limited omnipresence/power reviewed
limited omnipresence/power reviewed
Originally posted by Poly
Why would an almighty and holy God be in such a place?
He goes to great lengths in the bible trying to get across to us how much He cannot look upon sin. Hell is a place prepared for those who want nothing to do with God. It's a place where they will be seperated from Him for all eternity. Why would He want to go to such a place?
If God is truly omnipresent, there is no place empty of Him. If we then consider omnipotence which is the subject of this thread...then we must consider divine presence being all-powerful......being the Supreme Power/Reality in all dimensions. God is the only ONE BEING. There is no other. This is true omni-presence/power/science.
David was convinced that if he made his bed in 'hell' (Sheol)...there God would BE. {psalm 139}. There are no degrees to Gods presence. God IS. Nothing can prevent, thwart, annul, cancel out...the IS-ness that IS! This Aliveness of BEING is divine Presence, ever-Being Itself......and is the Sole ONE (all things/beings inhere and have their existence in this ONE...who is the Ground of Being,....therefore it is impossible for anything to exist outside of God).
God remains All-powerful for He is the Infinite, the All-pervading, the Sole Presence, the ONE. God is this Now. This Now-ness pervades all dimensions within the Undimensional ONE. There is no other. This is the View from the Absolute...which posits that 'God is All' , 'God is All there IS'.....and upholds the 3 omni's in their total sense.
From the Relative view wherein all relationships within space and time appear to exist....there is dimension/degree.........apparent limitations on the presumed omni's......qualifications put on God. In this relative View....there are many 'others', 'powers', etc. existing alongside Gods omni-power. Many of these relative views are maintained amid religious beliefs/paradigms.....which deny the Supremacy of the Absolute ONE.
If God fills all that the ALL,........then how can there be anyone or thing outside of omni-presence/power/science? A presumed 'hell' imagined to be an absence of God could not exist in Truth......where God is Truth...and this living truth is omni. But human minds would object otherwise and make claims based on religious doctrines and traditional ideas about God.
The common christian notion of an eternal 'hell'('hell' as they interpret such) challenges and refutes the very omni's of God that they claim to uphold. It denies Omnipresence and forfeits omnipotency. It claims one can be forever seperated from the ONE! Does anything exist outside of God? How could one escape from omnipresence? How could one eternally combat, withhold itself from omnipower? Furthermore as we consider can anyone/anything be obscured or expunged from the Consciousness of Consciousness(God) includes all things/beings!
I realize that these quest-ions and perspectives will be derived from certain premises - among these being the perspective of the Absolute and the Relative on many planes or dimensions of perception. These considerations may challenge human thoughts, opinions, beliefs........yet God forever remains the Unchallenged ONE...whose infinite fullness, perfection, Love and Light ARE.
Where does hell exist but in the human mind and therefore imposes its play upon the screen of experience. However,...does hell exist in God? Does hell exist in Love, Light, Truth, Heaven? Is not God All-Light? In this Light...there may appear to be dimensions or gradations of light/darkness/shades, etc. - but the darkness and the light are both alike to God....who dwells in all, whose power is all, and who knows all! To deny to deny Gods deny Truth.
God is Now........All. God is ONE. (not two, three or many!). He is the Totality of Existence...forever Being True to Itself....the One Consciousness/Intelligence that perceives/conceives all....the Great Spirit....Mind. Who dreams up a place called 'hell' which denies the omni-ness of God?
At last.......who or what could deny omnipotence, regulate omnipresence or obscure omniscience?