Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member
That's true, I want all men to come to the knowledge of the truth....pretending they have the truth is not LOVE.

You don't believe that you are just as the Mormons and Catholics and all others in false doctrines who won't admit they have false doctrines.

God's Truth

New member
There are many unsaved people who "speak about what the scriptures say."

Talking about scripture won't save anyone. Maybe if you try harder, and talk more.... :think:

I believe and obey Jesus and I preach the truth.

You preach false doctrines and verbally abuse the saved.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
That doesn't make sense, since I'm saved, and you're still trying to "stay saved".:king:
Christ was insufficient to pay her debt from all her sins, and she has to pony up her own merits.
She didn't get the good news that it is only by the righteousness and obedience of one.

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

She wants to make that "two" so she can include herself.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

Can you imagine how many of these there have been over the years? :shocked:
One of my favorites was her .....
"I no longer sin, But when I do sin, I repent".

And the ever classic of hers ...... "You have to obey EVERYTHING Christ said while He walked the earth. Except for this, and this, and this, and this ....".


Well-known member
Christ was insufficient to pay her debt from all her sins, and she has to pony up her own merits.
She didn't get the good news that it is only by the righteousness and obedience of one.

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

She wants to make that "two" so she can include herself.

Which is why she talks more about herself than she does the Lord Jesus Christ. Heck, she can't even give Him the glory He deserves....calling him Father and Spirit. :nono:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Which is why she talks more about herself than she does the Lord Jesus Christ. Heck, she can't even give Him the glory He deserves....calling him Father and Spirit. :nono:
Why yes, she focuses on what the flesh of men do for salvation instead of what the Lord Jesus Christ did.


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets stay on topic and consider the fundamentals at hand......

Lets stay on topic and consider the fundamentals at hand......

What's disgusting is your denial that Jesus Christ is Lord and God.

It's Jesus who said, "You will die in your sins if you believe not that I AM" (he).

I'm simply warning you VIPERS to listen, for the wrath of God will come upon you. You've been told over and over again, and you choose to condemn me for telling you the truth? :nono:

Matthew 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Hi glorydaz,

What marhig was addressing was the 'spirit' in which you were writing, something that is important, as Jesus had to correct his disciples about it probably more than once, if you believe some of the gospel accounts of the events anyways.

'God' who is Love looks at the heart, and truth knows and discerns the thoughts, intents of the heart
, this is what counts, the spirit or motivation behind our words and actions. So, bringing up a mere doctrinal belief (that someone doesnt believe Jesus is God Almighty in dogmatic fashion) to somehow justify the 'spirit' shown in some of your posts is non-justified. In fact, I'm sure Jesus wont be interrogating anyone about their BELIEF that he is 'God', but will scan one's life looking for the quality and content of HOW they loved and served their fellowman. It will be those spiritual fruits that weigh most in the accounting at the end of each lifetime we have.

My original treatment of the actual subject and question here stands shared earlier here :)

Most else in this thread are just spats, tit for tats, and pretty petty stuff. As serious students of truth, one would devote themselves to more weighty matters, such as justice, mercy, truth, faith, knowledge, wisdom,....those issues, ideals, concepts and priniciples that have eternal import and significance.

Hence I would prefer not to get into the lower carnal and egoic behavior that only depresses and devalues others (nit picking, gossip, name-calling - these are works of the flesh), instead of what envalues, encourages, uplifts others...which is what LOVE does. Hence seeing what is the spirit or motivation behind our communication is KEY, and then nipping it in the bud, if its a wrong, false, erroneous or even EVIL spirit. Thats where discernment comes in.

In any case as I've shared elsewhere, and what agrees with many other students of universal truth,...'God' is a universal Presence and Power, and hence as the Heart of the Universe...has inspired or illumined many different prophets of the various lands, cultures and traditions of our Mother Earth. We can see the glory and wisdom of God in all the many facets, as a diamond is not a whole diamond, without those many facets comprising its entirety.

On that note, we shall wait til pops gets back to get into some good stuff, like the different religious text of the various traditions, which by the way, belong to the whole family of humanity. Note I did not discount the Bible in my former treatise, but mentioned it is not perfect, neither does it represent the total of knowledge, wisdom and revelation given to mankind, neither does it claim to. Jesus said the spirit of truth would CONTINUE to lead, guide and teach man. Life is evolutional, progressive in nature, and so is REVELATION.


Well-known member
Hi glorydaz,

What marhig was addressing was the 'spirit' in which you were writing, something that is important, as Jesus had to correct his disciples about it probably more than once, if you believe some of the gospel accounts of the events anyways.

'God' who is Love looks at the heart, and truth knows and discerns the thoughts, intents of the heart
, this is what counts, the spirit or motivation behind our words and actions. So, bringing up a mere doctrinal belief (that someone doesnt believe Jesus is God Almighty in dogmatic fashion) to somehow justify the 'spirit' shown in some of your posts is non-justified. In fact, I'm sure Jesus wont be interrogating anyone about their BELIEF that he is 'God', but will scan one's life looking for the quality and content of HOW they loved and served their fellowman. It will be those spiritual fruits that weigh most in the accounting at the end of each lifetime we have.

My original treatment of the actual subject and question here stands shared earlier here :)

Most else in this thread are just spats, tit for tats, and pretty petty stuff. As serious students of truth, one would devote themselves to more weighty matters, such as justice, mercy, truth, faith, knowledge, wisdom,....those issues, ideals, concepts and priniciples that have eternal import and significance.

Hence I would prefer not to get into the lower carnal and egoic behavior that only depresses and devalues others (nit picking, gossip, name-calling - these are works of the flesh), instead of what envalues, encourages, uplifts others...which is what LOVE does. Hence seeing what is the spirit or motivation behind our communication is KEY, and then nipping it in the bud, if its a wrong, false, erroneous or even EVIL spirit. Thats where discernment comes in.

In any case as I've shared elsewhere, and what agrees with many other students of universal truth,...'God' is a universal Presence and Power, and hence as the Heart of the Universe...has inspired or illumined many different prophets of the various lands, cultures and traditions of our Mother Earth. We can see the glory and wisdom of God in all the many facets, as a diamond is not a whole diamond, without those many facets comprising its entirety.

On that note, we shall wait til pops gets back to get into some good stuff, like the different religious text of the various traditions, which by the way, belong to the whole family of humanity. Note I did not discount the Bible in my former treatise, but mentioned it is not perfect, neither does it represent the total of knowledge, wisdom and revelation given to mankind, neither does it claim to. Jesus said the spirit of truth would CONTINUE to lead, guide and teach man. Life is evolutional, progressive in nature, and so is REVELATION.

Nice that you care, but you're wrong. I am the only one, besides the Spirit that is in me, that knows the spirit by which I post.

If you would rather heed the "wisdom" of a natural man of the flesh, then you're certainly free to do. I won't scold you -- unless you preach that same "wisdom" as truth.

1 Corinthians 2:14-16
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.


Well-known member
Hi glorydaz,

What marhig was addressing was the 'spirit' in which you were writing, something that is important, as Jesus had to correct his disciples about it probably more than once, if you believe some of the gospel accounts of the events anyways.

'God' who is Love looks at the heart, and truth knows and discerns the thoughts, intents of the heart
, this is what counts, the spirit or motivation behind our words and actions. So, bringing up a mere doctrinal belief (that someone doesnt believe Jesus is God Almighty in dogmatic fashion) to somehow justify the 'spirit' shown in some of your posts is non-justified. In fact, I'm sure Jesus wont be interrogating anyone about their BELIEF that he is 'God', but will scan one's life looking for the quality and content of HOW they loved and served their fellowman. It will be those spiritual fruits that weigh most in the accounting at the end of each lifetime we have.

My original treatment of the actual subject and question here stands shared earlier here :)

Most else in this thread are just spats, tit for tats, and pretty petty stuff. As serious students of truth, one would devote themselves to more weighty matters, such as justice, mercy, truth, faith, knowledge, wisdom,....those issues, ideals, concepts and priniciples that have eternal import and significance.

Hence I would prefer not to get into the lower carnal and egoic behavior that only depresses and devalues others (nit picking, gossip, name-calling - these are works of the flesh), instead of what envalues, encourages, uplifts others...which is what LOVE does. Hence seeing what is the spirit or motivation behind our communication is KEY, and then nipping it in the bud, if its a wrong, false, erroneous or even EVIL spirit. Thats where discernment comes in.

In any case as I've shared elsewhere, and what agrees with many other students of universal truth,...'God' is a universal Presence and Power, and hence as the Heart of the Universe...has inspired or illumined many different prophets of the various lands, cultures and traditions of our Mother Earth. We can see the glory and wisdom of God in all the many facets, as a diamond is not a whole diamond, without those many facets comprising its entirety.

On that note, we shall wait til pops gets back to get into some good stuff, like the different religious text of the various traditions, which by the way, belong to the whole family of humanity. Note I did not discount the Bible in my former treatise, but mentioned it is not perfect, neither does it represent the total of knowledge, wisdom and revelation given to mankind, neither does it claim to. Jesus said the spirit of truth would CONTINUE to lead, guide and teach man. Life is evolutional, progressive in nature, and so is REVELATION.

The grace brethren tend to stretch that term a wee bit when judging outside their dogmatic boundaries like all separatist do, All things being in Christ to them falls into the calvinistic beliefs system where their god died for all trapped in the electoral box, kinda dark in there except for a sliver of light, not much light to build on but bless their hearts they strive to make it so.


Eclectic Theosophist
Nice that you care, but you're wrong. I am the only one, besides the Spirit that is in me, that knows the spirit by which I post.

If you would rather heed the "wisdom" of a natural man of the flesh, then you're certainly free to do. I won't scold you -- unless you preach that same "wisdom" as truth.

1 Corinthians 2:14-16
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.

In a good and civil 'spirit', I wont continue to contest this, but let what has been written stand :) - you know I dont like to get into petty 'spats', but alot of that goes on around here, ...kind-of-a bad habit, but addictive I'm sure. There is so much more to explore, research and discover. I continue forth in the spirit of 'creative dialogue', ever expanding consciousness. Thats just what freelight does :) - and he's been removed and blocked from discussions because he stands his ground and speaks his truth. (we wont mention the names of any particular moderators....*cough*) - I prefer to address and expand the issues and subjects mostly philosophically. It goes without saying, and forgive me for parroting this, but..."you cant put God in a box". - anymore than you can contain or restrict his Spirit, which is omnipresent. Perhaps we could all look outside our cute little decorated boxes we've put 'God' in ...and let 'God' be :)


Eclectic Theosophist
The grace brethren tend to stretch that term a wee bit when judging outside their dogmatic boundaries like all separatist do, All things being in Christ to them falls into the calvinistic beliefs system where their god died for all trapped in the electoral box, kinda dark in there except for a sliver of light, not much light to build on but bless their hearts they strive to make it so.

I would simply grant that God be God, and 'God' by nature is universal, timeless, prior, transcendental, INFINITE. - all 'else' entertained or speculated is wordplay. - in sponsoring 'creative dialogue', I encourage readers to research the relation of words to their inner and hidden meanings and values, and how they relate and reveal the substance behind the forms.