Interview with former KBG officer from USSR who defected to the US

Gary K

New member
You have gotta be kidding me. You were the one who recently alluded that anna was some sort of paid operative for Soros and other bat crazy crap. How paranoid is that?!


Her posting fits the profile of paid Democrat operatives. That you don't understand that these people exist is a matter of your ignorance, not mine. I've posted evidence here that shows this has been a Democrat strategy for more than 20 years.

Gary K

New member

Considering I'm a 2A (with limitations) gun owner and remain firmly pro-life, it's pretty unlikely I'm a fellow traveler, but hey... people gotta cling to their illusions.
So you're supposed to be a 2nd amendment advocate and firmly pro life yet you support every Democrat politician around. And the Democrats official party line is that no one who runs on a pro life agenda can run as a Democrat. Wow. What firm pro life sentiments. You're actions, i.e. posting history, says you're going to vote pro death. The only pro life candidate in the 2020 presidential election is Donald Trump. The same goes for 2nd amendment rights. Every Democrat is for pushing aside 2nd amendment rights.

Look at Virginia's governor. He's getting ready to throw law abiding people who have done nothing wrong in prison simply because they own guns, as is their constitutional right. And that's how a "firm" advocate for 2nd amendment rights supports the constitution. Yeah, right.

Your statement is just so upheld by your lengthy posting history.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Her posting fits the profile of paid Democrat operatives. That you don't understand that these people exist is a matter of your ignorance, not mine. I've posted evidence here that shows this has been a Democrat strategy for more than 20 years.

Is your house surrounded by tin foil by any chance? Otherwise, what a load of paranoid, ignorant, almost laughable garbage. Anna posts like a balanced, intelligent individual capable of independent thought and an eloquent command of the English language. You, OTOH, post like some paranoid conspiracy nut who hasn't shown the slightest semblance of objectivity or critical thinking skills whatsoever. Anna has given you every chance to have a reasoned conversation and all you do is throw ridiculous accusations and irrelevant tangents at her. No wonder she's finally given up on your craziness...

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Gary K

New member
Hardly, she's just used to his shtick as plenty are and have been for a long time. Chances are you'll buy into his dingbat latest about a bunch of us being part of some sort of "cabal"...

Of course there's sane and obvious alternatives. Ya know, like she's just someone who has independent thought and actual critical thinking skills, not prone to hysteria or massive confirmation bias but balanced. You've admitted to taking the likes of Infowars seriously, a wingnut outfit if ever there was one. What you're referring to with "conservative talk radio" is anyone's guess but I doubt it'll be anything much different to the above given your bizarre histrionics regarding people being paid to have a contrary view. The irony of you accusing others of being brainwashed would almost be funny if it wasn't so utterly whacked out.

And more of the whacked out same. Anna is as much a Marxist as your front door is but you're so engulfed with your need to bracket anybody with an aversion to the far right and Trump that you can't see the irony of your complete lack of objectivity on the matter.

Let's look at your "critical thinking" skills.

1. Anna supports income redistribution. That's marxist ideology. It's foundational to marxist ideology and is found only in marxism/socialism. Thus anna hold foundational marxist ideology.
2. Anna supports open borders. That comes directly from Soros who is a confirmed marxist and the idea itself is marxist. That's another marxist belief held by anna.
3. Anna supports political correctness which comes directly from marxists/marxism. The very idea comes from marxists leaders including Chairman Mao. That idea can be found nowhere but within marxism. That's a third marxist belief held by anna.
4. Anna supports gun control for she supports Democrat politicians who are all gun control proponents. Removing guns from the citizenry has been the goal of every totalitarian government ever created. And marxism is totalitarian by it's very nature. That's a fourth marxist idea.
5. Anna supports politicians who despise life for she supports these politicians who are very pro death rather than pro life. And this idea of abortion being something acceptable and being a "right" is something that originates in leftist/marxist ideology for it cannot come from conservatives who believe in God and accept the Bible as true. Remember, Marx himself was very anti-God and anti-Christianity. His ultimate goal was to destroy Christian influence in the world. Thus, anna supports marxist ideology once again.

Those five marxist ideas are core marxist ideas that express the very heart of marxist ideology.

That anna holds these positions shows her deeply held beliefs in marxist ideas and marxist principles. So, your denial of her marxist/socialist beliefs and positions is quite amusing. It's like you've never read a single post she's written. Of course when it comes from someone who was disgusted with the labor party in Britain because it wasn't implementing socialism fast enough for you your defense of her is expected as you claim not to be a marxist at heart either. Ironic that you support the marxist/socialist party in Britain and yet claim to have no marxist beliefs. :dizzy:

Oh, btw, it looks like the British people finally spoke up and gave you socialists over there quite a spanking at the polls. Go Brexit. Boo socialism.

As to infowars, you're once again wrong. But that doesn't mean anything to you. Any conservative sites like Conservative Treehouse, i.e. not marxist, is to you whacked out and crazy. Yet they have done the best investigative reporting available for the last few years. So have sites like The Federalist, Frontpage Magazine, Zero Hedge, SGTReport, John Solomon, etc.... That you ignore the fact that the mockingbird media lies to you on a consistent basis both by commission and omission doesn't speak well of your own objectivity. If you're going to accuse me, who reads both sides of the issues to yourself who reads only one side of the issues, it's you who comes out on the short end of the stick on both objectivity and critical thinking.

Gary K

New member
Well, I ain't a "Marxist" and pretty sure the rest of those on your somewhat demented rant aren't either and will be in as much danger of being lined up against a wall and shot in future as my cat becoming prime minister...(although he'd get my vote).

This is just unhinged rambling with no coherence or objectivity whatsoever. You coulda just said "GO TRUMP MAGA!!!" instead. Would have saved you some time...

Obviously you didn't even listen to the video. But, just in case you did, your critical thinking skills are no better than anna's.

It's usual behavior from you as it's from a conservative source and to you any conservative source is unhinged. That right there is evidence of your marxist ideology for it's only from the far left that we hear the strident declarations that conservatives are unhinged. It's your party line. Unfortunately for you Bezmenov defined the marxist groups very well. He stated that academics, journalists, intellectuals, etc... which back in the day he recorded that video could have only meant journalists from the BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, LA Times, NT Times, etc... for no alternative media existed that opposed the marxist media. You know the very journalists you think are reliable reporters of truth were, and are, willing marxist dupes. The ideology pushed by those organizations hasn't changed a whit, other than to become more stridently marxist. He defined those who were pushing marxist thought in academia as the willing dupes of the communists/socialists as the USSR was a socialist state. The arguments you guys make against that shows your arrogance. You will denounce those who actually implement Marx's ideas as too ignorant to understand what they were doing and identifying themselves with politically. They called themselves socialists and yet you will deny their own self-description. I find that pretty amusing. But then you define every failed socialist state as not implementing "real socialism". As if you could do the magic act and create a socialist state that actually works.

BTW, your posts look to me as nothing more than "unhinged rambling with no coherence or objectivity whatsoever." You don't even provide any evidence for your position you just make bald assertions. Assertions without evidence == incoherent ramblings.

I show the evidence for my positions.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let's look at your "critical thinking" skills.

1. Anna supports income redistribution. That's marxist ideology. It's foundational to marxist ideology and is found only in marxism/socialism. Thus anna hold foundational marxist ideology.
2. Anna supports open borders. That comes directly from Soros who is a confirmed marxist and the idea itself is marxist. That's another marxist belief held by anna.
3. Anna supports political correctness which comes directly from marxists/marxism. The very idea comes from marxists leaders including Chairman Mao. That idea can be found nowhere but within marxism. That's a third marxist belief held by anna.
4. Anna supports gun control for she supports Democrat politicians who are all gun control proponents. Removing guns from the citizenry has been the goal of every totalitarian government ever created. And marxism is totalitarian by it's very nature. That's a fourth marxist idea.
5. Anna supports politicians who despise life for she supports these politicians who are very pro death rather than pro life. And this idea of abortion being something acceptable and being a "right" is something that originates in leftist/marxist ideology for it cannot come from conservatives who believe in God and accept the Bible as true. Remember, Marx himself was very anti-God and anti-Christianity. His ultimate goal was to destroy Christian influence in the world. Thus, anna supports marxist ideology once again.

Those five marxist ideas are core marxist ideas that express the very heart of marxist ideology.

That anna holds these positions shows her deeply held beliefs in marxist ideas and marxist principles. So, your denial of her marxist/socialist beliefs and positions is quite amusing. It's like you've never read a single post she's written. Of course when it comes from someone who was disgusted with the labor party in Britain because it wasn't implementing socialism fast enough for you your defense of her is expected as you claim not to be a marxist at heart either. Ironic that you support the marxist/socialist party in Britain and yet claim to have no marxist beliefs. :dizzy:

Okay, for a laugh, let's look at this lunacy of yours...

1: Anna supports provision for those at the lower end of the ladder, not exactly the same thing and most countries have measures like that in place, including America. Is Donald Trump a Marxist unless he gets rid of any sort of welfare for people who are out of work, sick, disabled etc?

2: I'll let anna address this directly if she so chooses but it sure ain't the wingnut version of things that you're putting forward.

3: :rotfl:

Oh wow, you don't know anna at all! "Politically correct"?! She might not be rabidly anti gay or align with the far right nut brigade on several issues but that ain't the same thing at all.

4: She owns a gun you dipstick and she addressed you directly on this and for which (surprise surprise) you had no sensible answer on point.

5: Anna is about as pro abort as a loving mother who's raised several children and has never had or even considered one. which, FYI, is Anna. Your feeble attempts to make the abortion issue into one solely about party politics is risible. If you think there's a scarcity of Republicans who don't support abortion then you really wanna extricate your head from the sand or wherever it's currently residing at...

Oh, and sure. Anna wants Christianity abolished along with your rights to worship on pain of imprisonment or death...


Oh, btw, it looks like the British people finally spoke up and gave you socialists over there quite a spanking at the polls. Go Brexit. Boo socialism.

Well, considering I'm not a socialist anyway, you once again fail to make any kind of point. I've explained to you over again that I'm cynical in regards to politics all ends up and yet for some reason it still doesn't penetrate that head of yours. I can only now presume that it's for one of three reasons. You've either got too much foil on it, you're none too bright or you're happy to persist in deliberate lies about folk. Given your penchant for dopey conspiracy I'll be charitable and go with a mixture of the first two.

As to infowars, you're once again wrong. But that doesn't mean anything to you. Any conservative sites like Conservative Treehouse, i.e. not marxist, is to you whacked out and crazy. Yet they have done the best investigative reporting available for the last few years. So have sites like The Federalist, Frontpage Magazine, Zero Hedge, SGTReport, John Solomon, etc.... That you ignore the fact that the mockingbird media lies to you on a consistent basis both by commission and omission doesn't speak well of your own objectivity. If you're going to accuse me, who reads both sides of the issues to yourself who reads only one side of the issues, it's you who comes out on the short end of the stick on both objectivity and critical thinking.

Um, no, Infowars is wingnuttery defined. Zerohedge et al? Yeh, your confirmation bias ain't showing at all. If you read both sides of issues with a modicum of independent thought you'd have no problem recognising outright hyperbole and sheer lunacy. I don't lap up any source of news as truth verbatim but I can sure recognize whackjob outfits when I see em'.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
BTW, your posts look to me as nothing more than "unhinged rambling with no coherence or objectivity whatsoever." You don't even provide any evidence for your position you just make bald assertions. Assertions without evidence == incoherent ramblings.

artie is a master of projection

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Obviously you didn't even listen to the video. But, just in case you did, your critical thinking skills are no better than anna's.

It's usual behavior from you as it's from a conservative source and to you any conservative source is unhinged. That right there is evidence of your marxist ideology for it's only from the far left that we hear the strident declarations that conservatives are unhinged. It's your party line. Unfortunately for you Bezmenov defined the marxist groups very well. He stated that academics, journalists, intellectuals, etc... which back in the day he recorded that video could have only meant journalists from the BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, LA Times, NT Times, etc... for no alternative media existed that opposed the marxist media. You know the very journalists you think are reliable reporters of truth were, and are, willing marxist dupes. The ideology pushed by those organizations hasn't changed a whit, other than to become more stridently marxist. He defined those who were pushing marxist thought in academia as the willing dupes of the communists/socialists as the USSR was a socialist state. The arguments you guys make against that shows your arrogance. You will denounce those who actually implement Marx's ideas as too ignorant to understand what they were doing and identifying themselves with politically. They called themselves socialists and yet you will deny their own self-description. I find that pretty amusing. But then you define every failed socialist state as not implementing "real socialism". As if you could do the magic act and create a socialist state that actually works.

BTW, your posts look to me as nothing more than "unhinged rambling with no coherence or objectivity whatsoever." You don't even provide any evidence for your position you just make bald assertions. Assertions without evidence == incoherent ramblings.

I show the evidence for my positions.

Dude, I could care less what my posts look like to you anymore. You're beyond reasoning with and it's actually not funny. You are seriously unhinged.

Gary K

New member
Once again, so much crazy in ffreeloader's post that I hardly know where to begin! Oh well, it's the hand I've been dealt. I'll touch on a few of the crazier points, just for amusement...

Marxism is my ideology? Thanks for letting me know. At last check, I thought I was a registered Republican with slightly left-of-center libertarian views. I'll have to double check, but in the meantime you seem to assume that you know me better than I do.

Crazy talk. There will be no "Marxist takeover," no one is going to get shot. Get back on your meds.

More crazy talk that sounds like it came straight out of the loony bin.

And I don't know why I bother because with you around, we have all the nonsense we could possibly hope to get.

So far as I'm concerned, Trump did in fact win the 2016 election fair and square. However, Putin's government has sponsored internet trolls to spread propaganda on the internet for the past decade. That's a fact. How much influence did they have? Not enough to shift the election in Trump's favor. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million, in spite of the fact that she was a horrible candidate. See my thread entitled Hillary Clinton can't rewrite history, but she'll try for more info on that topic.

By "Ukraine hoax" are you referring to Trump's insane claim that Ukraine and the Democratic National Committee fabricated a hack to sabotage Trump's 2016 campaign and frame Russia?

Is Joe Biden corrupt? This point isn't so crazy. For starters, he vigorously absolves his crackhead son at every opportunity instead of publicly rebuking him, so I think there's got to be some corruption in there somewhere.

Here's a little bit of research for you to do. Go to the following link and spend some time reading the main article plus the first two comments. Then watch the video created by Steven Spielberg on Ukrainian history contained in the second comment. There will be a link at the end of that post to a bitchute video on the Magnitsky Act that will have to be parsed to use as the commenter was most likely limited as to how many videos he could embed in a single post. The evidence in these videos is damning to the Democrats.

BTW, there are a bunch of socialist/marxist Republicans in Congress. Being a Republican is no guarantee of not adopting socialist ideology. Take a look at how Democrats and Republicans have joined together to create massive debt levels that have bankrupted this country. Spending a nation into bankruptcy is a marxist tactic. It comes from Maynard Keynes who was a dedicated socialist who hated anything to do with Christianity and ethics. His book General Theory has been thoroughly debunked multiple times, and yet Republicans and Democrats join together in accepting his hypothesis that debt is no big deal. Spend. Spend. Spend. Take no thought of saving. Take no thought of what happens in the long term because in the long term we're all dead anyway. That was Maynard Keynes thinking and philosophy of life. Other than that, his perverted moral philosophy, and his expressed desire to con the public there wasn't much wrong with the man.

Look what the Republicans did when conservatives voted them into control of Congress. They had promised for years that they would stop spending like drunken sailors, get rid of Obamacare, and multiple other promises. What did they do? They did the opposite of what they promised, and multiple senators and representatives called conservatives crazy. In other words, they acted just like marxists/socialists.

I also have another set of videos for you from OAN that fully documents Trump's assertions. I'll post that link in another thread as it is worth it's own thread.

I see you as a victim of the mockingbird media. You seem to accept everything they say. Why you would do that is beyond me. They are proven liars.


like marbles on glass
Well no, it's kinda the sensible thing to do when confronted with unshakable irrationality. Ya know, things like being repeatedly accused of being a paid operative and the like...


Good luck with this one. :)

I could screenshot my voter ID showing me as unaffiliated (NPP or No Party Preference as it's called in CA) but it wouldn't do any good, so I'll let him think what he wants if the satisfaction of thinking he's right helps him go to sleep at night. I have another post of yours to answer and then that's it for me. But thanks, friend of mine, I appreciate you.


like marbles on glass
Okay, for a laugh, let's look at this lunacy of yours...

1: Anna supports provision for those at the lower end of the ladder, not exactly the same thing and most countries have measures like that in place, including America. Is Donald Trump a Marxist unless he gets rid of any sort of welfare for people who are out of work, sick, disabled etc?

Yes I do, keeping in mind that the Trump administration is currently putting in danger food stamp support for 700K Americans while giving tax breaks to rich corporations. I support higher taxes for the rich because income inequality in this country is appalling. I'd like to see us go back to what Robert Reich proposes in Inequality for All - and our post-WWII economy certainly wasn't Marxist.

Here's the trailer:

2: I'll let anna address this directly if she so chooses but it sure ain't the wingnut version of things that you're putting forward.

No, I don't support "open borders." But the travesty of justice and human rights, the intentional infliction of pain on innocent people and children in the name of this administration for the pleasure of Trump's base who are like the Romans in the Coliseum - it's disgusting and will always be a stain on Trump and his merry band of racist Trumpers.

3: :rotfl:

Oh wow, you don't know anna at all! "Politically correct"?! She might not be rabidly anti gay or align with the far right nut brigade on several issues but that ain't the same thing at all.

:chuckle: Nothing I can add to that...

4: She owns a gun you dipstick and she addressed you directly on this and for which (surprise surprise) you had no sensible answer on point.

Several, and I'm a pretty decent shot although I'm not a gun enthusiast and I'm rather out of practice at the moment and need to get back to the range since I don't have a south 40 handy.

5: Anna is about as pro abort as a loving mother who's raised several children and has never had or even considered one. which, FYI, is Anna. Your feeble attempts to make the abortion issue into one solely about party politics is risible. If you think there's a scarcity of Republicans who don't support abortion then you really wanna extricate your head from the sand or wherever it's currently residing at...

There are pro-choice Republicans, pro-life Democrats, independents/libertarians the same, Wiz comes to mind. I've carried babies within me, felt them move, gave them life, love them more than my own life, like any good mom. I could never have killed one of them and I sometimes wonder why Christians just accept as normal that God asked Abraham to kill Isaac, because I would've refused God. And again I'll say that 70% of women getting abortions identify as Christians and I've repeated it many times because I know they just don't want to look that information in the face and that's why I keep putting it back in their face. All the time they're railing against women who are desperate (at the same time refusing the idea of taxation that would provide safety nets for these women) and yet it's their own who are most likely to walk into a clinic. I can't help but wonder how many of those Christian women are more afraid of the shame their fellow family/Christians would dump on them than of any judgment due them for killing their child, so they get the secret abortion rather than have the baby and put it up for adoption.

Oh, and sure. Anna wants Christianity abolished along with your rights to worship on pain of imprisonment or death...


That's just the most delusional thing ever. :chuckle:

It's actually the other way around. They're the ones who want to "take down the leftists and progressives," as was said right here on this forum.

Well, considering I'm not a socialist anyway, you once again fail to make any kind of point. I've explained to you over again that I'm cynical in regards to politics all ends up and yet for some reason it still doesn't penetrate that head of yours. I can only now presume that it's for one of three reasons. You've either got too much foil on it, you're none too bright or you're happy to persist in deliberate lies about folk. Given your penchant for dopey conspiracy I'll be charitable and go with a mixture of the first two.

Um, no, Infowars is wingnuttery defined. Zerohedge et al? Yeh, your confirmation bias ain't showing at all. If you read both sides of issues with a modicum of independent thought you'd have no problem recognising outright hyperbole and sheer lunacy. I don't lap up any source of news as truth verbatim but I can sure recognize whackjob outfits when I see em'.

Can't really add to what you've said so well there. Thanks for all of it. :)


like marbles on glass
It's almost funny, almost...

I don't know what's more morbidly fascinating, his coaching (which isn't mentoring, it's manipulating the flow of conversation in a certain direction) or his gaslighting.

I'm actually a master of not being a master of anything.


I'd rather be a generalist than a specialist, and it's a good thing because I know my limitations. :chuckle: