Some years ago, when I was but a callow youth in the service of my country (greatest nation the world has ever known), I dated an actress.
She appeared in a stage play and her role was that of a prostitute. After one performance, she and the others took a curtain call and bowed to the audience. She was still in costume and, being the voluptuous lady she was, her bow was quite "revealing." At this point an elderly gentleman in the audience rose to his feet and shouted, "God bless ya, Honey!"
She appeared in a stage play and her role was that of a prostitute. After one performance, she and the others took a curtain call and bowed to the audience. She was still in costume and, being the voluptuous lady she was, her bow was quite "revealing." At this point an elderly gentleman in the audience rose to his feet and shouted, "God bless ya, Honey!"