Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have repeatedly stated that the Quran does not supercede the Bible or injeel or evangel as it is sometimes referenced in the quran.

I can't tell you what you are supposed to think, but I can say that propogating negative, excommunicating assumption, as if truth is not good or right or beneficial to any involved or any other.

What is written in our bible about how we are to be towards whom we percieve as an enemy?

(Not talking about the ot)

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If your study is to come to understand Islam and witness to that group accept my apologies.


Well-known member
I am in a position to judge fruit.

Matthew 7:15-20 New International Version (NIV)

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

So believing in eternal punishment isn't a rotten fruit of your own brain washing by a religion birthed in Roman (which makes you partakers of her) deceit? by perverting sacred writings about you a son of infinity Galatians 4:1 into historical folly Psalms 78:2, Psalms 40:6, Galatians 4:24.
Judging concerning our own possible false mental state is the only judgement that will correct such duplicity in thinking.
2Cor 5:16=Hebrews 6:1-5 both rebuke those stuck in milk doctrines mental nursery that can't leave the traditional (it was good enough for grandpa so it must be right)nest that taught them those first principles, that wink time is coming to an end, being replaced by unconditioned Love where fear can't survive 1John 4:18, you only think you are free which only happens when you are weaned off the Jesus nursery allegory, with the only divide that will remove those scales is 2Cor 3:6. You can take Paul out of Christ kingdom teachings but only by drinking milk can you rationalize that hall of mirrors reflecting two kingdoms Acts 28:31. Every ancient script is about the same thing! Christ in you the path to glory Acts 17:24.

This gentiles were with out God is more milk reading when its about the left and right brain That lynn Hayes and Bill Donahue shows is the intent of scripture not the historical baby food you have been suckling on Galatians 4:24.


New member
If your study is to come to understand Islam and witness to that group accept my apologies.
No apologies needed friend.

I don't care what you think about me.

I care what you think that is not true.

We can disagree; and discuss; and learn; and come to a singular understanding on any matter.

We cannot do that if bias/ fear/ contention is at the forefront of our motives.


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God's Truth

New member
Contention and misdirection are of the same root.

You did both then, of course.
Just drop it please.

If you want to discuss the book of Enoch then provide the text you mentioned.

I already gave my proof that it has error.

If you want to speak about the Quran then make some other point other than the same thing over again.
I have proved that the Qur'an is against the Holy Bible.

It should be obvious that you aren't going to change my mind about the validity of the Quran; most assuredly not along the same lines you have e gone at least. So let's move the conversation forward please.

I have proven without doubt. If you doubt then it is on you not me.

You know I will drop all side conversation just as soon as you allow for it yourself.

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I am not led by you.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So believing in eternal punishment isn't a rotten fruit of your own brain washing by a religion birthed in Roman (which makes you partakers of her) deceit? by perverting sacred writings about you a son of infinity Galatians 4:1 into historical folly Psalms 78:2, Psalms 40:6, Galatians 4:24.
Judging concerning our own possible false mental state is the only judgement that will correct such duplicity in thinking.
2Cor 5:16=Hebrews 6:1-5 both rebuke those stuck in milk doctrines mental nursery that can't leave the traditional (it was good enough for grandpa so it must be right)nest that taught them those first principles, that wink time is coming to an end, being replaced by unconditioned Love where fear can't survive 1John 4:18, you only think you are free which only happens when you are weaned off the Jesus nursery allegory, with the only divide that will remove those scales is 2Cor 3:6. You can take Paul out of Christ kingdom teachings but only by drinking milk can you rationalize that hall of mirrors reflecting two kingdoms Acts 28:31. Every ancient script is about the same thing! Christ in you the path to glory Acts 17:24.

This gentiles were with out God is more milk reading when its about the left and right brain That lynn Hayes and Bill Donahue shows is the intent of scripture not the historical baby food you have been suckling on Galatians 4:24.

I believe in the teachings of Bible, to include Jesus, the 12 Apostles and Paul not the traditions of the RCC. Where you got that from I have no idea.

God's Truth

New member
Your judgement is seemingly self centered.

It should occur to most that one may like a post for any number of reasons; none of which have to do with you neccisarily. If it was actually a post about you that I thanked then I must have agreed with some point she seemed to make to me. It happens. Right now, we fight, but I just thumbed up one of your posts in this same thread. Did I do that because of anything about you on a personal level whatsoever? No. I did it because I agreed with something you said.

I had hoped this thread would be without the needless bs, but I guess that was naive of me.

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You have given 'thanks' to others in the very post they slander me.

I understand that you don't get it.

You don't get it either that you promote other gods and other prophets whom God did not say to speak for Him.

God's Truth

New member
If your study is to come to understand Islam and witness to that group accept my apologies.

You don't know by now that he is saying the Holy Bible does not mean to say Jesus is God's literal Son?

You don't know that he is trying to defend the Qur'an which says God does NOT HAVE A SON?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You don't know by now that he is saying the Holy Bible does not mean to say Jesus is God's literal Son?

You don't know that he is trying to defend the Qur'an which says God does NOT HAVE A SON?

Oh, I'm pretty much aware that he is sympathetic to their cause whether he says so or not.

God's Truth

New member
No; you made the claim that it goes against scripture without even showing any initial supporting evidence. As if we are to just go off of your word.

If I knew where to look, then I might even though it is your responsibility, but I don't have a clue as to what you are referencing because you never actually referenced it.

Do you really expect me to go searching for something I don't even believe? Might take a while huh?

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You don't know what the book of Enoch teaches.

If you don't know what it teaches, then stop trying to get us to believe in it.

God's Truth

New member
God says He is a jealous God.

He also says that there are people claiming to be prophets and that He did not command them to speak for Him.

Pops promotes books that go against God having an only Son; and, he promotes books that say things that contradict the Holy Bible.

How hard is it to understand that Pops is not a faithful follower?


New member
You have given 'thanks' to others in the very post they slander me.

I understand that you don't get it.

You don't get it either that you promote other gods and other prophets whom God did not say to speak for Him.
So Enoch wasn't to speak of the things of GOD and the Quran is from the opposer?

These are your claims.

Substantiate them or stop repeating yourself without any sort of evidence.

The Quran and the book of Enoch regard Christ with the utmost esteem.

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God's Truth

New member
So Enoch wasn't to speak of the things of GOD and the Quran is from the opposer?

These are your claims.

Substantiate them or stop repeating yourself without any sort of evidence.

The Quran and the book of Enoch regard Christ with the utmost esteem.

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I speak about the Holy Bible by speaking of what it says.

I do not have to put down other books to promote the Holy Bible.

So stop trying to put words in my mouth.

The Holy Bible is my Book of the Truth.

It says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

You defend the Qur'an by saying the Holy Bible does does not really mean it when it says Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus really is the Son of God and anyone who says he is not, it is against the Bible.


New member
Don't get upset then when BR says you are not saved, and when he takes turns agreeing with each of us when we speak something against the other.
I brought that to his attention wholly for his sake as sanctimonious as it may sound. He seems to hear things at times. Some things get past that blockade.

Your whole basis for saying the Quran is not of GOD is because it denies sonship. It denies sonship wholly because of the misdirection it can and does cause in doctrine. I showed this to be true as the Quran actually equates the Messengers to GOD, and says specifically that Jesus had the Spirit of GOD, is the Messiah, the most esteemed messenger of GOD, and the judge of all. It neither denies GOD manifest in Christ, nor the ressurection; the two things believers must believe, the Quran actually reiterates.

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New member
You don't know what the book of Enoch teaches.

If you don't know what it teaches, then stop trying to get us to believe in it.
I know quite well what it teaches thank you.

I've read it quite enough.

I still don't know which chapter speaks about the ark being built. Feel free to provide the texts you say says the angels helped Noah build the ark; then expound on how the help wasn't the direction to do so and how, and must literally mean the angels strapped on tool belts and physically went to work.

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New member
You don't know what the book of Enoch teaches.

If you don't know what it teaches, then stop trying to get us to believe in it.
By the way;

It teaches the same things as the bible; why do you think I am promoting it?

Oh that's right; you think I am steeped in error.

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New member
I speak about the Holy Bible by speaking of what it says.

I do not have to put down other books to promote the Holy Bible.

So stop trying to put words in my mouth.

The Holy Bible is my Book of the Truth.

It says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

You defend the Qur'an by saying the Holy Bible does does not really mean it when it says Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus really is the Son of God and anyone who says he is not, it is against the Bible.
If you don't have to put down other books then why do it all while accusing me of it.

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New member
God says He is a jealous God.

He also says that there are people claiming to be prophets and that He did not command them to speak for Him.

Pops promotes books that go against God having an only Son; and, he promotes books that say things that contradict the Holy Bible.

How hard is it to understand that Pops is not a faithful follower?
"How hard is it to understand that Pops is not a faithful follower?"

This will be hard to forget even for me.

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