He was declared by the church to be "without sin." This speaks to his importance for us Christians rather than any fact of history.Where does it say that Jesus refered to Gentiles as dogs?
If you don't believe that Jesus is devine then he is just another sinful man and we are all still in our sins without hope.
You have a strange view of what you think that Christ and his church is, with nothing to support your view.
I tend to believe that he was actually, historically baptized by John. The church tried hard to deal with this embarrassing fact by adding some speech into John's mouth. I think it is sensible to conclude that Jesus was a disciple of John but when John was killed Jesus enlarged his ministry.
John worked in the Jordan River. He sent his followers out back into the Roman world. They were like a bunch of ticking time bombs.
Their actions came from John--so he was using a "corporate" model.
Jesus had a franchise going. And it was much more effective.
I am blessed by Jesus. But part of his message for me is to be accountable for my sins and imperfections. The ancient word "sin" actually means "Missing the mark." The world keeps going on, whether or not we sin or not.
We need to follow the Lord's Prayer and forgive ourselves and then others. That takes care of it all, don't you think?