Is the Holy Spirit Female?


New member
Scripture reference for mysterious nature of God:
He appeared in a body,
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory. --I Timothy 3:16

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church. --Ephesians 5:11-12

AND, I did not say common belief makes it do not read with a critical eye it seems and so you are unable to comprehend the Truth. Here, again, is what I said...
As for the influences of the masses...I read Scripture as do many if not most in those masses...and in so doing we become a mass with common beliefs.

It is that we hold common a strict adherence to Scripture. Scripture is how God bestows Truth.
So provide scripture that says we must regard GOD as a male (creature (all sexes are created), and worship GOD as such as opposed to worshiping in spirit(which is not male or female because it has no physical body, or is manifest physically within both male and female.)

Truth of the matter is that ascribing a singular sex to GOD; especially the Spirit; is to limit GOD within one's own conceptions.

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God's Truth

New member
So did Christ exclaim that we must love GOD or an image there of?

Are we told to worship in spirit and truth or some other spirit of deciet or needless contention about unimportant matters such as ascribing sexuality to the Creator of both sexes?

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Jesus did not make a mistake by calling God 'Father'.

You make a mistake by dabbling in teachings from demons.

God's Truth

New member
So provide scripture that says we must regard GOD as a male

You have given many scriptures where God is called 'Father' and a 'He'.

(creature (all sexes are created), and worship GOD as such as opposed to worshiping in spirit(which is not male or female because it has no physical body,

God does have a physical body. God's physical body is that of Jesus Christ.

or is manifest physically within both male and female.)
How dare you want to rebuke us for saying God is not a male, as if we are speaking of a sexual being; YET, YOU want to make Him MALE AND FEMALE. LOL

You have got to see that makes you a hypocrite who contradicts himself.

Truth of the matter is that ascribing a singular sex to GOD; especially the Spirit; is to limit GOD within one's own conceptions.
hahahahahahaha You can't double talk like that and think you sound knowledgeable in the truth.

You already go against us for making God a 'Father' and a 'He'. BUT YOU want to make Him a She and a Mother too.

My observance tells me you read too many books and you read from sources that are leading you astray.

God's Truth

New member
No; I have been told to fear no thing whatsoever; except GOD.

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How does that mean you are not dabbling in teachings from demons?!

You just proved it means you have.

Fear God and do what He says and watch your life and your DOCTRINE closely.


New member
So provide scripture that says we must regard GOD as a male (creature (all sexes are created), and worship GOD as such as opposed to worshiping in spirit(which is not male or female because it has no physical body, or is manifest physically within both male and female.)

Truth of the matter is that ascribing a singular sex to GOD; especially the Spirit; is to limit GOD within one's own conceptions.

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This discussion has become circular. I began addressing your post with a quote of Jesus referring to the Holy Spirit as He...I do not wish to indulge you even further so as to begin to look foolish myself. Examine all the Psalms which refer to God the Creator, the Merciful, the Righteous...they all refer to Him as He.
Enough from me.


New member
This discussion has become circular. I began addressing your post with a quote of Jesus referring to the Holy Spirit as He...I do not wish to indulge you even further so as to begin to look foolish myself. Examine all the Psalms which refer to God the Creator, the Merciful, the Righteous...they all refer to Him as He.
Enough from me.
And wisdom is from GOD, and is called she. We can agree to disagree.


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New member
How does that mean you are not dabbling in teachings from demons?!

You just proved it means you have.

Fear God and do what He says and watch your life and your DOCTRINE closely.
You just proved it means you have.

Fear God and do what He says and watch your life and your DOCTRINE closely.

I do not and will not will fully limit my understanding through fear of a book; sorry; I fear GOD alone and respect GOD alone.

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New member
To respond to the OP: I figure you are serious? Really? Why do people think the Holy Spirit is a person? Does this Spirit have a name? No. It is even referred to as "he" in some verses. What is the bottom line? This: in many foreign languages every person, place or thing has a gender. A door is a "he." A rock is neuter. A wall is a "she."

The same thing goes for "holy spirit." "Spirit" is a noun and referred to by a gender, but, just as a rock or a door is supplied with a gender, so is "spirit" in this case.

It is actually Jehovah's power by which He accomplishes whatever He wants to accomplish. Not a person.


New member
There is no pronoun "she" in those verses ( I only checked the first few- but I see where your error is). In fact, there is no pronoun at all.

What you are running into is the fact that in Biblical Hebrew, as in many languages, both ancient and modern, all objects have gender. A table is either male or female. Likewise a chair, or a cup- or the wind/spirit. English is an unusual language in not having this feature, so an English speaker might read more into this than there really is.

So the wind or spirit has the feminine gender,which affects what form of the verb is used, but does not imply that the inanimate object is "male" or "female".

You will notice that the translations do not put the word "she" into the text. The translators knew how Hebrew works, so they avoided that mistake.

You may consider studying Biblical Hebrew.


You said it better than I!

God's Truth

New member
I do not and will not will fully limit my understanding through fear of a book; sorry; I fear GOD alone and respect GOD alone.

If you feared God as you should then you would stay away from other teachings.

Who told you to fear a book?

You wouldn't even know about Jesus if it weren't for the Bible.

God's Truth

New member
To respond to the OP: I figure you are serious? Really? Why do people think the Holy Spirit is a person? Does this Spirit have a name? No. It is even referred to as "he" in some verses. What is the bottom line? This: in many foreign languages every person, place or thing has a gender. A door is a "he." A rock is neuter. A wall is a "she."

The same thing goes for "holy spirit." "Spirit" is a noun and referred to by a gender, but, just as a rock or a door is supplied with a gender, so is "spirit" in this case.

It is actually Jehovah's power by which He accomplishes whatever He wants to accomplish. Not a person.

The HOLY SPIRIT is God the Father's Spirit.

We are our spirit and God is His Spirit, His Spirit is God.

The Holy Spirit is called a He because He is God the Father and Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ who is the Spirit is called a he too.


New member
The HOLY SPIRIT is God the Father's Spirit.

We are our spirit and God is His Spirit, His Spirit is God.

The Holy Spirit is called a He because He is God the Father and Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ who is the Spirit is called a he too.

And you are quite confused. How about searching a bit more for truth? Keep knocking. (Matthew 7:7,8)

(Jesus said he would ask his Father and his Father would SEND the Holy Spirit. Does that sound like the H.S. is God or Jesus?)

God's Truth

New member
And you are quite confused. How about searching a bit more for truth? Keep knocking. (Matthew 7:7,8)

(Jesus said he would ask his Father and his Father would SEND the Holy Spirit. Does that sound like the H.S. is God or Jesus?)

John 16:7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

John 14:17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

Jesus says to his Apostles that they know the Holy Spirit because he lives with them. JESUS WAS THE ONE LIVING WITH THEM. Jesus is the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that he would send another comforter, the Holy Spirit. He also said that he would not leave them as orphans that HE WILL COME TO THEM.

John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

This is at the time Jesus told them that he would send them another comforter. Jesus explains to them that it is HE.

Who but a father or mother can make someone an orphan or not.

Instead of their thinking Jesus is coming to live with them in the flesh again, he says another, because he is not coming to them in the flesh, but in another way...just in the Spirit.


New member
I'd say we are at great odds.
That's fine.

But is the thing we differ on a salvific issue? Am I calling the Holy Spirit evil by not limiting IT to a male or female or physical body?

Let us leave it alone and hope that we will agree on some other more pertinent points in the future.


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New member
That's fine.

But is the thing we differ on a salvific issue? Am I calling the Holy Spirit evil by not limiting IT to a male or female or physical body?

Let us leave it alone and hope that we will agree on some other more pertinent points in the future.


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I don't know for certain if it is a salvation issue...depends on whether or not this is blaspheme in the eyes of the LORD. That is why I implore you to quit posting that view and reconsider...all intelligent people are careful people. How much more important to be so very careful with spiritual issues.


New member
I don't know for certain if it is a salvation issue...depends on whether or not this is blaspheme in the eyes of the LORD. That is why I implore you to quit posting that view and reconsider...all intelligent people are careful people. How much more important to be so very careful with spiritual issues.
Does calling the Holy Spirit she make the Holy Spirit out to be evil in and of itself?

Thank you for your concern.
Wading in deep waters is pretty common for me. A fault of mine is my eagerness or haste( lack of patience), and another would be reckless abandon.

However; neither of those apply to this particular subject.

In my poor sight it seems that limiting GOD almighty; the Creator of all existence, to one particular sex organ( which is a physical attribute by the way)is much more possible to be blaspheme or herecy; just not in the sight of man obviously.

I will heed your words and hope they you heed them yourself.


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New member
Does calling the Holy Spirit she make the Holy Spirit out to be evil in and of itself?

Thank you for your concern.
Wading in deep waters is pretty common for me. A fault of mine is my eagerness or haste( lack of patience), and another would be reckless abandon.

However; neither of those apply to this particular subject.

In my poor sight it seems that limiting GOD almighty; the Creator of all existence, to one particular sex organ( which is a physical attribute by the way)is much more possible to be blaspheme or herecy; just not in the sight of man obviously.

I will heed your words and hope they you heed them yourself.


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Praise the Lord! You are showing real wisdom here. You have exercised restraint and caution and not only that but you have also shown restraint in your handling of a rebuke. That is good christian judgement. I do try to heed my own words...rebuking myself often and putting caution into all my insights. It is difficult. The sinful nature is with us and Satan is often afoot!


New member
Praise the Lord! You are showing real wisdom here. You have exercised restraint and caution and not only that but you have also shown restraint in your handling of a rebuke. That is good christian judgement. I do try to heed my own words...rebuking myself often and putting caution into all my insights. It is difficult. The sinful nature is with us and Satan is often afoot!

I would like to add that one should always hang on to the hope of salvation through repentance and not despair. Paul says he was once a blasphemer (and was forgiven because he acted in ignorance) and yet it is he whom God chose to pen most of the N.T. On the other hand to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit is another matter as we all know.
Always proceed with great care and much prayer.