Is death just another life?


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I feel that way because nothing is impossible for God.
He is God !
Are you sure?
Hebrews 6:18 KJV — That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:


Well-known member
Are you sure?
Hebrews 6:18 KJV — That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
I think that if God wanted to do something contrary to the laws He set up, like putting a square peg in round hole, He could do it.
Lying is not of God, so He won't lie


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The Word in the flesh.

God was the LOGOS.

The LOGOS is Jesus.

Thus, Jesus is God.

Jesus prayed to and talked with "God".

Jesus prayed to His Father, who is ALSO God, and in a position of authority over Him.

God knows that I love Him more than I love myself.

You don't love God. How can you, when you can't even put your trust in Him?


Well-known member
I think that if God wanted to do something contrary to the laws He set up, like putting a square peg in round hole, He could do it.
Lying is not of God, so He won't lie
My point was that our feelings are poor sources of truth. They might be right, but might not. So we have to go back to what God tells us about Himself to be sure. If He can fit a camel through the eye of a needle, then no doubt He can jam a square peg in a round hole. But if He can't do things contrary to His nature, then He might not know everything, if He hasn't decided something yet. There are several bible verses that suggest God's decisions are made at the time they are needed, rather than all before the foundation of the world.


Well-known member
Post #827

I'm literally quoting John 1:1.

The Greek is rendered "God was the Logos," while most Bibles reverse the order.

"And the logos was with the God and God was the logos"

"Kai ho logos en pros ton THEON kai THEOS en ho logos"
Interesting...I hadn't heard it said that way before, and none of the English translations I could find did it that way. A German one I looked at did, but German regularly rearranges things.


Well-known member
Post #827

I'm literally quoting John 1:1.

The Greek is rendered "God was the Logos," while most Bibles reverse the order.

"And the logos was with the God and God was the logos"

"Kai ho logos en pros ton THEON kai THEOS en ho logos"
Here's what I found out. When there are two nominative nouns with a helping verb (I prefer "reflexive"), the one with the article is the predicate nominative.

In the case of John 1:1,
"The fact that "word" is articular while "God" is anarthrous makes it clear that John is telling us something about the word, namely, that the word was God."

So it seems you aren't actually quoting the verse in English when you reverse the subject and predicate from the standard English translation.
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Well-known member
God was the LOGOS.
The LOGOS is Jesus.
Thus, Jesus is God.
Jesus prayed to His Father, who is ALSO God, and in a position of authority over Him.
Two Gods ?
You don't love God. How can you, when you can't even put your trust in Him?
I do love God, and have put my trust in Him.
I trust that His words in 1 Cor 10:13 are true and I won't be tempted above that which I am able.
I trust that my rebirth from His seed made me a new creature.
I trust that at my water baptism into God's Son's death I was killed and buried with Jesus, so His sanctifying, justifying consecrating blood could be applied to me for the atonement of my past sins.


Well-known member
My point was that our feelings are poor sources of truth. They might be right, but might not. So we have to go back to what God tells us about Himself to be sure. If He can fit a camel through the eye of a needle, then no doubt He can jam a square peg in a round hole. But if He can't do things contrary to His nature, then He might not know everything, if He hasn't decided something yet. There are several bible verses that suggest God's decisions are made at the time they are needed, rather than all before the foundation of the world.
I won't doubt the Spirit given to me after a true repentance from sin.
God can even change His mind.


Well-known member
Here's what I found out. When there are two nominative nouns with a helping verb (I prefer "reflexive"), the one with the article is the predicate nominative.

In the case of John 1:1,
"The fact that "word" is articular while "God" is anarthrous makes it clear that John is telling us something about the word, namely, that the word was God."

So it seems you aren't actually quoting the verse in English when you reverse the subject and predicate from the standard English translation.
Why didn't you capitalize the "W" in the word Word ?