It's disturbing to think about the amount of people who will perpetuate what one knows is a lie if it benefits them.
Or, because it's wrong, a violation of the dignity of another and only an evil or amoral troll would take exception to taking exception to it.People become outspoken on the subject of rape because it gilds one's flashy moral compass.
But really, how many of you can there be? :think: I mean outside of your noggin.It's disturbing to think about the amount of people who will perpetuate what one knows is a lie if it benefits them.
Or, because it's wrong, a violation of the dignity of another and only an evil or amoral troll would take exception to taking exception to it.
But really, how many of you can there be? :think: I mean outside of your noggin.
I didn't know your skin was so thin, I'm glad that Rusha gets under your thin skin !!And trying to get under my skin, as you deliberately have attempted numerous times, doesn't work so you either have to simply go away or go back to the same nonsense.
Or they object for the same reason they object to murder.
I didn't know your skin was so thin, I'm glad that Rusha gets under your thin skin !!
So.. you can halfway read. How does one halfway read :think:
'Marital rape' is an oxymoron
The fundamental meaning of 'rape' means 'to seize'. A wife seizes the marriage when she withholds sex as a device of control. Now, let's say a wife comes home, and she does not want to have sex but the husband forcibly insists. Would that be rape by the technical sense? Yes. But is it rape in the sense of her being assaulted? No- it is an inconvenience wrought on by her husband.
This is something that has always been considered the case through history. It was not until about forty years ago that there was even a notion of 'marital rape'. No doubt, this had everything to do with feminism and the ridiculous platitudes that came out of it- an excessive demand for emancipation in everything, including marriage.
Many women embrace an appearance of victimization, because it has gotten to a point where it is a prospect for them. So long as you refuse to acknowledge it, and consistently warp everything to make it about men and not them, that insanity will continue to evolve.
That's the real shame- men in the 1st World being afraid of marriage because it's like making a deal with the Devil- the public and the courts automatically presume that he is in the wrong, or that she is in distress, and so men typically cannot afford any sort of problem with the wife- so you're right, a man puts his life at stake for her. The difference is that it isn't from an external source in which he's staking himself![]()
Who would have thought something so ludicrous would be the bane of men
You might be surprised at how many child rapists blame the child...
And at how many 'regular' rapists blame the woman...
Wife rapers blame the wife...
And call it marriage...
Even some so-called "Christian" wife rapers...
Lord have mercy!
Nah ... *men* don't commit rape ... nor do they promote it. MEN speak out against it. Thankfully there are quite a few *men* willing to speak out on this thread against evil predators who commit such vile acts.
Big thanks to ... Town Heretic, Arthur Brain, Patrick Jane, Feral, Phoenician, Eagle Wings and Arsenios. You could learn a lot from them if you would close your mouth and actually read.
Indeed ... it's never *their* fault.
Only an actual moron would believe it.'Marital rape' is an oxymoron-
You realize that appealing to history is a logical fallacy, unless the argument is over history.that is why for all of history, including almost entirely the common era, it was never seen as a crime.
No, it really isn't. You also don't have the right to pierce your wife's navel or tattoo her backside because you find it interesting and, hey, she's yours. :nono:People actually held marriage to what it is, where the consent is made sealed at the time of the vow.
The study of law is the actual study of the law and not the peculiar series of disjointed and mistaken ideas that appear to comprise your own slapdash notion regarding it. Also, the study of law is seated in critical analysis and logic, skills completely superfluous in your approach.They probably never taught you that in law school
That you can at least spell the word integrity might give me some measure of hope, but I've read too much of you to let it., being that any integrity that was ever in law went away a long time ago
I pulled my thanks on all previous posts as I had not read the whole thread.Nah ... *men* don't commit rape ... nor do they promote it. MEN speak out against it. Thankfully there are quite a few *men* willing to speak out on this thread against evil predators who commit such vile acts.
Big thanks to ... Town Heretic, Arthur Brain, Patrick Jane, Feral, Phoenician, Eagle Wings and Arsenios. You could learn a lot from them if you would close your mouth and actually read.