Introducing... FrankiE


New member
Hey Frank...I'm no Yank and all, but that post about you standing there under the flagpole almost brought a tear to my eye!

I haven't posted in this thread until now, 'cause being Aussie, I felt maybe some might think I didn't have any reason to...
We Aussies are nowhere near as patriotic as you guys, though because I LOVE American history, I can feel what you guys are on about...well, all in all, they couldn't have chosen a better man to be the recipient of this honour !
Well done...I'm proud of you Pops!


Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Thank you, Julie21!

I served with some Aussie troops. Patriotic and dedicated they were. We didn't lose any of them either. They were very, very good at what they did. You should be proud of them.


New member
Why I am Sir...thank you. My father and father in law were both was my only uncle [dad's only sibling] but unfortunately, 6 weeks before the end of it , at age 19, he was killed in Borneo by shrapnel from a booby trap. :cry:
But at least he was a part of the winning of freedom and Liberty for all! :)


I pledge allegience, to the Flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation, Under God with Liberty and Justice for ALL!


Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :cattyfan:


There are lots of Navy guys in my family and in CleverDan 's. I appreciate their efforts to ensure America stays safe.

Thanks, Frank E., for all you've done for our country and for your honest and forth-rightness in your posts on TOL.
You're welcome, :cattyfan:!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by BillyBob

I pledge allegience, to the Flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation, Under God with Liberty and Justice for ALL!

Okay, now that brought a tear to my eye.

Good on ya, Frank!:FrankiE:

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by julie21

Why I am Sir...thank you. My father and father in law were both was my only uncle [dad's only sibling] but unfortunately, 6 weeks before the end of it , at age 19, he was killed in Borneo by shrapnel from a booby trap. :cry:
But at least he was a part of the winning of freedom and Liberty for all! :)
Yes, he was. Your country and my country all benefitted from the sacrifices they made.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :Brandon:

Okay, now that brought a tear to my eye.

Good on ya, Frank!:FrankiE:
Thanks, but it was :BillyBob: who posted the Pledge. Brought a tear to my eye too.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Speaking of veterans, we have one at the local VA Hospital. :shocked: He is a volunteer. He is 104 years old and a veteran of World War I. :thumb:


New member
That's really good have someone nearer to your age to talk about things in common!
But...being serious...
We have lost the last of our WW1 ANZACS just this past year, I believe. It's like a part of the country hs gone I reckon...the link to that gallant mob of mostly ordinary blokes who are forever heroes!:cry:

The youth will never fully understand the penalty paid for their freedom.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by julie21

That's really good have someone nearer to your age to talk about things in common!
But...being serious...
We have lost the last of our WW1 ANZACS just this past year, I believe. It's like a part of the country hs gone I reckon...the link to that gallant mob of mostly ordinary blokes who are forever heroes!:cry:

The youth will never fully understand the penalty paid for their freedom.
I think they're beginning to here in the USA. Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq.
Originally posted by Sir Walter Scott

"Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd,
As home his footsteps he hath turn'd,
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung."


Hey Frank, take a couple of these, I don't want you to get too tired with all this typing. :chuckle:


New member
Lovely sentiment Frank...did you used to eat lunch with him in kindergarten?:chuckle:
BB... :dawinsm: you are incorrigible!

Actually Frank, I have a soft spot for the war poetry of Wilfed Owen [ a Pom...but not of Jackielabby's ilk!]
...especially 'Dulce Et Decorum Est'.
Sassoon was good as well.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :BillyBob:

Hey Frank, take a couple of these, I don't want you to get too tired with all this typing. :chuckle:
:darwinsm: Gee, thanks, :BillyBob:.

Can I mix it with a glass of Sapporo?


Originally posted by Frank Ernest

:darwinsm: Gee, thanks, :BillyBob:.

Can I mix it with a glass of Sapporo?

Absolutely! And if the glass is too heavy to lift, just use a straw! :eek:

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by julie21

Lovely sentiment Frank...did you used to eat lunch with him in kindergarten?:chuckle:
I taught him how to write poetry. CleverDan
BB... :darwinsm: you are incorrigible!
Actually Frank, I have a soft spot for the war poetry of Wilfed Owen [ a Pom...but not of Jackielabby's ilk!]
...especially 'Dulce Et Decorum Est'.
Sassoon was good as well.
Will look those up. Thanks! :thumb:


New member
Wouldn't lifting a straw be too taxing as well?
Hey BB...lend Frank your intravenous :cheers: drip for a bit.
Sapporo will go through the tube, won't it?
Just look out for the air bubbles Frank!:shocked:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Frank Ernest

Thanks, but it was :BillyBob: who posted the Pledge. Brought a tear to my eye too.
I know.

I was referring to your new .gif when I said, "Good on ya..."

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :BillyBob:

Absolutely! And if the glass is too heavy to lift, just use a straw! :eek:
:darwinsm: I will hire Halle Berry to hold the straw. Then I'll have something to look at :noway: while I'm sucking Sapporo suds.