Is the Holy Spirit Female?


New member
The Holy Spirit is referred to by Christ Himself...
John 16:12-14:
12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.
"he" in all those is actually referring back to Spirit which is neutral; not being limited to male or female in any way.

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God's Truth

New member
"he" in all those is actually referring back to Spirit which is neutral; not being limited to male or female in any way.

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That doesn't make sense.

God is the Father, and it is His Spirit.

God made man in His image.

Our spirits are an image of ourselves and is in fact ourselves.

God's Truth

New member
Which one is the written law/covenant being spoke as the bondage of the sons of Hagar? Gal is all about flesh verses spiritual learning, if you can't follow the lead of what 2Cor 3:6 is trying to show you what is dead verse life then you have nothing to say that would matter to me, Not interested in parabolic history lesson.

What is your point?


New member
That doesn't make sense.

God is the Father, and it is His Spirit.

God made man in His image.

Our spirits are an image of ourselves and is in fact ourselves.
That's all good and great, but I will not limit GOD to any sexualities seeing as how all existence is of GOD and only a very small percentage of all existence is male or female. The word he is used when there is no sexuality due to tradition.

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Eclectic Theosophist
Honoring also The Mother.........

Honoring also The Mother.........

That's all good and great, but I will not limit GOD to any sexualities seeing as how all existence is of GOD and only a very small percentage of all existence is male or female. The word he is used when there is no sexuality due to tradition.

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Hi pops, I've gone extensively in discourse on the subject of 'God and gender' here and elsewhere, which includes the intrinsic dimensions of gender in man's nature reflecting God's nature, so that Spirit has both masculine and feminine qualities and attributes.

We've also shown that 'Spirit' in the Jewish scriptures is in the feminine nuance, and a feminine spirit must exist if a masculine one does because this is the order of nature, the co-creative pattern in the cosmos pervading creation. The Holy Spirit does have feminine qualities and a motherly generative role in the kingdom, of rebirth, regeneration, nurturement, etc. Where a father principle exists, a mother must exist as well, wherever any creation or offspring exists. Again this is a fact of Nature. I just wondered if you had read the entire thread here or not. Important to also see links in my commentaries to other posts ;)

In creation God is both Father and Mother. We understand this wherever the generating and sustaining powers of life maintain.


Well-known member
Back to threads question about the role of gender in their spiritual application beyond the duplicity of the physical appearance, male and female is also a spiritual concept that can be found operating as Father and Mother in the same body represented by the left right hemisphere of the brain located in the temple of God, spiritual marriage not physical from below, the on high is where we birth by speaking words from thought conceived from low/carnal and high/spiritual conscience storehouse where we keep our treasures from both, separated Genesis 32:10-11 (prodigals lament) also then reconciled Gen 33:4, 10-11, what Esau was wearing the face of God that hated him like Paul hated his flesh etc...... Gal 3:1-5.
Being related according to the flesh and gender have no bearing on the spiritual conception that happens by and through the Spirit in you. Elizabeth/Flesh verses Mary/Spirit not two physical females one gave birth to John verse Jesus which is why Jesus who only spoke words of Spirit told you John would be the least in the kingdom Matt 11:11,1Cor 2:14, Mark 3:33-34.

God's Truth

New member
That's all good and great, but I will not limit GOD to any sexualities seeing as how all existence is of GOD and only a very small percentage of all existence is male or female. The word he is used when there is no sexuality due to tradition.

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No, it is not tradition that God is the Father and man is made in His image.

You have a problem with the truth.

I am not limiting God by saying that He is a 'he'.

Why do you have to say sexuality?

The angels are son's of God and they do not have sex.


New member
No, it is not tradition that God is the Father and man is made in His image.

You have a problem with the truth.

I am not limiting God by saying that He is a 'he'.

Why do you have to say sexuality?

The angels are son's of God and they do not have sex.
I didn't say you were doing anything.

Only spoke about myself and what I wasnt willing to do. Not necessarily saying that such is what you do. I worship GOD in spirit and in truth.

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God's Truth

New member
I didn't say you were doing anything.

Only spoke about myself and what I wasnt willing to do. Not necessarily saying that such is what you do. I worship GOD in spirit and in truth.

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No, you are saying I am limiting God.

I worship God the FATHER in Spirit and in Truth.

HE says that is the kind of worshipers HE seeks.


New member
No, you are saying I am limiting God.

I worship God the FATHER in Spirit and in Truth.

HE says that is the kind of worshipers HE seeks.
Then He seeks us both.

We don't need to quibble about the gender or sex of GOD. HE is all encompassing and all subsisting.

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God's Truth

New member
Then He seeks us both.

Jesus has already saved me.

We don't need to quibble about the gender or sex of GOD. HE is all encompassing and all subsisting.

It isn't quibbling to tell someone to stop preaching falseness.

Good grief.

You are going outside the written Word of God.

You are going AGAINST the written Word of God.

Give it up.

God is the Father and is called a 'He'.

His Spirit is HIS SPIRIT and is called a 'He'.

HE is Spirit.

Adam is the first man and was made in HIS IMAGE.


New member
Only in the parable played/portrayed in physical dramas when taken literally will keep the inner meanings of all the scriptural rituals and structures hidden from you, unable to surpasse Matt 11:11, and proceed onward to perfection like the Father which is just a state mind that gives birth to thoughts without leaven of judgement for wrongs dones, see the prodigals Father's response no condemnation just acceptance, reconciling happens in the mind through the hearts refusal to judge, which is impossible to reach while thinking the thoughts of a child Gal 4:1 mentally under condemnation from staying bogged down with doctrines based on the elementals Hebrews 6:1-6 that were shadows of thing to come Colossians 2:17 about you being the temple of who??? you have some observable elemental truth based on paradoxical shadows of yourself in Christ and Christ in who? come on let Christ be formed/birthed in you seeing you are all things in who? Gal 3:28! lose the the gender terminology of physical meanings Gal 4:24 they are only portrayals Gal 3:1-5, Romans 2:29, as is a gentile conscience state until both are made into a newman where those terms fall away.
This guy is deep .

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New member
"he" in all those is actually referring back to Spirit which is neutral; not being limited to male or female in any way.

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I am quoting ENGLISH, the rules of which I am well being my native tongue. What you are claiming, according to the clear English presented, is that Jesus Himself is in error...I think not! I think rather it is you who are mistaking in your analysis.


New member
That's all good and great, but I will not limit GOD to any sexualities seeing as how all existence is of GOD and only a very small percentage of all existence is male or female. The word he is used when there is no sexuality due to tradition.

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I wonder how you have come to this conclusion..."The word he is used when there is no sexuality due to tradition"??? Those translating the Bible have to be very careful, especially as to using words to describe or touching the Godhead. Why aren't modern very liberal as they are to the point of using gender neutral language in their translations...why then are not even they rendering the He in some other form.
No, the Bible is holy and while in the future this holiness may not always be currently is and we can trust that the Bible means what it says. Old traditions are not adhered to in our modern translations. Translators go back to the Greek and Hebrew to do their work.


New member
Then He seeks us both.

We don't need to quibble about the gender or sex of GOD. HE is all encompassing and all subsisting.

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Your post is not directed to me, but I have to say if someone named me as a member of the opposite sex I would feel slandered. Wondering if God would see this misnaming of His gender as blaspheme? Something to consider before posting much about it and then you should perhaps decide to keep these "ideas" to yourself and reflect on the rightness or wrongness of your thinking...and perhaps reach a more orthodox conclusion.


New member
Your post is not directed to me, but I have to say if someone named me as a member of the opposite sex I would feel slandered. Wondering if God would see this misnaming of His gender as blaspheme? Something to consider before posting much about it and then you should perhaps decide to keep these "ideas" to yourself and reflect on the rightness or wrongness of your thinking...and perhaps reach a more orthodox conclusion.
Go ahead and limit GOD to a sex because it is deemed correct by the masses.

I GOD finds fault with me due to the character of my heart then fine; if HE finds fault with me because I understand the Spirit of GOD to be just that and as such not limited to the material, physical, creation or words of men then that's fine too obviously. I don't think the latter has anything to do with the former though; and tend to believe the Christ on the matter.

That you claim I blaspheme the Holy Spirit of GOD due to your own seeming lack of breadth within your own understanding has no affect on me and no merit as far as I am concerned.

You keep limiting GOD almighty to a person or three for that matter. That isn't idol worship at all.

Hope your heart is right.


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