Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


New member
You study the Quran as a sacred book. What am I supposed to think? Do you take it as Gospel? Does it override the Bible? God's truth does not accept the Trinity. She does not understand the nature of God. How in the world do I call either of you Christian?
I have repeatedly stated that the Quran does not supercede the Bible or injeel or evangel as it is sometimes referenced in the quran.

I can't tell you what you are supposed to think, but I can say that propogating negative, excommunicating assumption, as if truth is not good or right or beneficial to any involved or any other.

What is written in our bible about how we are to be towards whom we percieve as an enemy?

(Not talking about the ot)

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God's Truth

New member
I have repeatedly stated that the Quran does not supercede the Bible or injeel or evangel as it is sometimes referenced in the quran.

I can't tell you what you are supposed to think, but I can say that propogating negative, excommunicating assumption, as it truth is not good or right or beneficial to any involved or any other.

What is written in our bible about how we are to be towards whom we percieve as an enemy?

(Not talking about the ot)

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You are making the Qur'an supersede the Bible when you say the word 'Son' in the Bible means not 'Son'.

You are the one who propagates the negative when you give people like Meshak a 'thanks' for speaking evil against me. You have done that with other people who, in their post have said lies about me.


New member
I am in a position to judge fruit.

Matthew 7:15-20 New International Version (NIV)

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
I thanked this post because it is explanatory of how we know one another.

You asked what you are to think.

Judge me by my works that you percieve(not along the lines of preconceived notions from third parties)

Do you really instantly count me an unbeliever because I believe more than one book to hold truth?

Islam is of the faith of Abraham and believes wholly in Christ regardless of if you are aware of such or have been shown otherwise.

Don't take my word for it; just don't falsely judge like so many others. We have natural inclinations to do things that are not actually profitable for any; such is against what is known to be right.

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God's Truth

New member
I thanked this post because it is explanatory of how we know one another.

You asked what you are to think.

Judge me by my works that you percieve(not along the lines of preconceived notions from third parties)

Do you really instantly count me an unbeliever because I believe more than one book to hold truth?

Islam is of the faith of Abraham and believes wholly in Christ regardless of if you are aware of such or have been shown otherwise.

Don't take my word for it; just don't falsely judge like so many others. We have natural inclinations to do things that are not actually profitable for any; such is against what is known to be right.

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You accuse BR of doing the things that you do.

As for the Qur'an, it does not have the faith that Abraham has. Abraham does not doubt Jesus is God's Son.

God's Truth

New member
The Father sent His Son, not Himself.

...but there is only ONE GOD.

The Bible says there is only One God and that He is the Father.

Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.


New member

So you see that it hurts when a friend sides with a condemner?

So you see that I am jealous with a godly jealousy; not much unlike a wife to her husband, and a husband to his wife?

God says He is a jealous God.

You go to other prophets and other books.

You would change what the Bible clearly says just to defend the Qur'an, and the book of Enoch.

I am asking you to please not say what you assume I think or would say based on your limited perception of the workings of my mind and faith.

Who is my friend that you speak of?

Jealousy derived from ignorance or fear, and tunnel vision is in no way a godly sort of jealousy.

I'm still waiting for within context scripture telling us to not read or seek out the truth. While your at it; go ahead and provide the sacred texts that says to prosecute in ignorance and vanity.

I sincerely hope what is affecting you does so for the betterment and sake of your soul.

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New member
Don't defend the book of Enoch then.

You are the one promoting it.

You don't even know what it is you are promoting.
I know well what I promote.

It is you who seems wholly ignorant of the truth at times; when it doesn't fit nicely into it's predetermined compartment.

Break away from your preconception; or do not; do neither for some friendship with me.

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God's Truth

New member
I know well what I promote.

It is you who seems wholly ignorant of the truth at times; when it doesn't fit nicely into it's predetermined compartment.

Break away from your preconception; or do not; do neither for some friendship with me.

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You can't see that I do nothing out of friendship with humans?


New member
You sound confused. Just read what you said. It doesn't make sense.

BR has been saying things against your salvation all along.
Contention and misdirection are of the same root.

Just drop it please.

If you want to discuss the book of Enoch then provide the text you mentioned. If you want to speak about the Quran then make some other point other than the same thing over again. It should be obvious that you aren't going to change my mind about the validity of the Quran; most assuredly not along the same lines you have e gone at least. So let's move the conversation forward please.

You know I will drop all side conversation just as soon as you allow for it yourself.

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God's Truth

New member
I am asking you to please not say what you assume I think or would say based on your limited perception of the workings of my mind and faith.

Who is my friend that you speak of?

Jealousy derived from ignorance or fear, and tunnel vision is in no way a godly sort of jealousy.

I'm still waiting for within context scripture telling us to not read or seek out the truth. While your at it; go ahead and provide the sacred texts that says to prosecute in ignorance and vanity.

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You went against BR and tried to explain to him how it was wrong that he took pleasure in our discord.

But you fail to see that you agreeing with a post where someone slandered me is just as wrong to do.

So are you insulting God who says He is jealous?

Are you insulting God who does not want you to go to other gods and men whom He did not say to be a prophet of His?
I sincerely hope what is affecting you does so for the betterment and sake of your soul.

Don't worry.


New member
You are making the Qur'an supersede the Bible when you say the word 'Son' in the Bible means not 'Son'.

You are the one who propagates the negative when you give people like Meshak a 'thanks' for speaking evil against me. You have done that with other people who, in their post have said lies about me.
Your judgement is seemingly self centered.

It should occur to most that one may like a post for any number of reasons; none of which have to do with you neccisarily. If it was actually a post about you that I thanked then I must have agreed with some point she seemed to make to me. It happens. Right now, we fight, but I just thumbed up one of your posts in this same thread. Did I do that because of anything about you on a personal level whatsoever? No. I did it because I agreed with something you said.

I had hoped this thread would be without the needless bs, but I guess that was naive of me.

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God's Truth

New member
I'm still waiting for within context scripture telling us to not read or seek out the truth. While your at it; go ahead and provide the sacred texts that says to prosecute in ignorance and vanity.

When one has a good thing, they don't keep searching for something else.

I found Jesus Christ by reading the Holy Bible and obeying.

You are the one who needs to answer questions about the book of Enoch that you are promoting.

I said it says angels built the ark.

If you don't know it says that, then find out and then tell me what you think about it. I don't support that book because it has errors.

You support it and want me to tell you where it says this and that?!

If you are supporting a book, then YOU need to say what it says about the ark and NOT ASK ME.


New member
You went against BR and tried to explain to him how it was wrong that he took pleasure in our discord.

But you fail to see that you agreeing with a post where someone slandered me is just as wrong to do.

So are you insulting God who says He is jealous?

Are you insulting God who does not want you to go to other gods and men whom He did not say to be a prophet of His?

Don't worry.

How would I be insulting GOD by not agreeing that your jealousy is not the godly sort?

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New member
When one has a good thing, they don't keep searching for something else.

I found Jesus Christ by reading the Holy Bible and obeying.

You are the one who needs to answer questions about the book of Enoch that you are promoting.

I said it says angels built the ark.

If you don't know it says that, then find out and then tell me what you think about it. I don't support that book because it has errors.

You support it and want me to tell you where it says this and that?!

If you are supporting a book, then YOU need to say what it says about the ark and NOT ASK ME.
No; you made the claim that it goes against scripture without even showing any initial supporting evidence. As if we are to just go off of your word.

If I knew where to look, then I might even though it is your responsibility, but I don't have a clue as to what you are referencing because you never actually referenced it.

Do you really expect me to go searching for something I don't even believe? Might take a while huh?

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