Interview with former KBG officer from USSR who defected to the US


like marbles on glass
Once again, so much crazy in this post that I hardly know where to begin! Oh well, it's the hand I've been dealt. I'll touch on a few of the crazier points, just for amusement...

Marxism is my ideology? Thanks for letting me know. At last check, I thought I was a registered Republican with slightly left-of-center libertarian views. I'll have to double check, but in the meantime you seem to assume that you know me better than I do.

:chuckle: May the road rise up to meet you, etc.

I can't deal with that kind of crazy anymore, it's worn me out, but I enjoy your posts and I'm glad you're here as a voice of reason.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wow. I didn't know OK and I even talked very often. I sent him a pm a day or so and he's never even answered it. And that's the only pm ever between the two of us that I know of. And you think he's "coaching me"? LOL. You're getting extremely paranoid, anna. All OK has to do is ask me a question and you see it as "coaching". Tsk, tsk, tsk. Better get back on your meds. You need help with that paranoia.

You have gotta be kidding me. You were the one who recently alluded that anna was some sort of paid operative for Soros and other bat crazy crap. How paranoid is that?!


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're a dufus. Gorbachev implemented Glasnost and Perestroika--economic and social reforms--which led to a KGB attempted failed coup against him and hastened the downfall of the Soviet Union. Yeltsin became president and moved Russia further away from totalitarianism. That was change for the better.

Quite, a much needed era of more stable leadership and especially at such a volatile time between East and West...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

That didn't work any better the last time you tried it.


Now that's paranoia.

Anyway how would you know unless you were stalking all "eight or nine of us" and how would you even know what I was talking to friends about? We talked about everything under the sun, because we were friends.

Wow, so he's not just scraping the bottom of the barrel, he's scraping underneath it now as well?

Ho hum...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You just displayed your lack of ability to reason from cause to effect. Bezmenov defected to the west in the early 70s. I don't know when Griffin interviewed him, but probably in the early 80s for it would have taken time for Bezemenov to become well-known and as he lived in Canada he would have been less known in the US where Griffin resides. He said in that interview that the first generation of those affected by ideological subversion was just then being in the process of being completed. He also stated it took at the ideological subversion of least 4 generations to complete the process. And he very plainly laid out the facts that those who were being ideologically subverted were being brainwashed into Marxism. You know, your favorite ideology. He pointed out the activists in almost every category of activists that you marxists use. And he called them useful idiots who would be lined up against a wall and shot upon any future takeover. That means you, anna, user name, barbie, and the rest of you will be the first ones killed because you will think you earned positions of power in the new political system. However, the jokes on you. You marxist activists will be the first ones executed.

Now look at what the US educational system is putting out. Snowflakes completely unable to deal with anything that contradicts the marxism they've been brainwashed with by their marxist professors and teachers. The brainwashing is now starting at the pre-school level. He predicted an academia filled with marxists spewing marxist nonsense and that is exactly what we have today. An academia dominated by marxists and marxism. The timeline is right on schedule and you marxists are incapable of reasoning out what has been done. It's just like he said. He can tell you the truth and you cannot recognize it.

All you can do is spew nonsense. The Russia hoax has been proven to be nothing but lies, yet you still trumpet it from the rooftops. It's just like Bezmenov said, you're unable to recognize truth when it slaps you upside the head. The Ukraine hoax is just an extension of the Russia hoax. The entire impeachment is built out of lies that have been proven to be lies. Yet you people are unable to recognize truth no matter how often it comes up and slaps you upside the head. Every one of Schiff's "witnesses" proved the impeachment is a sham for not a single of one of them could point to anything they had personally seen, heard, or read that Trump supposedly did. They all said no when asked about personally witnessing any of the asserted conduct on the part of Trump. That means there is no evidence for Schiff's impeachment. It's a complete farce.

Who interfered in internal Ukrainian affairs? The Democrats. Joe Biden forced the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating his son for money laundering. He's the one who abused his power. He was stupid enough to brag about it on camera how he used the club of $1 billion worth of aid to force the Ukrainian president at the time to do what creepy uncle Joe wanted him to do. There's your abuse of power and quid pro quo. Joe was so proud of his corruption he couldn't help bragging about it on camera.

Well, I ain't a "Marxist" and pretty sure the rest of those on your somewhat demented rant aren't either and will be in as much danger of being lined up against a wall and shot in future as my cat becoming prime minister...(although he'd get my vote).

This is just unhinged rambling with no coherence or objectivity whatsoever. You coulda just said "GO TRUMP MAGA!!!" instead. Would have saved you some time...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No it's not paranoid, ffreeloader. I know what he's like.

kind, generous, caring, warm-hearted, brotherly, good, good-hearted, helpful, hospitable, kindhearted, kindly, neighborly, nice, caring, compassionate, sympathetic, tender, chivalrous, courteous, courtly, gallant, gracious, polite, diplomatic, tactful, deferential, dutiful, obliging, regardful, respectful, altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, benignant, humane, selfless, unselfish, charitable, generous, magnanimous


I post how I choose, not how you think I should post. I answer what I choose to answer ...

you trot this out every couple weeks or so, as if it makes you special

it doesn't

you're describing every other poster here as well

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh, so you think OK is coaching me right in front of your eyes? That's even more paranoid than I thought.

Hardly, she's just used to his shtick as plenty are and have been for a long time. Chances are you'll buy into his dingbat latest about a bunch of us being part of some sort of "cabal"...

I've read a bunch of your old posts. You know what? Your old posts fit the description of what the seminar callers used to do on conservative talk radio. You followed the same exact script. The likelihood of you being a paid Democrat activist is pretty high. Your posting behavior also leads to that conclusion as you will not even comment on fully documented posts that contradict your agenda. You want to pretend that there is no evidence showing your agenda is off-the-wall crazy. That can only lead to one of two conclusions about you. You're the paid Democrat activist like I think you are, or you're one of what Bezmenov described as ideologically subverted victims of brainwashing.

Of course there's sane and obvious alternatives. Ya know, like she's just someone who has independent thought and actual critical thinking skills, not prone to hysteria or massive confirmation bias but balanced. You've admitted to taking the likes of Infowars seriously, a wingnut outfit if ever there was one. What you're referring to with "conservative talk radio" is anyone's guess but I doubt it'll be anything much different to the above given your bizarre histrionics regarding people being paid to have a contrary view. The irony of you accusing others of being brainwashed would almost be funny if it wasn't so utterly whacked out.

I see Putin as Putin. He's KGB and he's leading his nation. His methods are what they always have been as a KGB agent. He's a communist dedicated to the communist agenda. You know, the same marxist agenda you push. The agenda Bezmenov described in great detail. As president does Trump have to deal with him? Yup. He has to build some kind of relationship with him just like all previous presidents have had to create a relationship with their counterpart in the USSR/Russia. It's standard procedure. Heads of state have to communicate and work together. It's a must, and you should, if you don't, know this.

And more of the whacked out same. Anna is as much a Marxist as your front door is but you're so engulfed with your need to bracket anybody with an aversion to the far right and Trump that you can't see the irony of your complete lack of objectivity on the matter.
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like marbles on glass
Odd, this thread doesn't show up on the first page of the politics forum, which it should since it's recently active.
