first, and that the more radioactive elements precipitated and settled out last? This would explain why the dating methods (which are just measurements of radioactivity) would suggest that the deepest layers of sedimentary rocks are older while the shallower ones are younger.


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Revisiting radioactivity, especially as regards dating methods used by geologists. These methods are where geologists get their support for their idea of millions and billions of years. They examine the radioactivity of sedimentary rock strata that we see everywhere on the Earth's land surfaces, and they say that the deepest layers have lower radioactivity than the higher layers. They say that there's a gradient, and that (because they deny the Flood) the lowest levels have decayed more than the shallower layers, which means to them that they are older.

But if the HPT is true, then what explains the layers of sedimentary rock is the Flood itself, the waters of the Flood which poured and shot out from the fountains were saturated with minerals. These minerals precipitated and settled out to form the many strata that we all can see today, everywhere on land. These waters also caused all the fossils we see, but that's another topic.

My question, and if it was answered in Mr. Nickel's videos I missed it, is if it is possible that the distribution of radioactive isotopes in the Flood waters was simply the same distribution that we see today in all elements, and if there is some mechanism for why the elements with less radioactivity might have precipitated out and settled first, and that the more radioactive elements precipitated and settled out last? This would explain why the dating methods (which are just measurements of radioactivity) would suggest that the deepest layers of sedimentary rocks are older while the shallower ones are younger.

You really REALLY need to watch the video, because you are asking questions that are clearly and completely answered there.

Many, if not most (or all), of the radioactive elements were CREATED by the physics of the flood. They were not "precipitated out".... they were CREATED by the actions of the fluttering granite crust along with other effects of the flood.