Interpreting the Bible in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ


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Interpreting the Bible in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

According to who? The collective personality? It's funny how this identity convinces us of the white lie that we are not infinite. Hardly nowhere does the scripture teach God is infinite and eternal. Why do you suppose that is? Such an interpretation is not profitable. The collective identity has too much to lose. It profits from secretly keeping people ignorant of their value (it can't afford to blow its cover) because then it can control them by telling them what gives them value instead. Then they will flock to the churches and the malls. The collective personality governs us through fear. If we don't do what it says we are made to feel worthless. It is a bully. Consider how badly we depend on it for our identity. This is bondage. God and the soul are infinite liberation and freedom.

The personality excludes the fact that we are divine. No one can feel good enough about themselves and we have to compensate through religion and living up to an identity that will bring us value depending on how well we stick to the rules of being like Jesus and hold onto beliefs. It's a roller coaster ride. The soul is consistent self-worth without failure or wavering. It is unconditional, infinite and eternal which is alluded to by the purity of the virgin. The soul resembles the Father because it is the Son. It is a metaphor.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
According to who? The collective personality? It's funny how this identity convinces us of the white lie that we are not infinite. Hardly nowhere does the scripture teach God is infinite and eternal. Why do you suppose that is? The collective personality profits off of this. It is good to keep people ignorant of their value because then you can control them by telling them what gives them value instead. Then they will flock to the churches and the malls. The collective personality governs us through fear. If we don't do what it says we are made to feel worthless. It is a bully. Consider how badly we depend on it for our identity. This is bondage. God and the soul are infinite liberation and freedom.

The personality excludes the fact that we are divine. No one can feel good enough about themselves and we have to compensate through religion and living up to an identity that will bring us value depending on how well we stick to the rules of being like Jesus and hold onto beliefs. It's a roller coaster ride. The soul is consistent self-worth without failure or wavering. It is unconditional, infinite and eternal which is alluded to by the purity of the virgin. The soul resembles the Father because it is the Son. It is a metaphor.

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Because you don't follow the bible or believe in it, I guess that we are through.


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Interpreting the Bible in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Because you don't follow the bible or believe in it, I guess that we are through.

I was a Catholic for 35 years and I did follow the Bible very closely. Perhaps too closely. I couldn't let go. That grasping was the prison. Now that I know better the belief is not literal. It is symbolism. The collective personality wants to miss the point that we are one with God because it doesn't want to give up control. It is too proud and has too much to lose. There's too much fear and peer pressure. It diminishes God to something other than infinite and eternal. The devil devalues. It is an unconscious agreement that we are not even aware of. The enemy does not want us to know because it can go about its business without opposition. Why do we suppose there is so much turmoil in the world? Do we think this is normal? Identifying with the personality guarantees we lose the game before we even start to play.

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You don't believe that Christ death alone saved them He died for!

That is a misunderstanding of the message. It has been distorted through time like Chinese whispers. Those who believe they need to be saved have doomed themselves to worthlessness and think they can atone for it. This is the salvation of the personality. It is always dependent on something. God's salvation is unconditional. The personality is an imposter trying to emulate the real thing. It is really good at what it does. It would not even be detectable were it not for the soul. Someone or something bigger and stronger has to first tie up the enemy and then we can plunder his goods. The goods are infinite and eternal heavenly riches that we were very close to when we were children.

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