Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


New member
No spirit dies.

No spirit dies, not angels, demons, or human spirits.
So being eternally destroyed isn't dying wholly and utterly and completely to you?

Do you think the soul of man is separate from the spirit of man? Do you think the soul of man should fear GOD but not the spirit of man?

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God's Truth

New member
So being eternally destroyed isn't dying wholly and utterly and completely to you?
I'm not going to get into that for the discussion we are having.

You were asking someone here if they thought God's Spirit dies.

I said no spirit dies.

You then brought up a scripture that says God can destroy it in hell.

I said we are talking about now, but that scripture is about after the resurrection.

Now if you really can't follow with that simple discussion, then say so.

God isn't destroying souls in hell yet. Souls don't go to hell yet. Spirits can go to hell now but not souls.

Do you think the soul of man is separate from the spirit of man?

A soul is a flesh body made alive by the spirit of the person.
When the flesh dies, the spirit lives on in consciousness.

Do you think the soul of man should fear GOD but not the spirit of man?

A soul is a person with its body and spirit.


New member
I'm not going to get into that for the discussion we are having.

You were asking someone here if they thought God's Spirit dies.

I said no spirit dies.

You then brought up a scripture that says God can destroy it in hell.

I said we are talking about now, but that scripture is about after the resurrection.

Now if you really can't follow with that simple discussion, then say so.

God isn't destroying souls in hell yet. Souls don't go to hell yet. Spirits can go to hell now but not souls.

A soul is a flesh body made alive by the spirit of the person.
When the flesh dies, the spirit lives on in consciousness.

A soul is a person with its body and spirit.
Can you provide scripture showing the difference between soul and spirit, and specifically that the soul is physical or due to the physical?

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God's Truth

New member
Can you provide scripture showing the difference between soul and spirit, and specifically that the soul is physical or due to the physical?

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Our mind, our feelings, our conscious, that is our spirit. If anyone gets a modern English version Bible, you can easily see that whenever the bible talks about our soul, it is at that time concerned with our living body (our physical living body with its spirit).
Whenever the bible talks about our spirit, it is concentrating on our spirit, our spirit whether in our body or out of our body.
Whenever the bible talks about our body, it is speaking of a living physical body or a dead physical body.
A soul is a physical body alive with a spirit. The body is dead without the spirit (James 2:26), and the spirit lives on after death of the body.

Refer to 1 Thessalonians. We can see that God will sanctify us through and through, our whole spirit (spirit without a body), soul (spirit and body together), and our body (with or without our spirit/dead or alive). God truly sanctifies us through and through.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


New member
If you believe the Bible can say whatever one wants, then the truth cannot be found according to you, at least not by the Holy Bible. So you are blaspheming the Holy Scriptures.

churches do exactly that, one church says you have to have works, the other says no you have to have faith, both churches have scripture to back them.


Eclectic Theosophist
Sing a new song to the Lord.......

Sing a new song to the Lord.......

They misunderstand the scriptures.

No, each person has a different interpretation, translation, point of view, perspective.

God is the Sun; all else are reflections and refractions of that original light. This Sun shines on all thru-out creation, within/upon all sentient beings. As the light shines, it undergoes distortion and/or mofidifications to varying degrees of perception, thru finite mental filters, and other conditional factors.

All translations of sacred writings from one language to another also suffers distortion in varying degrees, further being translated (changed in form) by individual interpreters.

To believe you alone (or any one religion) has the totality or finality of God's truth is delusional, by this very fact, ......moreover, all revelation is progressive and realization of truth is ever unfolding revealing new facets of reality. - this is especially true within the context of infinity, where all movements of consciousness are converging in Source and these new light-streams are continuously flowing forth thru the cosmos.

Each soul can prophesy and share whats being given to him by the Spirit, but that is but one verse of poetry expressing thru one part of God's body, while all other parts in God's body have their own special verse to add, to the Uni-versal ONE :)

We are each a string on God's harp; every string when properly tuned to the sound and light of Spirit, translates into the song of God, in concert.


Eclectic Theosophist
Law of progress.......

Law of progress.......

I go by what the Bible says.

Maybe that's the problem ;)

(Meaning you restrict your view of reality to a book, and your own interpretation of it, - kind of a double-bind dont you think? )

Dont forget, The Infinite is not bound to such, neither obligated to honor your prescribed definition of it. Infinity completely blows all dogma, finality, definitions, assumptions, beliefs, conclusions out of the water forever. Our relative points of view have their time and place, but only temporally. As long as the Spirit speaks....those hearing will listen and move on in progressive revelation...they will ascend. Those shutting up their ears and hearts will not prosper.....such is the law of progress.

God's Truth

New member
No, each person has a different interpretation, translation, point of view, perspective.

God is the Sun; all else are reflections and refractions of that original light. This Sun shines on all thru-out creation, within/upon all sentient beings. As the light shines, it undergoes distortion and/or mofidifications to varying degrees of perception, thru finite mental filters, and other conditional factors.

All translations of sacred writings from one language to another also suffers distortion in varying degrees, further being translated (changed in form) by individual interpreters.

To believe you alone (or any one religion) has the totality or finality of God's truth is delusional, by this very fact, ......moreover, all revelation is progressive and realization of truth is ever unfolding revealing new facets of reality. - this is especially true within the context of infinity, where all movements of consciousness are converging in Source and these new light-streams are continuously flowing forth thru the cosmos.

Each soul can prophesy and share whats being given to him by the Spirit, but that is but one verse of poetry expressing thru one part of God's body, while all other parts in God's body have their own special verse to add, to the Uni-versal ONE :)

We are each a string on God's harp; every string when properly tuned to the sound and light of Spirit, translates into the song of God, in concert.

You speak falseness and you contradict yourself. You tell me the truth can't be known but then you claim to have it.

God's Truth

New member
Maybe that's the problem ;)

(Meaning you restrict your view of reality to a book, and your own interpretation of it, - kind of a double-bind dont you think? )

Dont forget, The Infinite is not bound to such, neither obligated to honor your prescribed definition of it. Infinity completely blows all dogma, finality, definitions, assumptions, beliefs, conclusions out of the water forever. Our relative points of view have their time and place, but only temporally. As long as the Spirit speaks....those hearing will listen and move on in progressive revelation...they will ascend. Those shutting up their ears and hearts will not prosper.....such is the law of progress.

You have a made up god and made up beliefs which the Bible says is from demons.


New member
Our mind, our feelings, our conscious, that is our spirit. If anyone gets a modern English version Bible, you can easily see that whenever the bible talks about our soul, it is at that time concerned with our living body (our physical living body with its spirit).
Whenever the bible talks about our spirit, it is concentrating on our spirit, our spirit whether in our body or out of our body.
Whenever the bible talks about our body, it is speaking of a living physical body or a dead physical body.
A soul is a physical body alive with a spirit. The body is dead without the spirit (James 2:26), and the spirit lives on after death of the body.

Refer to 1 Thessalonians. We can see that God will sanctify us through and through, our whole spirit (spirit without a body), soul (spirit and body together), and our body (with or without our spirit/dead or alive). God truly sanctifies us through and through.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That doesn't support your assertion that the spirit is eternal and cannot be killed, while the soul is the spirit with the body, but can be killed or destroyed.

You aren't making any sense to me.

What did I miss?

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Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That doesn't support your assertion that the spirit is eternal and cannot be killed, while the soul is the spirit with the body, but can be killed or destroyed.

You aren't making any sense to me.

What did I miss?

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The Bible is still the only sacred text of the Christian religion. If there is another please state what it is.