Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


Well-known member
You don't have to.

But you will be judged by GOD whether you choose to believe or not.

Now, there is another error of yours. There is no condemnation for those who are IN CHRIST JESUS.

At the Bema Seat, we are given rewards or loss of rewards. I can guarantee I will not lose any rewards for preaching the Gospel and the nature of God to the lost.

I might be chastened, but not for speaking the truth. Your own words condemn you as one of the "world", and for that you will be condemned.

1 Corinthians 11:32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.​


New member
Now, there is another error of yours. There is no condemnation for those who are IN CHRIST JESUS.

At the Bema Seat, we are given rewards or loss of rewards. I can guarantee I will not lose any rewards for preaching the Gospel and the nature of God to the lost.

I might be chastened, but not for speaking the truth. Your own words condemn you as one of the "world", and for that you will be condemned.

1 Corinthians 11:32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.​
I said you would be judged and you will.

You are the only sick one wishing the condemnation of another.

Wait and see.

May your heart be changed before you die.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


Eclectic Theosophist
Contesting ignorance.......

Contesting ignorance.......

The Lord Jesus Christ commands more than "respect" you deceiving child of the devil. Every knee shall bow and every mouth shall confess.

At least Islam respects and honors Jesus in its sacred scriptures unlike Judaism. My expounding of the basic tenets and principles of the religious traditions concerned, educating and eradicating ignorance and misconceptions does not make me a "deceiving son of the devil" but a contester of his subtle devices. I find that 'title' rather hilarious.

It might behoove you to consider that one honoring and respecting Jesus as a messenger of God is on God's side and not against him. Remember Jesus comment on this. "He who is not against us is on our side".


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I decided to read through this thread from start to finish before I joined in. I just want to addressa claim you made that so far I haven't seen addressed.

Paul would NOT EVER preach another gospel than the gospel of God that Jesus taught.

Yes, and he did, because Jesus taught the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Paul taught the Gospel of Grace. But this isn't what I wanted to address...

Paul was an apostle just like the other apostles,

Was he one of the twelve? or was he an Apostle separate from the others?

Not what I wanted to address though.

except Paul was unnaturally born in that he was not with Jesus from the beginning.


Jesus saved Paul and stopped him from trying to destroy the church

Here's what I want to address...

"Trying to destroy?"

Paul says explicitly that he WAS destroying it!


The words "trying to" were inserted later by people who didn't understand the difference between Israel and the Body of Christ.

and gave that tough job of preaching the gospel to the Jews and Gentiles. There is only one gospel of Jesus Christ.

Again, Jesus preached the gospel of the Kingdom, Paul was given the gospel of Grace. But I'm not going to discuss this any further, as it was the "trying to" I wanted to address.


Again, "trying to" was not in the original text.

Paul was destroying the church, the church of those who believed, not the church of the Body of Christ, which didn't exist until Saul became Paul.


New member
I decided to read through this thread from start to finish before I joined in. I just want to addressa claim you made that so far I haven't seen addressed.

Yes, and he did, because Jesus taught the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Paul taught the Gospel of Grace. But this isn't what I wanted to address...

Was he one of the twelve? or was he an Apostle separate from the others?

Not what I wanted to address though.


Here's what I want to address...

"Trying to destroy?"

Paul says explicitly that he WAS destroying it!


The words "trying to" were inserted later by people who didn't understand the difference between Israel and the Body of Christ.

Again, Jesus preached the gospel of the Kingdom, Paul was given the gospel of Grace. But I'm not going to discuss this any further, as it was the "trying to" I wanted to address.


Again, "trying to" was not in the original text.

Paul was destroying the church, the church of those who believed, not the church of the Body of Christ, which didn't exist until Saul became Paul.
Your comments are neither here nor there and do not pertain to the subject matter at hand.

I find it odd that people say that the Bible is without error, but too has additions, but when you mention such additions in reference to the trinity or GOD the Son, one is treated like an utter outcast and unbeliever damned to hell.
But it is a okay to pretend like there are separate Gospels.

It clearly saus in the Bible that there is one gospel.

Must be an addition.... Yeah right.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


Well-known member
I said you would be judged and you will.

You are the only sick one wishing the condemnation of another.

Wait and see.

May your heart be changed before you die.

Now now, Pops. Try and get ahold of yourself.

I know your ego has taken a blow while posting here, but that doesn't make you a mind reader who can see into my heart.

I never once "wished condemnation" on you or anyone else. That is all in your own "offended" self centered mind. Indeed, if that's what I "wished", I'd just sit back and watch as you continue to heap condemnation on yourself. Instead I warn you of the wrath to come. Just as our Lord did when He walked among us in the flesh.

John 8:23-25
23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. 24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. 25 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning.​


Well-known member
Your comments are neither here nor there and do not pertain to the subject matter at hand.

I find it odd that people say that the Bible is without error, but too has additions, but when you mention such additions in reference to the trinity or GOD the Son, one is treated like an utter outcast and unbeliever damned to hell.
But it is a okay to pretend like there are separate Gospels.

It clearly saus in the Bible that there is one gospel.

Must be an addition.... Yeah right.

First, he wasn't addressing you, and you are not the thread cop. He was pointing out God's UNtruth's translation which is always a bad one. RD's fits perfectly with the authorized version.

Really, your insistence on showing your ignorance is getting old. Do you think we care what you say about the Gospel? You don't even know what the Gospel of Salvation is. If you do, preach it.


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus taught the worship of One God

Jesus taught the worship of One God

He was crucified and the Qur'an says he was not.

Whether Jesus was crucified or not is irrelevant to the fact of his messengership or message, which is monotheistic devotion to The One God and the doing of his will, being integral to the gospel of the kingdom. This gospel message still holds as God's kingdom is an everlasting one.

Years ago I thoroughly debated Apple7 on his peculiar translation of Surah 4:157 where through curious grammatical twists he claimed it actually said Jesus DID die on the cross. Over 30 translations disagree with his claim, with no scholarly support for his private translation.

In any case, both Judaism and Islam get along just fine without a doctrine of vicarious blood atonement or God having to sacrifice his own Son to effect some mind of forgiveness of sins. Repentance, reparation, prayer, returning to God, doing good, etc. is efficacious by itself to afford one salvation, fundamentally speaking. - this is agreed by all Abrahamic faith-traditions in principle.


Eclectic Theosophist
Discussing a subject without defamation or ad hominem.......

Discussing a subject without defamation or ad hominem.......

You don't have to.

But you will be judged by GOD whether you choose to believe or not.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Sadly, some would rather engage in petty nitpicking, disparaging remarks, demeaning language, etc. Instead of civil and respectful discussion, expanding as creative dialogue.

All is being judged moment to moment in the light of God, as a tree is known by its fruit, and the manner and spirit by which we discourse with one other speaks for itself. This is what registers in heaven, not necessarily one's belief in a religious doctrine, creed or dogma.
God looks at the heart, the thoughts, intents and desires thereof, and most importantly how we treat one another.


New member
Now now, Pops. Try and get ahold of yourself.

I know your ego has taken a blow while posting here, but that doesn't make you a mind reader who can see into my heart.

I never once "wished condemnation" on you or anyone else. That is all in your own "offended" self centered mind. Indeed, if that's what I "wished", I'd just sit back and watch as you continue to heap condemnation on yourself. Instead I warn you of the wrath to come. Just as our Lord did when He walked among us in the flesh.

John 8:23-25
23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. 24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. 25 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning.​
Odd; I thought you said this to me;
I might be chastened, but not for speaking the truth. Your own words condemn you as one of the "world", and for that you will be condemned. "

Oh, but you don't wish condemnation on me?

That is an open lie.

Spin it however you want.

I know the truth.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Odd; I thought you said this to me;
I might be chastened, but not for speaking the truth. Your own words condemn you as one of the "world", and for that you will be condemned. "

Oh, but you don't wish condemnation on me?

That is an open lie.

Spin it however you want.

I know the truth.

Now you're calling me an "open liar". Not very smart.

I was not wishing anything on you, simple simon. I was saying exactly what Jesus said.

Matthew 12:37
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.​


Well-known member
Sadly, some would rather engage in petty nitpicking, disparaging remarks, demeaning language, etc. Instead of civil and respectful discussion, expanding as creative dialogue.

All is being judged moment to moment in the light of God, as a tree is known by its fruit, and the manner and spirit by which we discourse with one other speaks for itself. This is what registers in heaven, not necessarily one's belief in a religious doctrine, creed or dogma.
God looks at the heart, the thoughts, intents and desires thereof, and most importantly how we treat one another.

Indeed, God looks at the heart, and whether we are playing the hypocrite as we pretend all men are saved.

God's Truth

New member
Now, there is another error of yours. There is no condemnation for those who are IN CHRIST JESUS.

There is no condemnation to those who obey Jesus.

At the Bema Seat, we are given rewards or loss of rewards. I can guarantee I will not lose any rewards for preaching the Gospel and the nature of God to the lost.

People are hindered by what you preach.

If you don't preach we have to obey Jesus, then you know why we have a bunch of evil people who think they are saved and don't stop sinning.

You and those like you do much harm.


Well-known member
There is no condemnation to those who obey Jesus.

As opposed to scripture, of course.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.​

People are hindered by what you preach.

If you don't preach we have to obey Jesus, then you know why we have a bunch of evil people who think they are saved and don't stop sinning.

You and those like you do much harm.

On the contrary, we are saved by grace through faith. You, on the other hand think you can earn your salvation. :sigh:

I do find it interesting how you are so obsessed with all that "sinning" other people must be committing. Is that how you get your thrills.....all that imagining? What is it you picture in that little mind of yours?

Voyeurism at best........ :dizzy:

patrick jane

As opposed to scripture, of course.
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.​

On the contrary, we are saved by grace through faith. You, on the other hand think you can earn your salvation. :sigh:

I do find it interesting how you are so obsessed with all that "sinning" other people must be committing. Is that how you get your thrills.....all that imagining? What is it you picture in that little mind of yours?

Voyeurism at best........ :dizzy:
It's a mindset of feeling guilty all the time. Misery loves company. :devil:

God's Truth

New member
I decided to read through this thread from start to finish before I joined in. I just want to addressa claim you made that so far I haven't seen addressed.

Yes, and he did, because Jesus taught the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Paul taught the Gospel of Grace. But this isn't what I wanted to address...

Was he one of the twelve? or was he an Apostle separate from the others?

Not what I wanted to address though.


Here's what I want to address...

"Trying to destroy?"

Paul says explicitly that he WAS destroying it!


The words "trying to" were inserted later by people who didn't understand the difference between Israel and the Body of Christ.

Again, Jesus preached the gospel of the Kingdom, Paul was given the gospel of Grace. But I'm not going to discuss this any further, as it was the "trying to" I wanted to address.


Again, "trying to" was not in the original text.

Paul was destroying the church, the church of those who believed, not the church of the Body of Christ, which didn't exist until Saul became Paul.

According to you, Paul did destroy the church by preaching a completely different gospel.

God's Truth

New member
Whether Jesus was crucified or not is irrelevant to the fact of his messengership or message, which is monotheistic devotion to The One God and the doing of his will, being integral to the gospel of the kingdom. This gospel message still holds as God's kingdom is an everlasting one.

Years ago I thoroughly debated Apple7 on his peculiar translation of Surah 4:157 where through curious grammatical twists he claimed it actually said Jesus DID die on the cross. Over 30 translations disagree with his claim, with no scholarly support for his private translation.

In any case, both Judaism and Islam get along just fine without a doctrine of vicarious blood atonement or God having to sacrifice his own Son to effect some mind of forgiveness of sins. Repentance, reparation, prayer, returning to God, doing good, etc. is efficacious by itself to afford one salvation, fundamentally speaking. - this is agreed by all Abrahamic faith-traditions in principle.

You are badly mistaken. You have a god from your imagination.

God's Truth

New member
As opposed to scripture, of course.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.​

That IS about OBEYING Jesus.

On the contrary, we are saved by grace through faith. You, on the other hand think you can earn your salvation. :sigh:

People such as yourself are deceiving others and ruining lives.

People such as yourself are preaching in prisons, convincing them they are saved just because they say they believe. Drug addicts and thieves and all kind of people saying they were baptized. People with no power, no Holy Spirit.

I do find it interesting how you are so obsessed with all that "sinning" other people must be committing.

I preach obedience to Christ and you preach against it.