Is God Truly All Powerful?


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Hebrews talks about apostasy. I think this book may be Pauline.

There is a diffence between genuine free will and response to God and legalism. Salvation is moral/metaphysical (do not misunderstand what I mean), not metaphysical. i.e. it is not an irreversible change in our constitution. It is relational and involves love (volition). Relationships must be freely entered into and maintained or they are causative/coerced.

An OT 'believer' is not inherently different than a NT 'believer' as to their wills, intellect, emotions. David was not 'born again', but had a relationship with God. It is arbitrary to say David could have apostasized, but Clete cannot possibly do so. David was not saved by legalism anymore than a NT saint is. The faith that saves all men must continue. It is not punctiliar.

It is a lie to tell someone they are saved just because they received Christ as a child if they are now a Satan worshipping atheist. This is false assurance based on false doctrine. There will be no impetus to repent, renounce the lie, and return to their first love. Maybe we should all get soundly saved, and then party and presume on His grace. If you say it is impossible for a believer to do so, you need to see into the minds and hearts of some of your Christian friends and leaders. Genuine believers can lead a double life and dabble in sin. It is another problem to tell someone they are saved now even though they do not believe based on their former belief. Why should they come to Christ if we tell them they are actually a believer because they said they believed in the past? God is not mocked. There should be evidence and ongoing faith to claim one is a believer.


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godrulz said:
Maybe we should all get soundly saved, and then party and presume on His grace.

God forbid.

Why should they come to Christ if we tell them they are actually a believer because they said they believed in the past?

because nothing satisifies the heart of a person more than Christ. nothing brings more joy, gives more love, gives more peace, more contentment, more happiness and more meaning than Christ.


The Dark Knight
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serpent101 said:
But your comment here really ? well pick up a DVD from your local library on string theory, or read something by Edgar Casey… there are lots of people who are much smarter than the both of us who would differ
So, you trust people who outright deny the very existence of God in these matters?

actually I just took a guess, but it was based on typical manner of behavior to those who tend to try to worship the diabolical monster that is created from the literal hell fire and brimstone etc. Your comments like serpent101 and lot of other derogatory comments led me to conclude that you were most likely in the same “rage” that many others here on TOL are, who take the literal approach to Scripture.

Anyways, your
A tree cannot bring forth good fruit and bad fruit – as your attitude is such that I cannot believe that you follow any Spirit that comes from Jesus, no sorry, if you talk the talk, they you have to walk the walk – your posts are just filled with too much piss and vinegar for me to believe your claim that you are lead of the Holy Spirit.

Without Christ’s Love

My attitude is the way it is because of people like you who deny God for your own little personal version of who you want God to be.


The Dark Knight
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godrulz said:
I think it contradicts your imputed righteousness theory.

"Even as David also describeth teh blessedness of the man, of the man unto who God imputeth righteousness without works..,"
-Romans 4:6

Are you saying that Paul contradicted himself? In the same letter?

I continue to read about John Wesley. I have read enough to know that I am not a Wesleyan, though his theology has affected much of Protestantism (my Pentecostal roots especially).

The issues that he had with Calvinism, imputed righteousness (objective/justification), and practical righteousness (subjective/sanctification), are relevant to one of our sticking points. I do not believe we can divorce the righteousness of Christ in us from the practical outflow of holy living. God's provisions do not negate our responsibilites. This does not lead to works salvation. I think you have misunderstood my views in the past to the point you wonder how I can claim to know and love Jesus (toned down recently). I think you need to keep working through these issues, as do I.
If one does not live by faith, it is because they do not have faith.


The Dark Knight
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godrulz said:
Satan worshipping atheist.
Ummm... is that possible?:think:

godrulz said:
Hebrews talks about apostasy. I think this book may be Pauline.

There is a diffence between genuine free will and response to God and legalism. Salvation is moral/metaphysical (do not misunderstand what I mean), not metaphysical. i.e. it is not an irreversible change in our constitution. It is relational and involves love (volition). Relationships must be freely entered into and maintained or they are causative/coerced.

An OT 'believer' is not inherently different than a NT 'believer' as to their wills, intellect, emotions. David was not 'born again', but had a relationship with God. It is arbitrary to say David could have apostasized, but Clete cannot possibly do so. David was not saved by legalism anymore than a NT saint is. The faith that saves all men must continue. It is not punctiliar.

It is a lie to tell someone they are saved just because they received Christ as a child if they are now a Satan worshipping atheist. This is false assurance based on false doctrine. There will be no impetus to repent, renounce the lie, and return to their first love. Maybe we should all get soundly saved, and then party and presume on His grace. If you say it is impossible for a believer to do so, you need to see into the minds and hearts of some of your Christian friends and leaders. Genuine believers can lead a double life and dabble in sin. It is another problem to tell someone they are saved now even though they do not believe based on their former belief. Why should they come to Christ if we tell them they are actually a believer because they said they believed in the past? God is not mocked. There should be evidence and ongoing faith to claim one is a believer.
I still stand firm that anyone who denies Christ to such an extent never believed in their hearts, and were never saved.


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God_Is_Truth said:
God forbid.

because nothing satisifies the heart of a person more than Christ. nothing brings more joy, gives more love, gives more peace, more contentment, more happiness and more meaning than Christ.

I meant that they will not truly come to Christ if they wrongly they they are a Christian based on the past with no present or future evidence that they in fact are converted. Someone could love Jesus as a child and later be far from God. It is simplistic to say this proves they were never a Christian or that they can believe and live like the devil because they have immunity since they were saved and sealed. They can continue in unbelief and rebellion and die in this state and still go to heaven just because they once served God? With this criteria, Charles Templeton and Judas should be in heaven?


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lighthouse said:
Ummm... is that possible?:think:

I still stand firm that anyone who denies Christ to such an extent never believed in their hearts, and were never saved.

It's a free country.

I will stand firm that anyone who now denies Christ may have never believed in their hearts and were never saved OR they no longer believe in their hearts and are no longer saved, though they once were (God knows which situation is true based on the heart).



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lighthouse said:

"Even as David also describeth teh blessedness of the man, of the man unto who God imputeth righteousness without works..,"
-Romans 4:6

Are you saying that Paul contradicted himself? In the same letter?

If one does not live by faith, it is because they do not have faith.

Try a Greek word study or another translation. Tthere is more than one theory on what this means exactly in light of all biblical truth. Wesley believed in imputed righteousness, but understood it differently than the hyper-Calvinists of his day; Finney also understood it differently than hyper-Calvinists...neither group denied imputation per se.

Justification does put us in a standing where we are justified. We are declared righteous, just as if we never sinned. Our sins are forgiven. This does not mean they are literally negated, since they were choices that cannot be reverses. Just because our standing changes does not mean we never wrestle with sin again. Practical righteousness does not mean God sees us righteous while we are committing adultery. He calls sin what it is, whether a believer or not. More needs to be clarified, but I do not want to create more heat than light at the moment. Sanctification is not identical to justification or glorification.


The Dark Knight
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godrulz said:
It's a free country.
I meant that an atheist would not believe in Satan, and therefore could not be a Satanist. Or vice versa, or something...


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lighthouse said:
I meant that an atheist would not believe in Satan, and therefore could not be a Satanist. Or vice versa, or something...

An atheist would not believe in God. I suppose they do not believe in anything supernatural. Some Satanist types do not believe in a personal devil, but just nature, etc. Perhaps Zakath could invent a new kind of unbeliever: 'the Satanic Atheist" :dizzy:


The Dark Knight
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godrulz said:
An atheist would not believe in God. I suppose they do not believe in anything supernatural. Some Satanist types do not believe in a personal devil, but just nature, etc. Perhaps Zakath could invent a new kind of unbeliever: 'the Satanic Atheist" :dizzy:
Zakath doesn't believe in Satan.


New member
godrulz said:
I meant that they will not truly come to Christ if they wrongly they they are a Christian based on the past with no present or future evidence that they in fact are converted.

well, they might, but more than likely you are right.

Someone could love Jesus as a child and later be far from God. It is simplistic to say this proves they were never a Christian or that they can believe and live like the devil because they have immunity since they were saved and sealed. They can continue in unbelief and rebellion and die in this state and still go to heaven just because they once served God? With this criteria, Charles Templeton and Judas should be in heaven?

just because one belives in OSAS doesn't mean we also believe one should live as they want and that people who turned away from the faith should remain that way. it just means that even though they aren't currently walking with God, their salvaition isn't based on what they do, but on God's work. this may sound like calvinism at first, but it is distinct.


Truth Smacker
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godrulz said:
Hebrews talks about apostasy. I think this book may be Pauline.
The books message as well as its audience is proof that it is not written by Paul.

The following is an excerpt from a difinitive article on the subject by Bob Hill...
Hebrews was not written by Paul. This is maintained by most conservative scholarship.
Rotherham states it rather bluntly:

The one point which for myself remains firmly settled is the purely negative one: that whoever wrote this Epistle it was not the Apostle Paul. In holding fast to this conclusion, I find myself in excellent company. Professor Peake says: “Nothing is so certain with respect to the authorship as the negative conclusion that it was not written by Paul . . . . These differences not only preclude Pauline authorship; they show conclusively that Paul can have nothing to do with the Epistle directly or indirectly. It is in no sense a Pauline Epistle, and only in the loosest sense can it be spoken of as Pauline in theology.”​

I do not think it is necessary to know who wrote Hebrews, but it is important to rule out Pauline authorship. This is essential to understand this epistle when we see the concepts presented by the writer. It would be presumptuous to say this epistle is Pauline in any sense unless it could be shown that the theology is the same as that of the Pauline Epistles.

2:3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him.​

From this key passage, we see, “salvation . . . was confirmed to us by those who heard”, the most important portion of scripture against the Pauline authorship. If Paul received his gospel from “those who heard,” how could he write Galatians 1:1,11,12,16; 2:2?

Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead), 11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. 16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, 2:2 And I went up by revelation, and communicated to them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to those who were of reputation, lest by any means I might run, or had run, in vain.​

No one confirmed salvation to Paul. Christ solely and directly revealed the gospel to him.​
Complete Article

There is a difference between genuine free will and response to God and legalism.
This sentence makes no sense. Having a genuine free will and the issue of legalism have nothing to do with one anther except that both legalism and grace are both meaningless apart from a free will, but that's a different topic for another thread.

Salvation is moral/metaphysical (do not misunderstand what I mean), not metaphysical. i.e. it is not an irreversible change in our constitution.
If I understand this correctly (which I'm not sure that I do), it is quite wrong.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.​

It is relational and involves love (volition). Relationships must be freely entered into and maintained or they are causative/coerced.
No they aren't! Please get the Calvinism out of your head. I am not advocating anything that even remotely smells of Calvinism. I agree that our relationship with God is freely entered into but the Gospel of Grace is, in a nutshell, that our relationship with God is not maintained by us but by Him. That's the whole point and the reason I can confidently say that you cannot teach what you are attempting to teach without being legalistic.

An OT 'believer' is not inherently different than a NT 'believer' as to their wills, intellect, emotions. David was not 'born again', but had a relationship with God. It is arbitrary to say David could have apostasized, but Clete cannot possibly do so. David was not saved by legalism anymore than a NT saint is. The faith that saves all men must continue. It is not punctiliar.
History betrays you on this point. If David had not continued in God's law he would have been cut off just as Saul had been. Saul was promised an ever lasting kingdom but lost it because he rebelled against God. Don't think for a moment that David was any different.
And it is not arbitrary in any sense for me to say that I cannot apostatize. I have made a quite convincing argument based on Scripture. I would hardly call that arbitrary; it's not like I'm making this stuff up as I go.

It is a lie to tell someone they are saved just because they received Christ as a child if they are now a Satan worshipping atheist.
Then Paul was a liar and we should all go and rip anything to do with the Gospel of the Mystery which Paul preached out of our Bibles.

This is false assurance based on false doctrine.
I have shown that it is not. You have shown your desire to gratify your flesh by presenting a works based gospel which is wholly consistent with that Gospel given to Israel, namely the Gospel of the Kingdom which was based upon observance of the law (i.e holy living, continuous repentance from sin, maintenance of one's covenantal responsibilities etc. etc.). You obviously don't see it, but you are up about a foot past your eyeballs into legalism. Doesn't it ever puzzle you why you never can seem to get victory of the sin in your life?

There will be no impetus to repent, renounce the lie, and return to their first love.
You couldn't be more wrong. And you should know as well as anyone that I am not soft on sin. If Caledvwlch was a member of my church, I would expel him from our congregation and turn him over to Satan. I am not suggesting that there is no consequences for our sin, in fact I've said just the opposite. But fear of the consequences is not the impetus to repent any more that your threat of going to Hell is.

Maybe we should all get soundly saved, and then party and presume on His grace.
Should we therefore sin that grace may abound? God forbid!

Sound familiar? It should...
Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? 3Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? 4Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

5For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. 7For he who has died has been freed from sin. 8Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, 9knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. 10For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

12Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. 13And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. 14For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.​

By the way, verses 11-14 are the key to having victory of sin. It is the only key. A key, which you have put away in favor of “an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.

If you say it is impossible for a believer to do so, you need to see into the minds and hearts of some of your Christian friends and leaders. Genuine believers can lead a double life and dabble in sin.
Legalism! Don't you get it? To one extent or another, we ALL do this, all of us! That is we all do it in our flesh. But our flesh has been crucified with Christ and no longer has any effect upon our relationship with the Father in heaven. We have been made new creatures IN CHRIST. Our righteousness is no longer ours but His and His alone.

It is another problem to tell someone they are saved now even though they do not believe based on their former belief. Why should they come to Christ if we tell them they are actually a believer because they said they believed in the past?

I didn't say he was a believer, I said he was saved. And a clear understanding of just what it is that Christ has done for him, in spite of himself, is the greatest impetus toward repentance that there could ever be. With the removal of the law, so fear was also removed. Love is now the only remaining motive. You are attempting to resurrect fear and thereby the law with it. I say, keep the law on the cross where Jesus crucified it and let love do its ministry. Which do you suppose is the more powerful, love or fear?

God is not mocked. There should be evidence and ongoing faith to claim one is a believer.
Never a clearer message of legalism has ever been said.

Resting in Him,
Last edited:


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So, if a person becomes a Christian as a child, they can die a reprobate, godless, Christ-renouncing apostate and still be considered saved, though they no longer believe? Belief/faith and salvation are linked, not diametrically opposed.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
godrulz said:
So, if a person becomes a Christian as a child, they can die a reprobate, godless, Christ-renouncing apostate and still be considered saved, though they no longer believe?
Yes. Allthough they may (and I stress may) be given a choice to make on judgement day.

Belief/faith and salvation are linked, not diametrically opposed.
I agree completely. I just think that salvation is permanent and not up to us to "maintain".

Resting in Him,


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Clete said:
Yes. Allthough they may (and I stress may) be given a choice to make on judgement day.

I agree completely. I just think that salvation is permanent and not up to us to "maintain".

Resting in Him,

God sees reality as it is. He judges our hearts and minds based on our current or end state. If He judged us at the state of birth, everyone would go to heaven. If we died a day after conversion, we would all go to heaven. I think you are being inconsistent to say that we are judged based on conversion regardless how godless a person becomes subsequent to conversion.

Salvation is permanent when we are glorified. It is also permanent as long as we are in Christ. It is not up to us to save ourselves or maintain salvation, but that does not preclude men from resisting the ministry of the Spirit/grace to save and keep us (hence the warnings to not fall away and to work out our salvation).

The second chance idea at judgment day is speculative and contradicted by other principles (Heb. 9:27). Now is the day of decision, not after death.


Truth Smacker
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godrulz said:
God sees reality as it is. He judges our hearts and minds based on our current or end state. If He judged us at the state of birth, everyone would go to heaven. If we died a day after conversion, we would all go to heaven. I think you are being inconsistent to say that we are judged based on conversion regardless how godless a person becomes subsequent to conversion.
Outside of Christ, we are all godless, godrulz. We are righteous because we are in Christ. We are in Christ because we were baptized into Him by the Holy Spirit and we are sealed by that same Spirit UNTIL the day of redemption. You cannot deny any of this without denying the very gospel itself.

Salvation is permanent when we are glorified.
We are seated in Christ in the heavenly places at the right hand of the Father. How much more glorified do you expect to get? Your flesh has not been yet redeemed but you have. It would seem you know nothing of Pauline theology. It makes one wonder where you go to church?

It is also permanent as long as we are in Christ.

It is not up to us to save ourselves or maintain salvation, but that does not preclude men from resisting the ministry of the Spirit/grace to save and keep us (hence the warnings to not fall away and to work out our salvation).
Our flesh is always at war with the Spirit. Indeed, I believe that failure is one of the Spirits most used weapons against the flesh. God simply will not allow you to win. You will continue to live in slavery to sin until you acknowledge that you have no power to do anything about it. When you have come to the end of yourself and simply believe that you are dead in Christ, then and only then will He begin to live His life through you. As long as you resist this ministry of the Spirit, you will continue to wallow in legalism as well as sin.

The second chance idea at judgment day is speculative and contradicted by other principles (Heb. 9:27). Now is the day of decision, not after death.
It's not a second chance for salvation, you've already been saved. If it's a second chance for anything it's damnation. You might wonder what would make anyone want to go to Hell rather than stay in heaven, but if these people have become as evil as you seem to be suggesting in your hypotheticals then I don't have any problem at all believing that they would hate God enough to dread spending eternity with Him. Lucifer and a third of the angels made such a choice. I see no reason why we could not. But as you say, it is speculation. It could be that all who ever express faith in Christ will be saved. Actually, I prefer that belief personally, I just acknowledge the possibility because of the language used about being seal UNTIL the day of redemption.

Resting in Him,


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:blabla: :blabla: *You must spread some rep around before giving it to Clete again* :blabla: :blabla:

But I don't wanna!!!
