Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


New member
and his soul?

What does Genesis 25:8 say? Does the Bible say anything about Abraham's Soul? How can I answer? I read what is in the Bible, "Abraham breathed his last and died in a good old age, an old man and full of years, and was gathered to his people."

I do not see in that verse that Abraham continued to live on after he died, or that Abraham was separated.


New member
is his soul:

a. sleeping
b. annihilated
c. in heaven
d. in hell
e. other

You tell me Res.

What does Genesis 25:8 say?

Tell me where the Bible says that Abraham's soul is, and show me the scripture reference.

I believe that Abraham will be resurrected when Jesus Christ returns and he will receive the gift of eternal life on Judgment Day. Jesus said that "everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:40

I believe this includes Abraham.

Now tell me using Scripture. Where is Abraham's Soul?


New member
Not b or d, so it doesn't help settle the question much.

I know, the question doesn't really help the discussion of "Is eternal torture biblical or not"?

Is there a verse in the Bible that says "The lost go to hell when they die where they are tortured alive forever"? If there is, that would settle the question. I know that the Bible says that the wicked will perish and will be no more. That settles the question. Eternal torture in hell is not Biblical.


Well-known member
I know, the question doesn't really help the discussion of "Is eternal torture biblical or not"?

Is there a verse in the Bible that says "The lost go to hell when they die where they are tortured alive forever"? If there is, that would settle the question. I know that the Bible says that the wicked will perish and will be no more. That settles the question. Eternal torture in hell is not Biblical.
I agree. Thanks for this thread btw. I had never seen anyone lay out this issue like you have, and I guess I never seriously considered it before. After some study on my own due to this thread, I am mostly convinced you are right.

I would still like to see someone give a vigorous defense of ECT though, it seems like nobody so far is giving it a thorough treatment.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I agree. Thanks for this thread btw. I had never seen anyone lay out this issue like you have, and I guess I never seriously considered it before. After some study on my own due to this thread, I am mostly convinced you are right.

I would still like to see someone give a vigorous defense of ECT though, it seems like nobody so far is giving it a thorough treatment.

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God's Truth

New member
I know, the question doesn't really help the discussion of "Is eternal torture biblical or not"?

Is there a verse in the Bible that says "The lost go to hell when they die where they are tortured alive forever"? If there is, that would settle the question. I know that the Bible says that the wicked will perish and will be no more. That settles the question. Eternal torture in hell is not Biblical.

The spirit of humans do not die.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

The soul is a body with its spirit.

We read in Matthew 10 that a man cannot kill the body with its spirit.

So then, how is it you believe the spirit can die?

The scripture is about after the resurrection when God will throw some in the lake of fire.

Is a destroyed life meaning a life that is not living anymore?
Do not those who destroy their lives in this lifetime with sin still live?


New member
The spirit of humans do not die.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

The soul is a body with its spirit.

We read in Matthew 10 that a man cannot kill the body with its spirit.

So then, how is it you believe the spirit can die?

The scripture is about after the resurrection when God will throw some in the lake of fire.

Is a destroyed life meaning a life that is not living anymore?
Do not those who destroy their lives in this lifetime with sin still live?

The verse says that we should fear the destruction of the soul in Gehenna, therefore the soul can be destroyed. I also believe that the soul can die, because the Bible says "the soul who sins shall die". Ezekiel 18:4.

Do not those who destroy their lives in this lifetime with sin still live?
You are using the term "destroyed" in a figurative sense. Do those who destroy their lives by going through a brush chipper headfirst still live?


New member
I agree. Thanks for this thread btw. I had never seen anyone lay out this issue like you have, and I guess I never seriously considered it before. After some study on my own due to this thread, I am mostly convinced you are right.

I would still like to see someone give a vigorous defense of ECT though, it seems like nobody so far is giving it a thorough treatment.


I've seen vigorous defenses of ECT, however I have yet to see a valid Biblical defense of ECT. Most of the time it is just name calling and other logical fallacies.


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Hall of Fame
What do you think?

Dark is the absence of light,
Cold is the absence of heat,
Death is the absence of life,
Bald is the absence of hair...(I prefer the term "hair-free" because I prefer the convenience of having no hair)


that would make the opposite of eternal life

eternal death

did I get that right?