Is elohiym an idiot?

Is elohiym an idiot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Of course!

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • What else can you call him?

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • :duh:

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters


You and I interpret that differently. I don't view it as his death saved me or paid for any of my sins. It was his life that saved me, and my flesh had to die for its sins, just as Paul said...

1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

2Co 5:14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:
2Co 5:15 And [that] he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Heb 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


Well-known member
I did, but you just will not listen to the truth and the facts.
No you didn't address my posts point for point, but simply dismissed them as not rightly dividing the word based on your dispensational theology. My points are valid for any dispensation.

You are blind to the truth.
Did you die for me, or did Christ? Perhaps you need to be made blind.

First off, you are NOT saved, so trying to explain SPIRITUAL things to a CARNAL MIND will not and does not work.
I'm not saved based on what criteria? My faith is in God's grace and Christ is Lord. Tell us all about your subjective godless criteria for stripping away my salvation.

I suppose you agree with Knight that an abortion doctor can continue to murder the unborn while claiming to be a Christian and be saved, while I am unsaved and not a Christian because I interpret certain scriptures differently than you do.

You have a lot of nerve, and prove beyond a doubt that you are the carnal minded one.
Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Do you interpret that verse to mean an adulterer doesn't have a carnal mind as long as he believes what you believe? If not, then please explain that to Knight.
So, we need to get to POINT 1 before we can proceed....
Let me know when you get the point.


Well-known member
1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

2Co 5:14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:
2Co 5:15 And [that] he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Heb 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

I understand that he died for our sins, but you understand that to mean something different than I do. You think it means he paid for your sins, and the sins you will commit in the future. That is foolishness.

And if you think you are saved by his death, you are wrong. We are saved by his life.


Well-known member
You poor misunderstood child. I'm not trying to hurt you.
Listen you viper, if you think calling someone a "poor misunderstood child" isn't an attempt to hurt him, then you are not only a hypocrite, but an extremely dumb hypocrite.
I don't think you are an idiot because....
I don't care why you think anything, let alone why you think I am an idiot. So save your self-righteous drivel.

if I call you an idiot it is only because I am an idiot.
I agree!

You are not going to get the last laugh, G-d does not work that way.
Oh yes he does!

Proverbs 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh.
But lets both mutually agree that in all areas where we are in disagreement
doctrinally, G-d will see it fit to bring us into Scriptural accuracy and unity... Are you an Amen on that at least?
I personally don't think you'll ever get it, but hey, God could make a donkey speak so maybe he can make you think.


Well-known member
By the way, it shows you for who you are, you did NOT capitalize when referring to Jesus. You used "his" instead of the proper "His". Not a surprise, since you deny Christ's Deity and His power of salvation.
Sad you think Christians are judged based on their grammar, but not if they murder the unborn.

What a :kookoo: legalist!


Well-known member
Actually, elohiym doesn't believe homosexuality is a sin...
I believe anything done in the flesh is sin, whether it is done by a homosexual or heterosexual. I am focused on belief verses unbelief, while you are focused on the flesh, specifically sex, sex, and more sex.

Tell us, Lighthouse, aren't you a frequent adulterer based on PK's standard? :think:


Well-known member
You, are NOT a believer, you are NOT saved. This is by-far, one of the most evil statements I have heard from a "so-called" Christian.
Listen, drama queen, you can quit the hysterical theatrics. Here's the "evil scripture" I based my "evil" statement on:

Eze 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Based on your interpretation of how Jesus died for your sins, that scripture is broken and your faith is vain. No scripture can be broken or the Bible is false.

You had to die for your sins. Just as Paul died (the wages of sin), so must you. You must pick up YOUR CROSS and follow Jesus.

The wicked will have to die for their sins.

YOU just ignore the majority of the Bible to support a worthless fairy tale. That's you choice, but you will suffer for it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Tell us, elo. Aren't you a frequent moron based on anyone's standards?


Well-known member
Then you are setting yourself up for a fall. It is never impossible for someone to mess up and blow it.
Fall from what? Blow what? I thought you believe salvation cannot be lost. In your paradigm there is no consequence to fall for sinning, so your words are empty.

Sure the Holy Spirit of God has changed me and made me into a new person. Before I was saved, I could care less about God or what God wanted for me and my life. When I gave my heart and my life to Jesus Christ He changed me from the inside out.
Ah! Now we are getting somewhere. You claim you no longer have the desire to do a specific sin because God changed "from the inside out."

Our difference is that I believe that change is permanent. Regardless if you think I have truly undergone that change, one who is converted according to the Bible has undergone that change. You believe that you can choose to stay that new person or slip up and do what the old person did. I believe that the power of God prevents that from happening so you cannot slip us.

As a young believer I struggled with the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, but God granted me victory over a lot of those struggles. Do I still go through struggles? Sure, but thankfully lustful thoughts are no longer among them. Plus I do everything I can to keep myself from temptation. I avoid watching and seeing thngs that might cause me to stumble, and give my flesh an excuse to sin.
What you just really said was that your earned the victory through your right choices. I don't believe that is how it works for someone who is converted. I cannot do anything for myself, but must rely entirely upon God. Jesus had the victory over sin and death on the cross. It was his victory over sin that made me free from sin.
The next few statements you make just blow my mind...
That's why I made the statements, to blow your mind. I knew you would blow them out of proportion because you are a legalist always looking at the behaviors instead of the intent of the heart. You want to condemn me for what you think are poor choices. Well, you took the bait.
No, Elohiym, I understand completely what Jesus ACTUALLY meant by His statement, He was pretty clear:

Matthew 5:27-28

27 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Actually, you don't have a clue what Jesus meant. In fact, Jesus said not jot or tittle changed in the law, and you cannot find your interpretation of what he said in the law; but you certainly can find my interpretation in the law and the prophets.

Show us where in the law it states that being attracted to or aroused by the opposite sex is ever a sin. If you can't show me an explicit scripture, don't be so quick to judge, because you will only end up condemning yourself.

I'm not sure how much more clear Jesus could have been. Do you question Him on this issue?
Do you ask forgiveness from God when you sin, PK? Knight says those in the Body shouldn't. Do you agree with him.

Do you question the LORD's prayer Jesus taught? After you answer that, let's see how many other things Jesus said that you ignore because they don't apply to you. Yet you want to use a gross misinterpretation of his words to condemn me. Just as I expected from you.

I'm sorry, this is just one of the screwiest definitions of lust I have ever seen! So lust doesn't become lust until you find out the woman is someone else's wife? What kinda screwy stuff is that?
Lust means covet. The commandment is not to covet another man's wife. The commandment is not forbidding finding the opposite sex attractive or being aroused, as you suggest.

One has no choice but to be attracted and aroused by the opposite sex. It is out of our control intentionally, like breathing.
My guess is you are just giving your lust a redefinition, kind of like a "Makeover". As long as Elohiym doesn't call it lust, then he is ok to lust right?
Lust is covetousness. That is what the Bible teaches. I think you have redefined the word to keep yourself and others in bondage. And until you slip up you will use your definition to seek praise for your right choices and condemn others for their wrong choices. Pure legalism.
BINGO! There it is. You will ALWAYS look at pretty women and be aroused by them? Are you serious? That is lust man.
No it's not. That is God given hormones.

Lust is to covet what is not yours. I don't covet pretty women, just find them attractive and have normal hormonal responses to that attraction. I don't covet married women.
Nothing says you always have to be aroused every time you see a pretty woman.
:duh: But you don't have a choice over how your body reacts. If you think you have choice by acting the prude and closing your eyes, you are only confirming your attraction and arousal. See? For you it is all about control and right choices, when it needs to be about surrender and walking in faith.
I sure wouldn't want my wife or my daughter (when she grows up) attending a church where you attend, where you'd just be undressing them with your eyes and making excuses for it by saying it isn't lust it's just arousal.
First, I wouldn't want you in my church, PK. Second, you are assuming I would be attracted to the same types you are. Third, you foolishly assume that nobody in you churches finds you wife and daughters attractive. Maybe you shouldn't attend any churches where any men go.
You should thank God that He made your WIFE beautiful you pervert!
The next time you find a woman other than your wife attractive, please remember that you are a pervert by your own measure.

My wife knows how I think, because I am totally honest. She knows I think is very attractive, but realizes that all men find numerous women attractive. She doubts your credibility, PK, not mine.
No you should be desiring your wife and only your wife once you are married. Instead you are making excuses for your sin. Now I see why you are so dogmatic to assert that you are without sin.
I only desire me wife, PK. You are mixing up the words desire, lust, attraction, and arousal into the same motive. That's not too swift on your part.
God never approved of any man to have more than one wife. Anytime they did, they always paid for it.
You are wrong again, PK. God gave David his wives and told him he would have given him more had he wanted them...

2Sam 12:8 And I gave thee thy master’s house, and thy master’s wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things.

Do you think God gave David something that was sinful? No! David's mistake was to take another man's wife. In Solomon's case, his drive to multiply wives led him to take foreign women that worshiped other Gods. The scriptures state that his wives turned him away from God. So you have no argument, PK. Polygamy was never a sin. Marriage and having children is always good. The more the more blessed.

The exact word you used before was not "attraction". It was AROUSEL! Arousel is completely different than attraction. But even then, you should be crucifying your flesh and confining your "attractions" to your wife and only your wife! And to think you were actually trying to level accusations at me!
You are now sounding like the self-righteous Pharisee. Keep it up. You are only revealing to everyone what I already know about you.

No! I do NOT! I don't think of any other woman but my wife in that way. Period! As I shared as a young believer I had to learn to grow through my lustful thoughts, and the Holy Spirit helped me overcome those thoughts with the help of a loving and kind wife. And now I don't struggle with those thoughts at all.
Why are you being dishonest, PK? No man will believe that you find no other woman except your wife attractive. It's not possible. Maybe you don't covet them, but you must find other women attractive. I suppose you could be suffering from some dysfunction or low hormone levels, but I doubt your word on this.
And I hope to say I will never have that type of thought for another woman again, but any man is capable of falling at any time. I could tomorrow accidentally come across a picture or a video of a naked woman and have a lustful thought. Any man could.
Why would that effect you if you don't find other women attractive? :confused:

Oh. I see. You don't find other women attractive because you don't see any attractive women. Therefore you must make right choices and avoid looking at pretty women so you don't find then attractive. Therefore, your answer above was dishonest, or should have been qualified.
To think you can NEVER fall or NEVER fail is just plain arrogance...
Fall from what? Fall from grace? I thought you don't believe salvation can be lost. :dizzy:

You are every time you "always look at pretty women" and are "aroused by them". Every SINGLE time you do that you are committing adultery man.
Then you will commit adultery again based on your standard. I don't commit adultery, ever.

Not if you haven't learned to crucify your arousel you have not.
:rotfl: You think that you have a choice to control your hormones. When you eventually realize you can't control your hormones, there is always castration. Enjoy!

The Spirit of God overcoming my flesh and allowing HIM to have victory in my life. The exact same power and principle that allowed me to go from being a chain smoker to being delivered completely from the addiction and the temptation to smoke.
Smoking isn't a sin. Neither is drinking alcohol. You just have a subject set of laws in your head. Pure legalism.

In the same breath you claim the spirit of God overcame, you negate its power by saying it was your choice to stop. You want praise for your choices. Pure legalism.

You are right in that if I am being obedient to the Spirit and not the flesh then I would never commit adultery again (not even in thoughts or arousels). But the flesh is a beast that we fight with until our dying day.
Therefore, you want to take the credit for the victory by your right choices. It's your fight you win by right choices, not God's fight he already won on the cross. Pure legalism.
He has given me actual victory over sins in my life Elohiym. Not because I get to redefine them and not call them sins anymore. But ACTUAL victories! Victories over drug, alcohol, smoking, lust, you name it and I once did it all. But praise be to God He has changed me.
There's that self-righteous Pharisee again! Praise me! Praise me for my choices! Thank God you are not like elohiym over there. :rolleyes:

In those instances the meaning from the texts is that they were "mature" and that they "walked with God". Blameless meaning that men did not have reason to accuse them, and God knew their hearts and knew them to be Godly men who loved Him. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Elohiym. (Romans 3:10,23)
Those men were perfect. All have sinned under the law. Noah and Enoch were never under the law, and you can't show me one verse that states that they sinned. Paul was writing about under the law specifically. Also, Jesus never sinned, so it can't mean ALL.
You are right that salvation is based on righteousness, and the Bible says that there are NONE righteous, no NOT ONE! When a person gets saved God DECLARES them righteous in HIS SIGHT. That is what justification is. God declaring a guilty sinner to be righteous in HIS SIGHT!
Salvation is based on righteousness. The only righteousness God accepts is HIS OWN!
:duh: You are preaching to the choir. I have already said that numerous times on this forum.

Now try living it.
I haven't been raised from the dead YET Elohiym. Neither have you.
I know you haven't, but I have been raised from the dead...

Eph 2:5-6 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

Col 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

We still live in these bodies that are sinful.
Again, :duh:! I have said that on this thread several times. You are just focused on the flesh.


New member
jeremysdemo said:
Notice Yeshua says this is my blood of the NEW testament.
Do you drink his literal blood? Is it his blood that saves you, or is it the life in the blood?

You should know, if you have been taught by God, that it is the life in his blood that saves us, and that is because the life in his blood is God's spirit. Therefore, we are saved by grace not red blood cells.
Without answering the rhetorical questions here I will say this...

To often people read and post scriptures around here and assume an either/or mentality. Far to often limiting the words in these passages to only meaning one thing EVER.

I know I am not in the majority here when I say this but I read them and see them much differently than that.
To me each word and passage has multiple meanings both historic and prophetic over many individuals lives, and either/and+.
The plus is the deeper and often personal meanings relative to ones life and walk often found in mediation during fasting, and long periods of deep silent prayer.

You seemed to have missed the point of my post taking this quote out of context.
I was not speaking of any red blood cells or drinking them but of the passages that suggest the salvific function of the cross (which again is only one way to read the passage....)

Also I have read a few other of your post here and have to agree about the significance of resurrection and have to say IMHO it is for too often neglected within Christendom.

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:


New member
I don't have a frequent moron card. Where did you get yours?

After making THIS statement:

elohiym said:
Polygamy was never a sin. Marriage and having children is always good. The more the more blessed.

What you should have are "Frequent Mormon cards". The more the more blessed? Polygamy is ok? I mean honestly are you for real? You are a disgusting pervert Elohiym. And I haven't called too many people that on here. But you fit the bill!


New member
After making THIS statement:

What you should have are "Frequent Mormon cards". The more the more blessed? Polygamy is ok? I mean honestly are you for real? You are a disgusting pervert Elohiym. And I haven't called too many people that on here. But you fit the bill!
PK, what law are you applying to convict of sin? You are free from the law or you are not? Which is it?


New member
elohiym said:
Fall from what? Blow what? I thought you believe salvation cannot be lost.

Nobody said anything about falling from grace. You are once again twisting and misrepresenting. You can make all the lying accusations you want against me it doesn't make them facts. You have CLEARLY revealed yourself in your answers.

In your paradigm there is no consequence to fall for sinning,

LIE! Just because Christians don't LOSE their salvation doesn't mean that there aren't consequences for sins! YOU ARE A LIAR!

Ah! Now we are getting somewhere. You claim you no longer have the desire to do a specific sin because God changed "from the inside out."

That's the only kind of change that God is interested in you fool! The fact that you don't recognize it is obviously because it hasn't happened for you! Outward change never changes anyone!

Our difference is that I believe that change is permanent.

Actually that is what I believe. You believe something different but you don't realize it because you have been deceived by your father the devil.

Regardless if you think I have truly undergone that change, one who is converted according to the Bible has undergone that change.

As Pettrix and Knight have so well already pointed out, you probably are not saved. But I cannot read your heart, only God can.

You believe that you can choose to stay that new person or slip up and do what the old person did. I believe that the power of God prevents that from happening so you cannot slip us.

And yet you do it when you lust for other women who are not your wife. You make excuses for it, but that is what you do. Then you disparage a brother who has had victory over that sin. How much sense does that make?

What you just really said was that your earned the victory through your right choices.

LIE! You just keep speaking lies just like Satan your father! You continually indicate an unregenerate heart in your responses!

I don't believe that is how it works for someone who is converted. I cannot do anything for myself, but must rely entirely upon God.

If this were all you had stated, I would have agreed with this completely. You are just trying to attach a cliche' phrase to your positions to try to make yourself sound Christian!

Jesus had the victory over sin and death on the cross. It was his victory over sin that made me free from sin.

And yet you deny that He died for your sins. Interesting.

That's why I made the statements, to blow your mind.

:ha: Sure you did. You made the statement without thinking what you were saying. Now you are trying to play it off. But you continue to make other statements that indicate exactly the same thing!

I knew you would blow them out of proportion because you are a legalist

LIE! I teach against legalism man. You don't know squat about what you are talking about. You are a FALSE ACCUSER!

always looking at the behaviors instead of the intent of the heart.

LIE! You are the one who denies what Jesus said about lust in the heart being equivalent to adultery. Not me!

Actually, you don't have a clue what Jesus meant.

Jesus said:
But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Jesus made a very plain statement. That you deny it is further proof that you are holding on to your own sins!

In fact, Jesus said not jot or tittle changed in the law, and you cannot find your interpretation of what he said in the law; but you certainly can find my interpretation in the law and the prophets.

Your interpretation is baloney. And Jesus made a point REPEATEDLY in His earthly ministry to point out that sin was more than just disobeying a set of commands. Man has a wicked HEART that needs to be redeemed. Your heart is exceedingly wicked and deceitful, and has deceived YOU!

Show us where in the law it states that being attracted to or aroused by the opposite sex is ever a sin.

I already did and you denied it. Lust and arousel are sins of the heart Elohiym! They have no place in a child of God when Christ DIED for those sins!

If you can't show me an explicit scripture, don't be so quick to judge, because you will only end up condemning yourself.

You are a funny head case man. You demand Scriptures and when you are shown them you utterly reject them, for NO REASON!

Do you ask forgiveness from God when you sin, PK? Knight says those in the Body shouldn't. Do you agree with him.

Knight is exactly right. Christians in the Body of Christ have had every single sin forgiven.

Do you question the LORD's prayer Jesus taught?


After you answer that, let's see how many other things Jesus said that you ignore because they don't apply to you.

I don't ignore anything Jesus said you moron. You don't understand the Bible or how to "Rightly divide the Word" so you cannot ascertain what commands are verticle to particular dispensations and what commands are horizontal to ALL dispensations. To even begin the discussion with you would be a waste of time because you don't have a clue. You need to be saved first.

Yet you want to use a gross misinterpretation of his words to condemn me. Just as I expected from you.


Let's see: "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart"

There is no misinterpreation or interpretation at all there. One can read the words for themselves and discover the meaning.

One has no choice but to be attracted and aroused by the opposite sex. It is out of our control intentionally, like breathing.

EXACTLY! Because you are NOT redeemed, that is why it is out of your control! You are still a slave to your sin! You have only changed your outward behavior, but your inward man is still lost!

Lust is covetousness. That is what the Bible teaches. I think you have redefined the word to keep yourself and others in bondage. And until you slip up you will use your definition to seek praise for your right choices and condemn others for their wrong choices. Pure legalism.
No it's not. That is God given hormones.

You're gone man. Totally gone. You have so much twisted teaching in your heart that I think it will be EXTREMELY difficult for anyone to reach you.

Lust is to covet what is not yours. I don't covet pretty women, just find them attractive and have normal hormonal responses to that attraction. I don't covet married women.

So you only covet UNMARRIED women? Correct?

:duh: But you don't have a choice over how your body reacts.

You do if you are saved Elohiym! You are still a slave to your flesh man!

I wouldn't want you in my church, PK.

If they teach the kind of garbage you spout, I wouldn't go!

Second, you are assuming I would be attracted to the same types you are. Third, you foolishly assume that nobody in you churches finds you wife and daughters attractive. Maybe you shouldn't attend any churches where any men go.

If they take the kind of stance on LUST and POLYGAMY that you take, that is a good indication to stay away from them! I refuse to answer any more of your brainless questions. Hopefully you will someday go back and read the things said to you and come to the place where you submit to God and to His Word.


New member
Yeah Messenger mentioned his slave girls before in this thread an I didn't see you call him a pervert...

You do know what a "slave girl" or concubine is don't you?

I'm sorry guys after that pornography thread of Lighthouses my mind went in the gutter...I should take a break from TOL today and get focussed back on Yeshua.

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:


New member
:doh: Are you now defending polygamy and saying it's ok E4E?
heavens to betsy no. It is a socially unacceptable practice. All things are lawful to me but all things edifieth not. That is not something that is acceptable and would result in our loosening the credibility of our witness. Our purpose is not to fulfill our own desires but the desire of the the God we serve. It does not matter if the desire is good or bad if it is looked upon as an unlawful act by the community we are in then it is something we should not be doing. Plus we have an internal witness that should be listened too which is the final authority. That is why I cannot do what is opposed to the purpose for which I was called. It would be in the area of missing the mark as opposed to being opposed to God.


New member
You do know worshiping Yeshua is "unlawful" in Chinese communities....even having a Bible.

If you are going to set standards by what sinful men deem lawful and worry about what they think you are not as "free" as you proclaim to be.

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:


New member
You do know worshiping Yeshua is "unlawful" in Chinese communities....even having a Bible.

If you are going to set standards by what sinful men deem lawful and worry about what they think you are not as "free" as you proclaim to be.

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:
I don't see how the Chinese government can prevent it. The persecution of the church has been going on for 2000 years. We are still here and the gates of hell shell not prevent us. Even in China.