If someone believes something that contradicts itself, there's a few options.
a) They know there's a contradiction but don't care b/c they don't actually believe any of it. They're just a troll.
b) They may or may not realize there's a contradiction but are under threat of damnation for questioning whatever they've believed, so they shut it out.
c) They come to realize there's a contradiction and start to think it through.
He's either a or b. I find (a) more likely.
Well i hope he becomes a c, instead of being in bondage he could be free from.
It would not be very good news to wonder if i 'walked away' from God and took salvation off the table because of my weak flesh and then wondered which sin it would take and how many times to have rendered me unsaved and then not be able to be saved again, for putting Him to open shame, and my my how could i even sleep thinking i had to keep what i didn't earn to start with...