Interpreting the Bible in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ


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There are two Gospels. There is the Kingdom Gospel which is the good news that the King has arrived and then there is the Gospel that Paul preached, which is the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

So what you are really saying is that Jesus has a Gospel and Paul preached another Gospel?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So what you are really saying is that Jesus has a Gospel and Paul preached another Gospel?

There are two Gospels. The Kingdom Gospel does not save. It is an announcement that the King has arrived. Wherever the King is at, there is his Kingdom.

Paul's Gospel is accompanied by the Holy Spirit. Those who hear and believe Paul's Gospel receive the Holy Spirit and are born again, Galatians 3:2.


New member
There are two Gospels. The Kingdom Gospel does not save. It is an announcement that the King has arrived. Wherever the King is at, there is his Kingdom.

Paul's Gospel is accompanied by the Holy Spirit. Those who hear and believe Paul's Gospel receive the Holy Spirit and are born again, Galatians 3:2.

When the Kingdom is established the dead will rise
15 You have increased the nation, O Lord,
You have increased the nation, You are glorified;
You have extended all the borders of the land.
16 O Lord, they sought You in distress;
They could only whisper a prayer,
Your chastening was upon them.
17 As the pregnant woman approaches the time to give birth,
She writhes and cries out in her labor pains,
Thus were we before You, O Lord.
18 We were pregnant, we writhed in labor,
We gave birth, as it seems, only to wind.
We could not accomplish deliverance for the earth,
Nor were inhabitants of the world born.
19 Your dead will live;
Their corpses will rise.
You who lie in the dust, awake and shout for joy,
For your dew is as the dew of the dawn,
And the earth will give birth to the departed spirits. [Isaiah 26]


New member
There are two Gospels. There is the Kingdom Gospel which is the good news that the King has arrived and then there is the Gospel that Paul preached, which is the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

Jesus was sent to invite his brethren into God's family. The gospel was sent to his brethren first because the Hebrews of that time comprised the firstborn of the Father. Some accepted Jesus' invitation and some didn't, just like in the world today.

After Jesus was executed his apostles carried on his work. Paul was a Roman citizen who received his early education in a large Gentile city and so he was intimately familiar with Gentile culture whereas the Twelve were only familiar with the culture of Judea.

Jesus sent Paul to invite Jews and Gentiles into the kingdom of God.

Acts 14:21-22 And when they had preached the gospel to that city (Derbe) and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.”​

The Jews were familiar with Jesus of Nazareth and were aware of his execution because of having attended the Passover in Jerusalem. Gentiles for the most part did not know about Jesus' death, burial and resurrection so Paul had to cover some ground that Jews were well aware of.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is not some new gospel, rather it was a reminder to them that Paul had already covered that ground.

When all is done Jesus will deliver the kingdom to the Father, the Most High.

In 1 Corinthians 15:24 Paul states that in the end Jesus will deliver the kingdom to God the Father.

That is the one and only gospel, the good news of God's family.

You're all invited to the kingdom.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Jesus was sent to invite his brethren into God's family. The gospel was sent to his brethren first because the Hebrews of that time comprised the firstborn of the Father. Some accepted Jesus' invitation and some didn't, just like in the world today.

After Jesus was executed his apostles carried on his work. Paul was a Roman citizen who received his early education in a large Gentile city and so he was intimately familiar with Gentile culture whereas the Twelve were only familiar with the culture of Judea.

Jesus sent Paul to invite Jews and Gentiles into the kingdom of God.

Acts 14:21-22 And when they had preached the gospel to that city (Derbe) and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.”​

The Jews were familiar with Jesus of Nazareth and were aware of his execution because of having attended the Passover in Jerusalem. Gentiles for the most part did not know about Jesus' death, burial and resurrection so Paul had to cover some ground that Jews were well aware of.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is not some new gospel, rather it was a reminder to them that Paul had already covered that ground.

When all is done Jesus will deliver the kingdom to the Father, the Most High.

In 1 Corinthians 15:24 Paul states that in the end Jesus will deliver the kingdom to God the Father.

That is the one and only gospel, the good news of God's family.

You're all invited to the kingdom.

No one will enter heaven that has not been justified, sanctified and redeemed by the doing and the dying of Jesus. If you are not found to be "In Christ" in the judgment you will perish.


Well-known member
No one will enter heaven that has not been justified, sanctified and redeemed by the doing and the dying of Jesus. If you are not found to be "In Christ" in the judgment you will perish.

You teach that sinners Christ did and died for still wind up lost in their sins!


Well-known member
There are two Gospels. The Kingdom Gospel does not save. It is an announcement that the King has arrived. Wherever the King is at, there is his Kingdom.

Paul's Gospel is accompanied by the Holy Spirit. Those who hear and believe Paul's Gospel receive the Holy Spirit and are born again, Galatians 3:2.

False statements!


New member
The Gospel of Jesus Christ

"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" - Mark 1:1

The phrase "gospel of Jesus Christ" appears in Mark's Gospel, and is presented as "the beginning" of same.
It also appears in 1 Thessalonians 1:8 as "the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ". Couldn't find is elsewhere.


New member
No one will enter heaven that has not been justified, sanctified and redeemed by the doing and the dying of Jesus. If you are not found to be "In Christ" in the judgment you will perish.

No one will enter God's family that has not been justified, sanctified and redeemed by the doing and the dying of Jesus in us.


Well-known member
No one will enter God's family that has not been justified, sanctified and redeemed by the doing and the dying of Jesus in us.

Both of you teach that people Christ did and died for are going to perish in their sins anyways!


New member
You teach that sinners Christ did and died for still wind up lost in their sins!

Only if they don't meet Robert's standards. Robert has appointed himself the judge of who lives and who dies.

You and I might think this is presumptuous, but Robert believes it is his calling.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Only if they don't meet Robert's standards. Robert has appointed himself the judge of who lives and who dies.

You and I might think this is presumptuous, but Robert believes it is his calling.

Don't listen to me, I am just another sinner saved by grace. Listen to what Jesus and the apostles have said.

Here is what Paul said, "Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

If you are to proud to do that, maybe you need to go to hell.


Well-known member
Don't listen to me, I am just another sinner saved by grace. Listen to what Jesus and the apostles have said.

Here is what Paul said, "Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

If you are to proud to do that, maybe you need to go to hell.

Legalism, salvation by the will of man! Totally rejecting the blood of Christ Salvation.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Legalism, salvation by the will of man! Totally rejecting the blood of Christ Salvation.

Here is another one that you cannot refute, blind one.

"Who gave himself a ransom FOR ALL, to be testified in due time" 1 Timothy 2:6.

You must hate Paul.


Well-known member
Here is another one that you cannot refute, blind one.

"Who gave himself a ransom FOR ALL, to be testified in due time" 1 Timothy 2:6.

You must hate Paul.

He did give himself for all. What does that have to do with your legalism gospel? You teach that sinners Christ ransomed still wind up lost in their sins!


New member
The higher interpretation of Jesus Christ is symbolism for the infinite eternal part of us. The Good News is we are one with God because of the soul. The individual personality discounts the value and significance of this because it obtains its views from the collective personality. The individual personality agrees with the collective personality that it is worthless. It determines its value based on the approval of others and based on how well it can live up to an ideal image of itself as a Christian for example. It's value is conditional on circumstances, events, situations whereas the value of the soul is unconditional.

The true self, the true identity, the soul is not sinful as the collective personality suggests. This judging is biting of the forbidden fruit of judgment which is the downfall of mankind. Let's not be too proud to admit this downfall includes us too. Also the soul dos not die. The personality does. More accurately it is seen for the falseness that it is. It is an imitation trying to emulate the feeling of genuine self-worth which comes from the soul. There is no amount of the literal version of Jesus that can replace it.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
The higher interpretation of Jesus Christ is symbolism for the infinite eternal part of us. The Good News is we are one with God because of the soul. The individual personality discounts the value and significance of this because it obtains its views from the collective personality. The individual personality agrees with the collective personality that it is worthless. It determines its value based on the approval of others and based on how well it can live up to an ideal image of itself as a Christian for example. It's value is conditional on circumstances, events, situations whereas the value of the soul is unconditional.

The true self, the true identity, the soul is not sinful as the collective personality suggests. This judging is biting of the forbidden fruit of judgment which is the downfall of mankind. Let's not be too proud to admit this downfall includes us too. Also the soul dos not die. The personality does. More accurately it is seen for the falseness that it is. It is an imitation trying to emulate the feeling of genuine self-worth which comes from the soul. There is no amount of the literal version of Jesus that can replace it.

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Trying to separate the soul from the personality is like trying to remove a peach seed from a peach without harming the peach. It can't be done.

Your lack of scripture tells me that this is your own idea.


New member
Interpreting the Bible in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Trying to separate the soul from the personality is like trying to remove a peach seed from a peach without harming the peach. It can't be done.

Your lack of scripture tells me that this is your own idea.

All things are possible with God. The process is not about separating. It is about realizing our oneness with God. This includes the personality. It is more accurately about realizing and understanding the personality is a false version of our real identity which is one with God. Also consider God is a God of the living and not the dead. We are to experience Him while we are alive. That is what the soul is there for. He came (metaphorically speaking) that we may have life and have it more abundantly, so that we may live our lives more fully. It is a grave error to wait until we are dead to realize our oneness with the infinite, eternal and unconditional value of our souls. Please do not be deceived into ignorance of your own self-worth. That is not the message God wants to give us. It is a misunderstanding and misinterpretation that has been handed down by the collective personality through the generations. Don't buy it.

Also the need for scriptures is often a barrier. God is beyond scriptures because he is infinite. Why limit what is unlimited? That is the mark of attempting to devalue what is of infinite value. Who would do such a thing and why? Perhaps the devil devalues and is actually our personality which is extracted from the collective personality. It is a part of us but no one wants to admit it because we're too proud. The scriptures are good and useful but they can only get us so far. They are actually more true than what meets the surface once we realize the reality of the soul to which they point. It is way more real than the traditional interpretation and the scriptures are not an end but only the beginning to our relationship with God. Let's not remain stuck and tricked by the collective personality. It is very very cunning and has multiple ways to keep our relationship with God confined to a very small box. God is infinite and we are infinite.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
All things are possible with God. The process is not about separating. It is about realizing our oneness with God. This includes the personality. It is more accurately about realizing and understanding the personality is a false version of our real identity which is one with God. Also consider God is a God of the living and not the dead. We are to experience Him while we are alive. That is what the soul is there for. He came (metaphorically speaking) that we may have life and have it more abundantly, so that we may live our lives more fully. It is a grave error to wait until we are dead to realize our oneness with the infinite, eternal and unconditional value of our souls. Please do not be deceived into ignorance of your own self-worth. That is not the message God wants to give us. It is a misunderstanding and misinterpretation that has been handed down by the collective personality through the generations. Don't buy it.

Also the need for scriptures is often a barrier. God is beyond scriptures because he is infinite. Why limit what is unlimited? That is the mark of attempting to devalue what is of infinite value. Who would do such a thing and why? Perhaps the devil devalues and is actually our personality which is extracted from the collective personality. It is a part of us but no one wants to admit it because we're too proud. The scriptures are good and useful but they can only get us so far. They are actually more true than what meets the surface once we realize the reality of the soul to which they point. It is way more real than the traditional interpretation and the scriptures are not an end but only the beginning to our relationship with God. Let's not remain stuck and tricked by the collective personality. It is very very cunning and has multiple ways to keep us away from God.

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God is beyond scripture? All that we can know about God and his Son is revealed in the scriptures.


New member
Interpreting the Bible in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

God is beyond scripture? All that we can know about God and his Son is revealed in the scriptures.

According to who? The collective personality? It's funny how this identity convinces us of the white lie that we are not infinite. Hardly nowhere does the scripture teach God is infinite and eternal. Why do you suppose that is? The collective personality profits off of this. It is good to keep people ignorant of their value because then you can control them by telling them what gives them value instead. Then they will flock to the churches and the malls. The collective personality governs us through fear. If we don't do what it says we are made to feel worthless. It is a bully. Consider how badly we depend on it for our identity. This is bondage. God and the soul are infinite liberation and freedom.

The personality excludes the fact that we are divine. No one can feel good enough about themselves and we have to compensate through religion and living up to an identity that will bring us value depending on how well we stick to the rules of being like Jesus and hold onto beliefs. It's a roller coaster ride. The soul is consistent self-worth without failure or wavering. It is unconditional, infinite and eternal which is alluded to by the purity of the virgin. The soul resembles the Father because it is the Son. It is a metaphor.

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